History repeating itself

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A\N: This is another Willicia story. I know I've done several like this in this fandom but I like the plot.  This will be a long oneshot, and as you can tell by the title, it's pretty clear what it's about, I have several stories I need to write but have no motivation to do so, so they'll sit in my drafts until find even a silver of motivation to write them. 

I hope you enjoy this one, Angels.


Alicia is working in the conference room with Will, Diane, Cary and Kalinda at 11:00 at night, coffee cups and takeout boxes surrounding them when the door bursts open to reveal Zach and Grace with drying tears on their faces and wearing their pyjamas. Alicia is on her barefooted feet and in front of them instantly. 

"What are you guys doing  here? What's going on?" She asks her children who look at each other before Grace bursts into tears and hugs her mother, clinging to her like she used to do when she was a little girl. Alicia meets her son's eyes before he too joins his sister in hugging their mother. She looks at her co-workers with a confused look on her face before turning her attention back to her two  sobbing teenagers who are currently succeeding in their attempt to cut off her air supply. 

"Guys, I love you more than I can say but I need to breathe and to know why you're here when you're meant to be in bed asleep." She says to her teens who loosen their grips for her. 

Zach lifts his head and sighs as he walks over to a vacant seat. "I really don't want to be the one to tell you this, Mom." Her son says, Grace scurries over to sit on her brother's lap, both of them looking younger than 15 and 16 years old. "We really don't want to be the one to tell you this." Her daughter corrects. Her kids sound upset and scared. 

"Guys, is it Grandma Jackie? Grandma Veronica?" She asks, at their head shakes she continues. "Uncle Owen?" They shake their heads once more: so it can only be one more person, one person who can upset her kids like this. 

"Is it Dad?" Grace nods her head before sobbing into Zach who stares at his mother.  Zach swallows hard. 

"D... Dad is still cheating on you. We don't think he really stopped cheating." Her son says quietly, knocking all the air out of her lungs. 

"H... how do you know?" She asks her son in  a whisper. 

"We found a bra and a pair of panties in the laundry and they don't belong to you or Grace." Her son tells her. 

Grace gets off Zach's lap and walks over to where she dropped her purse and pulls out a bra and a pair of panties,  and hands them to her mother who examines it in revulsion: the bra is black and gold with a lacy pattern, the panties are the same colour with the same pattern but they can hardly be called panties, they're more like scrapes of thin lace sewn together. Alicia feels sick at the thought of her kids finding these in their home. 

"Y... you found these at home?" She asks the kids who both nod, Alicia turns on her heel and storms out of the room, the bra and panties in her hands without another word to anyone. 

She reaches the elevators when she hears her name being shouted by Will and Cary, who are both carrying her heels and coat and purse. "What?" She growls at the two of them, ripping her heels out of Will's hand and holding onto him as she sips them on and snatching her coat and purse from Cary. 

"Leesh, think about what you're doing." Will warns her. She rolls her eyes as she jams her thumb to call the elevator. "I am thinking about what I'm doing, Will! I should've seen this coming! God, I thought he'd changed.  Keep an eye on Zach and Grace, I'll be back soon." She says as she steps into the open elevator doors before they close on her colleagues who are sending her concerned looks. 

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