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Everyone looked at the redhead with a dumbfounded expression. Well not Rylee, anyways, she was sitting on a seat which was facing the board, her head tilted back. And she was half asleep. Everyone else was either standing, or leaning against something. Like Tyler and Ben, who were on each side of the girl, leaning against bus seats, their focus on Ashlyn. 

"We need some better weapons."

Yeah, no shit..    The girl listened as much as she could, but she felt the tiredness worsen. She could no longer listen, and her eyes were barely open.       "Okay.... How are we going to get there?"     Asked Tyler as he crossed his arms while leaning against a seat.      "Well, we need to do two first;"


-Fortify graveyard walls
-Bring jeep into graveyard.

"We need a vehicle to drive to the gunshop. My parent's jeep is the closest so we'll need to bring it to the graveyard. However, the phantom got over the walls last time. I'm not sure how, but we need to figure out a way to stop it from happening again, so when we get the jeep, any phantoms that follow us won't be able to get in."

"Anyone got any ideas?"

Silence. Aiden was sitting on top of the seats back board where Rylee was currently sitting half asleep, Logan sitting on the ground infront of the girl, Taylor standing. Ben was about to sit down in the empty spot next to the girl, but not before Tyler beat him to it. Giving the twin a look, he turned around and went to grab his notebook. Everyone watched him, well you know, expect the half asleep girl.

They watched him as he scribbled into his notebook, before he turned it around, showing his idea to the others.

'Barbed wire?'

They all inspected it, before Tyler shook his head.     "If they were normal humans that would work, but I feel like it wouldn't really bother them to grab and climb the wire regardless."        "Yeah.. I could see that happening."

"Since their body doesn't reatc well to light, why don't we just have some large light fixtures on the wall?"      Aiden butted in as Taylor went to to Ben;      It was a good try.       "I'm not sure if the generator has enough power to keep those lights on. Most of the power goes towards the door... If the lights went off everytime we opened the door, it wouldn't be that helpful."      Opening one eye slowly, the girl looked around the group. The brunette girl let out a quiet sigh and sat up properly on her seat, as the boy next to her raised his brow. Looking at him, the girl just smiled and shook her head.        ".....Then... Solar lights? Maybe?"

𝙋𝙃𝘼𝙉𝙏𝘼𝙎𝙈(𝘼) ✦ 𝑺𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒍 𝑩𝒖𝒔 𝑮𝒓𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒚𝒂𝒓𝒅Where stories live. Discover now