paint me like one of your fre...

By c2suave

244K 8.4K 2.2K

Paris Du Pont was the queen of her school. Turns heads when she walks, she was the type of person people prac... More

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scarecrow day

4K 177 43
By c2suave


I'm so tired of today. Im walking back to class after using the bathroom while there's about 10 minutes left of last period. I keep having this feeling like someone has been watching me all day so I've been extremely anxious and jittery. I cant wait until this stupid scarecrow thing is over so I don't have to keep watching my back.

I don't even understand how one comes up with beating a kid up and tying them to a post for good luck but that's besides me.

"Just 6 more months until graduation." I mutter.

I was walking down the hall, my class was at the end of the hallway when I heard fast footsteps behind me.

I quickly turn to see a guy in a ski mask quickly trying to sneak up on me. He's wearing all black with a white towel in his hands. When he notices me turn around, he freezes and hesitates for a second before hurdling towards me.

Like damn man, I really can't catch a break.

I side step and move out of the way as he tries to tackle me. He stumbles forward a little but catches himself before he falls.

At this point I am so fed up with this "jumping me " bullshit. I know I'm not the biggest of people but I can definitely hold my own, especially if there's only person which is the case now.

"You know what? Fuck it, I'm tired of this shit." I grit, untucking my shirt, "Come on man, let's get this over with." I say waving him forward.

He once again hesitates before stepping forward and throwing a sloppy haymaker, which I easily dodge and punch his exposed gut.

He lets out a grunt and hunches over, taking a step back. I let the fucker catch his breath and wait for him to make his next move.

He stands back up to full height and inches forward again instead of rushing forward like last time.

I observe his fighting stance and mentally laugh in my head. Feet too close together, his hands were in front of his face but he left his entire stomach exposed, and to top it off his hands were shaking.

I mentally thank Mr. Jackson for teaching me to defend myself as I wait for the idiot to make his move.

He finally throws a left hook to which I dodge under his hand and sock him in the jaw with my right. He stumbles back, holding his jaw in shock before looking back at me. Even with the mask on, I could see the anger swimming in his eyes.

Whoever he is, must clearly know me if he's already this worked up.

He growls and charges forward again, swinging his arms wildly. I guess his new approach is to punch as much as possible, and hope to land a hit. Reminds me of when Ryan and I would play fight as kids and she started flutter kicking her legs anytime I tried to get near her. Those kicks hurt man, not for the weak, I'm telling you.

I keep backing up, dodging his wild attempts, while simultaneously trying to find an opening to hit him. I find it when he tries to overhead punch me, his face completely exposed. I use the opportunity and uppercut him, his punch whiffing the air. He screams and falls to the floor clutching his nose, that started immediately gushing crimson red blood, seeping through his mask. He continues withering around on the floor in pain while I just stare at him.

I get out of my fighting stance and put my hands on my hips when I realized he wasn't getting back up "Come on man, I only hit you like once." I say shaking my head, disappointed.

"Fuck you." His voice cracks, painfully still holding his face that I could tell was starting to swell from the tears and puffiness around his eyes.

I tsk, crossing my arms and rolling my eyes, waiting for him to stop his tantrum. I walk forward and bend down to his face, lifting the mask off to see none other than Leon Marshall.

I let out a small snort when I realize he tried to jump me by himself, "You know man, I thought you were smarter than this, you usually have your whole posse with you." I shake my head amusedly.

"Shut the fuck up." He full on sobs, holding his gushing nose.

I hold my hands up in defense, "My bad, sore subject I see." I mutter.

Just then a teacher walks out of the classroom we were right next to, "What in the name of God is going on out-" She starts but freezes when she takes in the scene, "What did you do to him?" She asks horrified.

Now I'm not gonna lie, me with bruised knuckles bending over a Leon Marshall who is currently dripping blood and sobbing on the floor is not a very innocent sight, I'll admit, but still, Leon is the one who jumped me.

I stand up straight, taking a step back from Leon, "I can explain." I say holding my hands up.

Leon finally gets up off the floor and quickly steps away from me, "Ma'am, I was walking back to class from the bathroom when she," He pointed at me, "Came up from behind me and just attacked me!"

"Are you actually for real right now, dude." I deadpan, "You just have no shame." I shake my head.

The teacher angrily turns to me, "You, dean's office, now!" She yells at me.

"What?" I reel back, "But I didn't do anything, he's lying!" I point towards Leon.

"You can explain that to the Dean." She growls and roughly grabs my arm, pulling me towards the office.

I reluctantly go with her, trying not to make things worse. I look back to see Leon smirking at me, face swollen and nose crooked and covered with blood. I honestly think I broke it.

I roll my eyes and groan, probably on my way to being expelled knowing how much influence his parents have.



School is now over and I'm currently walking out with Stella and Clara.

They're as usual bickering about something while I'm scanning the growing crowd, searching for Mayson. She usually meets me at my locker between every passing period and the end of school but she wasn't there.

I will shamelessly admit I was a little sad when I didn't find a Mayson waiting to tell me about her art class at the end of the day but I shook it off, thinking she was probably just held up. Doesn't matter, we're not dating anyway, she has no obligation to wait for me.

Yet you still get hurt when she doesn't.

I was about to walk out of school when I saw the person I was looking for, sitting in the office. Without a word I grabbed both Stella and Clara's backpacks and pulled them towards me.

"What the fuck?"

"Paris, what the hell! Where are you taking us?"

I pushed open the doors and walked into the office, pulling the girls with me. We walked in just in time to see a beat up looking Leon, with gauze coming out of his nose, the latter doing nothing as it was already almost soaked with blood, the front of his shirt also might as well been red too. His face was completely swollen due to his nose, making his eyes and cheeks puffy.

Not to mention his parents were also beside them, looking as prim and proper as ever, except both of their faces held a deeper scowl than usual.

"Damn, what happened to you?" Stella whistled when she saw Leon.

He just glared at her and pushed through us out the door, his parents walking past.

When his mother saw me though she stopped, "I'm very disappointed in you Paris." She breathed, "Since when do you associate yourself with such thugs? I mean a scholarship student?" She sputtered waving her hands around dramatically, taking a side glance at Mayson.

"Your mother is probably going to be very disappointed as well after she hears about this." She shook her head, "If I would've know you were hanging around this trash at the gala I would've... I would've..." She sputtered, trying to find the words.

"You would've what, Ellen?" I raised my eyebrows, "With all due respect, you don't know the first thing about me." I said calmly.

Her mouth dropped open in shock as I continued, "And your "perfect" little son, is far from perfect so whatever happened, he probably deserved it." I said, side glancing at a now cowering Leon.

He better be fucking scared, I swear, if he layed a finger on Mayson, I will actually be raising hell on this family.

"And never and I mean ever," I breathe, "Instate yourself in my business again. Check your family problems before you come for mine." I say firmly, holding her gaze.

She closed her mouth and swallowed before smoothing out the front of her dress, clearly flustered. She quickly turned around and sped off, her husband and son following after her.

I heard a snort behind me to see Mayson, hunched over in her chair, failing to hide the smile behind the fist she was biting.

I fought the growing smile on my face and glared at her. She quickly composed herself a let out a cute little "Sorry".

"You fucking cleared her Paris, damn." Clara snorted.

I rolled my eyes, "The woman had it coming to her for years. She acts like she's my second mother and knows me so well." I say disgusted.

Just then, the Mr. Deacon walked out of his office, not even looking up from his tablet, "Ms. Amore, this way please."

"Here we fucking go." Mayson sighs, picking up her bag.

She barely lifts off the seat before I push her back down. She looks up at me in confusion before I clear my throat, looking at Mr. Deacon.

He finally notices the three extra bodies in the room, his gaze lingering on me. His eyes slightly widen and he stands straighter, "Ah Ms. Du Pont, I apologize, I didn't see you there."

I smile a sweet smile, "It's fine Mr. Deacon, don't worry about it." I wave him off, "Can we have a quick word in your office." I ask pointing to his office, "It will only take a second." I smile again.

He subtly gulps and straightens his tie, "Of course, Ms. Du Pont, right this way." He says motioning to his office.

I look down at Mayson who's staring up at me in shock, "Shut up and don't say anything." I mutter.

She holds up her hands in defense then locks her mouth with an imaginary key, throwing it away.

I roll my eyes at her and walk towards a waiting Mr. Deacon.



"I'm sorry, what the hell just happened?" I ask Stella and Clara once Paris was out of earshot.

"I don't know, we just got here, you tell us." Clara shrugged.

"Well I was walking back to class from the bathroom when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned to see a guy in a mask trying to sneak up on me. He tried jumping me but I fought him off and socked him in the nose. I took off the mask and it was Leon." I explained to the girls.

"Well that explains the fuming Mrs. Marshall." Stella snorts.

Clara shakes her head, "Wait, why was Leon even attacking you anyway?" Clara asked, confused.

"It's scarecrow day." I shrug.

Both Clara and Stella's face light up in recognition before they settle to disgust, "They still do that?" Clara asked.

"They haven't done it recent years, but I guess this year was different." I shrug again.

Stella was about to say something but the door to Mr. Deacon's office opened, gaining our attention. A calm Paris walked out, followed by a slightly flustered looking Mr. Deacon.

"Mayson you're free to go, have a good rest of your day." Mr. Deacon said standing in front of me.

My mouth dropped open, "Sorry, what?" I asked in disbelief.

"I said you're free to leave, if you have any questions, feel free to come by my office tomorrow." He smiled forcefully, subtly glancing at a smirking Paris.

When I came into the office I was expecting to walk out expelled, seeing as Leon comes from a very influential family. Not walking out with no type of punishment, scotch free, with not even a slap on the wrist.

I looked from Paris to Mr. Deacon then back to Paris, mouth still open.

"Well, if that's all, let's go home guys." Paris clapped her hands.

She turned to me when she saw I wasn't moving and pulled me out of my chair by my collar. I continued staring at her in bewilderment as she lead me out of the office by my hand, Stella and Clara behind us.

"Do I even wanna ask?" I ask Paris as she continued pulling me to her car.


"Well alright then."


Kind of a short chapter but hey at least it's something


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