By serene_fictionist

112K 12.8K 4.2K

Raelynn Baker A woman who escaped the viciously blinding nights of forced prostitution. Snatched from the emb... More

Author's Note
Meet the leads!!!
Prologue - HIM
Prologue - HER
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 34

1.9K 266 68
By serene_fictionist

240+ Votes!


Standing in my home office, I stood at the window with hands in my pockets, staring out, thinking deeply.

After a long time, I surprisingly remembered a memory, the memory of the day my mother tried committing a suicide.

She was lying there on the floor, in her room, with blood flowing out her wrist and shards of glass shattered around her on the floor, piercing various places of her hands and calf.

I don't remember anything before and after I saw her lying lifelessly there and when she finally woke up after being rushed to the hospital, I broke out of the shock and couldn't stop the tears that spilled out continuously.

"The glass unexpectedly broke and pierced my hand."

That was the excuse she had given us and I believed it.

It wasn't until much later that I realized it wasn't an accident, but a suicide attempt.

It was the first and last time she had done that and I don't know what changed her mind to live on.

"She couldn't leave her kids behind. She loved all of you more than herself."

My aunt once said that after my mother's demise.

Why had she gone to such lengths?

It was a question I had to find an answer for myself.

My mother was sexually assaulted.

When I realized that, rage and agony shattered me completely from within and every reminder of my mother thereafter not only brought me peace but also despair.

Even now, despite knowing everything, neither my father nor any of the elders ever speak about the dark past of my mother directly. She didn't want us to know.

She has every right to decide who should know about her scars and who shouldn't.

That's the reason I myself never disclosed her secret to any of my siblings despite them asking me numerous times.

What about Raelynn then?

Does she not have the right to decide who she discloses her past to?

She does.

She has every right to be furious and disgusted at what I did.

But, I didn't have a choice either.

She was far from a regular businesswoman.

Scars on her back, calluses on her fists, meticulous skills in combat, the cold indifference in her eyes towards the bloodied corpses, the unflinching ferociousness while a bullet passed right past her neck and her reaction to Romero's name, everything about her was suspicious.

She was intriguing and admirable, but she was undoubtedly suspicious nevertheless.

I had to find out about her.

She had been by my side for a whole two days and when I caught a whiff of her potentially being targeted by my rivals, I had to step in and to do that I needed to know she's not a spy or a threat to me in any way.

I ordered Cavin to personally dig out every detail to make sure it won't be tampered with.

When I read through her file, I was astonished.

At a tender age of 16, she was thrown into the vile clutches of an underground brot*el, but three years later, she escaped that darkness and went ahead to achieve incomparable heights. She wasn't exactly a genius student, but she was evidently sharp, shrewd and hardworking and that's what made her successful in this corporate world.

What caught my attention was not her success, but her despair.

How did she survive?

How is she moving ahead?

Is she not depressed?

How has she not given up?

What keeps her going?

Questions filled my mind, making me uncontrollably curious.

My mother survived a suicide attempt and worked on overcoming it with the help of her husband, kids and sister.

But, how did Raelynn Baker survive those haunting impulses all alone?

I could only imagine the heights of her strength.


That was the comment that slipped my lips as my eyes intently stared into her file.

"An amazing woman."

I had thought back then and I now know for sure that she indeed is amazing.

It was then that I let every disrespect of hers towards me slide.

She had every reason to be doubtful and edgy around me.

It was at that moment, for some reason, I wanted to protect her.


I had no certain reason. Maybe because I wanted to prevent her from getting dragged into a hell she had so ardently fought against and rose up.

But, as time went by and I started knowing her intimately, realizing how generous and kind a person she is up close, my admiration only grew.

Little by little, without my own knowledge, I enjoyed her company, her arguments, her stubbornness, her concern, her thoughtfulness, her principles, her intelligence, her courage and her care.

And with every step I grew closer to her, the rage in me grew exponentially at every bast*rd that hurt her, touched her or even looked at her wrong.

I led the raid that had killed every man in the warehouse that run the underground broth*l she was trapped in. It had been one of the regular attacks of eliminating the rebellions, but I wish I had not killed them off so easily. The urges in me want to kill them a million times over, unimaginably brutally.

The past, however, cannot be changed.

I can only control the present.

For better or for worse, I'm relieved that Ren now knows that I'm aware of her deepest secret.

It's because she indifferently asked me to leave that I have realized how far my emotions have come for her.

I'm not sure what these feelings should be termed as, but I'm certainly sure that I need Raelynn by my side. Always.

"Why are you glaring at the window?", Aurelio's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

I turned around and looked at him calmly.

He leisurely sat on the sofa and looked me in the eyes.

"Nonna told me you refused to meet Milena. She's upset about it.", he said casually.

I did not say anything to that.

"Why don't you want to meet her?", Aurelio asked, getting serious.


That's my answer.

However, I didn't say it out loud.

This time, regarding these emotions, I want Ren to know first.

"Vince", Aurelio probed.

"I'm not interested in her. That's the end of it.", I stated calmly.

Before he could question further, it was dinner time and we left for the dining room.

The dining room was extra noisy with Luce and Fio joining in.

"Vince, where's Ren? I didn't get to talk to her properly.", Luce complained, as I settled in my seat.

"Yeah, why's she not back yet?", Ace asked, frowning.

"People leave with time. It's not like she'd stay in our house forever.", my grandmother intervened sternly.

I felt a sting at her words. remembering what Ren said yesterday.

"She wouldn't just leave without a word.", Arianna defended.

"Yes, Ren's not like that. Unless someone fought with her.", Theo completed his statement, looking at me.

I maintained my stoic and the others backed off, knowing well not to prolong it further at the moment.

Through the dinner, I realized I need to ask for forgiveness and make up for it.

Until the moment Ren flinched in my presence yesterday, I did not realize the contentment I had felt in her trust.

Soon after dinner, I walked out and drove straight to Ren's villa, calling her mobile a few times, but as expected, she did not answer the calls.

At least she didn't block me. That's a relief.

As soon as I reached, unlike the previous times, I stopped my car at the demolished building, right opposite to hers.

Getting out of the car, I closed the door and stood leaning back on the car with hands in my pockets.

Well, if she doesn't want to lift my calls, I'll as well stand here until her anger dwindles.

After almost half an hour, my phone vibrated with a text - 'Leave'.

I replied - 'We need to talk'.

She immediately sent - 'LEAVE'.

And I replied - 'NO'.

I did not get any more texts after that.

I patiently stood there, staring far at the dark sky, feeling at peace just standing by her house.

Two hours passed by and it slowly started drizzling.

I did not bother and stayed put.

The rain gradually increased and soon it was a downpour just like yesterday.

No matter what, I'm going to stand here, everyday from now on until Ren decides to listen to me.

After a few more minutes, she walked out of her gate towards me holding an umbrella over her and another in her hand.

Reaching me, she shoved the umbrella at me and turned around to walk away, all the while not making any eye-contact.

Before she could take a step forward, I held her wrist and jerked her towards myself. Surprised, she lost her balance and placed both her hands on my chest for support, leaving the umbrella in her hand. Not intending to get her drenched, I immediately held her umbrella in place, covering her properly from the rain.

"I have a lot to say, Ren.", I stated calmly.

She got off of me and tried to snatch her umbrella from my hold, but I held it firmly, not letting go.

She was trying very hard not to look into my eyes and I felt a very sharp sting at the realization.

I won't allow her to assume I think low of her.

No one has the right to look down on her.

"I liked it when you called me 'Vince'.", I said gently as she struggled for her umbrella.

She paused for a moment and finally looked up at me, taken aback.

"You called me that for the first time yesterday.", I clarified, looking deep into her eyes.

She stared back into my eyes in denial as if searching for something.

"You won't find even an ounce of disrespect in my eyes for you.", I stated honestly.

She immediately averted her gaze and turned around to walk away and I walked right behind her, holding the umbrella over her head.

She halted midway and turned to me, her amber eyes warning me to back off.

"Do you realize what you're doing?", she asked stiffly.

"Protecting you from the rain.", I replied calmly.

"Look, Mr. Marino-", she started, but I cut her off.

"Call me 'Vince'.", I said firmly.

She pursed her lips for a moment, irritated.

"I noticed earlier today that some of your men have been trailing me and keeping a watch over my house. What would they assume if they see you here like this?", she questioned tautly.

"Their boss is holding an umbrella for you. I'm sure it's enough to realize they'll have hell to pay if they let someone so much as put a scratch on you.", I nodded seriously.

Her eyes slightly widened, stunned.

Flustered, she tried to snatch the umbrella from me again and this time I let her take it, not intending to force her into listening to me.

She turned around and walked away wordlessly.

Well, result of day one was not so good.

Walking back to my car, I picked the umbrella she lent me and opened it wide and held it over my head.

I stood there the whole night and left only when the sky slowly started brightening up for a new morning.

Looking at her house one last time for the day, I left, determined to wait until she willingly hears me out.



Damn it!

I had made a resolution to stay away from Vincent at all costs.

The moment I realized my feelings for him have gone beyond my control, I was petrified.

My feelings for him are not going to bring me or him any good.

That's the reason I decided to ignore him and stay away.

But, the man seems to have decided to torment me.

Last night, he stood by his car the whole night and I stood by the window, hoping he would leave.

Neither did he leave and nor could I catch a wink of sleep.

Why is he being so stubborn?

What is it that he wants to say?

Does he not feel displeased even after knowing my past?

Does he not realize how risky it is to have feelings for someone like me?

Why does his eyes only hold tenderness while looking at me?

Why can't he hate me ?


The honesty in his eyes makes me want to believe that I can be accepted along with my ugly past, but the rational side of my brain keeps warning me not to hold false hopes.

The gentleness in his gaze urges me to give in to my feelings, but the walls around my heart remind me to stay away, for his sake and for mine.

He's stirred my heart in ways I have not imagined or realized myself.

Shaking my head at my conflicting thoughts, I went to my office and completed my work as usual.

"Is everything alright, Ms. Baker? You seemed to be in a very good mood the past few weeks."

"You have been gentler than before for a few weeks now, mam."

"Did something happen, Rae? You don't sound pleasant."

The comments from the directors in my office and Sarah.

Much to my irritation, they kept reminding me how I had been in a supposedly good mood the past few weeks.

Of course, I was.

Now that the illusion has broken, I am angry, distressed, frustrated and lost.

I can only wait patiently to find a solution for this overwhelming turmoil swirling in me.

Managing to complete the work for the day, I left the office late in the evening and drove to Liam's to calm down.

Thankfully, Liam didn't bring up Vincent's topic and we drifted off to business matters and general training things.

An hour or so later, we were startled when we heard a car stopping by at the entrance of the open garage as Liam and I sat a considerable distance away from the huge entrance.

"The garage's closed for the day.", Liam stood up, raising his tone for them to hear.

There were four men in the car.

For some reason, I felt apprehensive about them.

Hearing Liam, they got out of the car.

Before I could comprehend anything, Liam pushed me off the chair to the ground sideways and he himself crouched down and leapt to my side.

The sound of gunshots filled the air and my instincts jolted up in defense.

Thankfully, we had been sitting by his desk and now the metal desk is acting as our shield.

Liam swiftly pulled open one of the drawers of the desk and fished out two guns and handed me one.

Without a question, I held the gun and loaded it, ready to shoot.

What the hell is going on!

Liam rose a little above the desk and shot at the first person, but he dodged it and was going to fire back, but I swiftly shot him in the head.

"Good one, kid.", Liam said instinctually, ducking down again.

"Three more.", I stated.

This time, I rose slightly above the desk and shot one of them in the chest, while Liam took their response time as an advantage and shot the other one in the neck.

The last guy faltered in fear and before we knew it, someone shot him in the head from the side.

Liam signaled me to stay down, just in case.



I heard a panicked yell and a couple of footsteps cautiously approaching.

Liam stiffened and looked at me.

Recognizing the voice, I slowly craned my neck above the metal desk and looked at the group of men.

Realizing it's the head of security Vincent had introduced to me two weeks ago, I sighed in relief.

I was going to stand up, but Liam held me back.

"I know them.", I whispered.

He looked apprehensive, but stood up alongside me, making sure I'm mostly behind him, except for my face.

As soon as we stood up, the head of security, Karl, motioned his men to lower the guns and they followed suit.

"Are you alright, mam?", he asked, worried, stepping forward.

"STAND BACK.", Liam warned sternly, pointing the gun at him, shoving me behind himself protectively.

The men stiffened in alert at his authoritative tone.

One nod by me and they stepped back slightly.

"I know them, Liam, they're Vincent's men.", I said calmly from behind.

After a moment of calculating their countenance, Liam lowered the gun.

The rest of the men were inspecting the dead bodies and their belongings.

A sudden ringing of the phone of one of the dead men startled everyone.

One of the men picked up the mobile and answered the call, putting it on speaker.

"I hope you're not dead yet, Liam Connor.", a malicious voice spoke in amusement.

I looked at Liam and he frowned, uncertain of who the man on the phone was.

"You've been enjoying your retirement a little too smoothly.", the man mused.

His tone itself sent a chill down my spine.

Liam slowly walked to the phone and so did I.

"I searched everywhere for you, but that bast*rd Marino covered your tracks impeccably.", the man scoffed.

I frowned.



"But guess what! That bast*rd's bit*h finally led me to you.", he chuckled annoyingly.

What's he talking about?

"What's her name? Oh, right. Baker, isn't it?", he pondered.

Liam stiffened and so did the rest of the men.

I led him to Liam?

What's he saying?

"Romero.", Karl recognized, wide-eyed.

The very name triggered a worst memory from my past.


"Well, I'll first fu*k that bit*h since even you seem to adore her.", he laughed despicably.

I clenched my jaw in anger at his words.

I was taken aback when Liam stepped forwards, his eyes livid, his jaw clenched, his whole countenance exuding rage.

"I may have retired, boy, but my skills have not. It's a pity none of the men in your family are alive to warn you to stay away from my kid.", Liam said in a hard tone, evidently angry.

My lips parted in shock when he referred to me as his kid, but it was short-lived.

"You sure speak big, Connor. I now feel like killing you first.", the man's tone went serious.

That was the last straw.

Stepping forward furiously, I lifted the mobile in my hand.

"Try touching him and I'll tear your filthy guts out.", I threatened coldly, my tone taut in rage.

Liam held my hand, gesturing me to stop.

"The bit*h can bark, huh.", he scoffed contemptuously.

"This bit*h can bite too.", I replied, equally contemptuous.

The call went dead immediately after a timer rang, cutting the conversation short.

Every fiber in my body was shaking with rage at Romero's threat of killing Liam.

As long as I'm alive, I'll not let anything happen to Liam. That's a promise.

"Did you trace him?", one of Vincent's men asked someone on a call, grabbing my attention.

"They couldn't trace him, sir.", he informed, looking at Karl.

"Fu*k.", Karl cursed, rubbing his face with his palm.

Liam held my hand and led me to a chair, gesturing to me to sit.

I had many questions to ask and what just happened has only made it worse.

But, the biggest question in my mind right now was, 

How is Liam related to the Marinos?


Phew! That was a long chapter!

How was the chapter?

Vince is determined to speak to Ren. 😁

How do you think Liam is related to Romero? 🤔

Well, Ren gave Romero a warning. 🥶

Don't forget to vote, comment and follow.

Do follow me on Insta with the same ID.

Yours lovingly,


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