HIS Retribution & Rue

By SamMurty4

237K 20K 1.6K

"Marry me", Shaurya Singh Shekhawat muttered with pure hatred in his eyes holding her arms in his vile grip "... More

PART - 1
PART - 2
PART - 3
PART - 5
PART - 6
PART - 7
PART - 8
PART - 9
PART - 10
PART - 11
PART - 12
PART - 13
PART - 14
PART - 15
PART - 16
PART - 17
PART - 18

PART - 4

9.9K 803 44
By SamMurty4

"Good Morning sir... You called me ?", Akansha asked entering the principal's room. She is surprised to see the correspondent and even the school directors there. She greeted everyone and settled in the vacant seat. 

"Akansha... Like you are aware, We have our school Annual day coming in the next month. Here are the budget details, After careful consideration, we have decided to make you head of the planning committee.", the principal said and the directors nodded their heads agreeing to him. 

"Thank you for trusting me with such a big responsibility sir, I'll do my best", Akansha said with a confident smile. 

"We know you do... But still, I want to caution you, take care of all the minute details, this year we mark the 75th Anniversary since the school was established, We are inviting many VIPs, We'll share the guest list once finalized", the Chairman said. 

"Sure sir, I'll take care of everything. I'll be back with suitable themes till tomorrow", she replies.

"Tomorrow is too soon, take this week and get back to us... We'll share the guest list by then...", one of the directors told not liking Akansha's confident replies, he was one of those chauvinistic men who liked to hear only soft tone from women. Not the confident or bold tone Akansha was displaying. 

Akansha didn't like the tone he used, he may be the director of the school she worked in but he didn't have the right to talk to her in that tone... No one has... She only allowed one man to use that dominating tone on her, the man he loved, Shaurya, but even he didn't use that when he spoke to her... Yes, he hated her, yes he was harsh to her, but never that chauvinistic or dominating or disrespectful tone and she could never stop admiring him for his composure when it came to women. Yes, he had hurt her badly and she hated him for it, but she couldn't stop herself from remembering his good traits, especially when she saw arrogant men who thought they ran the world, she couldn't stop herself from thinking how different he was from those men. 

"I'll get back with the themes by tomorrow sir... If you didn't like them, I could work something else", she said stressing 'Sir' so that he didn't feel insulted, but she would put her point straight. She wouldn't have given a timeline in the first place if she wasn't capable of finishing it by then, she would stick to her words no matter what and wouldn't let anyone walk over her crushing her confidence. 

"Okay, Akansha... Send us the themes on our group mail, We'll check and let you know", the chairman said, she gave him a polite smile, greeted them, and left from there. 

"What's the need to agree to her dad ? I was talking right ?", the arrogant director, Parth spoke, apparently he was the chairman's son, but he didn't even have the decency to respect his father at least in front of other directors and the principal. 

"The Chief Minister was attending an event in our school for the first time, I want the event to be the best and Akansha is the best fit to head the planning committee, only she could pull this event successfully. I don't want any mistakes in the event, so you stay away from this Parth", the chairman said and walked away from there angering his arrogant son. 

Parth too got up and stormed out angrily determined to prove his father wrong. 

At night, Akansha was working on themes, when Richa walked in with Siya in her arms, the little girl giggling at something Richa said... 

"good that you both finished your little walk on time, now get to bed...", Akansha said keeping her laptop aside and picked up the comb to tie her daughter's hair and prepare her for bed. 

"Mama bear, I want to play some more time with Licha Aunty", Siya said... Richa groaned at how the little girl pronounced her name... 

"Baby... you can just call me aunty, no need to say my name, I'm your only aunt", Richa said, for a second, Akansha remembered her sister, if only she was at least one percent as good and loving as Richa was... she would have introduced her to her daughter... Akansha sighed deeply to avoid thinking about her family. They didn't deserve to be present even in her thoughts. 

"Okay... Mama bear, I want to play some more time with Aunty", Siya repeated, this time with pouted lips seeing her mother not breaking her resolve. 

"Awe... Siya baby, you are so cute... Yaar Anshu... I would have given anything to her if she asked like this, can't you let us play for 10 minutes ?", Richa said and Akansha rolled her eyes at their drama...

"Fine... but only 10 minutes, after that make her sleep... I have work", Akansha said picking up her laptop and walking to the bean bag present in the corner of the room. 

"Mama bear... looking at TV or phone causes pain hele(here)...", Siya said pointing to her little head with her little palms... Richa laughed looking at Akansha's shocked expression.

"Baby bear... I am working and I'm wearing my glasses, so I won't suffer a headache... Don't worry", Akansha said recovering from the shock... Her daughter was repeating the same words she used when asked her to not watch phone or TV. 

"Can I wear gasses(glasses) and watch TV Mamma, Pwease (please) ?", Siya asked cutely

"No Siya... kids don't wear glasses... Play with Richa aunty for 10 minutes and sleep, I have work baby", Akansha said softly...

"Do it tomorrow, let's talk, come on Akansha...", Richa said

"This is important Richa, Our school's annual day is in the coming month and I need to give the themes till tomorrow, I'm almost done anyways, we'll talk after that, till then put her to sleep", Akansha said, the little girl frowned seeing her mother and Aunt planning to talk after putting her to sleep, and she didn't like it a bit. But, one thing caught her, 'School's annual day' ? What was that ? Anything related to her school intrigued the little girl. 

"Mama ?", Siya called after thinking a lot on whether to ask her mother or not. 

"Yes Siya ?", Akansha replied, shifting all her concentration to her daughter, no matter how much workload she had, her baby always came first... 

"What is Anoul day ?(Annual)", Siya asked struggling to pronounce the name... Akansha smiled at her inquisitive daughter. She knew it would be Siya's first Annual day since the previous year, she wasn't allowed as it was her school's rule to not allow pre-school children citing they are too small to attend these kind of functions. She scoffed at the school management's thoughts, their actual reason was they thought these little children would create a mess and spoil the event, the school management could spend crores on arranging the event but couldn't afford a few extra people to manage these kids. Huh! Akansha hated their hypocrisy. 

"Baby it's 'Annual day'... and it's a day we celebrate our school's achievements and give prizes... um gifts to good students like my Siya", Akansha said and the little baby got excited hearing her mother...

"Gift ? Will I get one too ?", she asked and Akansha shrugged...

"I don't know baby... but I know you are a good student and mama would give you a gift after the event...", Akansha said, Siya jumped on the bed for a few times before she got down the bed and ran into her mother's arms kissing her cheek. 

"Leally... (Really) Mama bear... you will give me a gift ?", she asked and Akansha nodded with a wide smile... Her daughter has the same eyes as her father, Lotus eyes... beautiful, and broad... very expressive, and they become even wider when they express their happiness or excitement... 

"Yes... and you also get to participate in the event... like dance on the stage", Richa added walking towards the mother-daughter...

"Wow... Yayyyy I love to dance....", Siya said jumping up and down, twirling around, and giggling, her sweet laughter filled Akansha's heart with warmth... 

"Richa... I haven't planned a kids' dance... I don't think that would be possible considering the high-level authorities that would be present as chief guests there... Why did you talk about dance ? You know how much she loves to dance, now she would be disappointed when she knows she couldn't dance in the event...", Akansha whispered to her friend...

"And why aren't you planning the kids' performance ?", Richa asked

"What do you mean why ? The board won't agree to it, there will be VIPs and the chairman wants everything to be perfect, so he won't accept kids' performance", Akansha said, disappointed at how the directors and even the principal think... He mentioned to her specifically to not include any performances from nursery, junior, or senior KG. 

"I think you should include it, that's what would attract the VIPs the most, and I knew a dance teacher who could teach kids this age, he is famous in the industry for training kids, he works for Bollywood as well. I could get you his contact but he charges a lot, I'm sure budget wouldn't be a problem for your school", Richa said

"If that's the case, I would like to give it a try Richa... I would love to see my Siya perform... She loves the stage... completely opposite to me...", Akansha said

"Yeah... I always wonder how is she your daughter... You both are so different, you hate stages, you are more of an event manager, a backstage star while your daughter is a people lover... a total stage star... I don't know whom she took after", Richa said in a flow... 

Akansha's face paled knowing who she took after... Her father too loves stage... He never feared stage or people, unlike her who hated crowds, public speaking, and much more... Richa realized she hit the wrong nerve seeing Akansha's pale face. 

"Okay... I'll give you his contact... We're definitely doing this... I won't let my Siyu baby be disappointed", Richa said loudly attracting the little girl's attention who is dancing without a care... 

When she heard Richa's voice, she stopped her little dance and suddenly got shy... She hid her face with her palms... Akansha and Richa burst out laughing seeing her cute antics, Akansha forwarded her hands and Siya crashed into her arms hiding her face in her mother's chest. 

"God! You are so lucky Anshu... You have such a cute baby... Siyu baby... You are the cutest and prettiest baby I have ever seen", Richa said...

"Shh... You have said it enough times... not anymore...", Akansha said, Richa rolled her eyes at her best friend's stupid beliefs. When Siya comes into picture, She turns from a practical woman to this protective and typical Indian mother.

"Okay enough of playing, Siya, go to bed baby", Akansha said kissing her daughter's hair.

"Okay mamma", Siya said, kissed her mother's cheeks, and walked to bed, she climbed the bed with difficulty and Richa followed her. Richa tried to read a story or make her sleep but it became impossible, though Siya is used to be around Richa, she needs her mother to sleep. Richa looked helplessly at Akansha... She asks Richa to wrap one of her dupattas and then take Siya in her arms and pat her back slowly, Richa repeats the same and slowly the little girl falls asleep. 

"Your daughter needs your fragrance, she sniffed the dupatta like a cute puppy before falling asleep", Richa said settling beside Akansha after securing Siya with pillows around. 

"Shut up... Don't call my baby a puppy", Akansha said with her face scrunched.

"Puppies are cute Akansha", Richa argued

"I hate dogs", Akansha said

"you fear them more than you hate them", Richa added

"Whatever... I hate and fear them", Akansha said working in her laptop

"But Siya loves them...", Richa said 

"Yeah... She went on her father", Akansha's tongue slipped, she clicked it instantly for the words she spoke... the horror on her face told Richa that Akansha didn't want to say it.

"Day after tomorrow... I'm going to cover Mr. Bisht's wife's birthday. Family... That's one point where he had an advantage over the incumbent Chief Minister Shaurya Singh Ranawat... I need to show Dev's family man image and highlight it", Richa said, she thought she diverted the topic from Siya's father, without knowing she still spoke about him, and this time the truth was harsher. 

Akansha's heart panged with pain for Shaurya. He might not be a great husband but he is definitely a great leader, he cared for his people, she didn't think Dev didn't care for people or he wasn't a good leader but Shaurya was the best and he deserved to be the Chief Minister more than anyone. The thought that Richa wanted to use the lack of family against him upset Akansha. Richa hated when people said she intentionally accentuated Dev's image, but that's what she was doing now, Akansha wanted to point out but didn't. She didn't want to say anything positive about Shaurya or do something that would help him.

But, it did hurt when her friend said Shaurya wasn't a good leader just because he didn't have a family, and the so-called 'Family Man' image, well, Richa didn't exactly say that, but she was going to take advantage of that fact and Akansha felt it was wrong but she didn't voice out. 

"Can we talk about something else ?", Akansha said diverting the topic and Richa nodded knowing how much her friend hated politicians.

Both the friends talked while Akansha finished her work and then went to bed with Akansha warning her friend to go to her home and spend some time with her parents instead of crashing at her place every day, Richa as usual ignored her friend's warning like always. 

The next day, Richa dropped the mother-daughter duo at their school and went to work. Akansha mailed the shortlisted themes for the party to all the directors, while she went to the Principal's cabin to directly explain him. He was impressed, and even the directors and the chairman responded positively well except for one, Parth Goyal, but did she care ? No... the majority matters, and they together selected the theme from the lot she provided. And she also spoke about the kids's dance. The principal refused at first but Akansha convinced him, she said everyone would be attracted to the kids' performance and it would impress them a lot if they were trained perfectly. She told about the renowned choreographer who could train the kids, the principal gave his nod after a lot of assurance from Akansha. 

When he spoke to the chairman, he agreed too, as he knew Shuarya loved kids. But he warned the principal and Akansha to make sure that the kids don't mess up. Akansha assured him and left from there. 

After finishing up with her work, Akansha and Siya went home, she knew Richa won't be there today as she would get late plotting to degrade Shuarya on his lack of 'Family Man image'. Akansha thought bitterly at her friend's planning. A tiny part of her heart wanted to warn her friend that she was going against her own values she created, of not supporting a particular person and instead covering news in an unbiased manner but the major part of her heart which was broken by that man stopped Akansha from saying anything. It was none of her business and it would stay that way. 

That night, it was difficult for her to sleep but she was adamant on not calling Richa or stopping her from doing what she had planned.


As promised to his best friend, Shaurya decided to visit their farmhouse for Rachna, Dev's wife's birthday. He wrapped his work for the morning and left to Dev's farmhouse. He purposely planned to visit them in the afternoon, for lunch as he knew there won't be any guests or family members till evening. Everyone were invited in the evening, now only Dev, his wife and children would be there, so he chose this time. 

"Finally... the chief minister is here...", Dev teased his friend, Shaurya ignored his annoying best friend and walked towards Rachna...

"Happy Birthday Dear... Wish you a great year ahead", Shaurya said giving her a quick hug who thanked him with a wide smile on her face...

"I thought you wouldn't come... The kids are gonna be so happy, their Uncle Shaurya is here after so many days", Rachna said

"You mean months baby ?", Dev taunted his friend

"Dev... You better keep that big mouth in check or else I won't mind landing a punch or two", Shaurya warned his best friend. Dev raised his hands in surrender making Shaurya smile and Rachna laugh.

Shaurya walks in and the kids run to him as soon as they see him screaming in happiness. Dev has two sons, Shaurya ruffles the elder one's hair and picks up the younger one kissing his cheek. 

He played with the two while Dev and Rachna arranged the lunch, they wanted to have it in the garden but they knew there were chances to get photographed. Dev took measures but still paparazzi's unpredictability scared them so they decided to have lunch indoors.

The kids wanted Shaurya to feed them, but Rachna and Dev denied it, asking them to eat by themselves without troubling their Uncle Shaurya but they were adamant, and Shaurya could never say 'No' to them, he loved them so much and sometimes hated that he couldn't spend enough time with them so he fulfilled their every wish when he was with them. 

After lunch, he played with the boys for hours, and after making the kids asleep, he sat to talk with his best friend and his wife who is also his close friend. 

"So, how are things going CM sir ?", Rachna asked settling beside him, while Dev sat opposite to them... He kept meeting him in the assembly, or some other work-related things but Rachna couldn't, he knew she missed Shaurya, so he let her talk to him...

"They are going good, but there are so many things that could be improved... I feel so distressed at the kind of life our people are living, compared to other developed nations, they deserve much more Rachna, and the fact that I'm failing to give it to them is very disappointing", Shaurya said, he never expressed his distress to anyone, he was always confident about what he was doing for the people but he let out his worries in front of his best friend and his wife. They are his only family, who would never judge him and try to understand him. 

Shuarya knew his state's condition is better in some things compared to the developed nations which faces a lot of other problems but he always picked up the positive aspects, and growth parameters to compare so that he set a benchmark for the development, growth and quality of life. 

"Shaurya... You are doing your best... and I don't care even if you think I'm exaggerating but you are the best chief minister this state has ever seen in it's history...", Rachna said and Sahurya chuckles at his friend's claims.

"Abbey Has mat(Don't laugh Man!) she is absolutely right... Well, it's a different thing that I could take that tag from you if I get to be the Chief Minister", Dev said and both Shaurya and Rachna laughed at it pissing Dev. 

After spending some quality time, Shaurya comes out followed by Dev and Rachna... Richa who was there to capture some candid Pictures of Dev with his family is shocked to see Shaurya there. Her cameraman didn't arrive yet and she cursed him for the delay, if he had been here, he would have captured Shaurya, nonetheless, she took her mobile and clicked the pictures... But Shaurya's team caught her... She cursed her fate, her intention wasn't to get caught, her phone couldn't capture the images clearly from a distance so she walked a bit forward and that was her mistake. The chaos grabbed Shaurya's and Dev's attention. 

Dev recognized Richa and asked Shaurya to ask the guards to bring her to them, and Dev blinked at Shuarya, and Shaurya caught the hint. The two best friends' knew how to cover their meet up very well to avoid any speculations.

The guards brought Richa towards them...

"CM Saab, this is Richa... reporter at...", Dev started but Shaurya interrupted giving her a pleasant smile...

"I Know... Well... I like to watch my critics more than my supporters...", Shaurya said to Dev before turning to Richa "You are great at what to do... but when you report something, try to know the other side of the coin too, it would help you in making an unbiased judgment", Shaurya advised Richa... Shaurya's pleasant smile looked too familiar but Richa couldn't get a hang of it... Looking at him closely doubted if she knew him personally but she shook her thoughts away and gave a polite nod to him. 

"Yes sir...", Richa replied... Well, she is a critic of the ruling party but she respected Shaurya... 

"What are you doing here Richa ?", Dev asked

"Um...", she hesitated saying it in front of Shaurya and both the friends understood it. And they also observed Richa's suspicious looks at them which she was trying hard to hide but was unsuccessful at it.

"Okay, I'll take your leave Dev ji(Mr. Dev)", Shaurya folded his hands and Dev reciprocated. Later both the men shook their hands as well.

"thanks for coming CM saab... It means a lot to me and my family", Dev said and Shaurya nodded curtly. Gave a polite smile to Rachna, he folded his hands and she reciprocated it, and then Shaurya walked away from there without giving a look to Richa.

"Now tell me Richa... Why are you here ?", Dev asked sternly...

"I'm sorry sir, I know you want to spend this day with your family privately but I want to click some candid pictures of your family that would help in your PR", Richa answered and that got Dev furious but his wife held his hand controlling him. 

"You are not my PR manager Richa... You are a journalist and I want you to report the news, people's problems not news about my family or publicize my family man image", Dev warned Richa...

"I would do that as well sir, but I think you are a good leader but you are underrated, so I'm just trying to help... I'm sorry if I crossed a line", Richa apologized and Dev nodded accepting it...

"One more thing Richa... Don't talk about CM Saab's presence here, it was a private meet, I invited all the ministers and even the CM to the evening party, but he said he couldn't make it, so I asked him to visit me at any time that was feasible for him, and he came for lunch...", Dev said but Richa wanted to show it, as it would create a good image for Dev if the people get to know that he invited the Chief Minister that belonged to the ruling party, who was his biggest rival in work to his wife's birthday party. That would show him in a different angle which wasn't touched till date but Dev refused. After a lot of argument, Richa agreed. 

That night Richa filled in Akansha with every detail and how Dev convinced her to keep this news under covers and by now Richa is frustrated but Akansha is relieved. She soon shook away those thoughts that are happy that Shaurya was saved from some damage.

Precap - Akansha backsout from the planning committee knowing about the chief guest. She also restricts Siya from participating but Richa helps the little girl. Siya meets Shaurya finally.

P. S - The next chapter will be this weekend.

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