To Find What is Lost

By Youbethinkywingblurb

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Find is the story of a certain son of Hades, dragged out of his almost perfect life to attend a crazy magic s... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Smiling
Chapter 2: Hades
Chapter 3: Goodbye
Chapter 4: Malfoy
Chapter 5: Sorting
Chapter 6: Oracle
Chapter 7: Blueprint
Chapter 8: Crush
Chapter 9: IM
Chapter 10: Library
Chapter 11: Help
Chapter 12: Gossip
Chapter 13: Argument
Chapter 14: Comfort
Chapter 15: Avoiding
Chapter 16: Ron
Chapter 17: Ball
Chapter 18: Royalty
Chapter 19: Permission
Chapter 20: Dancing
Chapter 21: Confused
Chapter 22: Trust
Chapter 23: Oggling
Chapter 24: Soul
Chapter 25: Safe
Chapter 26: Home
Chapter 27: Arriving
Chapter 28: Knowing
you never have a choice
Chapter 29: Shopping
Chapter 30: Snowballs
you're really sick of not having a choice
Chapter 31: Spying
Chapter 32: Obliviate
Chapter 33: Coward
Chapter 35: Speech
Chapter 36: Perfect
Chapter 37: Vision
Chapter 38: Door
Chapter 39: Tear
Chapter 40: Hogwash
Chapter 41: Traitor
Chapter 42: History
Chapter 43: Knowledge
Chapter 44: Unbound
Chapter 45: Silence
Chapter 46: Nothingness
Chapter 47: Stalling
Chapter 48: Love
Thanks Guys ;)

Chapter 34: Gorgeous

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By Youbethinkywingblurb

Hello! Um, lets not talk about the fact that I forgot to post yesterday :D. ANYWAY, I have got to say I really really enjoyed writing this chapter, I absolutely ADORE writing clothing descriptions so they may be a little... lengthly... I couldn't find any good images of any of the clothes so you'll just have to imagine them yourself, the above picture isn't meant to be Pansy or anyone it's just the best picture I could find that in anyway represented what I was going for, hope you enjoy this chapter -Emmi 


A speech. A speech! What was it even supposed to be about?

"I don't even go to this stinking school! How am I supposed to write a speech about it!"

Will was patient, but he couldn't hide a grin. Apparently he thought all this was very amusing. Ugh.

Nico still couldn't believe that McGonagall just expected him to do this, after all, he hadn't wanted to be King of the ball! King of ghosts was quite enough for anyone, and yet he was now being forced to do a stupid dance which he didn't even know and give a speech that he couldn't even write!!

"Stupid ball." he muttered from his position slumped over a desk in the common room. His only slight satisfaction now was that Maddison had received a month's worth of detention.

Nico wasn't making absolutely no progress, the speech was... coming along. He was using a charmed quill to write, so he had only to dictate to it. It was still tricky though.

The first line he had come up with went something like this:

Um, so um students and teachers at Hogwarts I am writing this like um speech because I'm the king of the ball and I have to write a speech so this is it and, um, I suppose I should say that like this school is really good and that I like all the people here, except I don't really you're all complete idiots, but um... Oh Hades!

It was difficult to write with a quill that wrote down every word you spoke, ums included, plus Nico felt he hadn't done the enchantment quite right, because it kept misspelling words and leaving ink-blots everywhere when he stopped to think too long. Maybe there was a better way to do this?

Luckily he was spared the attempt to write a better speech by the arrival of Pansy and Blaise. Nico wasn't putting the speech off, he had to go see Pansy now that she was back!!

"Oh my god you guys are going to love what I got you!!" she squealed and grabbed all her towering bags off Blaise who could barely see over them poor boy. She immediately rummaged through bags and dragged out gorgeous piece after lacey-ruffly piece, finally coming to a conclusion of what was what, she threw a bag each at Nico and Will and shoved them into their dorm with a scream of: "you better like it!"

After she slammed the door on them, the two boys exchanged glances; Will looked like he could barely refrain from bursting into laughter, and Nico wondered if he looked as horrified as he felt. Unfortunately they didn't have much choice on the matter and Nico just prayed that Pansy had good taste; he didn't know what he'd do if she bought him a ruffly pink suit with lace.

With another grin, Will pushed Nico into the bathroom and said, "better get it over with."

A second door slammed in Nico's face, leaving him alone in the dorm bathroom. With a sigh he realised Will was of course right, and (was he holding his breath?) he stuck a hand out to pull the clothing from his bag.

When all the clothing was laid out on the floor he found that the bag contained a set of pure black robes, strangely fitted like a wizard's robes; which Nico never really understood.

The first layer was a black shirt, and curiously Pansy had chosen black jeans to go with it, Nico was grateful for the jeans, they reminded him of his normal outfit. Over this came the interesting piece; it was like a black tunic that reached down to just above his knees, but it was open at the front, like a coat. The sleeves were long, reaching to his wrists, and wide so that you could have fit three arms in one, and the material was all a clear deep black fabric. The collar, bottom, cuffs and the open bit at the front were lined with a wide black pattern that laid out beautiful swirls in the fabric. To go with this was a wide black leather belt, with a silver buckle, to fasten the robe together. Also in the bag were a pair of black leather boots.

It was a beautiful outfit, even Nico had to admit, but he felt awkward in it. He supposed taking it off and saying it wasn't his style wasn't an option, so he tentatively opened the door to the main dorm. His eyes widened when he saw Will; his boyfriend was wearing a white suit, with gold running all down the jacket like inlays of real metal, swirls and small suns adorned the sleeves and lapels, matching his hair and bright blue eyes. (listen I looked and looked but I cannot find what colour Will's eyes are, so I'm just gonna assume they're blue until further notice)

The two spoke at the same time:

"You look amazing," said Nico.

"You look wonderful," said Will.

The two looked at each other for a second, and then started laughing. When they had finished laughing Will smiled widely, "You really do look great Neeks, Pansy can certainly pick out clothes."

Nico smiled back, "You look amazing too." he said truthfully, then sighed, "I suppose we'll have to go into public looking like this now."

Will gave a chuckle, "I'm afraid balls tend to be pretty public yes, but don't worry, you look great!"

"You've said." said Nico with a playful roll of his eyes.

A knock came at the door, "Are you two finished yet?" Pansy sounded impatient.

"Yes!" called Will.

So Pansy came busting through the door with Blaise in toe, the second she saw them she promptly squealed loudly in delight and clapped her hands together, jumping up and down in excitement.

"Oh my god you two look amazing!!"

Nico reddened slightly at the compliment but Will just grinned.

"Nico, you look absolutely wonderful, the black is totally just accentuating your whole emo-ness and the cut of that tunic is just to die for! Of course we'll have to do your hair on the day, I've already got an idea. Will you look utterly stunning! I saw that suit in the shop and I said to Blaise, I said 'don't you think that suit would suit Will's hair?' and it does of course!!"

She seemed so ecstatic that even Nico couldn't help catching on a little of her enthusiasm.

"Right, now me and Blaise are going to put ours on!" she announced and shoved the two demigods right out of the dorm and into the common room.

"I kinda wish people'd stop doing that." grumbled Nico, as the door slammed in their faces once again.

The common room was mercifully empty, only a few fourth years and a single stressed seventh year freaking out about their NEWTs, poor soul. Nico didn't have to take his NEWTs, neither did Draco Blasie and Pansy, as they had taken their exams last year and so (supposedly) had Nico.

The two sat awkwardly in the corner, trying not to be noticed in their extravagant outfits. They spoke quietly while they waited for Pansy and Blaise to be finished, and Will was just laughing at his own joke when Pansy opened the door an inch and called to them, "hey, boys, come on!"

The demigods walked over and entered the dorm again, Pansy was dressed gorgeously in a dark red mermaid dress that hugged her curves until the knees where it spread out in a wide ruffle of red satin, the sleeves were cut off the shoulder so they hung off her arms in long trains and the dress was adorned with a simple golden belt which sat on her hips and a golden necklace and earrings. She looked... beautiful.

Blaise looked awkward and self conscious in his simple black suit, probably because Pansy had given him a red shirt with it so he looked a bit like a vampire.

Nico raised an eyebrow, "Going a bit Gryffindor are we?" he asked jokingly.

Pansy's delighted grin fell into a scowl in a second and she whacked him over the head with a shopping bag, "It's not Gryffindor red, it's blood red, and it brings out my eyes." she huffed.

The shopping bag was hard, and the son of Hades' eyes were watering as he apologised hastily for the comment.

"You look great." said Will, "You have a very good fashion sense, and thanks for picking out our clothes, I don't know what we would have done without you."

Pansy seemed mellowed by the praise, and rolled her eyes, "Probably gone in jeans and a T-shirt if left to your own devices." she said, but she was smiling again. Thank the gods for Will.

"Haven't you got something for Draco?" Nico asked.

Pansy laughed, "Draco doesn't need me to pick out clothes for him!" She said as if the joke was hilarious, "He has a bigger wardrobe than me, and that's saying something." then her face fell a little and she muttered, "Of course last year his favourite dress robes did get spattered with... horrible party really." she looked troubled, but she quickly waved it aside, "Never mind that now!" she said overly cheerily, "that's all over and done with for a reason! Who's coming to dinner with me like this? Or are we changing?"

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