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1.4K 25 84
Par 4madsxx

Parings: Walker x Leah

W/c: 2,149

Summary: Leah experiences a surprise period and contacts Walker for help.

'✵•.¸,✵°✵.。.✰ ✰.。.✵°✵,¸.•✵''✵•.¸,✵°✵.。.✰ ✰.。.✵°✵,¸.•✵'

THE 55TH ANNUAL NAACP AWARDS, HELD IN THE HEART OF HOLLYWOOD, was buzzing with excitement as celebrities, activists, and community leaders came together to celebrate diversity and advocate for change. The award ceremony had come to an end, paving the way for the enchanting after-party to begin.

Leah Sava Jeffries was surrounded by her friends at a beautifully decorated table, right in the center of the action. This evening was one for the books for Leah. Winning her category at the ceremony and receiving a prestigious patton award made it a night to remember. Not to mention, she even got to mingle with other celebrities like Brandon T. Jackson, known for his role as Grover in the original PJO movies.

In the midst of chaos, Leah squirmed in her chair, a knot forming in her stomach. Regrettably, her troubled stomach had now become a constant companion, tormenting her throughout the night. But with all the excitement happening around her, she didn't have much time to dwell on it.

Danielle Jalade, a dear friend of Leah's, observed the girls fidgeting and couldn't resist inquiring. "Hey, Leah. What's the matter?" she questioned, her tone laced with worry.

Leah locked eyes with her, a strained grin appearing on her face as she pushed down her anguish.

"It's nothing. I'm fine," Leah replied, her words rushed.

Danielle was surprised by the abrupt shift in demeanor, clearly unconvinced.

"Come on, Leah. What's happening," Calah Lane, another one of Leah's dear friends, interjected, cutting into the discussion.

Leah's eyes flickered between the girls, their chocolate-colored eyes captivating her. She struggled to keep her secret hidden, not wanting to spoil the evening for anyone. Yet, a sudden jolt of pain in her stomach shattered her composure, forcing her to double over in agony.

"I'm okay, really. I just need a moment," Leah forced out, her voice trembling. With a determined stride, she rose to her feet. Danielle and Calah exchanged puzzled glances as Leah hurried away, her lips pressed tightly together to stifle the tears threatening to escape. Disregarding the cheerful greetings and waves directed her way, Leah made a beeline for the restroom, her hands shaking as she pushed open the door.

Fortunately, the bathroom lay still and deserted. Leah leaned against the counter, casting a fleeting look at her reflection in the mirror, observing her quivering figure.

Just as she was about to head towards one of the stalls, her eyes widened in shock. A large, ominous stain marred the delicate pink fabric of Leah's dress, contrasting against her perennial.

"No, no, no..." Leah's words trembled and faded into the silence, barely audible, as she frantically tugged at her dress, desperately examining the stubborn stain.

Leah's eyes started to blink rapidly as she tried to suppress the tears that were welling up. Her beautiful PINK dress, now a ruined mess. Overwhelmed with despair, Leah dashed into the restroom's largest stall, slamming the door shut with a resounding echo. Frantically, she grabbed her phone, fingers shaking as she scrolled through her contacts, searching for her mom's number.

With trembling hands, Leah dialed the number and brought the phone to her ear, the sound of the ringing tone filling her with dread. But to her dismay, Mrs. Jeffries didn't pick up. She tried again, and still, no answer.

Tears streamed down Leah's face, her expression twisted in agony. As her vision blurred, she sniffled and scrolled through her contacts once more, until she landed on a familiar name.

Walker Scobell.

Pressing the phone to her ear, Leah waited anxiously for a response, hoping against hope for some comfort.

In that moment, Leah's ears caught the sound of the familiar connection, bringing a flood of relief to her expression.

Barely a whisper, she murmured softly, "Walkie..."

 ﮩﮩـ٨ﮩﮩـ٨ﮩ"Hey, my princess. How are you?" Walker's gentle voice filled the air. ﮩﮩـ٨ﮩﮩـ٨ﮩ

The sound of Walker's voice stirred butterflies in Leah's stomach, his tender tone a comforting wave of love that enveloped her.

However, all of that vanished into thin air as Leah's voice pierced through the silence, burdened with a deep sigh, and crumbling with every uttered word, "My stomach has been killing me ever since the awards started, and like, I didn't realize it, but I got my period, and I bled through my dress! I'm so embarrassed, Walker. And my mom's not picking up her phone, and I just want to-"

ﮩﮩـ٨ﮩﮩـ٨ﮩ"Hey, hey, slow down, Leah. Don't worry, Shh, Shh," Walker's voice exuded warmth and enthusiasm as he comforted.ﮩﮩـ٨ﮩﮩـ٨ﮩ

Leah clenched her teeth, desperately trying to suppress her wails.

ﮩﮩـ٨ﮩﮩـ٨ﮩ"Listen, lovely, no need to stress. I'll talk to my mom about giving me a ride to the event hall, and I'll make sure to bring everything you need," Walker's words were a soothing balm to the anxious heart he discussed with.ﮩﮩـ٨ﮩﮩـ٨ﮩ

Luckily, Walker found himself in the heart of Hollywood as well, thanks to a small gig he had taken up. This allowed him to be right in the midst of all the excitement and action.

Leah's anguished cries echoed through the air, her tears flowing ceaselessly as she found the strength to utter her words. "I don't want you to spend your night on me. You might have other things going on, and I don't want to ruin them," her words were punctuated by the sound of her uncontrollable weeping.

ﮩﮩـ٨ﮩﮩـ٨ﮩ"Shh, Shh, Leah, darling, it's alright. I didn't have any big plans tonight, and it's always worthwhile when I'm with you," Walker's voice, gentle and soothing, provided reassurance.ﮩﮩـ٨ﮩﮩـ٨ﮩ

Leah's voice trembled as she sniffed, "B-but-"

ﮩﮩـ٨ﮩﮩـ٨ﮩ"No buts, sweet pea. I'll take care of you. Don't worry," Walker declared, his tone brimming with tender command.ﮩﮩـ٨ﮩﮩـ٨ﮩ

Leah's head bobbed in agreement, her trembling hand reaching up to brush away the tears that stained her cheeks, "Okay."

ﮩﮩـ٨ﮩﮩـ٨ﮩWith a smile that radiated warmth and confidence, Walker uttered, "l'll see when I get there. I love you."ﮩﮩـ٨ﮩﮩـ٨ﮩ

Leah's voice, barely audible, responded with equal affection, "I love you too."

As Walker's calling card vanished into the distance, leaving behind his contact details, Leah powered down her phone. A tremor of anticipation coursed through her as she exhaled a quivering sigh, patiently awaiting her boyfriend's arrival.


With a sudden burst of anticipation, Walker pushed open the grand doors to the event hall, his eyes growing wide and his jaw dropping in awe.

Walker's request for his mom to drive him to the NAACP awards was met with immediate complaints when Leah was mentioned. Holding a small reusable bag in his hand, filled with the essential items his girlfriend required, he felt a sense of awe as he arrived at the event. He was slightly overwhelmed by the glitz and glamour of the occasion, still unsure how his mom managed to secure his entry. As he looked around at the famous faces surrounding him, he couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement knowing that he was now dating an NAACP award winner.

Walker took a deep breath before plunging into the sea of people, weaving through the crowd like a pro, determined to locate his girlfriend. His gaze darted around, absorbing bits of conversations as he brushed past strangers, until suddenly, he collided with a figure, eliciting a soft gasp that echoed in the bustling atmosphere.

Walker's gaze fixated on the figure before him, his eyes dancing with a glimmer of solace. And there she stood, like a beacon of hope in the darkness, Laya DeLeon Hayes.

"Walker?" Laya inquired, her gaze fixed on the boy.

"Laya! Have you seen Leah around?" Walker questioned, his tone filled with anticipation.

Laya paused briefly before responding, "I caught a glimpse of her rushing by. I think she went to the restrooms," she disclosed.

Walker acknowledged her information, "Thank you. You look absolutely stunning tonight," he complimented.

A rosy hue spread across Laya's cheeks as she smiled, "Thank you, Walker, and no problem," she replied warmly.

With determination in his stride, Walker made his way towards the restrooms. Standing before the ladies' door, he took a deep breath before pushing it open and stepping inside. Fortunately, the restroom was empty once again.

"Leah?" Walker called out, his voice reverberating off the walls.

Suddenly, a loud clicking noise echoed through the air, causing Walker to snap his head in the direction of the sound. Leah's head appeared from the last stall, her expression filled with worry and anticipation. Walker's lips curled into a gentle smile as he approached the stall, with Leah retreating slightly as he entered and securely locked the door behind him.

Walker spun on his heels and locked eyes with Leah, a faint grin appearing on his lips. "You look gorgeous-"

"No, I freaking don't, Walker! My makeup is all messed up and my dress is ruined. I feel like a complete mess!" Leah exclaimed, tears streaming down her face.

Walker let out a heavy sigh, gently setting the bag aside as he enveloped Leah in a tight embrace. Tears streamed down her face as she sought solace against his chest, her sobs echoing in the silence. With tender care, he ran his fingers through her hair, soothing her troubled soul. And then, with utmost gentleness, he cradled her fragile head in his hands, offering her the comfort she so desperately needed.

"Let me see those chocolate eyes," Walker softly requested. Leah slowly raised her head, locking gazes with his deep blue eyes.

"Don't worry. I understand that you're feeling really bad right now, and believe me, it's breaking my heart to see you like this. My mom and I went to the store earlier and picked up some pads and a jogger set for you. Once you're ready to change, we can leave this place, okay?" Walker's words flowed like a gentle river, his voice carrying a soothing melody.

Leah's head moved in a deliberate nod, tears glistening in her eyes as she remained fixated on him. In response, Walker gently pressed his lips against her nose, prompting her to wrinkle it in a subtle reaction.

Walker grasped the bag once more, unfurling the sides with a delicate pull. Extracting the pads packaging, he tore it open and withdrew one. Extending it towards the girl, she accepted it. Finally, he placed the bag back on the ground.

"Take all the time you need," Walker murmured, a faint smile dancing upon his lips as he gracefully stepped out of the stall. The door whispered shut behind him, leaving Leah alone in the sanctuary of the stall. With a gentle click, she secured the lock once more, sealing herself away from the outside world.

Walker casually leaned against the wall, absentmindedly fiddling with his fingers while he patiently waited. However, a hint of anxiety crept in as he remembered he was standing in a girls' bathroom. The thought of the awkwardness that would ensue if a lady walked in made him slightly uneasy.

Suddenly, the sound of items being shuffled echoed through the room, indicating that Leah was almost finished. Walker's intuition was proven right when Leah emerged from the stall, her dress neatly packed away and wearing the joggers he had given her.

Walker's eyes sparkled with admiration as he exclaimed, "You're adorable!" A grin danced on his lips. She returned the sweet sentiment.

"Do you feel better?" Walker inquired, his gentle touch caressing Leah's hair. Leah responded with a soft nod, leaning into his comforting gesture.

"Alright, my love. Let's leave this place," Walker declared, extending his hand towards Leah. Without hesitation, she reached out and clasped his hand, intertwining their fingers. Together, they embarked on their walk out of the restroom, leaving behind the troubles that had plagued them.

Walker successfully navigated through the chaotic event hall, determined to ensure Leah's safety. Despite the curious glances and whispers from onlookers, his sole focus was on getting Leah out of there. Finally, they reached his mom's car, a sanctuary away from the prying eyes. As they settled inside, Walker lovingly fastened Leah's seatbelt, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead once he was done.

"I've already texted your mom, sweetheart. She's perfectly fine with you staying at Walker and I's hotel," Mrs. Scobell announced, a joyful twinkle in her eyes.

Leah nodded, feeling a rush of warmth and affection envelop her.

The journey to the hotel was a short one, as fate had placed the Scobells' residence conveniently close to Leah's temporary abode. As the car disappeared from sight, parked by a diligent hotel staff member, the trio made their way inside. Mrs. Scobell broke the silence.

"I'll just quickly grab something from the buffet. You two can head upstairs," she suggested, her voice filled with tenderness.

Walker's nod was barely audible as he gently guided Leah towards the elevator area. The two of them stepped onto the elevator, ascending to the fifth level. Exiting the elevator, they proceeded down the corridor, finally arriving at Walker's room. With a swift motion, he pressed the card against the handle, granting them entry.

As the door closed behind them, Walker's gaze shifted towards Leah. Her arms were outstretched, her hands reaching out for him. A soft smile graced his lips, his eyes shimmering with delight. 

"I've got you, lovie" he whispered, his voice filled with tenderness. With utmost care, he slid his hands beneath her armpits, effortlessly lifting her up into his embrace.

Walker gently carried Leah in his arms, their bodies pressed together as he carried her to his bed. With utmost care, he laid her down on the plush white sheets, creating a haven of comfort for her. His hands moved with tenderness as he unfastened Leah's heels, discarding them with a casual toss to the ground. Once he finished, he lovingly pulled the covers over her, ensuring she was cocooned in warmth and safety. Walker then gracefully made his way to the other side of the bed, removing his own shoes before joining her. 

Without hesitation, Leah crawled into Walker's lap, seeking solace and affection. She nestled her head against his chest, finding solace in the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. Her face found its place in the crook of his neck, a perfect fit that spoke of their deep connection. Walker's smile radiated warmth and adoration as he gently slipped his hand under Leah's hoodie, his fingertips delicately grazing her back. 

Leah's voice barely audible, she whispered, "Thank you...for everything."

Walker gently kissed her cheek and muttered, "I'll always be here for you, alright?"

Leah nodded in response.

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