Inscribed In The Stars

By AmeliaValerie

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SEQUEL TO WRITTEN IN THE STARS *UPDATES EVERY 19TH OF MONTH* Dalia Al-Ruwaisi, eldest Princess to the Kingdom... More

Character list and Moodboards
Part 1 - Rughad (Prologue)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Part 2 - Balqaas (Chapter 9)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 16

350 19 7
By AmeliaValerie

The moment they slipped into the streaming line of commutators, Dalia forgot all about her troubles at the Palace. She felt home again as a cacophony of sellers hollered their best goods of the day, others beckoning for her to come in for a closer look, with their alluring prices. However, Dalia was not a novice to the ways of the marketplace. She had seen and dealt with enough miserly merchants to not let her ears be tempted by them. Merchants who set up stalls on the outskirts of the Souq always boosted their prices, knowing that their customers would buy from them only to save themselves the journey of delving deeper.

Dalia kept up with the pace of the crowd until finally, her feet felt the hard stone path, which marked the souq - as Meera had informed her. The said person was only a step behind her, having clung to the back of her borrowed uniform so they did not get separated.

"Keep going Ameera, the narrow path will open soon," Meera whispered, and soon enough, the crowd around them dispersed. Dalia's eyes widened in amazement as she took in the scene around her; a large square covered with stalls, and at its center, was a magnificent stone fountain.

"This is the Grand Souq," her handmaiden announced, but Dalia's feet were already moving. Even with her face veil on, her nose was intoxicated by the sweet smell of jasmine flowers, guiding her towards them. The white buds looked like a basket of pearls amongst the array of colours. She delicately picked one up and brought it closer to her nose, inhaling the comforting aroma. Her fingertips rubbed the petals, encasing her skin with the scent.

"Yes, Habibti?"

Dalia lifted her head and found the stall owner directing a tight smile at her. Despite the term of endearment, the lady's eyes were laced with hostility and suspicion.

"What can I help you with?" she continued, eyeing her attire before glancing at Meera.

"We have been instructed to find the most aromatic jasmine petals for the Palace," she started but then felt a pinch on her back.

"Ah, and why is that?" the owner asked, folding her arms over each other. "Everyone knows the royal family only likes the scent of roses,"

Dalia cringed, inwardly scolding herself for having forgotten that fact; one that had been mentioned during her lessons.

"It is for the new Ameera," she blurted, earning another pinch from Meera. Dalia made a mental note to herself that she would have a word with her handmaiden when they got back.

The owner's eyes widened, and her face twisted with distaste. She stormed over to them, forcing their steps back until they could no longer reach for the flowers.

"That woman is no Ameera of ours, I want no business with a Rughadi! Who's to say she won't attempt at our Malik's life!" she spat. "Leave!"

"What did you say?" Dalia rumbled, her clenched fists ready to strike. But Meera had taken hold of them, already dragging her away from the glare of the stallkeeper until they stood close enough to feel the spray of the water from the fountain.

"How dare she!" Dalia fumed, pulling her hand out of her handmaiden's grip.

"Ameera, please calm down, people are looking-" Meera whisper-shouted, her eyes glancing around them.

Dalia took a deep breath, muttering curses under her breath.

"We should head back to the Palace soon-"

"But I want to look around more. I haven't bought anything yet," Dalia interjected, then spun on her heels before Meera could stop her.

"Wait!" her maidservant called out, but Dalia had already slid into the crowd. Her eyes roamed the exuberant merchandise on display. There were all sorts of textile fabrics, dried and candied fruit and nuts, piles of fragrant tea, and stalls distributing steaming cups of caffeine. Perfumers hung ornate burners from their doors, swinging scented smoke that drowned out the smell of sweaty commuters.

"The stalls will close soon for 'Asr prayers,"

Meera had caught up, and to Dalia's dismay, she was correct. The adhan could be heard in the distance, echoing from all directions, signaling for shopkeepers to pause in their business affairs and hasten to prayer.

"Can we find some jasmine flowers first? I promise, we will return after," She requested, at which her handmaiden nodded.

"Fine, but you'll need this," Meera agreed and then bought out a silk pouch from her waist.

Dalia's eyes lit up as she recognized her coin pouch.

"Thank you! I was in such I rush I must have forgotten about it!" Dalia cheered, grabbing Meera in for a quick embrace.

"There are some more flower stalls on the path back," Meera said shyly, her cheeks tinged pink. "I hope this is enough to forgive me,"

Dalia smiled. "Yes, it is,"


Salma had just paid for a bag of mixed nuts when she spotted a familiar face in the crowd. She attempted to follow, her curiosity demanding to be fulfilled, but the souq was brimming with shoppers. Salma, having grown up on the streets of Balqaas, had no problem keeping up with the pace. When the sand-coloured pair stopped by a flower stall, Salma stopped a few stalls behind, until she was able to confirm that indeed it was her comrade Meera.

Although very rarely, Palace servants were not usually seen roaming around city streets, especially during work hours, unless there was an absolute urgency to do so. But from what she could see, it didn't seem like the person with Meera was in any rush as she carefully sifted through a jasmine flower basket, picking out each bud one by one. Salma struggled to recognize Meera's veiled companion from the distance.

Thinking nothing of it, she was about to head back to Yumna's home, when Salma noticed that she wasn't the only one watching them. On the other side of the street, lurking in an alleyway between the stalls, were two gruff-looking men in dark attire. They wore plain black keffiyehs around their mouths in an obvious attempt to obscure their identities. When patrol guards passed, they ducked back into the alleyway, peaking around again to look at the two women dressed like the colour of the sand beneath them. Others who noticed them turned away ignorantly, out of fear of involving themselves.

Salma stayed, waiting for the girls to move on from the stall just to see if the men followed.

And they did.

Meera and her companion were taking the path back to the Palace, one which was not commonly used by many. And yet these men pursued them in the shadows. Salma hoped that the men were nothing but thieves.

Salma did the same, relying on her knowledge of the back streets from her old days of avoiding Jafr. She shuddered at the thought of him.

The streets were beginning to empty, except for the few rushing to the nearest mosques before congregation prayers began. They were too occupied with fulfilling their prayers to take notice of the scene.

Salma was careful. If these men were skilled in what they were doing, they would notice her following them too, so she kept a wide distance between them. The Palace walls were coming into view ahead of them, and that was when Meera and her friend dipped off-path into an alleyway.

Realizing they had been caught, the two men dashed into a run, taking the same turn the girls had. Salma's heart began to thunder in her chest, and coming to a quick realization, she tied the sack of mixed nuts to her waist belt and dashed after them.

Meera was gripping tightly to Dalia's hand as they wove between dusty paths, praying to lose their hunters. They were so close to the Palace grounds, to safety. Dalia's face veil was dampening with sweat, but they could not cease.

"This way!" Meera shouted, her sandals slapping hard against the dusty path. Some streets were so narrow that they had to enter one by one, but still, the black shadows followed.

Her handmaiden continued straight ahead, but just as they took a turn, they discovered one of the men blocking their way.

"Don't move," said the man, drawing out a curved blade from his waist. "Or we'll hurt you,"

"Why are you following us?" Meera asked, as his companion did the same.

Dalia kept close to Meera, shielding her as her eyes dashed between the two men and their surroundings. There was nothing around them she could use to defend themselves except the dust beneath their feet.

"You are coming with us," he gruffed, aiming his blade at them. "Quietly,"

"If you want coins, we'll give them to you. Just let us go!" Meera pleaded, but the man in front of them cackled.

"We're no ordinary thieves,"

The two were closing in on them, and just as they lifted their blades to strike, a glass bottle struck the back of his head, smashing into tiny shards. Taken aback by the attack, they turned away distracted, only to find the alleyway empty.

"Now!" announced a female voice, and Dalia lept at the frontman, shoving him to the side as she tugged Meera forward. Ahead of them, a woman stepped out and threw two more glass bottles behind them, one hitting the man behind and the other at the foot of the other, before ducking back into the corner.

"This way!" she commanded, signaling Dalia to follow her and leading them further away, but closer to the Palace walls. They got to a door, which Salma thudded twice, but did not open. Salma began muttering under her breath, cursing herself for forgetting the phrase that needed to be said to grant access.

"What is it, what is it!" Salma mumbled, stomping her feet frustratingly. The two women were catching up but so were the two men, despite blood trickling down from the one she had successfully hit.

Meera and her companion had caught up, their hands slamming against the wood of the door.

"A monkey is a gazelle in his mother's eyes!" she exclaimed, and not a second later, the door swung open revealing three stoic palace guards.

Salma spun back around only to find the path behind them empty. The men were gone, leaving but a trail of red specks in the dust.

"Salma, what are you doing?! Get in!" Meera called. She had already pushed past the guards with her companion.

Eyebrows knitted, Salma calmed her racing heart and followed them inside.

"What is the meaning of this?" The guards questioned, as they bolted the door behind them.

"What were you doing outside the Palace gates?" another interrogated, crossing his arms over his chest.

"We were-" Meera started, but then the guards glanced behind her and gasped, lowering their heads.

"You will not speak of this to anyone. You did not see us, understood?" Dalia commanded, having uncovered the material over her face.

"Understood, Ameera," they obeyed.

"If word gets out about this, I will know it was you three. And I will not hesitate to punish."

The guards nervously shifted on their feet.

Dalia redid her face veil and turned to Salma.

"You best not mention this to anyone either," Dalia instructed, then covered her face once more. "Meera, take me back to the Harem,"

Salma, still in shock at what had just happened, was frozen. This whole time, Meera's accomplice had been the Princess of Rughad. She couldn't understand why they were being followed until now.

Thanking the guards for their help, Salma ran after the pair.

"Do you know who you were being followed by?" Salma whispered to Meera, who shook her head.

"They weren't ordinary thieves," Meera muttered, her voice trembling.

"Mercenaries," Dalia added, keeping her head low. "Someone had assigned them,"

"But how did they know about us leaving?" Meera asked, avoiding eye contact with the servants and maids they passed. She was leading the veiled Princess around the Palace, to avoid the busy areas, which meant weaving through the many courtyards and gardens. The sun had already begun its descent, so lamps were being lit around them.

"I don't know how, but there must be eyes watching us very closely."

"We should inform the Malik-" Salma stated as they finally passed through the arches of the Harem, making their way around the pool of turquoise.

"No." The Princess replied, coming to an abrupt stop.

She whipped around to her and even with half her face veiled, the intensity of her glare was enough for Salma to want to scrape back the words she had uttered.

Dalia stepped closer.

"You will not utter a word of this to anyone, not even to Haifa."

Salma gulped and bowed submissively, her nose pinching at the sweet smell of jasmine that radiated off of the Princess. There was a familiarity about it that she hated.

Dalia turned to Meera. "Make sure the other servant girls don't spread a word outside of these walls.

Meera's eyes skimmed their surroundings.

"There's no one here..." she trailed but the Princess had already dashed into her chambers.

Behind her, Salma sighed.

"Thank you for your help today," Meera said, finally able to catch her breath.

Salma shook her head. "Let's hope there is nothing to worry about,"

"I was ready to surrender until I saw your face pop out from behind the wall. How did you know where we were?"

"I was on my way back from the Souq when I noticed you and those two men watching you both from the shadows-" Salma answered, and then gasped. "Oh no, the nuts!"

She quickly felt for the bag she had tied to her waist but it was missing. Her shoulders slumped. She had used all of the coins Yumna had given her to purchase them, and now she had lost them.

"I must have dropped them when we were running," Salma groaned.

"Let me get you some from the Kitchen. I'm sure Umm Qassim wouldn't mind giving you some from the Inventory. Sahiba will be suspicious if you return empty-handed-" Meera suggested, heading for the exit.

"Suspicious of what?"

The pair froze in recognition and lowered their gazes compulsively.

Thaina entered, her eyes searching around them frantically.

"Meera! Where have you been? The whole Palace has been looking for the Ameera!" Thaina exclaimed, worry laced in her voice.

Meera and Salma exchanged confused looks.

"The Malik went to visit Ameera but she was nowhere to be seen. The last the maidservants saw her, was with you!" Thaina narrated. "Where have you both been?!"

"We-we-" Meera stammered, her eyes widening.

Thaina turned to Salma. "And what brings you here? Did you not go with Haifa this morning? Did something happen to her? Is she alright?"

"Yes! Sahiba is fine-"

"Then what is happening? Where were you both?" Thaina exclaimed.

Salma sighed, looking to Meera, who was subtly shaking her head.

"We have to say something!" Salma whispered.

"But Ameera told us not to!" Meera pleaded.

"Tell me about what? Where is she?"

"Ameera and Meera left the Palace-" Salma blurted.


"But they have returned!" Salma continued, holding her hands up to calm the Queen.

"Ameera wanted to purchase some jasmine buds," Meera added defeatingly. "She always picked them herself back home, and she insisted on doing the same here,"

"Where is Dalia now?" Thaina demanded.

"Ameera returned to her chambers-"

"Oh no," Thaina frowned.

"The Malik is waiting there now."


Souq - Marketplace/Bazaar

Ameera - Princess

Malik - King

Habibti - My Dear

Asr - Late noon prayer

Adhan - Call to prayer

Sahiba - Lady

Umm - Mother (of)

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