Double Take

By Ehrohr

79 1 0

After tossing her graduation cap into the air, 25-year-old y/n finds herself at a standstill. Unlike her wild... More

Unlikely Connections
Spinning Memories: Reunion Revelations
Navigating the Darkness
Echoes of the Past
Between Two Beats
Passion Play: Three's Company
The Next Day: Feeling Guilty
Only The two Of Us (With Semi)
Nightmare (With Kuroo)
Still at Kuroo's (Everyone's Pov)
Y/n's life story
Semi's Life Story
Kuroo's Life Story
Mira's Story Life

Unexpected News

9 0 0
By Ehrohr

The next day unfolded with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer, the insistent pounding on my door rousing me from the depths of sleep. With a groan, I stumbled out of bed and threw on my robe, the fabric providing a flimsy barrier against the morning chill.

As I swung open the door, my bleary eyes met the weary gaze of my aunt, her features etched with exhaustion. She seemed to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders, and the sight of her drained expression tugged at my heartstrings. "Come in," I murmured, stepping aside to let her enter.

Navigating the labyrinth of boxes that littered my apartment, we made our way to the kitchen, where I gestured for her to take a seat at the worn, round table. Without preamble, she launched into the reason for her visit, her words tumbling out in a rush of desperation.

"What is it?" I sais, still tired and just want some more sleep.

"Mya, your cousin, doesn't want to graduate," she explained, her voice tinged with anguish. "She's been skipping school, and I can't seem to convince her to see reason."

The weight of her words settled heavily in the room, casting a pall over the otherwise quiet morning. I felt a knot form in my stomach as I processed the gravity of the situation. My cousin, Mya, was spiraling down a path of self-destruction, and my aunt was at her wit's end trying to intervene.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper as I struggled to wrap my mind around the enormity of the task ahead.

"Simple," my aunt replied, her tone deceptively casual given the circumstances. "Just pretend to be her."

I blinked in disbelief, my mind reeling at the audacity of her request. "What?" I exclaimed, unable to contain my incredulity. "Are you serious?"

My aunt nodded, her expression earnest as she implored me to understand. "Please, Y/N, it's just for one year, and you don't have a job anyway," she pleaded, her eyes searching mine for a glimmer of understanding.

I sighed, torn between a sense of duty to my family and the overwhelming sense of unease at the prospect of masquerading as someone else. "Sure," I finally relented, though my voice was tinged with uncertainty.

As my aunt enveloped me in a tight embrace, gratitude etched into every line of her face, I couldn't shake the gnawing feeling of apprehension that settled in the pit of my stomach. How was I supposed to pull this off? I didn't know Mya's personality, her habits, her friends—nothing. It was a daunting task, one that left me feeling utterly unprepared for the challenges that lay ahead.

As the weight of my impending role as Mya settled heavily on my shoulders, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at the edges of my consciousness. My cousin was likely a confident, perhaps even careless individual, someone who might not hesitate to assert themselves or even bully others at school. The mere thought of embodying such traits filled me with a sense of dread—I had no intention of becoming someone I wasn't, regardless of the circumstances.

Determined to clear my head, I decided to embark on a grocery run, hoping that the familiar routine would offer some solace amidst the chaos of my thoughts. After brushing my teeth and completing my morning routine, I cast a critical eye over my reflection in the mirror, silently steeling myself for the challenges that lay ahead.

As I made my way out of the building, I was surprised to find Kuroo stepping out at the same time. The realization that he was my neighbor sent a jolt of surprise through me—how had I not known this before? We exchanged a brief glance, a silent acknowledgment of our newfound proximity, before continuing on our separate paths. The air between us was charged with an unspoken tension, and I couldn't help but wonder what secrets lay hidden behind his enigmatic gaze.

Navigating the bustling streets, I finally arrived at the grocery store, the familiar sights and sounds offering a welcome respite from the turmoil of my thoughts. However, any sense of calm was shattered when I spotted a familiar figure among the aisles—Terushima, my ex-boyfriend.

My heart lurched at the sight of him, memories of our tumultuous relationship flooding back with painful clarity. He was walking alongside another girl, his easy charm and carefree demeanor unchanged from the time we had parted ways. The betrayal still stung, a wound that had yet to fully heal, despite my best efforts to move on.

I averted my gaze, refusing to let him see the turmoil churning within me. Gathering my resolve, I focused on the task at hand, quickly gathering the items I needed before heading to the cashier. As I paid for my groceries, I couldn't shake the feeling of his eyes on me, a silent reminder of the past that I was determined to leave behind.

With a quick goodbye to the cashier, I hastily packed my purchases into a grocery bag and made my escape, eager to put as much distance between myself and Terushima as possible. As I hurried out of the store, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over me—I had narrowly avoided a confrontation that I wasn't ready to face.

As I made my way home and sank onto the couch, the weight of the impending charade settled heavily on my shoulders. My mind whirled with a maelstrom of doubts and uncertainties, each thought more overwhelming than the last. Holding Mya's uniform in my hands, I couldn't help but feel a sense of disconnect, as if I were preparing to step into someone else's life.

With a heavy sigh, I carefully folded the uniform and placed it in my wardrobe, the sight of it serving as a stark reminder of the role I was about to play. The familiar routine of high school loomed before me like a daunting mountain to climb, and I couldn't shake the feeling of trepidation that gripped me.

As the days melted into weeks and July slipped away, the countdown to the start of school grew shorter with each passing moment. Despite my best efforts to push aside my anxieties, they continued to gnaw at the edges of my consciousness, refusing to be ignored.

With each tick of the clock, the weight of expectation seemed to grow heavier, a constant reminder of the charade I was about to embark upon. Yet, amidst the uncertainty and doubt, there was a small glimmer of determination—a resolve to see this through, no matter the cost.

After all, I reasoned with myself, high school couldn't be that different from what I had experienced before. It was just a matter of studying, attending classes, and taking exams—rinse and repeat until graduation. Surely, I could handle that, right?

But even as I tried to reassure myself, a nagging voice in the back of my mind whispered doubts and fears, reminding me of the challenges that lay ahead. The road ahead may be fraught with obstacles, but I knew that I couldn't afford to falter—not when so much was at stake.

With a deep breath, I squared my shoulders and steeled myself for the journey ahead. Whatever lay in store for me, I was determined to face it head-on, armed with nothing but my wits and the unshakeable belief that I could overcome whatever obstacles came my way.

Weeks had passed since the bombshell news from Mira and my aunt, and my life had become a whirlwind of adjustments and new routines. With each passing day, I found myself having to adapt to the demands of my new role—25 years old and back in high school for my final year.

The next morning, I was jolted awake by the sounds of cars outside, a stark reminder that the world was already in motion while I was still grappling with the surreal reality of my situation. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I stumbled through my morning routine, the lukewarm coffee barely enough to chase away the lingering fog of sleep.

It wasn't until I glanced at the clock that panic set in—I was running late. Hastily throwing on my shoes and grabbing my bag, I rushed out the door, the weight of my tardiness pressing down on me like a lead weight.

As I stepped outside, I was surprised to see Kuroo emerging from his apartment at the same time, dressed in what appeared to be professional attire. The sight of him struck me as odd—everyone seemed to have their lives together, while I was stuck in limbo, navigating the murky waters of high school once again.

I boarded the bus, the familiar journey to school now tinged with a sense of apprehension. When I arrived, the sheer size of the building loomed before me, daunting in its magnitude. How was I supposed to find my way in this labyrinth of hallways and classrooms?

Navigating the maze-like corridors proved to be a Herculean task, and it took me a good thirty minutes to finally locate my classroom. Bursting through the door, I offered a breathless apology to the teacher, who barely spared me a glance. A chorus of disapproving murmurs greeted my entrance, a stark reminder of the scrutiny I would face as Mya.

For a brief moment, I had forgotten who I was meant to be today—a 25-year-old masquerading as a high school senior. But as the reality of my situation sank in, I couldn't help but wonder how long I could keep up the charade before the facade came crashing down around me.

As I struggled to keep my eyes open, exhaustion tugging at the corners of my consciousness, I felt myself slipping into a state of drowsiness. The drone of the teacher's voice washed over me like white noise, the words blending together into an incomprehensible murmur.

"Mya, are you okay? Hello, Mya?" The voice pierced through the haze of my thoughts, pulling me back to the present moment. Blinking groggily, I looked up to find the teacher staring at me with a mixture of concern and annoyance.

I shook my head, trying to clear away the remnants of sleep that clung to my mind. "Uh, yeah, I'm fine," I mumbled, my words slurred with fatigue.

"Maybe you should go to the nurse office" the teacher suggested, and I nodded in agreement, grateful for the excuse to escape the stifling confines of the classroom.

As I stumbled out into the hallway, my bleary eyes scanned the unfamiliar surroundings in search of the nurse office. Finally locating it, I pushed open the door and stepped inside, only to find myself face to face with a brunette guy who looked strangely familiar.

"Looks like someone's ditching school again," he remarked, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips.

I felt a pang of guilt at his words, knowing full well that I wasn't actually Mya. Unable to find the right words, I simply remained silent, my gaze dropping to the floor.

"What's up, Mya? You seem weirder than usual," he continued, stepping closer until my back was pressed against the wall.

I swallowed nervously, unsure of how to respond. "Oh, um, it's nothing, just tired," I stammered, my voice barely above a whisper.

Before I could say anything else, he leaned in closer, his intentions unmistakable. My heart pounded in my chest as he moved to kiss me, but before our lips could meet, the door was roughly pushed open, and a dark, authoritative voice cut through the tension.

"Rin, I know you're ditching. Go to class before I have to make a call," the voice commanded, and I felt a surge of relief wash over me at the interruption.

As Rin reluctantly obeyed the command, I took the opportunity to grab my bag and make a hasty exit, my heart still racing from the close call. But just as I reached for the door handle, it was abruptly closed, trapping me inside with the unexpected visitor.

"What are you doing?" I demanded, my eyes widening in disbelief as I finally looked up to meet his gaze.

And there he stood, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips—Kuroo, my old classmate turned teacher. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease at the sight of him.

"Don't you remember me?" he asked, his smile widening as he stepped closer.

"Of course I do," I replied, crossing my arms defensively. Seeing Kuroo in this new role was jarring, a stark reminder of just how much had changed since our childhood days. But as the truth dawned on me, I realized that he knew exactly who I was—and that I wasn't fooling anyone with my charade.

As Kuroo's laughter filled the room, my heart raced with a mixture of fear and desperation. "Please, Kuroo, don't tell anyone," I begged, my voice tinged with urgency.

"And why shouldn't I?" he countered, his smirk widening into a mischievous grin.

I hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal. But as his eyes bored into mine, I found myself blurting out the truth. "Mya needs to graduate, and she refuses to," I admitted, my cheeks burning with embarrassment at the admission of my own failures.

Kuroo's expression softened, a hint of understanding flickering in his eyes. "What do I get?" he asked, his smirk returning full force.

I bit my lip nervously, my mind racing as I searched for a way to convince him to keep my secret. "Um... I don't know," I stammered, feeling utterly out of my depth.

But before I could say anything else, Kuroo leaned in closer, his face mere inches from mine. I froze, my breath catching in my throat as I struggled to process the surreal turn of events. Here I was, face to face with Kuroo, the boy I had barely spoken to during my high school years, now a teacher—and somehow, this was turning into the longest conversation we'd ever had.

 As Kuroo leaned in closer, his lips inches from mine, I braced myself for the unexpected. But nothing could have prepared me for the shock of his sudden kiss. My mind reeled in disbelief—the guy I barely knew during my teenage years, and now, as an adult, was kissing me?

Instinctively, I tried to push him away, my heart pounding with a mixture of confusion and panic. But his grip was firm, unyielding, and despite my efforts, I couldn't break free. Before I knew it, he had maneuvered me onto one of the nearby beds, his hands holding me in place with a strength that belied his casual demeanor.

Fear clawed at the edges of my consciousness as I struggled to make sense of what was happening. This wasn't how things were supposed to go—I was supposed to be Mya, a high school student trying to graduate, not caught in a tangled web of unexpected desire and forbidden attraction.

As Kuroo loomed over me, his hazel-coloured eyes with intensity, I couldn't help but feel a surge of uncertainty. What did he want from me? And more importantly, how was I supposed to navigate this precarious situation without revealing the truth about who I really was?

But as his lips met mine once again, all thoughts of resistance melted away, replaced by a rush of dizzying sensation that left me breathless and disoriented. In that moment, as the world fell away and we were consumed by the heat of the moment, I knew that nothing would ever be the same again.

"Looks like someone just got their first kiss," Kuroo remarked with a teasing smirk, his gaze locking with mine as he hovered over me.

I felt a flush of embarrassment creep up my cheeks at his words, my heart pounding erratically in my chest. "Stop kissing me," I muttered, unable to meet his eyes as I averted my gaze.

"Ugh, whatever," I added, frustration seeping into my tone as I shifted uncomfortably beneath him. Despite my best efforts to push him away, he remained firmly in place, his presence looming over me like a weight I couldn't shake.

As he finally stood up i sat on the edge of the bed and he stood infront of me. Taking of his belt I was to stunned to speak.

"Like what you see?" He said, as I avoid eye contact he grabbed my face forcing me to look at him.

"Stop," I said firmly, my voice tinged with a mixture of uncomfortable and defiance as I tried to push him away.

But Kuroo only chuckled darkly, his grip tightening as he leaned in closer. "Not until I'm finished with you," he whispered, his breath hot against my skin.

I sat there in stunned silence, my heart hammering in my chest as his words sent a shiver down my spine. I don't know why but it was kind of attractive.He pushed me back and this time find his way in to the uniform and my skirt reaveling a part of me. As he kissed me down my neck I let out a slight moan. 

"I didn't know you were so sensitive" he said as I finally met his gaze. "Your so hot" he continued stroking my cheeks. 

"I never done this" I admitted. He then stopped what he was doing and got up. I did the same as I watch him fix his shirt and I buttoned the buttons on the uniform. He then face me, tucking my hair behind my ear and kissed me, leaving me speechless as he left the nurse office. 

As the final bell of the school day rang out, signaling the end of another grueling day, I couldn't help but feel a surge of relief wash over me. It was exhausting pretending to be Mya, navigating the intricate social dynamics of high school all over again, and I welcomed the chance to shed the facade, even if only temporarily. Yet, as I made my way out of the school building and into the rain-drenched streets, my mind was still consumed by the unexpected encounter with Kuroo earlier that day.

The realization that he lived right beside me sent a shiver down my spine, adding an unexpected layer of complexity to an already tangled web of secrets and deceit. How was I supposed to navigate this newfound knowledge, knowing that Kuroo was not only a teacher at my school but also a neighbor whose proximity posed a constant threat to the fragile balance of my carefully constructed charade?

The rain fell in a steady torrent, soaking through my clothes and plastering my hair to my scalp as I trudged homeward. A passing car, its tires slicing through a puddle with careless abandon, sent a spray of water cascading over me, leaving my uniform drenched and clinging uncomfortably to my skin. "Typical," I muttered bitterly, casting a scowl in the direction of the retreating vehicle.

By the time I reached the sanctuary of my apartment, I was thoroughly soaked and thoroughly disgruntled. Shedding my soggy uniform with a sense of relief, I made a beeline for the shower, the hot water washing away the grime and exhaustion of the day. As I emerged, refreshed and revitalized, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation tinged with apprehension at the thought of seeing my friends.

Summoning them over with a quick call, I settled into the cozy comfort of the living room, the soft glow of lamplight casting a warm, inviting ambiance. Outside, the rain continued to fall in a steady rhythm, a soothing backdrop to the chatter and laughter that filled the room as my friends arrived, their presence a welcome distraction from the turmoil swirling within me.

As we gathered in the cozy confines of my living room, the rain pattering softly against the windows, I took a deep breath, steeling myself to share the news that had been weighing heavily on my mind.

"I have something to tell you guys," I began, my voice trembling slightly with nerves as I caught Mira's eye, her expression curious as she cozied herself up with a pillow, and Akaashi, ever the picture of calm, listening intently while snacking on a handful of chips.

"You know Kuroo, our old classmate?" I continued, pausing for emphasis before delivering the bombshell. "He lives right beside me."

Before I could elaborate, Mira interrupted with a knowing grin. "I told you, Akaashi. He lives here," she said, her tone teasing as Akaashi rolled his eyes in response, the corner of his mouth quirking up in amusement.

It seemed that they had already encountered Kuroo during his comings and goings in the apartment building. "Me and Akaashi saw him here in the apartment, going down the stairs. So we thought he might live here, but just beside you? That's crazy," Mira remarked, her eyes wide with disbelief.

But there was more to the story, and I couldn't keep it bottled up any longer. "But that's not all," I interjected, drawing their attention back to me. "He's also a teacher."

Silence descended over the room as my friends processed this revelation, the gravity of the situation sinking in. And then, unable to contain myself any longer, I spilled the rest of the tale.

"And something happened between us," I admitted, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment as I recounted the surreal encounter with Kuroo earlier that day. "It was just weird, like everything was a dream."

Akaashi's brow furrowed in thought, his expression contemplative as he considered my words. "Well, maybe you were the girl he liked in high school," he suggested, his voice laced with a hint of amusement.

I couldn't help but scoff at the idea, dismissing it with a wave of my hand. "Yeah, right," I retorted, though a part of me couldn't shake the nagging feeling that there might be some truth to Akaashi's words.

"No, it could be. I remember him talking about you once. I overheard it sometimes in high school," Mira said, her voice tinged with certainty as she leaned forward, her eyes focused intently on mine.

The revelation sent a jolt of surprise through me. Kuroo had talked about me? But if that were true, why hadn't he said a single word to me during our encounter earlier that day? The pieces of the puzzle didn't quite fit together, leaving me feeling even more perplexed than before.

"Maybe he didn't say anything because they were making fun of me," I suggested, my voice tinged with doubt as I searched for an explanation.

But Mira was having none of it, her confidence unwavering as she delivered her next words with conviction. "No, look, y/n, who wouldn't like you? Your hair, your figure... girl, come on," she said, her tone filled with sincerity as she offered me a reassuring smile.

I couldn't help but smile back at her, grateful for her unwavering support and encouragement. But even as her words washed over me, I couldn't shake the lingering uncertainty that lingered in the back of my mind. Why had Kuroo suddenly become so talkative with me, of all people? It was a question that would continue to haunt me as I grappled with the complexities of our newfound connection, unsure of where this unexpected turn of events would ultimately lead.

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