Her (GxG)

Av potatobaby22

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I lit my last cigarette and shifted the gear into first. As the car stared picking up some speed I opened the... Mer

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve

Chapter eight

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Av potatobaby22

 "You call me when you get home Cassie." Ignoring her request, I left the pub's bathroom, leaving her alone in it. Of course, I felt shitty about it, but she had Jake, she didn't need me I kept telling myself.

I needed desperately to be alone, alone from her. I needed to reflect – to reflect on what, well on lots, yet on nothing.

I had to admit that it was irresponsible of me to challenge Cassie by throwing innuendos at her. It was also irresponsible of me to stare at her when she was not watching, to dream about her, fantasise about her, act like a jealous little freak. Anyways the point is, I wasn't ashamed about doing all of these before, you know when we first became friends; after all I was instantly drawn to her, she was stunning, fucking gorgeous, she was literally the most attractive human being I have ever laid my eyes upon.

Behaving like this, tho became utterly irresponsible when I realised that I did not have a chance with her. She was straight, always talking about this or that guy she fancied, this or that guy she slept over at, the usual shit girlfriends gossip about.

But all this kind of changed this summer. Her demeanour towards me became clingier and flirtier, her gaze more lingering, her actions more ambiguous, her body language more illicit. Sometimes she'd get a hold of my hand and would intertwine our fingers together when we'd be watching a film in her room and then she'd lean her head on my shoulder. She'd hug me for longer when I would drop her off at home. She'd maintain eye contact with me to the point where I'd forget what I was doing, forget my own thoughts and all I could feel was my relentless heartbeat against my ribcage.

I wasn't confused only because of what happened during a few days ago that was just my breaking point, I guess. She's been tormenting me now for a month. We'd have our usual late-night calls and somehow, she'd turn the conversation into something friends usually don't talk about like what I'm wearing and what she was wearing...like what the fuck.

We'd be swimming in the lake and she'd come up to me and jump on me, locking her arms and legs around me – our faces so close to each other, her eyes exploring my face like she wanted to make sure that what she was doing was affecting me (it was, everything she did was affecting me in a way but I wasn't showing it, I refused to show it).

We'd be at her home, she'd be having a shower after the lake and she'd call me in the bathroom so I could pass her the soap to which I would put my eyes down looking at the floor and pass it to her – she'd of course laugh at me and say that we're both girls and that I shouldn't shy away because I have the same bodily parts as her – nothing special. Yeah, there wasn't anything special about another woman's anatomy, but she wasn't some other woman, she was Cassie my best friend that I was shamelessly attracted to, huge difference.

I didn't have an explanation to why she was doing this. Perhaps she had an inkling about my feelings towards her, so she decided to test it. Perhaps she just liked the feeling of getting me flustered probably loving the feeling of being in control, knowing that her actions hold so much power over me. Or perhaps she did this for with no reason in mind (it was simply what friends did apparently). The most probable answer was that she behaved like this with all of the above in mind.

I was about halfway home when I suddenly stopped in my tracks. How could I have left her there with Jake and Matt? How could I have been so absorbed in my own anger that I disregarded that this was so dangerous.

I turned around and started running towards the pub hoping that she was still there so I could walk her home safely.

I was completely out of breath when I arrived there. I quickly went inside to check if she was still there, not to my surprise she still was. However now she was nearly sitting on Jake's lap, giggling at whatever stupid crap was coming out of his mouth.

"Sydney? Why are you here I thought you went home?" Cas asked surprised when she saw me approach the table. Jake was surprised too, but not in a thrilled way. Matt, well he seemed to be dozing by the way his head was leaning against a wall, poor bloke probably didn't want to be sober around Jake and Cassie, their cringe-ness was nauseating.

"Oh well, I'm afraid of darkness so I came back to get you so you can accompany me home, how about that." I fake laughed sarcastically looking at Cassie gesturing to her with my eyes to get up.

"Call a taxi babes, we're going to one of Jake's friend's house party." She sweetly smiled at me, brushing off my request as she turned to Jake and starting to converse again like I wasn't even there.

"Cassie, I'm serious let's go home, I don't want to walk alone. I'm really sorry about earlier but we will talk about it on our way home, okay?" God, I looked pathetic pleading, Jake definitely thought that at least by the way he was ogling me.

"I'm serious too, get a taxi and be on your way home alright. Or you could come to the party with us and after I'll walk with you."

"How about fuck no!!! We both have drunk already and had a jolly time, it time now to call it quits for the night and chill alright!" I raised my tone at her, hinting that I was not buying that crap.

"How about you chill out Sydney, Cassie's an adult and can do what she pleases." Jake said gritting his teeth at me.

I paused for a second to collect myself because I knew he did not just say that to me. "Respectfully do fuck off, you're not included in this conversation, even if you were your opinion wouldn't be valid." I cursed him out before I could even think.

"What did you just say to me!?" He shouted standing up from his seat.

"I told you to fuck off, because she isn't going to a party with you somewhere in the middle of fuck knows with fuck knows who!" I shouted back at him, looking at him directly in the eyes, absolutely loving how enraged he was becoming by the minute.

"We all need to chill out." Matt calmly said as he woke up. "How about we end it for the night huh, the girls probably need to get their sleep I heard it's really important for their menstrual cycle. I bet your friend is gonna throw another party sooner or later anyways – we all can go then." Well Matt might have been a total dufus but he was a good guy.

"I'm sorry Jake, didn't mean what I said." I lied as I've meant every damn word I said, but I was trying to calm the spirits down. He frowned at me and nodded in acceptance of my apology. "Let's go Cassie." She met my eyes but didn't say anything, she just took a long deep breath in and got up.

"Call me whenever you want Cas." Jake said looking sad.

"I will." She winked at him. Cringe overload.

Silence settled upon me and her once out of the pub. Lately it seemed like silence was the only form of communication that we could handle.

"I'm sorry I left you." I finally broke the awkward silence. And I was truly sorry, what I did was shitty of me.

"It's fine I don't care."

"Right, but I came back for you."

"You came back because you felt awful about it." She replied while harshly kicking a pebble.

"Well, because I care about you."

"Yeah, okay."

This was awkward. I had a lot to say but it wasn't appropriate for it to be said now. "Fancy a fag?" I blurted out

"Sure." She replied stopping in her tracks.

I pulled out two cigarettes, placing one between my lips instantly. She got closer to me and instead of handing the fag to her I placed it between her own lips, which she accepted. "Come here lemme light if up for you." She got even closer to me so close that I could feel her breath on my face. She smelt like beer with a hint of lime, it combined well with her perfume. Our faces were only a few inches apart by now, so close that I could literally get closer by one single inch and breaths would intermingle – become one.

"Thanks." She backed off once I lit her cig. Once again, we started walking, slower this time enjoying our little cancer sticks.

"So, you and Jake, huh?" I inquired exhaling the smoke into the chilly summer night air.

"What about it?" She responded back.

"Nothing, you seemed to have hit it off is all." Trying to stay as neutral as possible I replied.

"Yep, he's pretty funny." She responded back smiling at me.

"Must be the weed he's on all the time." I chucked trying not to gag.

"Probably, still, he is funny and quite cute." 'Jesus fucking Christ take the wheel and drive us off a cliff!' I thought as she replied.

"Sounds like you're feeling him, huh?"

"Maybe." By her dry replies it seemed like she most likely didn't want to talk about him with me given that last time it didn't go that well.

I left the conversation about Jake at that, no point continuing it, but he could go and suck his mum for all I cared.

It didn't take long before we were standing in front of her house. The house wasn't illuminated from the inside, her mother, Margaret was on a business trip in the US and her brothers, I don't know they clearly weren't home.

"That's you." I stated obviously looking into the ground avoiding making eye contact with her.

"Yeah. Thanks for walking me, even tho you didn't really want to."

"Cassie, I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you I promise." I raised my eyes, meeting hers.

"It's fine I understand we both had a long day." She turned away from me and slowly started walking by herself towards the entrance of the house.

"Good night then, I'll see you soon. Call me when you want to... Or I'll call you." Giving her a last glance I turned around and started walking the opposite direction, until I heard her voice call out my name.


"Yeah?" I turned around.

"Stay the night with me, I'm all alone home and it's dark out, I don't want you walking alone, plus we could have some drinks and watch a film or maybe play some board games if you fancy." She rumbled looking down in the ground.

"Seems suspicious! After all you seemed mad at me not long ago." I replied chuckling.

"Still am and I'll be more mad if you don't accept my kind invitation." She wittily replied.

"Oh, I don't want you more upset, uhhhhh I guess I'll have to accept your invitation." I said faking to be frustrated.

Holding the door open I passed her entering her house.

"Get us a bottle of wine Syd and meet me in my room." She stated while walking up the stairs leaving me in the dark. Good thing I knew the layout of her house, so I went to her kitchen and got us a bottle of red wine from the wine rack her mum treasured so much.

Once I've entered her room , Cassie was lying on her bed dreamily staring at the ceiling.

"Ahem." I cleared my throat, dangling the bottle of wine in my hand.

"Niceeee, now what do we do, should we play something. How about truth or dare hmm?"

"I think we're had enough of that for today." I nervously replied biting my lip.

"Girl shut up, lemme put some music on." Disregarding my concerns she got up and went to put on some music – her song of choice "Kiss it better" by Rihanna.

I poured myself a glass of wine and sat on her bet bed watching her starting to slowly sway to the song. She was definitely feeling the song, and I was definitely starting to feel flustered, her movements were so sensual, so seductive.

"Come dance with me." She said getting closer to me extending her hand as a sign for me to get off the bed.

"You know I'm not a very good dancer."

"You're awful actually" She laughed. "But it's just us here isn't it."

"Another time Cas, I'm quite tipsy." Giving her a smile I rejected her request. To be honest, I wasn't as drunk as I would have liked to be,so there was no way I would have danced with Cassie, well alongside her.

"You are so boring." She laughed continuing to vibe to the song. "Dancing alone is so not my vibe, Uhhh" she followed up, crushing on the bed near me. "Sooooo what do you think we play some truth or dare huh?"

"I don't know Cas..." I replied unenthusiastically

"Let's give it a try." She stated confidently. "Okay so each round is comprised of 3 truth or dares, and we can only get one pass alright."

"Fine. Okay. So who should go first?"

"You, you're the older one ain't it."

"Okay... Ummm Truth or dare?" 'Why the fuck did I consent to this?' I asked myself.

"Dare!" she enthusiastically exclaimed

"Okay, um, I dare you to chug that full glass of wine." I looked at her pointing out to the glass that was in her hand.

"Easy." She stated before bringing the glass to her lips.

"Truth or dare Sydney?" Fuck the way she said my name was so mischievous, I had to play it safe.

"Truth." I replied feeling overwhelmed.

"Alright, how many times have you had sex?" She boldly asked.

"About four times so far." I honestly replied

"What a fucking whore you are!!! With who?" She laughed.

"Hey, I already replied, you can ask a follow up question..." I replied amused.

"Whatever." She scoffed.

"Truth or dare Cas?"

"Truth." She instantly replied.

"How many times have you had sex?" I laughed. She on the other hand didn't seem amused. She put her eyes down and took a sip of the drink.

"Pass." She coldly replied.

"Oh come onnnn." I wined. "And you call me boring?" She ignored me

"Truth or dare Syd?" Biting her lip she raised her eyes meeting mine.

"Dare." I confidently replied, maintaining her eye contact.

"I dare you to tell me why you hanged up the phone that one night when you called." She said biting her lip still looking at me.

I knew about which night she was talking about, embarrassed I only replied with – "Cas , let's not talk about this..." I sighed taking a sip of wine, as an indication that I was passing the round.

"Fine." She bluntly replied.

The atmosphere changed again between us. But I wasn't going to be the one to acknowledge that again, so I just put on my nonchalant mask on and continued with the game.

"Truth or dare?"


"Why did you ask that question? You can't pass this you've already used up your pass."

"I was just interested is all." She replied lowering her eyes to the floor.

"This isn't fair Cas... I know you were interested otherwise you wouldn't have asked." I sighed looking at her, tho she was still not meeting my eyes.

"I wanted to know how you felt about it." She finally raised her eyes meeting mine.

"I felt weird..." 'I felt weird because I would have continued it, I wanted to but I knew it was wrong' I thought.

"I'm sorry Sydney, I shouldn't have done that and I shouldn't have asked you about it now." She apologized biting her lip starring into my soul perhaps waiting for me to disapprove.

"It's fine, it isn't a big deal we were just fooling around." I gulped.

"Good." She bluntly stated. "I'm going to get ready for bed, feel free to choose which side you want to sleep on." With that she got up and went to the bathroom, leaving me alone in her room in my thoughts.

This was getting too much, I couldn't handle this weird tension between us.

When she entered her room again I nearly spat out the wine. There she was standing in the doorway with her long blonde her all wet from her shower, all while dressed only in that white shit that she has been telling me everything about.

I froze at the sight. Fuck she looked so hot. She was doing this on purpose I couldn't do this so I quickly jolted up. "I... I'm... I'm gonna shower now." I stupidly stuttered.

She didn't move out of the door, she was just standing there with a smirk on her face not saying anything. "Move Cas, I'm gonna go take a shower." I said frustrated. Frustrated not in an angry way, in the way that I was getting all hot and bothered at the sight of her, knowing that she didn't lie about it.

"Make me." She whispered close to my ear.

I took a deep breath and turned my crimson face to her. "Please, could you move." I muttered – I lost my voice.


"Cassie I'm not playing, move out of the way." This was getting out of proportion.

"Why are you so frustrated hmm?" She whispered teasingly, clearly not understanding that what was going on was getting out of hand.

"Because you're not moving that's why." I spat at her, anger literally poring out of me at this point.

"You seem flustered, maybe you do need to cool off a bit." She said looking at me deeply in the eyes while rising her hand to my face, touching it.

"Get out of the way then." I said pushing her hand off me.

She didn't move.

I raised my hands and put them on her shoulders, trying to swiftly push her out of the way but she of course didn't budge.

"Tell me, do you like what you see?" She got close my ear again whispering sensually in it.

I was so frustrated by our proximity, by her being stubborn, by her games that I pushed her harshly against the door.

She whimpered from the harsh contact of her back against the door.

"You need to quit this game you're playing Cassie, I'm fucking serious." I angrily raised my voice at her.

"What makes you think I'm playing." She whispered.

Our bodies were so close now that I could feel myself slipping in and out of reality by that point. Her smell was so intoxicating, her games were harder and harder to avoid and their effect were wearing me down.

"Admit it, you like this..." She whispered again this sending shivers down my spine.

"You sound so desperate, why is that." I rasped back.

She was still pinned against the door with my hands on her waist holding her tightly against it. The tension between us was escalating, I could tell by the way we were breathing – frantically and deep like we were drowning. Her forest green eyes were now dark, filled with something I have never seen before.

I tightened my grip on her waist when she didn't respond making her slightly whimper. "You want me to like it Cassie don't you." I whispered in the crook of her neck making her shiver.

She didn't reply, but what she did was furiously push me off of her, breaking our close contact. She pushed me so hard that I lost control of my legs and fell on the sofa behind me.

I was in disbelief.

"I don't need you to say anything... I already know... I can see that not only you like what you're seeing, but that you also want more." She rasped biting her lip looking down at an immobilised and pathetic looking me.

As she said that she started getting closer to me, the dim lights on her room accentuating her every movement.

"I..." my mind was too foggy, I couldn't comprehend any words in my mind for me to say out loud.

"You wanna tell me I'm wrong Sydney?" She was getting so close to me now that our knees were touching.

I couldn't say anything. I was so shocked, so filled with sexual tension, there wasn't any point anymore to counter argue, she already saw though me.

I tried getting up but she pushed me back down. I was surrendering to this situation – to her.

While I was sitting there frozen, to my absolute disbelief she started undoing the buttons of her shirt. I wanted to tell her that this was going too far, that we can just forget about everything if we stop now, but I didn't – I knew I didn't want to stop – this already has gone too far and I was unravelling and so was she – we both knew it was too late now.

My eyes were traveling all over her. From her slender and long legs to her hips, waist then hands, to her chest which she was exposing so slowly only for me to see, to her face.

She was at her last 3 buttons before the shirt was fully unbuttoned.

"Cas..." I managed to mutter her name under my breath. She didn't reply, just looked at me biting her lip continuing what she was doing until it was fully unbuttoned.

"Tell me to take it off." She whispered breaking off our eye contact, looking down to the floor.

She was nervous.

"Cassie, I need you to stop fooling around, you're drunk." I said getting up from the sofa. I got close enough to her to be able to put my hands onto hers to stop her from undoing her buttons before she regrets it, before we both regret it.

"I know you want this, just as much as I want it." She admitted aloud. "So, tell me to take this off." Fuck she was getting to me, and there was no way I could stop this anymore.

"Take it off for me Cassie." It wasn't confidence that was pumping though my veins – it was adrenaline, I was just as nervous and scared as she was.

And so, she did, she pushed her shirt off. It slid so graciously off of her leaving her bare body on display only for my eyes. 'Fuck she's going to be the death of me.' I though sitting back down on the sofa behind me again.

I needed to act, I count let her just stand there naked while I was sitting and watching.

I got up and took her hand in mine leading her to the bed pushing her on it.

I was still in my dress, but by the way she was watching me I could tell that she desperately wanted it off me. "Do you want me to take this off?" I needed to her say the words.

"Take it off." She said biting her lip.

I did so, but slowly I wanted her to watch and grow frustrated.

"Fuck..." She muttered as the dress fell off on the floor leaving me only in my underwear.

"Fuck, what are we doing, fuckkk... Sydney I..." This felt way too real for her as she started panicking.

"Cassie, it's just you and I... We're fine, no one's ever going to find out about this." I reassured her as I straddled her on the bed. "Kiss me."

She raised herself on her elbows but she didn't close the gap between us. "I want you to kiss me Cassie." I told her again.

With that she raised herself closer to me, her lips now barely grazing against my own. I put my hand on her cheek bringing her closer to me. She pressed her lips harder against mine but barely moving. I wasn't going to let her nerves get to her, she wanted this but needed a little push so I lowered my hand behind neck and gripped softly at it as a sign that i wanted her. She started moving her lips now but she still wasn't taking full control of the kiss.

"Cassie, have you ever kissed anyone?" 'Fuck what if I want her first kiss?'

"I have, but never a girl."

"That's fine. Just forget everything and let your instincts take over." I reassured her.

I guess that was all she needed to hungrily slam her lips against mine. Reciprocating I moved my lips with equal force, kissing every inch of them, getting intoxicated from her. Only lips weren't enough, so I let my tongue make contact with her lips as a sign that I wanted more of her. She let me, opening her mouth slightly more. When our tongues made contact I count help but let a breathy moan escape my mouth. This sound which escaped encouraged her even more, this time letting her own tongue explore my mouth. "Fuck" I breathed out as tongues were battling for dominance.

I broke the kiss so I could catch my breath but she grabbed me by the back of my neck and pushed our lips together again. She let a moan escape her throat as she was exploring my mouth so hungrily. I knew she wanted to keep going but she's been frustrating me for a while now so I wasn't going to her enjoy this as much as she was so I broke the kiss again.

"Fuck, Sydney I want you to keep kissing me." She said as she tried to kiss me again but I didn't let her. I pushed her against the bed pinning her there with her hands above her head so she wouldn't try to do what she please again.

"You've been an absolute nightmare Cassie." I whispered in her ear. "You've been uncontrollable since the beginning of June, teasing me here and there, making me go to sleep sexually frustrated, making me feel insane with your little games. How about I do the same thing to you, what do you think."

"Fuck, I'm sorry... I... Please." She hopelessly whimpered under me.

"Please what?"

"Continue please."

"I wasn't going not to. You wouldn't deserve that, but what I will do is do the same thing to you, while you're going to answer every question I've been having on my mind, understood?" I said gripping her chin with my other hand making her look at me.

She nodded only.

"Good." I started slowly kissing and licking her neck as she was paralysed under me. "Why have you been teasing me?"

"Mhhm, fuck..." she moaned as I was working my lips and tongue on her neck. I bit it softly evoking another moan out of her."

"Because.... mmm fuck, keep going, because I could see the way you were looking at me, I could see how you would always check me out when I was wearing something more revealing, and I could see that you were trying to desperately hide it when I'd notice."

"Little bitch." I whispered, shitting my lips to her collarbones now.

"So, this was all a game until you started feeling something too... How did it happen." I said as I kept on kissing and biting on her skin, making her shiver under me.

"Sydney, please don't do this to me..." She pleaded. 'Fuck my name coming out of her mouth sounded so good and her pleading only intensified it.' I stopped kissing her collarbone and quickly shifted my face above her. I lowered enough for her to think that I was about to kiss her. She closed her eyes instantly, desperate for me to close the gap between us, but I didn't and so she fluttered her eyes open, darkness swarming in them. She knew if she didn't talk, she wouldn't get what she so desperately needed now. "One night I stayed up trying to plot on how to get to you the next day, what I was going to wear, how you would react. And then you called, over the phone with your voice in my ear and whatever I was thinking, I suddenly started getting hot, I was undeniably horny, so I started touching myself..." She moaned the last bit of the sentence.

As she finished that sentence, I slammed my mouth against hers, hungrily kissing her letting my tongue explore her mouth. "Show me how." I muttered against her lips while letting go of her hands which were still above her head pinned against the mattress.

I slowly guided her right hand to her naked core which was glistening from her wetness.

With her index and middle finger, she started slowly circling on her clit. "Tell me what you were thinking while you were doing this over the phone." I said looking at her in the eyes which she was trying to keep open.

"I was imaging you cupping and kissing my breasts..." She moaned as she started circling faster against her clit.

"Like this?" I said as I scooted down, my mouth only a few inches away from her naked breasts. I cupped them with both my hands and let my wet tongue give her nipple a flick.

"Fuck... fuck, I need your mouth Syd." She barely finished the sentence.

Her hand movements intensified, she was getting closer and closer to her orgasm. I knew if I took her nipple in my mouth, it would send her over the edge, and I didn't want that yet, so I put my hand over the hand that she was touching herself with and stopped her.

"Sydney why are you doing this!" She angrily shouted.

"You simply don't deserve to cum yet." I replied bringing her wet fingers to my face examining them. "Open your mouth." I commanded.

She opened her mouth with no hesitation, letting me put her wet fingers in her mouth. "Lick them clean for me."

I have never seen something as hot as this sight of cassie liking and tasting herself as she was looking at me.

"Now tell me what else have you imagined." I stated as I gave her a quick kiss on the lips. Avoiding kissing her tits, I lowered my lips to her stomach.

"I... I thought about you inside me." She heavily breathed out.

"Huh." I huffed as I started planting kisses over her stomach.

"I, uh, bought a toy that uhm come with a strap on." I nearly choked on my spit as she said that.

"Fuck, you really aren't innocent, are you?" I knew what she was asking of me, but I have never fucked a girl with a strap on before.

"Sydney, I want you... I want you to fuck me, please, I can't take this anymore, I need you inside... you've seriously edged me to the point that I can't continue with whatever this is." she unapologetically admitted.


"Shhh, please shut it, I know you've imagined this as much as I have before. It's in the wardrobe..."

I didn't say anything as she was right, I just got off her and walked where her wardrobe was. Finding the dildo, I inspected it and put it on me, tightening the straps around my hips.

I went back to her with that pink thing dangling between my legs. I straddled her again and inched closer to her meeting her lips.

We kissed hungrily before i broke the kiss, letting my lips travel to her neck, then her breasts. I took one nipple in my mouth sucking it softly hearing her moan, then I gave the other the same attention.

I felt her hand gripping onto my hair lifting my head up. "I've had enough foreplay; I need you now."

I nodded hesitantly, placing the tip near her entrance. "Tell me if you want me to stop."

She gave me quick desperate nod. "Move slowly."

I started moving, feeling the strap slowly enter her. "Fuck, ugh fuck!"

"You're taking it in so well babygirl." I reassured her slipping it a bit deeper. In the missionary position I could watch her melt in pleasure, fuck it was so hot knowing i was the one making her feel like this. "Is this how you were imagining it?"

She just nodded with her eyes closed. She cupped my buttocks pulling me in closer to her.

"Fuck Sydney, move more now I need you."

I put my hands around her throat and pushed myself in more. I started pumping in and out faster now. She was moaning profusely, filling the silent room with the sound of her panting. I kept on going, fucking her harder and faster now, so hard that her bedframe was hitting the wall behind it. "You're doing so well princess!" I let myself praise her which I could tell she liked by the way she moaned lounder.

Fuck I could feel myself being able to cum just by fucking her senselessly like this. "Get on top, I wanna watch you." I said stopping, letting myself slip out of her.

As she got on top of me, she cupped the toy guiding it to her wet pussy, letting it slip in so easily. I wasn't going to let her take control just because she was on top, so I got a hold of her arms and placed them behind her back with my hands on them making sure that I'm not letting them go.

I started pushing my hips into her, her cries of pleasure were echoing throughout the whole room along with my frantic breathing. "Fuck Cas, you look so fucking good." I exhaled loudly, pushing myself faster inside her. She started moaning lounder and lounder as i was furiously pumping insider her, she was getting closer to her orgasm again. I let go of her hands from behind her back so I could help her reach her peak.

I put my thumb in my mouth wetting it before lowering it to her clit and slowly circling it, all while pushing my hips up and down. "Fuck Sydney, fuck I'm going to cum if you keep on going."

I wanted to watch her cum so badly so kept on doing what I was doing. "I'm gonna cum, fuck!"

"Cum for me." I stated still fucking her at a constant speed.

"Oh god, fuck!!!" she gripped onto my shoulder, digging her nails into my skin as she was orgasming. As she finished, she left her body fall onto mine, hiding her face in the crook of my neck. She lifted herself up to face me. Inching closer I closed the gap between our lips kissing her passionately.

"Sydney, you dumb bitch, hello, can you hear me." Fuck, I must have fallen asleep. "Bitch did you pass out or something, I've literally left you alone for like 20 min."

"Fuck!!!" I shouted out of frustration; these dreams were getting out of control all because of her. I quickly got off the bed and started walking towards the exit of her room.

"Where the fuck are you going Syd?" She inquired worriedly following me.

"I need you to tell me why the fuck have you been tormenting me this whole summer so far Cassie. Why all of this, why all the innuendos, the glances, the tension between us, why are you acting like this? Is it because you simply enjoy the attention, is it because you're feeling something too, why is it? Look if you lie to me or say that this is what friends do, this will be the last time you ever see me. Because I've fucking come to peace with how I feel about you and I've also come to peace with how you might feel about me, but then you go and torment and tease me and confuse me to the point where I don't once fall asleep and not dream about you!!"

"Sydney I..."

"I have feelings for you Cassie, and you're half at fault for this, have you left me be and..."

She cut me off before I could continue blabbering by slamming her lips onto mine, but I pushed her off.

"Fuck you, Cassie! Is this again one of your tactics to get to me? I said while walking towards the door.

"Sydney, just stop for a second!" She shouted as she got closer to me, turning me around in my tracks.

"What the fuck do you want from me, and before you say it, don't worry this is between us, no one will ever know about this."

"Sydney, I... I feel the same fucking way okay... just bloody hell sit for a second please."

I stopped and sat in on her sofa waiting for her to talk.

"Look, this whatever this is..." she motioned with her hand between us. "Is dangerous..."

"And what is this?" I mimicked the motion she made with her hand to represent what was between us.

"I don't know what it is, but I'm telling you the truth now that I understand what you're feeling because I feel it too. I've been feeling it for a while now, and it scares the shit out of me."

"So, what now?" I asked stupidly, not knowing that the answer will definitely hurt.

"We lay low and pray to God that they maybe just vanish init."

"Right... okay Cassie do you want me to braid your hair like galpals do during a sleep over?" I sarcastically replied feeling hurt by her reply, not knowing why exactly, tho i knew why deep down – this was 80's conservative Britain after all. "You just kissed me you knob, God ain't going to pray away the gay you know."

"So, what do you suggest doing genius huh? That we go in the street parading saying that we're dykes now?"

"You're a fucking bitch Cassie!" I said getting up from the sofa.

"And why's that?"

I didn't reply I just inched closer to her, our chests now touching. "How did you realise?"

"Syd, it is not important anymore, but I realised it at the beginning of summer when we got to spend more time together. How did you understand that you might be feeling something more for me?"

"Year 12..." I replied not giving her any more detail.

"When we first met?" She burst out into laughter.

"Why did you think I became friends with you, because of your smart brain in law?" I laughed

"Hey, I got a C in that."

"A C minus princess."


Silence settled upon us again, "I'm gonna go shower now and get ready for bed." I spoke up.


I left her alone in the room and went to have my shower. I was still awfully sexually frustrated due to the dream I had not long ago, so I turned on the shower and let my hands wonder down my body, cupping my breasts first giving my nipples a squeeze between my fingers to which I couldn't help but let out a raspy moan out. Then I glided my hand down my stomach, letting my fingers stop on top my clit. 'Fuck, how I wish I could just quit you.' I though as I let my fingers slowly circle on my clit, images of Cassie flooding my mind as I picked up the pace. "Ah fuck." I moaned as softly as I could so she wouldn't be able to hear me. "Fuck." Cassie's mouth on me. "Ugh." Cassie's fingers inside me, fucking me as she was eating me out. "God..." Cassie, her fucking beautiful face buried in me. "Oh fuck, oh fuck" I muttered to myself as I let my orgasm take over me.

Once out of the shower, I entered her room expecting her to be in bed, but there she was wearing nothing but a hello-Kitty T-shirt while sitting on the sofa with her legs crossed.

"You dint have to go to the shower to do all that, I was here." She softly spoke as she got up, waking towards me. "No one will have to know that we broke our pact..." She stated bringing her hands to the hem of my towel.


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