Citadel of Hearts: The Empero...

By hoshivelous

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"In your quest to lay claim upon me, my body, my land, and my people, heed this, Seungcheol: my heart shall f... More

Introduction and Prologue
Chapter 1: Prettiest is "Mine"
Chapter 2: Intrigued and brave
Chapter 3: Resistance untill death
Chapter 4: Scarf of Lies
Chapter 5: Beau as Rose
Chapter 6: The beauty of Sel
Chapter 7: Threads of Trust
Chapter 8: Forbidden fates
Chapter 9: Clash of Thrones
Chapter 10: Swords and Seduction
Chapter 11: Regal Affairs
Chapter 12: Touch to be Longed
Chapter 13: Desire and Devotion
Chapter 14: Fire within you
Chapter 15: Scars on Souls
Chapter 16: Emblem of Love
Chapter 17: Shadows of Betrayal
Chapter 18: Yielding to Love's Dominion
Chapter 19: Dares of Hearts
Chapter 20: Secrets coloured white
Chapter 21: Whispers of Devotion
Chapter 22: Die for you
Chapter 23: Everlasting true bonds
Chapter 24: Love's Labyrinth
Chapter 25: Stars and Secrets
Chapter 26: Betrayal and Love
Chapter 27: Bleed the lies
Chapter 28: Sacrifice for Sel
Chapter 29: Imperial bonds
Chapter 30: Fragrance of despise
Chapter 31: Solace in separation
Chapter 32: Shadows of regret
Chapter 33: Knots of trust and repairs
Chapter 34: Fractured bonds
Chapter 35: Peace in your presence
Chapter 36: True love and affection
Chapter 37: To my other half
Chapter 38: Reunion of two hearts
Chapter 39: Dance of love
Chapter 40: Moonlit desires
Chapter 42: Live Forever
Epilogue: Emperor's Triumph
New book!

Chapter 41: Remorse and Rebuild

634 56 41
By hoshivelous

As morning broke, Seungcheol found himself ensnared in a tangle of limbs with Jeonghan, their bodies intertwined in the golden glow of dawn filtering through the window. Despite the fleeting hours of rest, Seungcheol's eyes burned crimson with a restless vigil, fixated on the dance of sunlight upon the walls. Beside him, Jeonghan stirred, the soft rustle of movement drawing Seungcheol's attention to the ethereal figure at his side.

A smile graced Jeonghan's lips, faint yet radiant, as he inched closer to Seungcheol, the morning's chill accentuating the subtle roughness of his lips. With a tender caress, Jeonghan's hand found its place upon Seungcheol's head, a silent embrace that spoke volumes in the stillness of the dawn.

"Good morning," Jeonghan's whisper brushed against Seungcheol's cheek, a delicate echo in the hushed tranquility of their shared space. Yet beneath the facade of serenity, Seungcheol sensed a veil of detachment shrouding Jeonghan's demeanor, a subtle detachment that sent tremors through his being. Did Jeonghan not recall the fervent confessions of the night prior, the words etched upon Seungcheol's soul like a sacred mantra?

"I love you."

The declaration reverberated within Seungcheol's mind, a relentless echo that refused to be silenced, leaving him ensnared in the tangled web of his own thoughts. As Jeonghan stirred in his embrace, oblivious to the turmoil within Seungcheol's heart, a heavy lump constricted his throat, a knot of apprehension tightening in the depths of his being.

"Do you--"

Before Seungcheol could voice his fears, a resounding knock shattered the fragile stillness, wrenching his gaze towards the intruding barrier. With a scowl etched upon his features, Seungcheol's glare pierced the door, a silent protest against the intrusion upon their intimate sanctuary. Yet Jeonghan, ever graceful in his departure, slipped from Seungcheol's grasp with an effortless fluidity, leaving behind a void in his wake.

"Get the door, I am going to freshen up," Jeonghan's words lingered in the air, a fleeting command that dissolved into the morning's embrace as he vanished from sight, leaving Seungcheol alone with his thoughts, adrift in a sea of uncertainty.

As Jeonghan's weary feet carried him into the sanctuary of the bath area, the weight of the night's fervor lingered upon his flesh, a palpable reminder of their shared intimacy. With a heavy heart, he closed the door behind him, enveloping himself in a veil of solitude, yet finding no solace from the tumultuous thoughts that plagued his mind.

The soreness that gnawed at his flesh served as a cruel testament to the passion they had shared, yet beneath the physical ache lay a deeper, more profound discomfort—the uncertainty of Seungcheol's response to his heartfelt confession. Did his words of love fall upon deaf ears, or worse yet, upon a heart indifferent to his plight?

As steam rose to shroud his reflection in the mirrored surface, Jeonghan grappled with a maelstrom of doubt and insecurity. Was Seungcheol's stoic demeanor a guise for disdain, a mask to conceal his true feelings? The mere thought sent a shiver down Jeonghan's spine, threatening to unravel the fragile threads of hope that bound him to Seungcheol.

Jeonghan swiftly attends to his ablutions before emerging to find Seungcheol attired in his waistcoat, seated upon the divan with Jisoo beside him. A frown adorns Seungcheol's countenance, while Jisoo wears an air of nonchalance. "Good morrow, Jeonghan!" Jisoo calls out, rising to approach Jeonghan, who responds with a slight smile.

"Good morrow, Jisoo. What prompts your early visit?" Jeonghan inquires, observing Jisoo's affirmative nod. "You appear to have enjoyed a restful slumber; your visage shines," Jisoo remarks teasingly, alluding to Jeonghan's post-coital glow. Jeonghan's eyes widen as he gently pushes at Jisoo's chest before moving towards the dresser mirror.

"It's because of that nature," Jeonghan responds, a hint of blush gracing his cheeks, prompting Jisoo to stifle laughter with a hand over his mouth.

"In any event," Jisoo claps his hands together as he rises from the bed, "I come seeking a favor..." Jisoo trails off, approaching Jeonghan. "What ails you?" Jeonghan queries as he brushes his locks with a wooden hair implement. "You must journey to the Yungju River and investigate the anomaly there."

"What anomaly?" Jeonghan asks incredulously. What anomaly could possibly afflict a river? "You shall discern it upon arrival," Jisoo cryptically responds, leaving Jeonghan standing in contemplation. "I implore you, do not refuse, for it is imperative! Take Seungcheol with you," Jisoo adds before exiting the chamber, leaving Jeonghan and Seungcheol alone.

The tension lingers as Seungcheol rises, making his way to the small planters adorning their quarters, which cultivate roses. Seungcheol plucks one, disregarding the thorn that pricks his finger, and approaches Jeonghan, who stands before the mirror by the river.

Seungcheol locks eyes with Jeonghan in the reflection as he raises his hands to place the rose delicately in Jeonghan's hair, eliciting a flutter in Jeonghan's chest as he closes his eyes in response to the tender gesture.

"Prepare yourself, we shall depart anon," Seungcheol's words carry a softness as he retreats to the bath chamber.

Jeonghan clutches his chest, heart pounding, as a heavy sigh escapes his lips.

One, Seungcheol appears perturbed.
Two, why must they venture to the river?

Seungcheol and Jeonghan stood amidst the regal stables, deliberating over their choice of steeds for their brief journey.

"Your majesty, I fear we may only provide a single mount today. The brown one's health has waned, requiring respite," the caretaker informed, gesturing towards the slumbering equine.

"Very well, one shall suffice," Seungcheol acknowledged, the caretaker acquiescing before leading forth the black stallion from the last stall. Its form was robust, its demeanor emanating strength and nobility, fitting for the king's royal horse.

"Shin has been groomed meticulously," Seungcheol nodded approvingly as the caretaker relinquished the reins, prompting the stallion to approach. With a neigh, Shin strode towards Seungcheol.

"Is he yours?" Jeonghan's inquiry broke Seungcheol's reverie, turning his gaze to Jeonghan, who regarded Shin with admiration.

"Yes, he has been my companion since childhood. Shin is somewhat aloof with others and takes time to warm up--" Seungcheol's words trailed off as he witnessed Shin nuzzle into Jeonghan's hand. Jeonghan chuckled at the ticklish sensation, stroking Shin's sleek black coat. Smooth yet coarse, a blend akin to Seungcheol himself.

"He's quite affectionate," Jeonghan remarked with a delighted squeal as Shin nestled further, causing Jeonghan to stumble back into Seungcheol's embrace, who steadied him. "Shin..." and the stallion ceased, obedient to Seungcheol's command.

"Let us depart," Seungcheol suggested, guiding Jeonghan away from his reverie and towards Shin, whom he mounted gracefully.

"You may ride in the carriage," Seungcheol insisted, prioritizing Jeonghan's safety over any inconvenience. He preferred Jeonghan's comfort in the carriage rather than on horseback.

Jeonghan's smile waned, nodding in acquiescence. Was Seungcheol once again distancing himself? The notion stirred Jeonghan's ire and frustration.

The journey passed in silence, with Jeonghan ensconced in the carriage and Seungcheol astride Shin, each lost in their thoughts as they embarked on their expedition.

They arrived at the riverside much earlier than anticipated. Shin came to an abrupt halt at Seungcheol's command, and they stood amidst the shadows of towering trees. The carriage stopped behind Seungcheol as he dismounted Shin, observing Jeonghan alight from the carriage as well.

"Take heed," Seungcheol murmured, noticing the small, treacherous stones Jeonghan was about to tread upon. He reached out his hand to assist Jeonghan, who suppressed an embarrassed smile and clasped his hand over Seungcheol's.

"Is there trouble with the river?" Jeonghan inquired, still perplexed about their purpose here. What could possibly be amiss with the river?

"The river itself is not the issue," Seungcheol sighed, leading Jeonghan towards the river bridge and the lengthy wooden structure that spanned its width.

"It's just..." Jeonghan felt a surge of anxiety tightening his heart. "What is it?" he pressed, turning to Seungcheol, who hesitated.

"It's..." Seungcheol's gaze shifted past Jeonghan, causing him to whirl around, his breath catching in his throat. There, standing before him, was his father, Minjae, accompanied by his royal guards. His mother and sisters were also present. Jeonghan's heart raced as he instinctively moved to run towards them, only to feel a tug at his wrist. Tearful eyes met Seungcheol's gaze as he held Jeonghan's wrist firmly.

"Release me," Jeonghan hiccupped, attempting to gently extricate himself from Seungcheol's grasp. "I will return, I promise." Seungcheol loosened his grip on Jeonghan's wrist, allowing the prince to rush into his father's embrace.

"Father..." Jeonghan's voice trembled with emotion as Minjae tenderly caressed his son's hair.

"My son," Minjae's voice quivered on the brink of breaking as he tenderly stroked Jeonghan's head. "How have you fared?" A sob escaped Jeonghan's throat as he buried his face in his father's chest, who sighed while soothingly rubbing his back.

Seungcheol felt a tightness in his throat. No matter the depth of his love for Jeonghan, or Jeonghan's love for him (?), he could not separate him from his family in such a manner. This was why Jisoo had proposed a meeting, on the outskirts of Sel. Initially hesitant, Seungcheol had eventually consented.

"I am well," Jeonghan managed, wiping away his tears. "And you, Mother?" Jeonghan turned to his mother, who cupped his cheeks and pressed a longing kiss to his forehead, causing Jeonghan to melt into her embrace.

"Jeonghan, let us return to our homeland," Minjae proposed, holding Jeonghan's hands. Jeonghan's gaze shot up to his father in disbelief. "What..." he murmured, his voice faint with shock.

"Yes," Minjae affirmed, clasping Jeonghan's hands. "I will free you from that tyrant. Come, let us depart."

"Which tyrant, Father?" Jeonghan inquired, his voice tinged with uncertainty as he stared at his father.

"What do you mean! I speak of that heartless man who tore you away from us," Minjae retorted with irritation.

"He is not heartless," Jeonghan countered with calm resolve, prompting a disapproving frown from Minjae. "What? Did he threaten you, forbid you to reveal the truth? Fear not, I will rescue you—"

"Seungcheol is not a tyrant!" Jeonghan interrupted, his tone firm. Though grateful for the reunion with his father, his heart belonged solely to the King of Sel now.

"Seungcheol," Jeonghan took a deep breath, "he takes excellent care of me. He has never caused me distress or coerced me into anything. He always has my best interests at heart. In fact, it is I who have erred. I am the one at fault."

"What..." Minjae whispered, his gaze shifting behind Jeonghan to where Seungcheol stood, observing them. "What do you mean?" he demanded, gripping Jeonghan's shoulder firmly, attempting to shake him from his resolve.

"Yes," Jeonghan admitted with a broken voice, sinking to his knees before his father, who knelt beside him in astonishment. "I betrayed him..."

"I divulged sensitive information about his kingdom to King Kwon Soonyoung of the Kwon Empire," Minjae gasped, his eyes widening in disbelief. The entire western coast knew of Kwon Soonyoung's cruelty and ruthlessness.

"Yes, I was consumed by anger, blinded by rage. I acted without thought. By the time I realized the gravity of my mistake, I had already developed feelings for him. I failed to comprehend that endangering Seungcheol would imperil the entire Sel Kingdom, innocent lives included..."

"I gradually came to understand the enormity of my wrongdoing, and I intended to confess my betrayal to him, but by then, Soonyoung had already ensnared him..."

"He...he threatened to kill Seungcheol when I confronted him... I could not bear the thought of Seungcheol's demise, so I implored Soonyoung to release him, at any cost..."

"He demanded my submission in exchange for Seungcheol's freedom... I was foolish to trust him... He...he slaughtered countless innocents within the palace..."

"It is all my fault..." Jeonghan sobbed, collapsing into Minjae's embrace, who struggled to comfort his distraught son as he exchanged a solemn glance with Seungcheol.

Despite everything, Seungcheol refrained from laying a hand on Jeonghan. Another in his position might have demanded Jeonghan's head as recompense.

"I am determined to atone for my transgression, even if it means serving Seungcheol for the remainder of my days," Jeonghan declared, pulling away from the embrace and meeting Minjae's gaze, which bore a mix of emotions.

Minjae was torn. As a father, he yearned for Jeonghan to return with him. Yet, he also grappled with the gravity of Jeonghan's actions, feeling uncertain about the appropriate punishment. "Do you truly desire to remain?" Minjae inquired, gently caressing Jeonghan's cheeks, to which Jeonghan nodded resolutely.

"Come," Minjae beckoned, rising to his feet and guiding Jeonghan towards Seungcheol. As they approached, Minjae and Seungcheol found themselves face to face, their chests nearly touching. Unable to meet Seungcheol's gaze, Minjae knelt before him, expressing remorse for his son's betrayal.

"I apologize deeply for my son's actions. I plead for his life," Minjae implored, reaching out to grasp Seungcheol's knees, prompting Seungcheol to step back in surprise. Although Seungcheol had once viewed Minjae as an adversary, he now saw him as Jeonghan's father.

"What's done is done; no words can change that, Minjae," Seungcheol replied, placing a firm hand on Minjae's shoulder and helping him to his feet. Beside him, Jeonghan stood with his gaze lowered, overwhelmed with shame.

"I simply ask for your trust in me as a guardian for your son," Seungcheol continued, taking hold of Jeonghan's hand and drawing him close. Jeonghan leaned into Seungcheol's embrace, seeking solace.

"If he wishes to stay, I am willing to consent," Minjae declared, his eyes filled with gratitude as he regarded Seungcheol.

After a brief exchange, Minjae departed, leaving Seungcheol and Jeonghan alone on the bridge. Jeonghan wept in Seungcheol's arms as the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the horizon.

Though Seungcheol could never forget or fully forgive Jeonghan's betrayal, he was willing to offer him a second chance.

"Hush," Seungcheol murmured, gently patting Jeonghan's back. "Cease your tears, my rose."

"I am here for you, always, with open arms," he reassured Jeonghan, holding him close.



Uff long chapter! Are the doubts of Jeonghan's Betrayal clear? I hope so, if not you can still ping me your question and I will explain it down.

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