marvel cinematic universe (ph...

By hopper220

878 9 1

what if the heroes and some villains had partners who are also their love interest (marvel heroes x bada... More

Iron man & Iron woman
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
the incredible hulks
chapter one
chapter two
chapter four
iron man & iron woman 2
chapter one

chapter three

29 0 0
By hopper220

Cut to  the next day  as  Betty  walked Bruce and  Susan  to  the university
As well  as  gave  them  new clothes  as Bruce and Susan  were  saying  goodbye  to  Betty   again   but  before Bruce or Susan   could  say  anything  they  noticed  soliders  on  the university  grounds 

Betty: what 

Bruce: they're here

Susan: Betty  look at me   Look at me!

Betty: Suze!

Susan: you  have  to  go  far  away  from us  as  you  can!    Don't  argue  with  me 
Just  go    go!

Betty: Bruce!  Susan!

(As Bruce and Susan  run away  as  army vehicles  with  ross inside As it approached   the  campus  as  soliders  come out  of  hiding  running  after   Bruce and Susan  )

Ross: damn it!   We'd  have  had  snipers  on  target   in  three  more minutes      I  wanna  know   who  jumped   the gun

(As Bruce and Susan  were  still  running  towards  the  college building as  blonsky  came  out   running  faster than  the  other  soliders   )

Blonsky: they're  heading   2-7-0

(As Bruce and Susan  stopped  for a  second   seeing  blonsky and  the soliders  running  after them   as they grabbed  each other's  hands  and  kept running    as  blonsky  has  ran  past  all the soliders   to  the  front  )

Ross: (on radio coms)  blonsky!  Not yet!

(As blonsky stopped  as  the  soliders stopped  behind  him)

Solider: sir

Blonsky: look  alive    this  could  get  interesting 

(As Bruce and Susan  kept running  as they run into  the university library  as Bruce  and  Susan  stopped  and  hid in a section   as  Bruce  takes  the  thumb drive   that  Betty  gave  them  and  forced himself   to  shallow it   as  they left  the  bag   and  then  kept  running as  a  solider  spots  them )

Solider: I got them!

Cut to outside  as  Betty  runs in front of the military vehicle  as  she knows  Ross is  inside

Betty: stop!  Stop!  Stop!  

(As it stopped  in front of  her)

Betty: I know   you're  in there!
General   please!     Dad!!

(As Ross and a few soliders  exit  the vehicle  as  Betty  runs up  to  ross)

Betty: dad   please  don't  do  this 

Ross: you can't  see  this  clearly  now get inside 

Solider: there  they are!

(As they see  Bruce and Susan  running into  a  glass  hallway  )

Ross: (on radio walkie-talkie)  do not engage!  Repeat!    Do  not  engage!

(As they soliders  locked  them inside)

Solider: they're  locked  in 

Ross: (on radio walkie-talkie )put  two  canisters   in there with them!

(As  soliders  Shot  two cans  of  tear gas inside  the  glass hallway  as  Bruce and Susan  took off   their  jackets  to  cover their mouths   as  Betty  runs  to try and help her  sister  and her friend  )

Ross: get  her  back  here!

(As soliders  run after  Betty  to subdue her   as  Bruce and Susan  watched  as it got  them  angry  as  gas  filled  the hallway   both  Bruce  and  Susan  were transforming  into  their  hulk selfs  as everyone  watched  in suspense   as  hulk  and  red she hulk   breaks  the glass  And  jumped  outside  roaring in anger 

Ross: now  she'll  see

(As the hulks  roared  in anger  again then walks  over  to  the soliders)

Ross: (walkie-talkie)  alpha team   let them  have  all  of  it

(As the soliders  fire their  guns at  them as  the hulks  felt  more angry   as  they were  both  running  towards  the soliders)

Ross: (into walkie-talkie)  where  are  the  fifty cals    move your  asses!

(As  a  military vehicle  with  a fifty caliber  machine gun on top  as a solider  start  shooting  at  the hulks  as  hulk shaves it  away   as  another  one  appears   shooting  them  again  as  hulk  and  red  she hulk   stomped  it then  picked  it up   and  smashed  it  into  an  art piece   as   red  she hulk  ripped  out   the  engine  of  the  vehicle and  throws  it   at  the  other vehicle  as  the vehicle  smashed  into  another  as they  exposed  causing  a  fire  )

Ross: (on walkie-talkie)  blonsky  now
You're up!

Solider: sir

(As the solider  gives  blonsky a Grenade launcher   as   blonsky  shoots at  the hulks  as  a grenade blows up in they're faces  not hurting them  just angering  the hulks even more  as  hulk and  red she hulk  both   grabbed   a piece  of  metal  from  the  art piece  and  they use it  as  shields  )

Blonsky: remember me!

(As blonsky then dropped  the launcher  and  jumped  over  the  hulks  heads  and  hangs onto  the  art piece  as  he then  fires his gun at  the hulks  Making them  more angry  as  the hulks tried smashing  them  with  the  pieces of metal  they have   but  blonsky  jumped over  the hulks  again   as  the hulks  kept  using  the  metal pieces  to  hit blonsky  as  he dodged  all  the hits  as Ross  watched  impressed  that  the serum  was  working  )

Ross: my God    he's doing it   (on walkie-talkie  telling  blonsky)  move them!  Towards  the  cannons!

(As blonsky  then  ran towards  the cannons  Making  the  hulks  follow  as blonsky  ran faster   even  the hulks were  gaining  up  after him  as blonsky sees   the soliders  set up  the sonic cannons   as  blonsky  was getting  the hulks  closer )

Blonsky: do it!  Now!!

(As the soliders  turned on  the sonic cannons  as  two  big  sonic echo  waves pushed  blonsky  away   as  the hulks got  caught  in  it   as  the sonic wave was  hurting   as   they  both  covered  their  ears   and   went  down on the ground   as  Betty  went  to  her father begging  him to  stop )

Betty: no no  stop   please  please  you have to  stop  (As soliders hold her back)  you're  killing  them!!  Stop!!
Bruce!!   Susan!!!! 

(As  hulk and  red she hulk  focused on Betty  as  that  gave  them both  the strength  to  get up  and  grab  the metal pieces  and   use  them  to  take  out  the sonic echo wave  cannons   to Ross's shock of  what happened  )

Ross: where's  the  airship 

(As blonsky grabbed a  machine gun and  started  shooting  at  the hulks again  as  they  used  the metal pieces to block it  as  the gun ran out of  bullets  blonsky  started  to   just  walk up  to  the hulks  looking  at  them)

Blonsky: is that  it 

Ross: (on walkie-talkie talking to blonsky)  blonsky   pull  back  now 
Pull back

(As blonsky  takes  out  his ear piece  and  continues  looking  at  the hulks)

Blonsky: is  that  all  you got 

(As  both  red she hulk  and  hulk  kicked  blonsky  away  as  his body  slams  in  the  tree   badly  injuring him )

Ross: (telling  the soliders)  fall back!  Find cover!

(As the soliders fall back  running away from  the  hulks     as  Betty  walks up to red  she hulk  and  hulk   as  they  looked  at  each other   the  hulks  felt  at  ease   )

Betty: Bruce   Susan 

Ross: (walkie-talkie  to  the helicopter) fire   goddamn it!

(As  the helicopter  appeared  and  targeted   the  hulks   and  started  firing  at  them   as   hulk  and  red she hulk  used  the  metal  pieces  to  protect  Betty  from   the  bullets   as  Ross  panicked   seeing  Betty  in  the crossfire)

Ross: stop  firing! 

(As the hulk  throws  his piece of  metal at  the  helicopter   making it  loose  it's blades  and  crash  down  near  the hulks and  Betty   as  the hulks  covered over  Betty  as  a big explosion  happened   as  half  the  field  was covered  in  fire)

Ross: no!!!!

(As it then  started  raining  putting some of  the fire out   as  the hulk  is holding  an  unconscious  Betty  in  his arms  and   red  she hulk  was  Standing next him   as  they  looked  at  Ross and
Growled  at  him  as  they  leave  )

Cut to  later  at  night  as  it's  still  raining   as   hulk  and  red  she hulk  bring   Betty   to   a cave  in the forest  as  Betty  then  wakes up  and  is a little startled  and  screamed   making  both  of  the hulks  jump  and  hit  their heads

Betty: Bruce  Susan  

(As the hulks  hear  thunder   they both get  angry  and  throw  a  big rock  towards  the  sky  and   roar  in  anger
As it  thunder and lightning   again   the hulks  put  a hand  out  trying  to  protect  Betty  )

Betty: it's okay   it's okay 

(As Betty  takes  both of  their hands  and  slowly  walk  back  into  the cave with  her)

Betty: come here   come this way  watch  your  heads 

(As  the three of  them  sat on the rock and  watched  the  rain Strom  together)

Betty: okay   we're  okay    it's  okay 
It's  just  the  rain 

Cut to the military base  emergency hospital  as  Ross  and  a doctor  is  talking  about   blonsky 

Ross: will  he ever  walk again 

Doctor: most  of   the  bones  in  his  body   look  like   crushed   gravel  right now 

(As the doctor  moves  the curtain  showing   Ross   a very  injured  and beaten  blonsky   with  cast almost  everywhere  on him )

Doctor: I will  say  this  for  him  he's got a heart  like  a  machine    never seen anything  like  it    outside  of  a  racehorse 

(As Ross  looked  at  blonsky's body and then leaves   not noticing   blonsky is able  to  move  his fingers  then able to make a fist  as  one of his opened)

Cut to  the next day  as  Betty  wakes up seeing  both  Bruce and  Susan  have returned  to  their  human forms  as they  leave  the  forest  and  find  the nearest  motel  as  Betty  went  to get a room  as  she got  Bruce and Susan  into the room  as  Bruce and Susan were showering  together  as   Bruce looked at the  shower head  as  it reminded  him of  the  guns shooting  at  him and Susan  yesterday  as  it  scared him  he fell  backwards  with  Susan  catching him  as  she held him  trying to calm him down   as  Betty  returned  from  getting  stuff  for  the three of them as Bruce then made himself  throw up  the thumb drive 

Betty: Bruce  Susan 

(As they come out of the bathroom with Bruce  brushing his teeth  and  Susan putting  a towel  around  herself  )

Bruce: oh  hi

Susan: hey  Bets 

Betty: are you  both okay

Susan: yeah 

Bruce: yeah  actually  we feel  a lot better

Betty: good 

Bruce: I just  got  the data back

(Bruce  then shows  the thumb drive  to Betty)

Betty: you ate it

Susan: we didn't  have  much of a choice

Bruce: well  you  know   the circumstances  called   for   a  little  improvisation

Betty: wow        okay  they didn't have a great  selection   but  I  got  you  both  some  options 

(Dumping  the clothes  onto  the bed )

Betty: first things  first

(As  Betty  throws  Bruce  and  Susan  two new  heart monitors  as  she chuckles)

Bruce: oh  you're kidding me 

Susan: thank you 

(As they  put it on  then  Betty  throws Bruce  a  pair of  ugly  purple  stretching  pants   as   Susan  was laughing) 

Betty: what

Bruce: no

Betty: they  were the stretchiest pair  they had

Bruce: I'll  take my chances 

Susan: please  tell me  you didn't  get me  the same ones  too   because  I'll give  it  a  homeless  guy 

Cut to later on  as  Betty  went  to get the three of  them  something  to eat 
Susan was helping  Bruce  with giving him  a haircut  at  the  motel room 

Bruce: not to short  back there

Susan: (chuckles)  I have  done  this before    you know 

(As  Susan finished   she ruffled  Bruce's hair   she then  puts  her  arms  around  him   then  sighs   as  she starts kissing Bruce's head   and  cheek   as  Bruce got up  and   they  started  kissing  each other  as  it  got  more  more  passionate as  they  laid  down  on  the  bed  as both  of   they're  heart rate watches  started  beeping   as  neither of them  cared    until   Bruce  stopped)

Bruce: we can't  do this 

Susan: I  know    I'm not sorry  though

Bruce: neither  am I   but  we can't  have  too much  excitement 

Susan: yeah   I know   can we just  lay here  together   

Bruce: of course 

(As they laid together  holding each other  as  Bruce  kissed  her head )

Cut to  the military base  as  Ross is alone in  smoking  a  cigar  looking  at a map   as  sparr  walked  into  the room

Sparr:  sir   it's  blonsky 

(As sparr is bringing  Ross  to  the medical room  where  blonsky is)

Ross: has  anyone  found  out   if  he has next  of  kin  or  family 

Sparr: ask  him  yourself

(As Ross  sees  a fully healed  blonsky as if  nothing  happened  )

Blonsky: sir

(As Ross  went  up  to  blonsky  as he checked  and  sees  that  blonsky  completely  healed)

Ross: good  to  see  you  back on your feet   soldier 

Blonsky: thank you  sir

Ross: how do you  feel

Blonsky: pissed  off   and  ready for  round  three

Cut to  the motel room  as  Bruce has dumped out   everything  in  Betty's purse  as  Bruce and Susan  explained to  Betty  what  they can use  and can't use

Bruce: basically  we can't  use  any  of this   because   they  can  track  all of it

Betty: well  my lip gloss   can  they track that

Susan: no  you can  take  your  lip gloss

Betty: thank you   and  I'll  need  my glasses 

Susan: your glasses  and  your  watch okay 

Betty: okay 

Bruce: we can use  most  of  it  
We  just  can't  use   the  credit cards
The  ID   or  the  phone 

Susan: don't even  turn  that on

Betty: okay 

(As  Bruce  takes  forty bucks  on the bed )

Bruce: and  we'll  take  the cash  obviously

Betty: how  will  we get   where  we need  to  go   on  $40  and  no  credit cards   (Showing  off  her  necklace)
Well   we could  sell  this 

Susan: no  no  no  that's  the only  thing you  have  left  of  mom   no way

Betty: well  we'll have  to  try and  get it back 

Cut to the military base  as other generals and  majors  are in a bord meeting  talking  about  how to find  banner  and  the  Ross  sisters 

Sparr: federal  is  already   monitoring
Phones   plastic   and   Dr. Ross's  web accounts   and    local  PD  have  been  placed  on   alert     they'll  pop up  somewhere  and  when   they  do   it comes  straight  to  us

Ross: they're  not  gonna  just  pop up 
Those  two  made  it   five years  and  got  across   borders  without  making  any  mistakes     neither  of  them  is  gonna  use   a  damn  credit  card  now
If  they  were  trying  to  escape   they're both  long gone     they're not  trying to  escape   this  time      they'll  be looking for  help  and   that's  how  we're gonna get  them     we know   what  they're after   and   we  know   they've been talking  to  somebody     you  all  have  copies  of   the  correspondence 
The   aliases   Mr. Green   Ms. Red  and Mr.  Blue    have   been  added  to  the shield  operations  database    if  they come up for  air     we'll be waiting
If  they  make  a   peep   we'll hear them
And  when  they  slip up   we'll be ready

(As Bruce  Susan  and Betty  has sold the necklace  and  used some of the money  to  buy  a truck  from  a gas station  guy    Bruce  then sends a message to  Mr. Blue  saying   they have  the data  and  ready to meet   as  Bruce sends it out    as  it  goes through  the shield  database  as  sparr  founds out the real identity  of   Mr. Blue  as  his real  name  is   Dr. Samuel  sterns  at  grayburn  College  in  New York  )

Cut to  later at  night  as  Betty is driving the truck  as  Bruce and Susan  seat in the  passenger side  heading to  New York 

Betty:  what  is  it   like    when it happens    what do  either of you  experience 

Susan: remember  those  experiments we  volunteered  for  at  Harvard  
Those  induced   hallucinations  

Bruce: they're  a lot  like that   just  a
Thousand  times  amplified    it's  like  someone's  poured   a  liter of   acid  into  our  brains

Betty: do  either  of  you   remember anything 

Susan: just  fragments    images    there's   too  much  noise    we  can  never   derive  anything   out of  it 

Betty: but   it's  still  you both  inside  it

Bruce: no  no   it's not 

Betty: I don't know   in the cave   I really  felt  like  they    knew  me    maybe  your  minds  is  in there    it's just  overcharged  and  can't  process  what's  happening 

Susan: me and  Bruce  Don't  want  to  control  it       we want to  get rid of  it

Cut to  the military base  as  blonsky is ready  for  another  round  of  the serum  as  Ross  walks up to  blonsky

Ross: are you ready 

Blonsky: let's  even  the playing  field a

Ross: gentlemen

Cut to the next day as  Betty wakes up Bruce and Susan  showing  them  that  a huge  traffic  jam  as  the police  were checking   for   Bruce  Susan and  Betty

Bruce: we gotta  go    walk  towards  the back  just don't  move too fast

(As the three of them  walk out of the truck  as  they found  a  guy and paid him  to take  them  across the water to get to new York    as  they made it to new York   the  three  of  them  look at a subway map  )

Betty: it is  a long  way   uptown  I think  the subways  probably  quickest 

Bruce: me and  Susan in a  metal tube deep  underground   with  hundreds of  people 

Susan: in the most  aggressive  city  in  the  world 

Betty: right    let's  get  a cab

Susan: yeah

Cut Bruce  Susan  and  Betty  in a taxi cab  as  the  obnoxious driver  was shouting  at  the  other drivers  and speeding  all over  the place  as  Bruce and  Betty's  heart monitors  started beeping    until  Betty  told  the driver to pull  over   as  the three of  them  exist the cab   Betty  then looks  at  the driver

Betty: are you  out of  your  mind!!
What  is  wrong  with  you!!!

Driver: what's  the  matter  baby   you don't  like  a  good  ride

Betty: ugh

(As she kicks the cab and then  he drives away)

Betty: asshole!!

Bruce: you  know   we know  a few techniques   that  could   help you  manage    that  anger   very  effectively

Betty: you  zip it    we're walking

Bruce: okay

(As Betty  starts walking  Bruce and Susan chuckles  a bit  and  then  follows behind  Betty)

The end of  chapter three 
The next chapter  will be  the  hulk and  red she hulk  vs  abomination
Let me  know  what you guys think
About  the stories   what  Ocs I should do  for  other  characters  like  loki  Sam  or  bucky

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