๐๐€๐ƒ ๐ˆ๐ƒ๐„๐€ ๐‘๐ˆ๐†๐‡๐“, m...

By whore4applejuice

47K 1.5K 3.4K

โmaybe this whole secret thing isn't all that bad.โž โso you enjoy kissing me on the down low? awh, ... More

๐๐€๐ƒ ๐ˆ๐ƒ๐„๐€ ๐‘๐ˆ๐†๐‡๐“
๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ. . . airport reminiscing
๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ. . . facetimes and wingstop
๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ‘. . . pre drinks
๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ’. . . the infamous brand launch
๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ“. . . a little help remembering
๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ”. . . hungover waffles
๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ•. . . she ran into josh
๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ–. . . invited or not
๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ—. . . kisses at parties
๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ. . . a forgotten lighter
๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ. . . the hookups agreement
๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ. . . an olive garden debrief
๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‘. . . too many precautions
๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ’. . . possible collabs
๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ“. . . caught in the corridor
๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ”. . . interrogations
๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ–. . . spontaneous love confessions
๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ—. . . busy being ghosted

๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ•. . . let's make it optional

1.7K 72 170
By whore4applejuice

chapter SEVENTEEN!
── let's make it optional
💋 real life, snapchat and imessage. 🕯️

༻¨*:·. 💋 ༺♥༻ 🕯️ .·:*¨༺

💋 real life.

3 days later, thalia was sat on her couch, the twilight drifting in from the crack in the window, casting a warm glow across the apartment; a brooklyn 99 episode was playing faintly on the tv, a surprising change from her usual routine of rewatching friends.

theo was out for the evening, at a dinner with their management which thalia had managed to weasel her way out of through the perfectly crafted excuse of stomach ache after a supposedly dodgy piece of chicken from the raising canes they'd had for lunch. she'd revelled in this alone time for a grand total of 10 minutes, before all the events of wednesday had caught up to her, leaving her mind a reeling mess.

on wednesday, thalia and matt had been discovered sharing a secret kiss by none other than his two triplet brothers, both of whom reacted as if they were witnessing an act of murder. their reactions had provoked something within thalia, who hadn't been able to shake the thought that her and matt were inches away from exposing themselves to everyone on the internet since then; they weren't quite as good at being subtle as they'd thought originally.

thalia had also made up her mind about telling theo, ultimately deciding that it was best if he didn't know about her and matt, scared that he would eventually tell her parents, who frowned upon the idea of thalia dating anyone other than josh. especially her mom, who thalia had had to tell to stop trying to reconcile the relationship multiple times.

if they found out that thalia was hooking up with someone other than josh, chances were high for thalia to move down in the ranks as least favourite child, if humanly possible, theo bumped up to permanent golden child.

she exhaled, reaching for her phone on the coffee table, propped up against a bowl of untouched popcorn, subconsciously going straight to her chat with matt; he too was home alone on the other side of LA, which she hadn't been explicitly told by the boy, but had been able to deduce through the examination of nick's most recent instagram story. him and chris were at the warehouse, both of them beaming from a mirror picture which quite clearly lacked matt's presence.

since finding this out, thalia had been hoping that matt would ask if he could come over to hers, to increase their hookup count; the only problem was that matt hadn't been active on snapchat for two hours. she bit her lip and pressed on the chat despite this, taking action herself.

the brooklyn 99 episode was ending as thalia swiped into her and matt's chat.


💋🕯️ snapchat.

thalia 🤍 sent you a snap!

opened just now!

Matt Sturniolo sent you a snap!

opened just now!

thalia 🤍 sent you a chat!

thalia 🤍
| fuck you
| i got canes sauce in my camera and it's like crusted in there

Matt Sturniolo
| Gross

thalia 🤍
| you're gross
| answer my question

Matt Sturniolo
| No ❤️

thalia 🤍
| ok sassy king

Matt Sturniolo
| I am home alone
| Why?

thalia 🤍
| i'm also....... home....... alone....... 😊

Matt Sturniolo
| What are all those dots for
| Dramatic effect?

thalia 🤍
| they're called ellipsis dumbass
| they insinuate like idk a long pause

Matt Sturniolo
| Im changing your name on here to walking dictionary cus what the FUCK does insinuate mean

thalia 🤍
| anyhoo what i'm trying to say is that pls can you come over and keep me company 😊

Matt Sturniolo
| Awh
| You want my company 🥹

thalia 🤍
| uh.... not anymore! ❤️

Matt Sturniolo
| I'll be over in 10 minutes

thalia 🤍
opened 1 minute ago!


💋 real life.

matt had indeed been over 10 minutes after she'd sent the final message, their sounds quickly smothering the apartment, and thalia felt slightly sorry for her neighbours. they were finished in 20 minutes, both of them a collapsed, tangled heap of skin in thalia's bed for a short while after, enough time to process the events of this third hookup.

they were now fully dressed, thalia in matt's hoodie after complaining about the cold bite to the air, watching she's the man together on the couch. it had taken thalia a good few minutes to convince the boy to watch the movie with her in the first place, and each time she glanced in his direction, his eyes were glued to his phone, not even focusing on the most important part of the movie.

now he wasn't going to know why viola was dressed as a boy, and thalia sighed aloud, dropping her head to rest on matt's shoulder. she felt him freeze beneath her for a moment, before relaxing his shoulders and moving his hand to stroke the exposed skin of her thighs.

"everything okay?"

"you're not watching the movie." thalia pouted, and matt chuckled, making a point of putting his phone face down in his lap as he mouthed a silent apology. they sat in this arrangement for about half of the film, thalia's head nestled comfortably in the crook of matt's shoulder, until matt announced he was thirsty and sprung off the couch in the direction of the kitchen.

he returned a few minutes later, two cans of sprite in either hand, and sat back down with a large sigh, holding one of the cans out to thalia. she accepted with a smile, cracking the drink open and resuming both the film and the original positioning of her head.

when the end credits finally rolled around, thalia lifted herself off matt, turning to see his reaction; she couldn't help but burst out laughing at his furrowed eyebrows, plainly confused at the plot of the film. "you didn't enjoy it?"

"i'm just... confused." matt said with a nervous chuckle. he leaned forward to pick his sprite can back up, rattling it and frowning upon finding it void of any beverage. "how did nobody notice that viola was a girl?"

"because of her expert disguise, duh." thalia replied, smiling affectionately. despite this being her favourite movie, she didn't seem to mind matt having no clue what had gone on, revelling in the fact that she was having to baby him by explaining the film in its basics.

"a wig? hardly a disguise, thompson."

thalia groaned, pushing matt's side playfully. "it's not supposed to make sense idiot. it's fun and silly, which is why it's my favourite movie."

matt hummed, standing up to take the cans of sprite over to the trash, thalia's eyes glued to his every action. his eyebrows were still drawn together when he tentatively sat back down. "but how did nobody notice?"

this back and forth ordeal carried on for a good few minutes, matt not able to wrap his head around both viola's terrible disguise and duke's idiocy at falling for it. she'd shrugged matt's hoodie off at some point during this discussion, the material draped over her bare legs like a makeshift blanket, the boy's hand coming down to her legs to idly stroke the cotton every so often.

"what's your favourite movie, huh?" thalia challenged matt after one too many digs at the obvious plot holes in she's the man. "i bet that's probably just as inconsistent."

"benchwarmers is a masterpiece, thank you very much." matt said, folding his arms over his chest in a matter of fact manner.

"never seen it."

"what?!" matt's jaw dropped so low thalia was certain it would fall through the floor. "how can you have never seen benchwarmers?"

thalia shrugged again, the ghost of a smirk on her face at the sight of matt becoming so worked up. she liked it when he got passionate about things. "i don't know, it just never appealed."

"well, we'll have to watch-"

as matt reached for the remote on the table, thalia grabbed his arm, rather reluctantly, to stop him. theo would be home any minute now and if she'd finalised the decision to not tell him then she really didn't want him walking in on the pair cuddling up watching benchwarmers. so, when matt turned to look at her, confused, thalia simply shook her head and showed him the time displayed on her phone.

"we can't. theo'll be home soon." she murmured, and matt shied away from her grasp, still looking confused despite this very reasonable explanation.

he got up from the couch wordlessly, making his way over to the front door where he'd left his air force, slipping them on before swivelling to face thalia. "i don't understand."

"understand what?"

"why you won't tell your brother." matt mumbled. he was seated again, one hand tracing the mole on thalia's shoulder, the touch eliciting a shudder through her. "nick and chris know now so i don't get why theo shouldn't."

thalia sighed, deeply and softly, trying to avoid eye contact with the boy on her left who was completely right; she should be telling her brother, and she shouldn't be letting something as insignificant as the possibility of him telling her parents stop her. but, on the other hand, thalia was at a loss as to why matt cared. they'd built a relationship off of secret sex, nothing more, nothing less. it would only be right to tell theo about them if they were actually dating.

but they weren't, and they probably weren't going to in the future either, so thalia squashed the latter feelings, instead explaining to matt with a strained voice that she was worried about theo finding out because of his protective brother nature. a lie that held some truth in it; theo had always frowned on thalia's choice in men, especially after josh.

"i don't know, i'm just worried that if theo turns all protective mode then i'm going to lose interest in this and we won't get to hook up again." thalia finished, unaware of how soft matt's eyes had become. "it's happened before."

he sat in silence for a few seconds, trying to process thalia's very plausible excuse of why she wasn't going to tell her brother, eyes darting between her and his lap. and then his head shot up, the glint in the blues of his irises suggesting that he'd had a lightbulb moment.

"i have an idea." well shit. thalia laughed softly, surprised that she was able to read matt's expression solely through his eyes, encouraging him to go on and share this idea nevertheless.

he did so happily, looking rather pleased at whatever plan he'd just crafted. "what if we organise like a group hangout? me, you, theo, nick and chris. we could go bowling or something."

"uh, okay?" thalia's lips slowly turned downwards, no longer liking matt's idea. in fact, she had no idea where it had sprung from in the first place, more lost than anything. "why?"

"so that you can tell theo about us two."

thalia exhaled, tilting her head to the side in an exasperated manner; it was beyond her why matt was trying to get her to tell theo, his persistence sweet but also strange. it was matt who'd wanted their siblings to find out in their own time, even if it apparently meant that nick and chris had to walk in on them kissing, so the sudden switch up was kind of odd.

she decided against bringing it up however, instead warily nodding her head at his suggestion, her reserved action prompting matt to explain himself further. "look, nick and chris already know, right? theo might as well know too, and we do need to actually organise a hangout to get to know each other better. it's a perfect cover up."

"mhm..." thalia was trying her best to be accepting of matt's idea, but she was clearly still visibly confused, matt's hand shooting out to grab hers, running his thumb along her knuckles.

"what? you're not digging it?"

"i don't know, matt." thalia sighed, relaxing into his touch. she knew he meant well, but she was still confused as to why he was going to all these lengths when they were only hooking up. "it just feels kinda excessive, don't you think?"

matt bit his lip, hopefully understanding where she was coming from, his hand still absentmindedly intertwined with hers as he gazed into the distance in thought. he then turned back to thalia, looking slightly less pained. "well, we can organise this hangout as a way of getting to know each other before this collab or whatever the fuck, and then whilst you're there you could tell theo. let's make it optional."

"optional." thalia giggled, shuffling up the couch and laying her head against matt's chest. "okay, i can deal with that. don't get pissed if i don't tell him though."

"i can't make promises."

thalia laughed at matt's nonchalant comment, pushing into his chest. he smiled at her, sighing as he brought his chin down to rest on her head, the pair staying like this for a good few minutes, the only two in the world. it was at times like this when that part of thalia's heart, the one that pleaded with her to ask matt if he wanted to go further than sex, cried out for some relief from the pain of the pulled heartstrings.

but, as much as it hurt, it was also nice to have these moments, just the pair of them, only four others in the wide, wide world knowing about them; thalia and matt existed for each other and each other only, their sights and sounds made for each other, sun, moon and all the stars in between.

thalia didn't realise she'd said it out loud until the first word reverberated back to her, her eyes fixated on matt beside her. "maybe this whole secret thing isn't all that bad."

"so you enjoy kissing me on the down low?" matt smirked, leaning forward to ruffle thalia's hair. "awh, i'm touched."

moment over, the brief strain on thalia's heart which had been replaced with a swell of sweetness gone in a matter of seconds. she really needed to snap back into reality and remind herself of what her and matt were. her smile faltered and she leaned back into the leather of the couch, praying for the silence to wash her away.

matt had other ideas, breaking the peace hanging over their heads. "we need a group chat if we're going to plan a hang out."

thalia nodded, her eyes not even glancing in matt's direction as he put the group chat into motion.


💋 imessage.

matt ⭐️ created the group 'Siblings carrying Youtube 💯'

matt ⭐️ added you!

thalia 🤍

troll thompson
um hey 😒
who are u?
disliked by thalia 🤍

thalia 🤍
i wasn't talking to you TROLL thompson

troll thompson
there's no way that's still saved from middle school😭

unknown number
Coughs hey!
Matt why the fuck have you made this

matt ⭐️
Stfu Nick

thalia 🤍 saved unknown number as nick scrunkle 🏳️‍🌈

unknown number 2
What the hell
I power my phone off for two fucking minutes and come back to a mystery group chat?
Remind me to keep my phone on heavy alert from now on like 🚨🚨 type shit

thalia 🤍
assuming that's chris?
loved by matt ⭐️

unknown number 2
That would be me 😁

thalia 🤍 saved unknown number 2 as chris scrunkle

nick scrunkle 🏳️‍🌈
Ok back to Matt
Why the HELL have you made this...

matt ⭐️
I wanted to discuss something with all of you ❤️

troll thompson
where did u get mine and thalia's numbers ?

chris scrunkle
GREAT point thanks Theo
liked by troll thompson

matt ⭐️

thalia 🤍
he asked sam for them on wednesday
in case we needed to discuss the collab further
which is EXACTLY why matt made this 😊

matt ⭐️
Ruined my announcement ok 😔

thalia 🤍
soz x

nick scrunkle 🏳️‍🌈
Riiiiight so this is for youtube shit ?

troll thompson
seems like it
our management make me want to poke my eyes out sometimes they can be very full on
especially when they suggested thalia and matt should fake flirt to get people more interested like bro 😭😭

chris scrunkle
No no dw about it
Our management are equally controlling sometimes
I think organising to meet up just us five would be good so that we can actually talk about what we're doing instead of having them all peering over our shoulders lmaooo
liked by troll thompson

matt ⭐️
I wanted to say all this 😒

nick scrunkle 🏳️‍🌈
Jeez keep your pants on
Kid is so enthusiastic about seeing Theo and Thalia again

troll thompson
as he should be tbh !

thalia 🤍
real we're so much fun to be around 💯🔥
actually i am
NOT theo 😊❤️

troll thompson

nick scrunkle 🏳️‍🌈

troll thompson
no nick DONT LAUGH
don't fuel her fire 😒

nick scrunkle 🏳️‍🌈
My bad...... giggles silently

matt ⭐️
Okay anyways!
When are you guys next free

thalia 🤍
pulls out diary 🤓

matt ⭐️
Goofy ass

thalia 🤍
...i know you are but what am i 🔥

chris scrunkle
emphasised by thalia 🤍

troll thompson
why did i giggle wtf
thalia ur not funny btw

thalia 🤍
someone's in denial 🤣🫵

troll thompson
narrowing my eyes ❤️
but uhhhh matt
we're free tomorrow ? kinda short notice but might as well take the opportunity

matt ⭐️

nick scrunkle 🏳️‍🌈
Yes Matt we can do tomorrow 🙄
The fuck are you asking me for you're an adult

thalia 🤍

matt ⭐️
Don't know why you're laughing kid you didn't know when you were free either

thalia 🤍
yeah but i didn't ASK my brother for fucking permission ?
'nick? 🤓☝️'
um nick?
nick? 🤓

nick scrunkle 🏳️‍🌈

thalia 🤍
sorry i chuckled

chris scrunkle
Jesus this arguing is giving me a headache and this is a text thread 😭
Tomorrow sounds good
We could do Top Golf?

nick scrunkle 🏳️‍🌈

matt ⭐️
Cmon Chris you always suggest Top Golf
I'm sick of those donuts

chris scrunkle
What. The. Fuck.
No this is unforgivable

thalia 🤍
dream guest on my podcast? 👹

troll thompson
you quote jojo siwa one more time and im moving out

thalia 🤍
disliked by troll thompson

matt ⭐️
Clears throat
What about bowling? Y'know the place down by the 7 eleven

nick scrunkle 🏳️‍🌈
Ur joking right ?
7 eleven is like the most popular gas station there are fucking THOUSANDS in LA
Be specific king

thalia 🤍
ohhhhh ik which one you're talking about
down next to ummmmm

matt ⭐️
Spit it out

thalia 🤍
spit it out 🤬👿👹👺
like ok bud
down by waffle house on the highway

matt ⭐️

nick scrunkle 🏳️‍🌈
Yeah I'm down for bowling

chris scrunkle
Hm....... I guess
Don't get mad if I spend tomorrow complaining about the lack of Top Golf though

matt ⭐️
Womp womp

troll thompson
also down for bowling! 😊
what time do you guys want to do?

nick scrunkle 🏳️‍🌈
Uhhhh 4pm?

chris scrunkle
I'll be surprised if Matt is up by then tbh

troll thompson

matt ⭐️
K thanks Chris

chris scrunkle
No problem bro 👊

thalia 🤍
WOW my eyes are on fire cus of that emoji

chris scrunkle
What this one?

thalia 🤍

nick scrunkle 🏳️‍🌈
Sorry to um interrupt!
Just need to get the plans straight
loved by thalia 🤍
So we're going bowling at 4pm tomorrow?

troll thompson

nick scrunkle 🏳️‍🌈
I'll book it 😊
Do you guys want to grab food after??

matt ⭐️
Um absolutely

thalia 🤍

troll thompson
two times in two days 😨😨😨😨😨

nick scrunkle 🏳️‍🌈
I'm excited
loved by thalia 🤍

chris scrunkle
Same 😁
seen by all
Guys what the fuck 💔
seen by all
seen by all
Ok fuck you guys
laughed at by nick scrunkle 🏳️‍🌈

༻¨*:·. 💋 ༺♥༻ 🕯️ .·:*¨༺

✧˖*°࿐ polly's section!

i'm deeeeeeep in the hangover trenches after a house party yesterday rn guys be grateful i'm even alive to publish this 😔😔

also shoutout to my two bsfs who call the triplets the scrunkle triplets 💯‼️ my inspiration for the imessage names for chris and nick x

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