3 KingDoms Shenanigans. PILOT...

By Honest_Healer

345 40 678

*.✧ "When you turn into the age 20, our generation staff will be passed on to you, dearie. Mom and Dad soon w... More

PART 1 : Smiling Faces.
PART : 2 History lesson
PART 3 : Stalking Eyes.
PART 4 : The Dealer
Part 5: Take a look at me!
Part 6: Where have YOU been?
Part 7: Lovely Chat And a New Friend
PART 8 : A bumpy ride, flashbacks n' more!
PART 9: A long talk
Don't worry I'm not dead yet! :(
PART : 10 | Danger Alert.| Epilogue


7 2 15
By Honest_Healer

"first impression matters the most my dear!"

A famous and well known quote which Chris always uses.

Hello and welcome to this chapter ! In this chapter, I'll reveal some briefly short information of what happened to the past about the characters whom you love and adore!

Let's start with...


August was an orphan who scurried along the pathways of the villages and the towns, stealing food and clothes for his survival. He had a little sister who died due to being sick and he blamed it all on himself for her death.

His father ran away when he was born and his Mother became distant from him and his sister once she was born. She believed that having a daughter was a hassle and stick to being drunk with her other drunk friends instead of taking care of the both.

August picked up his sister and ran away from the safety of their home as one day their mother came in drunk and wanted to beat the ever daylight out of his sister. She did land some hits on her and August had to pick up a cooking pan from the kitchen and bash his mother's head behind her to make her fall unconscious.

August was 12 and his sister was 5 when they ran away. Unfortunately, life was tuff and his sister got infected by the bad bleeding and bruise's his mother had given her. August was hurt to, when he tried to steal some food the cook saw him and got furious, accidentally pouring hot water and the right side of his face, making him go blind at the right eye and burning half of the right side of his face.

Even tho that, August tried his best to do everything to save his sister, even tearing the parts of his worn old clothes to cover up her bruises and infected area. But unfortunately, she wasn't to strong and she passes away a few days later, which August still blame her death because of him.

August was fond a few days later after his sisters death, sneaking into a wealthy families garden and plucking some grapes and blueberries for himself, which he immediately loved the blueberries. The gardener found him and took him to his master who demanded on what he was doing here.

August tried to save himself by saying that he could help the man by being Gardener aswell, which they took it and put him to work immediately. At that faithful time, The King and the young princess, Marie, came to have a business talk with the wealthy man and chat like old friends. Marie decided to tag along because she was curious at where her dad usually went and was getting bored staying at the palace without her friends.

When little Marie's eyes laid on the dirty boy in the garden, she immediately got curious and started talking with him which he talked to. They talked and played and ran around until they immediately became close and friends. Before Marie left she asked her Dad if she could ever visit her new friend in the garden which her Dad got curious at.

He asked the wealthy man about the boy and the man replied that they found him sneaking inside the garden and plucking some fruits. Marie begged to take the boy with them, fearing that these people would treat him badly because of what he had done which the man and her father agreed to.

So they took August along with them to the palace, but August, wanting to repay their kindness, decided to become Marie's personal gardener and be friends with her.

So, that's how August came to be.


Frisk had known Chris for as long as she knew him. She had a horrible life when she was at her human life, suffering until she laid eyes on younger and a more human Chris who seemed to stare at her from a distance with concern.

She lived a poor and a helpless family in the streets of Britain. Her father desperately tried to work for their needs but it was proving hard since he couldn't get a proper job and Frisk who was a girl. Taking care of girls in those days were hard, since they needed more care and more money to spend on.

( I apologies if this dosent go with the History of Britain. But like I said, this takes place in another universe, where all things and something could had been different!)

At the age of 7, Frisk was been sold to a wealthy and a stripper man who bought girls to dance infront of him and wear little clothes. Her father had to sell her since they couldn't afford taking care of her which Frisk little heart broke when she realized. Her mother tried desperately to talk with her father but they couldn't undo what they had done, for they already had sold her and they already got the money they need to spend almost a lifetime without worrying.

When she arrived, she was forced to take her clothes off and the wealthy man, being a freak, looked at her from time to time when she would sit beside him as the other wealthy man chatted along. She didn't got a good place to stay or to sleep, not enough clothes and she would starve and feel scared every single time, just wishing to return to her parents even tho they sold her.

The man then invited all of the successful business man, and they all came. The girls dance on top of an open stage where everyone cold see while she tried her best to follow the obvious other older woman's. But she felt someone staring at her, and when she turn to look down onto the open hall filled with rich people, her eyes laid on green curious and concerning eyes that was set on her.

When she realized that he stood out the most, since he seems only somewhere 12, but he was with another taller figure who didn't seem friendly at least. He had natural ginger hair and he looked smaller and thinner than the rest younger who tagged along with their father. The ginger head seem to notice her uncomfortableness and he give her a small smile, which cheered her up slightly.

After the show, Frisk went behind the stage only to bump into a slight taller figure. She looked up and notice that it was the ginger head man who stared down at her with concern.

He asked if she was okay and why was she the only younger one here. She told him everything, how she was sold here and how she was being treated. Anger seemed to flash in his eyes but it was immediately replaced with concern. He gave her his jacket and promised her that he would somehow get her out from here.

He introduced himself as Edward Harrison, Son to the one and only Jude Harrison. One of the most richest business man and whom had allies all over the country. He told her that somehow, one day, he'll break her free from this horrible man's grasp and take her with him which she waited for it.

Years passed, Frisk held onto that promise desperately. He meet up with her frequently and they become best friends by the time when she was 12. One Day, when she was going to change her clothes, her boss came in being drunk. He wanted to r*pe her and have it his own way, but suddenly , Edward was behind him and he held an axe. He killed the man after many struggles and ran out with her as gunshots could be heard.

They escaped and he found a safe spot for her to live. He promise her that he'll return and help her to get a real house to stay once he takes over his father's role once and for all. A few years pass, and when Frisk was 15, Edward finally took over his father's role by his father mysteriously vanished.

After that, Edward gave her a new house , clothes, and people to be her maid and even a job. She worked for Edward and they became close friends. But not even a year, she discovered that she had an uncurable diseases and told to Edward who immediately panicked and promised, yet again, that he'll save her.

A year passed, and before the diseases could get even worse, suddenly, it disappeared. Thanking Edward for whatever he did to her, but also she realized that he looked different.

He looked slightly dearrange and a weird aura was surrounding him. He smiled more often, and it looked like he was always smiling ,never looking down or whatnot. She thought of nothing, but she did felt the uneasiness he radiated from.

7 years later, it was been said that Edward Harrison was been arrested for multiple murder degrees, h*micide, g*nocide, cults and extreme cannibalism. She went to the insane allysum, where they kept him.

When her eyes laid on him, he looked far from what she imagen. He looked crazed, insane and the unnerving smile was still intact on his face. He barely blinked as his dilated pupils landed on her figure, but he immediately lowered his grin and looked at her with sadness and concern.

Frisk was been forced to not see him as she went back to her home, crying all the while, feeling heartbroken because she couldn't do anything to save her only best friend. A few days later, there was news that Edward escaped the place and got shoot on the heart, killing him instantly which traumatized her for life.

Suddenly, fire broke in her house at the middle of the night, which she tried to escape, but couldn't. She died in the fire, and she reappeared in Heaven as a newly Angel with beautiful wings.

She meet her father and her mother, but she didn't wanted to see or talk with them. She meet other Angels who were nice to her, but she felt lonely without Edward. She didn't knew if the news were true, about him being a violent merciless killer, because it seems doubtful. He wasn't like that to her, infact, he was sweet and he loved her. He was the complete opposite to her.

They talk alot and they joke always. He accepted her even though she was a nobody and he went through so much of pain just to save her. He was always happy and he always seemed so bright and full of life. But suddenly, he just...changed?

A few months passed by and she couldn't take it. She wanted to see Edward. She needed to see her best for life long friend. So she did the only thing she taught was a good idea.

She jumped down from heaven.

Falling faster at the speed of light, she felt her wings tore and Burn as the fire of hell consumed her throughoutly. Feeling that she wouldn't survive the fall, she embraced herself to hit the ground with her eyes closed shut.

Only to land in a pair of warm hands.

Eyes open, she slowly registered that she was being cradled. Looking up, she was meet with static yellow eyes which bore into her skull, looking at her with so much of happiness and love, so as concern and curiousity.

Finally, she thought. She found him.


Tell me your thoughts bout Frisk and August past!

And oh..who could this.. Edward be?

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