Double Take

By Ehrohr

115 1 0

After tossing her graduation cap into the air, 25-year-old y/n finds herself at a standstill. Unlike her wild... More

Unexpected News
Unlikely Connections
Spinning Memories: Reunion Revelations
Navigating the Darkness
Echoes of the Past
Between Two Beats
Passion Play: Three's Company
The Next Day: Feeling Guilty
Only The two Of Us (With Semi)
Nightmare (With Kuroo)
Still at Kuroo's (Everyone's Pov)
Y/n's life story
Semi's Life Story
Kuroo's Life Story
Mira's Story Life


22 1 0
By Ehrohr

 As the final echoes of "Pomp and Circumstance" fade into the bustling sounds of elated high school graduates and their proud families, I stand beside my friends, Akaashi and Mira, trying to focus on the speeches that mark the closure of this chapter in our lives. The joy and excitement in the air are palpable, yet within me, there's a tumult of uncertainty. Everyone around me seems to embrace their futures with open arms—everyone but me. With my high school diploma now in hand, the question of what comes next looms large and daunting. My friends discuss college plans and dream jobs, but I find myself adrift, unable to pinpoint a direction for my own career.

In the midst of these reflections, Mira's boyfriend, Osamu, approaches us, breaking my train of thought with his familiar, affectionate demeanor. He greets Mira with a kiss, a scene so routine to our group that neither Akaashi nor I bat an eye. As the ceremony concludes and families start to gather their graduates for celebratory pictures and dinners, I decide to weave through the crowd to find my own family. That's when it happens—I bump into someone unexpectedly.

Looking up, I'm met with the familiar yet distant face of Kuroo, a classmate who has been nothing more than a shadow in the periphery of my school life. We've known each other since kindergarten, yet our interactions have never strayed beyond academic necessities—homework questions, class projects, the occasional group assignment. Today, however, as he reaches out to steady me, our hands touch briefly, and something shifts. His usual aloof demeanor is replaced by a hint of concern.

"I'm sorry," he says, his voice a mixture of surprise and something else I can't quite place. Then, just as quickly as he appeared, he's moving away, his eyes scanning the crowd for his family.

That brief encounter, insignificant as it might seem, sparks a curiosity in me. Why, after all these years, does Kuroo suddenly seem like a mystery I want to unravel? Could there be depths to him I've never noticed, hidden behind his stoic facade?

As I finally located my family amidst the sea of jubilant graduates and proud relatives, they enveloped me in warm, hearty hugs. To my surprise, my older brother Jake was there too, which was unexpected. He had graduated a few years earlier and was already deep into his own career.

"Oh, are you here?" I teased, arching an eyebrow at him.

"Didn't want to miss my little sister's graduation," he retorted with a smirk, ruffling my hair a bit more roughly than necessary.

"Ugh, whatever," I grumbled, half annoyed but secretly pleased he made the effort. Jake and I had always had a competitive relationship; we could be the best of friends one moment and at each other's throats the next. It was just our way.

"Congratulations, Y/N," Mom said, her eyes twinkling with pride. Dad echoed her sentiment, his usual stoic demeanor softened by the day's celebrations.

As the initial excitement of reunion simmered down, I glanced over at my friends, who were also rounding up their family meet-and-greets. Eager to slip away from the formalities and back into comfort, I asked my parents if I could head out with my friends. They knew how important this day was to us, and with a nod from Mom, I was freed from familial duties. "Enjoy your day, sweetheart," she said, giving me another quick hug.

I hurried back to where I had left Akaashi and Mira, finding them laughing with their own families. After quick introductions and a few shared jokes about our imminent freedom, we decided to head over to Mira's house. The plan was simple: change out of our formal graduation attire and into something more comfortable. As we walked, the conversation bubbled around us, filled with plans for the evening and teasing jabs about who would miss high school the least.

Arriving at Mira's, we piled into her room, the air thick with the scent of perfume and laughter as we swapped our gowns and dress shirts for jeans and t-shirts. Today marked the end of an era, but it also signaled the start of new adventures. Little did I know, one of those adventures would begin with a chance encounter that would challenge everything I thought I knew about my future.

We made our way to the old cafeteria where we had spent countless lunch periods over the years, reminiscing about the antics and memories that had colored our high school days. It was strange to be back in such a familiar place with the knowledge that we weren't returning after the summer this time.

"Mira, why didn't you invite Osamu?" I asked as we settled into our usual spot, the one by the window that caught the afternoon sun.

"Oh, he said he was tired and all," Mira responded nonchalantly, stirring her drink with less interest than usual.

"You know, that guy seems like a red flag; you deserve better," Akaashi chimed in, concern flickering across his face.

I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I do kind of agree."

Mira just shrugged, a clear sign she wasn't ready to dive into that conversation. We decided to let it go and kept the chat light as we ordered our food.

As conversations fluttered around plans for the future and recollections of past pranks, my mind wandered back to the incident earlier in the day. Out of nowhere, I found myself bringing up Kuroo. "I don't know why, but after we bumped into each other, I couldn't stop thinking about it. There was something about him..."

"Why? 'Cause you like him?" Mira teased, a knowing smirk playing on her lips.

"What? No, ew," I retorted quickly, feeling my cheeks warm at the suggestion.

"Haven't you guys, like, grown up together? I mean, since kindergarten," Mira pressed, her curiosity piqued.

"Yeah, just forget about it," I brushed off, eager to steer the conversation away from territory that felt unexpectedly personal.

Despite my dismissal, the thought lingered. Why was I so flustered about Kuroo? We had never been close, barely more than acquaintances, yet today, something had felt different, like a shift in the air around us. Maybe it was the finality of graduation, the end of an era, that made me see him—and everything else—in a new light. Whatever it was, I knew this wasn't just a fleeting thought. Kuroo had unknowingly sparked a curiosity in me, one that I was now, despite myself, keen to explore.

The conversation took an unexpected turn as Mira casually dropped a bit of her history with Kuroo into the mix. "I mean, he is attractive," she said nonchalantly, swirling her drink.

I stared at her, puzzled. "Who?"

"Well, Kuroo, obviously," she replied, as if it were the most natural conclusion in the world. "Me and him had a talking stage in the second year," she continued, catching both me and Akaashi completely off-guard.

"What? And you never told us?" Akaashi exclaimed, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise.

Mira shrugged. "Well, it wasn't that long. He told me that he was interested in another girl from B class, remember?" she said, her tone casual as she reminisced about the brief fling.

"Really? From my class? I mean, Viola is pretty," I mused aloud, trying to guess who it might have been.

"But she's a bitch," Akaashi blurted out, and we all burst into laughter, the tension easing as we fell back into our usual banter. It was common knowledge that Viola, despite her looks, wasn't the most pleasant person to be around.

The revelation from Mira, however, had planted a seed of curiosity in my mind. Not only about the elusive Kuroo's past interests but also about how little we actually knew of each other's romantic lives, despite years of friendship. The fact that Kuroo had had these hidden depths and connections right under our noses was intriguing and made me reconsider the fleeting interactions we had shared throughout our school years.

The laughter died down, and I found myself silently pondering over my own sudden interest in Kuroo.The thought lingered, a subtle but persistent presence as we continued chatting and planning our next moves in life.

As we gathered our things to leave the cafeteria, Viola and her entourage made a grand entrance, radiating the kind of energy that dampens the mood instantly. Akaashi, ever the instigator among us, didn't miss a beat. "Talking about a bitch, look who's here," he muttered just loud enough for our little group to hear.

I had my own history with Viola, stretching back to the sandbox days of kindergarten. She'd always had a knack for making life a little harder for those around her, and adulthood hadn't mellowed her one bit. Now, she just irked me more than anything.

"Oh, I see the trio's grouped in their usual spot," Viola called out as she sauntered by, her voice dripping with disdain.

Without missing a beat, Mira fired back, "Ugh, something stinks."

"Yeah, I know, can you back up?" Akaashi retorted sharply as Viola neared us, his comeback quick and biting. 

Viola shot us a venomous side-eye but chose to pick up her drink and walk away with her friends, her pride keeping her from engaging further. Chuckling, we also made our way out, heading back to Mira's house. The walk back was filled with lighter topics—gossip, funny stories from our high school years, and future plans, or in my case, the lack thereof. Both Akaashi and Mira seemed to have a clear direction for what was next, but I was still at a loss, my future as unclear as ever.

It was getting late by the time we reached Mira's house again. The sun had dipped below the horizon, casting a cool blue shade over everything. Deciding I'd overstayed, I announced it was time for me to head home.

"It's getting darker, I should head back," I said, gathering my things. Akaashi, who lived closer to Mira, opted to stay a bit longer, perhaps not ready to end the day just yet.

As I stepped out into the cool evening air, the day's events replayed in my mind—the graduation, the unexpected encounter with Kuroo, the revelation of his past interest in someone from my class, and the brief but intense exchange with Viola. Each memory swirled around, leaving me to ponder the threads of connections we inadvertently weave with others throughout our lives.The walk home was quiet, giving me plenty of time to think about where I might go from here. While the road ahead was uncertain, the day's conversations had sparked something within me—a desire to explore new paths and perhaps, in doing so, discover a passion that could guide me towards a fulfilling career. For now, though, I was content to let the unknown future unfold at its own pace.

As I swung open the door to our home, the familiar scent of cooking wafted towards me, signaling that dinner was in progress. Inside the kitchen, I found my brother and his girlfriend, heads bent together over a bubbling pot on the stove.

"What? you making dinner?" I said in surprise, curiosity piqued.

Ignoring my question, my brother turned to his girlfriend with a playful smirk. "Ignore my sister, she's a brat," he teased, earning a laugh from his girlfriend.

"It's okay," she said, shooting me a friendly smile. "Congratulations on your graduation day, Y/N," she added, her warm words breaking through my brother's jest.

I returned her smile with a quick nod of thanks before making my way to my room. Despite the genuine sentiment behind her words, I was eager to retreat to the sanctuary of my own space. For years, I had been dreaming of finding my own apartment—a place where I could spread my wings and carve out my own path. And finally, after what felt like an eternity of searching, I had found it—a penthouse that surpassed even my wildest dreams.

Living with my parents had its comforts, but I knew I couldn't stay there forever. Part-time jobs would be my ticket to financial independence, supplemented by the generous support of my parents who were more than willing to lend a helping hand. It was a daunting prospect, but one I was ready to tackle head-on.

My brother, on the other hand, seemed to have his own plans unfolding. Engaged to his girlfriend, now fiancée, they were carving out their own future together—a path that diverged from mine but was no less valid.

"Dinner's ready!" I heard my mom call from downstairs, snapping me out of my reverie. With a grumble of my stomach reminding me of the hour, I hurried downstairs to join my family at the dinner table, ready to indulge in a well-deserved meal and bask in the warmth of their company.

"Well, Mom, I found an apartment, so I'll be moving out in like 4 years I know its quite long" I announced, bracing myself for her reaction. My mom's expression shifted from surprise to a mixture of emotions, and she nodded slowly. "Oh, already found a apartment? Well, it's good for you," she said, though her tone hinted at a hint of sadness, perhaps not quite ready for her children to leave the nest.

Dad, ever the practical one, chimed in with his support. "You know, Y/N, I have some old furniture and stuff stored away. If you want them for your new place, just let me know," he offered, a small smile playing on his lips.

I nodded gratefully. "Thank you, Dad. That would be really helpful."

As we sat around the dinner table, the atmosphere shifted, a mix of excitement for the future and a tinge of melancholy at the thought of change. My brother's fiancée, sensing the sentiment, reached out with her own offer of support. "If you need any help with anything, just give me a call. I've been through the whole moving process recently, so I know how overwhelming it can be," she said with a reassuring smile.

We all enjoyed our meal, the conversation drifting from plans for the future to reminiscing about old memories. Despite the bittersweet undertones, there was an undeniable sense of warmth and camaraderie in the air.

years Later

As the years flew by, I found myself caught up in a whirlwind of preparations. I'm now 25 and still doesn't have a job. My room became a maze of moving boxes, packed with the essentials I'd need for my new life. With the help of my friends, we tackled the daunting task of moving day, lugging boxes up flights of stairs and arranging furniture in my new apartment.

As I stood in the doorway of my new home, surrounded by the chaos of unpacking, I felt a surge of excitement mixed with a hint of nervousness. The years ahead would undoubtedly bring challenges and uncertainties, but I was ready to embrace them head-on, armed with the support of my family and the excitement of starting this new chapter of my life.

As I stepped into my new apartment for the first time, I was immediately struck by the breathtaking view. Towering windows stretched from floor to ceiling, offering a panoramic vista of the city below. From this vantage point, I could see the bustling streets dotted with cars, the twinkling lights of buildings stretching into the distance. I couldn't help but imagine how mesmerizing it would be once night fell and the city was bathed in the glow of streetlights and neon signs.

With my dad's help, we lugged the boxes up the stairs, navigating the narrow corridors of the building until we reached my floor. As I ascended the final steps, my heart skipped a beat when I noticed a familiar figure coming down the stairs—Kuroo.

What was he doing here? Did he live in the same building?

We exchanged brief glances as we passed each other, but before I could gather my thoughts, Mira appeared behind me, startling me out of my reverie.

"Gosh, Mira, you scared me," I said, turning to face her.

"Who are you looking at?" she asked, a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Uh, no one," I replied quickly, my cheeks flushing as I continued up the stairs to my apartment on the ninth floor. The encounter with Kuroo left me feeling strangely unsettled, and I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to his presence in the building than mere coincidence. I haven't thought about him since the graduation.

Exhaustion weighed heavy on my shoulders as I sank into the couch, grateful for its embrace. "I'm so tired," I muttered, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Y/N, I have something to tell you," Mira said, drawing my attention away from my fatigue.

"Hmm? What is it?" I replied, mustering the energy to focus on her words.

"Y/N, I'm pregnant," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

The words hung in the air, heavy with significance, as I struggled to process the enormity of what she had just revealed. Pregnant. The word echoed in my mind, sending shockwaves through my entire being.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still as I grappled with the magnitude of Mira's announcement. This wasn't just another milestone in her life—it was a seismic shift that would alter the course of her future in ways she couldn't yet comprehend. It was so sudden I mean it gone 4 years already.

The reality of the situation began to sink in, I felt a surge of conflicting emotions wash over me. On one hand, I was overjoyed for Mira, thrilled at the prospect of welcoming a new life into the world. But on the other hand, I couldn't shake the sense of apprehension that gnawed at the edges of my consciousness.

"What are you going to do?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper as I struggled to find the right words.

Mira's expression softened, a hint of uncertainty flickering in her eyes. "I don't know," she admitted, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "But I knew I had to tell you."

I hugged her "Do you want this?" I aksed, she just nodded "Of course I do" she said.

"Well then congratulation" I hugged one more time before she went home.

When Mira headed home for the night, leaving me alone in my new apartment, I gathered the last of my belongings and settled onto the makeshift mattress on the floor. With no bed yet, it would have to do for now.

As I lay there, the weight of the day's events pressing down on me, my phone rang, breaking the silence of the late hour. Groaning, I reached over to answer it. "Yeah, hello?" I mumbled, my voice heavy with sleep.

"Oh, Y/N, thank God you answered," came the urgent voice on the other end of the line. It was my aunt, someone I rarely spoke to, and her unexpected call left me feeling bewildered.

"What is it?" I asked, my confusion growing.

"I'll tell you tomorrow, but I need your address. I'll come to you," she said cryptically before abruptly ending the call.

Shaking my head in disbelief, I sent her my address as requested, still puzzled by her sudden urgency. The events of the past month had been a whirlwind, and her call only added to the chaos.

As I finally succumbed to sleep, my mind buzzing with unanswered questions, one thought lingered in the depths of my consciousness: why had Kuroo, a stranger turned mystery, entered my life at such a pivotal moment? It was a question without an answer, but one that occupied my thoughts as I drifted into the realm of dreams.

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