Elementalists Academy: The Sw...

By FireCrown15

216 30 2

6 best friends find out that they are the long lost heirs to the six elemental kingdoms: fire, air, earth, wa... More

My Math Exam Gets Rudely Interrupted
Backpacks Are Excellent Weapons When Under Attack
A Random Old Lady Seemingly Tries To Scam Us
Why, Hello There, Potential Love Interest!
Scratch That, He's A Douche (But Way To Go, Astra!)
Our New School Is Officially #1 In Top Ten Places to Get Lost In 0.5 Seconds
I Meet The Wicked Bitch Of The West!
It's Romeo and Juliet!(Except We Hate Each Other)
I May Have Witnessed A Murder And It Ain't Even First Hour Yet
Caspian Decides To Be The Fucking Bane Of My Existence Yet Again!
I Realize That I Am Not Athletic! (To Nobody's Surprise)
Lunchtime with Electra!( There Are Many Ways This Can Go Wrong)
I Accidentally Commit Arson To My Classroom!

I Already Fuck Shit Up And It's Only The First Day

6 2 0
By FireCrown15

"Oh, for gods sake! Will you two relax?" Caspian said, coming over to where the two idiots were mourning an AI's death.

"I'm sorry, did you not see what just happened? Astra just murdered TechPixie!" I said, walking over to get a closer look at the AI. It was twitching on the ground with it's tongue sticking out in a classic dead body pose.

"Oh my fucking god, TechPixie, quit it! Get up, you're scaring them." he rolled his eyes.

The pixie got up and brushed away the nonexistent dust that was on its clothes. Then it turned and glared at him. 

"Well, excuse me for trying to have some fun around here! It's hard being stuck in that mirror every day! My only source of joy is literally the fact that I know more about the world than you empty-headed idiot." 

"HEY!" he exclaimed while the rest of us held back our laughter. Suddenly, I realized something. 

"Wait a second, you have feelings?"

The pixie turned its look of disbelief to me. "Of course I have feelings! Why not?"

"... Point taken."

"Can you just tell us what the time is?" Calida sighed exasperatedly. 

"Well, since you asked so nicely, the time is 7:00 A.M. Y'all have 30 minutes to get your shit together before you get to your first hour." it deadpanned.

"Got it! Thanks, TechPixie! Sorry for the attempted murder!" Astra said sheepishly, scratching the back of their head nervously.

"Anytime, kid. Just don't do that again, and we won't have any problems." it threatened with a juxtaposing angelic smile. 

"A-alright!" Astra shrunk back in fear of the AI. 

"Ok, TechPixie, in you go!" And with a push of the same button, the pixie was sucked back into the mirror with a beam of pixelated light. 

"Alright, guys, let's get this show on the road." Calida said, marching ahead towards the same building the cafeteria was in. Astra scrambled to keep in pace with her while I decided to annoy the living shit out of Caspian with the only way I know how to bother a douche: by asking him a bunch of dumb questions.

"So, how was Astra able to make contact with that TechPixie if it's just a hologram?" I said, walking in step with him. Considering the fact that I was literally 5'3 and this guy was around fucking 6'1, however, it was more of me half-jogging and him walking. 

"Well, they probably never really made contact with it, but it might've seen like they did because TechPixie wanted to be dramatic." 

"Got it! Why is the sky blue?" I asked, laughing my heart out inside my head at the idiotic question like an evil genius.

"I don't fucking know?" he rubbed his temples.

"Interesting. Do you think butterflies get humans in their stomach when they love someone, like how humans get butterflies in their stomach?"

"Ok, what the actual fuck is wrong with you?" he stopped in his tracks, glaring down at me.

"Whatever do you mean?" I batted my eyelashes innocently.

"Can you shut the hell up? It's way too early to deal with your bullshit so early in the morning." he groaned.

"Make me." 

Caspian clenched his jaw. 

All of a sudden, he grabbed me by the waist and picked me up, slinging me over his shoulder like I was some garbage bag that his mom was forcing him to take out. He then sprinted towards the brown building, my head banging against his back like crazy.

"Can.You.Cut.That.Out?!" I managed to get out, feeling a bruise already forming on my head.


Then, this asshole decided to start sprinting faster. I lifted my head up once to see if there was some kind soul who was seeing this and could save me from my misery, but all I saw in the bumping world around me was Calida taking out her phone to take a picture and Astra unhelpfully mouthing "Get it, girl!" while giving me the most energetic thumbs-up I had ever seen.

Thankfully, the joyride stopped. Caspian picked me up again off of his shoulder and plopped me on the ground.

I scowled at him. "Did you really have to do that?"

"Yes, yes I did." he smirked. He then moved to open one of the giant stone doors but I stopped him.

"Wasn't I heavy to carry?" 

He tilted his head at me in confusion. 

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I'm not exactly the lightest person in the bunch." I said, motioning to my 5-month-old food baby that was in my stomach. I had attempted multiple times in my past to lose weight, but I always ended up finding my way to the chips section in the pantry after every workout.

"Cyra, look at me," he grabbed my shoulders and stared into my eyes, "I was perfectly happy with annoying the living shit out of you by treating you like a sack of potatoes. You may be the bane of my existence every day, but let's get this straight: you are beautiful, and so is your body. So stop making these passive-aggressive comments to yourself. Your body is your body, and you should learn to love it since its the only body you have. "

"O-ok? Thank you?" I stuttered out, getting lost in his blue eyes. Maybe he was nice after all?

"Alright, you two, stop making goo-goo eyes at each other!" a familiar voice rang out, snapping us out of our daze.

"How long have you both been standing there for?" I asked, turning to Calida and Astra. Calida still had her phone out, seemingly taking pictures of us, and Astra was just staring at the both of us and smirking. 

"Long enough to know that if y'all don't start dating each other soon, I'm going to be taking matters into my own hands." Astra said, smiling like a devil. Oh boy.

"Don't get me wrong, I still hate you. It's just that I hate seeing people putting themselves down even more, especially when they did nothing wrong. Besides, you have a smoking hot body" he smirked, raising his hands up defensively.

And now I hate him again. 

"Alright, you guys can continue your banter later. Right now, we have to go before Headmistress Thornbloom bites our heads off for being late." Calida said, pushing between us and yanking open the door.

Now, considering how amazing the other buildings looked, I was severely underwhelmed by what I saw. There were three hallways that each branched off to the cafeteria, the gym, and the office, according to the signs. The walls were a dull off-white color and it was a black and white tiled floor. There were several doors lining up the hallways as well. There was a clock in the middle hallway attached to the right hallway which showed a blaring 7:10 A.M.

"Where's the excitement in this?" I said, waving my hands at the lack of creativity in the building.

"It's a school? What did you expect?" Caspian scoffed.

"Well, something magical, at least?"

"Less talking, more walking." Astra said, shoving us both forwards. 

Calida was already strutting ahead of us to the middle hallway. We quickly followed after her like a pack of hopeless sheep, flying past all the other doors until we came across a brown wooden door at the end of the hallway.

"Alright, in we go!" Calida said, opening the door and shoving everyone inside, closing the door behind her. And may I just say, holy shit was I wrong about the 'underwhelming' part of this school.

There was bright sunlight streaming in from the giant windows that took up the back wall. There was a pillar in the front center of the entire room that had all the kingdoms represented. It was made up of a block of the pillar wrapped with vines, another block made of glass on top of it containing an ever blazing flame, another block made of glass on top that contained a replica of a galaxy, another block on top of that which was painted black with a lightning bold, another block which was painted as though it were made of water, and the block at the top of the entire stack contained a lavender mist inside of glass. There was a normal secretary desk right behind it. 

The lady sitting at the desk looked up at us through her pink cat-eye glasses and smiled.

"Good morning, Your Highnesses. The headmistress is expecting you."

"Hello Mrs. Watershire! Yes, we are on our way." Calida said, shepherding us towards a sage green door that was located on the right wall. 

Once we walked in, I was severely underwhelmed once again by the completely bland principal's office. The walls were a dark maroon and the back walls were covered in boring old textbooks. The above walls were decorated with various accolades and Headmistress Thornbloom was sitting right below them at her mahogany desk, scowling at us. All of our friends were standing on either side, smiling like angels at us.

"What took you guys so long?" Isla asked us.

"Yes, that's what I'd like to know." Thornbloom said, raising an eyebrow.

So, Astra filled everyone in on what happened until the time that we walked in, which was 7:20 A.M. Soon enough, everyone had matching smirks and was looking at both Caspian and I.

"When should I expect the wedding?" Skylar giggled.

"Can I be one of your bridesmaids?" Electra asked innocently.

"Are you cheating on me, Cas-Cas?" Ricky said, pouting.

"I want to be the flower girl!" Isla said excitedly.

"Nice job, dude!" Orpheus said, giving us an enthusiastic thumbs-up.

"I didn't know you could make moves like that!" Cael smirked.

"For the last time, there will be no wedding!" I shouted at my friends. 

"Alright, you guys, come get your schedules. I made it easier on all of you and got you all classes together." Thornbloom smacked down on the table all of our schedules.

"Sweet! I got Environmental Sciences with Professor Nimblestick!" I said, looking at my schedule.

"No way, me too!" Isla squealed excitedly.

"Ugh, why do I have gym first thing in the morning?" Ricky groaned, glaring at his schedule.

"You and me both, kid." Skylar patted his shoulder for consolation.

"I have History of the 6 kingdoms ! This should be fun!" Astra said, grinning like a gremlin.

"Same here!" Electra high-fived them.

"Alright, I'll take the Environmental Sciences kids, Orpheus and Calida with the gym kids, and Cael with the History kids. Orpheus, can you make portals for us?" Caspian asked.

"Sure thing, dude!" Soon enough, three portals formed right in front of us. 

"Alright, in we go." Caspian shoved me through the portal.

It was the same experience as before where I felt peace until it wasn't. Once I got to the other side, I immediately fell to my knees and attempted to not throw up. 

"Well, that is certainly an entrance." I looked up to see a tall, stout man looking down at me with a black toupee and mustache that many people would kill for. 

Did I just ruin my first impression with my Science teacher on my first day?!

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