Against All Odds

Par Jhalakpatwa

1.5K 164 39

Meet Cameron Smith, a charismatic and talented athlete, the captain of the university's basketball team. With... Plus

Author's Note


32 5 2
Par Jhalakpatwa


"We cannot afford to miss shots like that. Get your head in the game."

I was getting impatient because I wanted my team to do their best. I saw everyone taking shots at the hoop. They were doing well until Liam missed three times in a row. Even Dan, who is usually great, was having trouble finding his rhythm and kept missing.

"Liam! Dan! Focus, damn it!" My voice rang across the court.

Liam's face scrunched up, his eyes narrowing. He muttered under his breath, loud enough for me to hear. "Maybe if our captain wasn't so hard-headed, we woudn't be in this mess."

His comment seared through me like a laser, igniting anger within me. How dare he question my leadership? I had worked tirelessly to bring this team together, and now he had the audacity to challenge me. Jaw clenched, I approached him. "What did you say, Liam? Are you implying I'm not fit to lead this team?"

"Guys-" Dan interrupted.

"Maybe I am. You act like you're the best, but you forget that we're all humans."

"If you can't handle the pressure, then get off the team. I expect nothing but best from each of you, and if you can't deliver, then maybe you shouldn't be here."

Suddenly, his frustration exploded as he pushed me with a force that caught me off guard. My body lost balance, and I crashed into the ground. Some of my teammates rushed to help me. His action only fueled the dormant rage within me.

That was it. The last straw.

In an instant, I propelled myself up from the ground, fueled by a surge of adrenaline. My fist connected with Liam's face, causing his nose bleed.

Liam attacked me with a rapid succession of punches, but I successfully defended against the majority of them, landing a strong hit to his ribs. He grimaced in agony, yet it only seemed to intensify his anger. He retaliated by striking my jaw with a forceful punch. The taste of metallic blood filled my mouth as a wave of pain surged through my face.

"Stop it." The coach stepped between us, forcing a pause in the chaos. His eyes bore into our soul. "Both of you, my office now!"

Liam and I begrudgingly followed Coach to his office, the tension stretched thin between us. Sweat dripped down my forehead and onto my stinging eye. I could feel the sting of my cuts and bruises.

We were both ushered to the nurse's office, where we took our seats in the opposite sides of the room. The only nurse on duty glanced at us warily, here eyes darting between us.

"Liam you should let me get treated first. Look at me, I'm bleeding!"

He sneered at me, leaning forward in his chair. "No way, Cameron. I'm bleeding too, and it's worse than yours. The nurse needs to help me first."

"Don't be ridiculous, Liam! I have just as much right to be treated as you do."

The nurse, exhausted from their constant arguing, decided to call Coach. She quietly explained the situation over the phone, keeping a close eye on their heated dispute. Soon after, Coach burst into the nurse's office.

A few minutes later, Coach stormed into the nurse's office. "What is the meaning of this?" He demanded.

"Liam should have been more careful. He instigated the fight, and he should be the one facing consequences."

Liam shot out of his seat. "Are you serious, Cameron? You know you provoked me. It's your fault this fight even happened!"

The room grew stifling as both of us argued our case, our voice grew louder. The Coach's attempt to interject were futile as we continued to wage war with our words. Finally, Coach slammed his hands down on the desk, silencing us both. "Enough! I have no tolerance for this behavior. You will both suffer the consequences of your action. Two days suspension, no exception. And if I hear of any more fighting from either of you, you can say goodbye to your place on the team."

"Coach, I'm the team captain. We have an important game coming up next week, and we haven't even had a decent practice session."

"And I'm the Coach, Smith."

Coach stormed out of the office.

With a deep breath, I bit my tongue, resisting the urge to fire another insult at Liam. The Coach's warning echoed in my mind, 'say goodbye to your place on the team.' I couldn't afford to let my anger get the best of me - not when everything was at stake.

Liam mirrored my restraint, his jaw clenched tightly. We both knew we had to find a way to coexist peacefully for the sake of the team. Our animosity had already caused enough trouble, and it was up to us to make things right. Tension hung heavy in the office as we waited to be treated. "Please have a seat, boys." Liam and I nodded begrudgingly.

The nurse took her time treating our wounds, gently cleaning and bandaging our cuts and bruises. The sting of antiseptic caused my face to contort in discomfort, but I tried to remain stoic. Once she had finished, the nurse looked at us sternly. "You two need to go home, rest and allow your cuts to heal. No more brawling, no more arguments. Am I clear?"

Exhausted and bruised, I sat behind the wheel of my car, driving home after an eventful day. Thoughts swirled in my mind. As I pulled into my driveaway, I let out a long sigh.

Entering my house, I kicked off my shoes and slumped onto the couch. The events of the fight replayed in my mind. I thought about the disappointment in Coach's eyes, the frustration in nurse's voice, and the tension that had raged between Liam and me. It was a day that would be hard to forget.

A wave of exhaustion washed over me, highlighting how drained I truely felt. It was as if the fight had taken every ounce of energy from my body. I knew rest and sleep were the best remedy at this point, but I couldn't shake off the nagging worry in the back of my mind.

Just as I was closing my eyes, my phone rang, startling me back to reality. I glanced at the screen to seen 'Belle' flashing on it. Answering my call, I tried my best to sound normal. "Hey, Elle. What's up?"

Her voice sounded concerned as she spoke. "Hey, Cam. Where are you? I was waiting at the usual spot, but you never showed up."

I hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether to tell her the truth or come up with an excuse. Eventually, I decided on a half-truth. "Sorry, Elle. I wasn't feeling well, so I came back home early. Are you alright? Do you need a ride? I can come back and pick you up."

"Oh, no, Cam. It's okay. I'll figure it out. You need to rest and take care of yourself. Are you sure you're alright?"

"I'll be fine, Elle. Don't worry about me. Just take care of yourself, okay? If you need anything call me."

"Alright, Cam. Take care of yourself. I'll see you tomorrow."

As we said our goodbyes, I couldn't help but worry about the inevitable confrontation when Elle gets home. She would see the bruises on Liam's face and realize that something had gone terribly wrong. The truth would be out, and I feared how she would react to the news of the fight.

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