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By V4ndal1sm

17.9K 777 993

ON HOLD! 2023.06.03. ๐“๐ก๐ž๐ฌ๐ž ๐š๐ซ๐ž ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐’•๐’‰๐’Š๐’๐’ˆ๐’”, ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐ญ๐ก๐ข๐ง๐ ๐ฌ ๐ฐ๐ž ๐ฅ๐จ๐ฌ๐ญ. ๐“๐ก๐ž ๐ญ๐ก๐ข๏ฟฝ... More

VOTING. (closed)


618 22 2
By V4ndal1sm




The hallway was filled with kids doing god knows what. Let me rephrase that. The hallway was filled with too many kids doing god knows what. Everyone was bumping into eachother, trying to get to their classes. It a rather uncomfortable feeling having a kid stepping on your foot while you tried to peacefully, and maybe getting to your class without any injuries. Her headphones were still blasting music, and even thought they were on max volume, nothing could block out the noise of a good old hallway 'fight'.

Nearing a big group blocking the hallway, the girl slid her headphones off of her ear, putting it around her neck. Her eyes were focused on the group as she tried walking past them, but they were everywhere! Her facial expression stayed calm as she tried to get out without bumping into anyone, but a sudden yell made her eyes widen.


The girl leaned to the side as quickly as she could, while her breath hitched in her troath.        'Nice. A near-death experience on the first day of school. How many will i have?'        She sweatdropped, and looked back at the group where the shoe could of had possibly came from.

"PUT ME DOWN!"      A darker skinned boy was yelling and hitting the shoulder of another boy, who was holding him over his shoulder.       "We were just goofing off, haha."         'You call this 'goofing off?' Y'all nearly killed me!'        The brunette screamed in her head, as she watched two guys start a fight because of bumping into eachother..

Welcome to highschool y'all.

Finally, she was able to pass the group, and was now on her way towards her classroom. It was quieter down these halls, so she put her headphones into her bag. The brown haired girl could feel herself relax as she tried finding her classroo-


She swore her life flashed infront of her eyes as she felt a harsh slap at the back of her head. Regaining her balance, then turning around, she was met with the pissed off face of her sister.     "Uh.. Hi?"      She tried smilling at the redhead, but it was more like a messed up grimace.       "You left me."            "Oh c'mon Ash-"         She whined to her sister, as the older sibling walked past her, her arms in a cross. The only thing Rylee did was roll her eyes, before she went to catch up with her angry sister.

It has been about 5 minutes since they have been walking together, and now they were standing infront of a classroom door. 201.           "This is it, right?"      The younger one asked her sister, who simply nodded.


The two turned to the side to see a boy with glasses drop his paper. While Ashlyn leaned down to grab the paper, the other girl examined the guys face.        'He looks like a puppy.. Cute.'       Shrugging her shoulders, she yanked her sisters arm, and lead her into the classroom. Walking in, the two of them looked around to try to find their assigned seats. Turns out, Rylees seat was just behind her. Looking around all the tables, her eyes stayed on a specific name; or two.

Ben C. and Aiden C.

Wasnt the guys name from the bus Aiden? That energetic demon? She shrugged her shoulder, and turned to look at her sister. A grin spread across her face when she noticed that she was looking at the name tags too. 


Kids filled the classroom, and once again it was turning too loud. The girl didnt want to put on her headphones, so she tried to occupy herself with looking at the clock.       'Hmm.. The teacher is late..'     She looked back at her sister once again, only to see that her eyes were on the two empty seats next to them. 

"We wouldn't be late if you would have helped instead of recording!"     A boy marched into the room, along with a girl.      'Oh, twins..'        "Sorry we're late!"           "Please don't mark us tardy!"     The girl just turned her head away and looked out the window. There wasnt anything she could do, class hasnt even started yet.       "They aren't here yet."      She heard the boy but didnt pay much attention to him, nor the girl. Laying her head down on her table, she closed her eyes.     "We still have a chance!"

"A chance?"

The twins sweatdropped as they heard the teacher behind them.      "Are two of my students already late on the first day of school?"      She decided to listen in, but didnt lift her head up.

Ha ha!

"Just kidding!"      She swore she could hear the twins breath out in relief.         "A class rule is if we're both late and you get here before me, you're safe- Where's your shoe?" 

"I'm turning in my two week notice."

This got the girls attention. With her mouth open she lifted her head up, looking at closely at the boy.      'It's the dude from the hallway!'       Her face scrunched up once more, before she turned around and looked forward, only to see her sister facing her with a raised brow. The brunette girl only shook her head, indicating that she will explain later.       "You should find that after class."          "Yes sir."

Her sisters head turned back around, and looked at the door. She stiffened. Her sister, having noticed this, looked at where she was looking. A grin spread across her face.

It was the blond kid, and the giant next to him. I swear, what are they feeding these kids these days?

As soon as the two Clark kids walked in, now standing infront of the class, the demons smile widened when he made eye contact with the redhead. It seemed like the whole kid brightened with only one look at her sister. But while he was grinning like an idiot, Ashlyn was already trying to hide.. behind her hand?     Interesting sister, interesting...

"Sorry I'm late everyone,"       The teacher spoke up getting the students attention.       "These two are new  to the school, so make sure to give them a warm welcome."      He looked at the two boys, before motioning to them that they can go.       "You guys can take a seat as well."

She swore she could see the blonde kids eyes burn holes into her sisters head as he walked to his seat, and sat down. She raised her head as someone walked past her table, it was Ben. Meeting his eyes, she gave him another small wave, which he returned, before he sat down, and immediately put his head down. The girl looked back at the teacher, and rested her head on her hand.

"Let's begin with introductions, shall we? We'll go in alphabetical order."      God no way. Where are they, in kindergarden?       "When It's your turn, state your first and last name and say something about yourself. As an example, I'll start us off."       The teacher wrote his name down on the board with a pen, and the girl swore she could of had ripped her hair out hearing the screeching sound it made.      "My name is Thomas Walter and this is my first time teaching my own class. I look forward to being with you all!"

"Ashlyn Banner, I like dogs."     The girl said her words quickly, the others couldnt even make out what she was saying.

"I'm Aiden Clark, I like bungee jumping, skydiving, rock climbing, racing, water skiing-"      Rylee slammed her head down on her table as she listened to the boy list all of those things, and she felt like hanging herself up right here, right now. 

Ben was next, but... He looked like he was sleeping so he was left alone?..

"Hello, I- The- Uh.. Logan Fields. I mean I'm Logan... I um, I enjoy astrology."    Oh this was the puppy dude. Cute.

Now it was her turn. Sweatdropping, she walked infront of the class. She felt like shooting herself right infront of the class, but she didnt have a gun, so-     "Uh, Rylee Banner.. I enjoy listening to music?"     Dang, that sounded more like a question? And why are my hand shaking?!   The brunette silently scolded herself as she walked back to her seat, slumping down on it.                  Atleast she got over with it..

"I'm Taylor Hernández! I'm in the mechanics club. Come say hi if you get the chance."    She seemed sweet. Better get to know her, hm?

"I'm Tyler Hernández, yes, we're twins. I'm in the baseball club."    Well he looked the opposite of his sister, but we'll let it slide, she hasnt got the chance to meet him yet.

After they were done with the introductions, chatter filled the class once again.       "Alright, now that the introductions are done-"       Thinking that she will be able to sleep, she closed laid her head down, and closed her eyes.      "Let's talk about the semester-long group project!"         THE WHAT?       She immediately lifted her head up, and looked at the board.

'Holy shit no- you cant be serious-'       Okay, time to light yourself on fire-      "Today you'll be choosing your group partners for the group project and each group should consist of six people each. Expect one, because we are uneven."

The younger girl wanted to cry so bad, but decided that it would be awkward.. so no.

"The rest of the class will be about the project, so go ahead and sit wherever you want with your group for today."        As soon as this was said, their group formed. The twins, the clark kids, Logan, and the two sisters. Their tables formed a circle, and she was sitting between her sister and Aiden. Their group was silent. No one said a thing, and the girl knew it would stay like that, so she put her headphones up. She didnt hear what the teacher was yapping about, but looking at her sisters horrified face, she knew it wasnt good.

Finally, from the corner of her eyes, she saw her sister get up, so she knew class was over. She put her things away too, and stood up. Walking past the teachers desk, she saw some kids taking papers. She didnt know what it was about, she wasnt listening, so she didnt take it. With her headphones still on, she walked over to the door and waited for her sister, who was stopped by Aiden. Raising a brow at her sister as she caught up to her, the redhead only shook her head, and the two began their journey home.

The two girls were sitting at the table, with Ashlyns shirt pulled over her head, and the brunettes hair all over it, her forehead against the table.       "Looks like school went well."       She narrowed her eyes at their parents, before turning her head away, deciding to stay silent.       "It didn't. Not only am I stuck with that guy on the bus and class, but now I'm in a semester-long group project with him."         Her younger sister only hummed at her words, staying silent.      "I don't wanna go back tomorrow."       "I second that.."     She murmured quietly, lifting her head up, and resting it on her hand.        "Well on the bright side, maybe you'll finally make some friends."

No way mom actually said that-

"You know in Ashlyns and my case, that is never going to happen.."       She stated with a deadpan expression on her face.


Her mothers hand slammed down on the table suddenly, and the two girls jerked back in their seats, looking at their mother with wide eyes.        "How could you say that?! How can you deprive your parents like this?"      She stopped, and glanced at their father.


"Where are they?"      Their mother cried out as she sat on the floor, gripping a chair like she was having a breakdown. The siblings just gave eachother a blank look, before they focused on their parents once again.      "Our memories of our babies having sleepovers or birthday parties?"     And it went on and on...      "Our memories of bonding with your friend's parents, and planning playdates?"    

"We only had one sleepover in our lives.. and it was in Ashlyns room, just us two?.."      She stated, but her mother only shushed her.        "SHH! We want those parenthood experiences where we put a glass against your doors at 3AM and listen to what you and your friends talk about. "         What friends, mother?..

"You guys done yet?"     Ashlyn asked as she lifted her head up from the table.      "Yeah."      Well that was quick. Their parents walked back to the table, and sat down with the girls.       "But in all seriousness, in your entire sixteen years of existence, you haven't once had a friend. I get that people are exhausting, but my girls, you can't just avoid-"        Her mother cut him off.       "No, I think they're fine Mike. Socializing is more effort than it's worth anway. Honestly-"

"-I'd rather do something else."      The three girls in the house said at the same time, and they grinned at eachother.        "Aaand I give up."


"That's probably the delivery guy."    their father stood up, and started walking towards the door.


The redheads phone buzzed, and she opened it to see who texted her, only for her to almost drop her phone.

Knock, Knock.

Her mouth hung open as she called after her dad.       "Wait dad, don't open-"      But she was too late, and the door was already open, only to reveal an oh so familiar blond headed boy.     "-the door....."

"Ah, Hi!"




A/N) longest chapter yet holy f. And forget what i said, Im going to mash sbg parts together, otherwise the chapters would be too short. :,)

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