
By CounterStrike_978

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Rin grew up convinced he didn't have an ounce of labia in him-the magic that binds all life together. But aft... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Nineteen

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By CounterStrike_978

"Alright!" Ms. Pinter clasped her hands together. "I was worried you'd forget all about our meetings, just like so many other students." She shook her head. "It's so nice I won't have to snatch another student away from their dinner for more practice."

It felt strange to be standing on the stone platform usually meant for just the instructor. Aside from Ms. Pinter, I'm the only one here, too-and I doubt it's good to stand out like this. It must not be very common for people to be sent here for more intensive training. "Now, how familiar are you with what we've practiced yesterday?"

"Not at all. I've never had the chance to learn about healing."

"Figured. You don't seem to be too skilled in using your spirit to defend yourself, either. No matter. I'll have you caught up on both, hopefully by the end of the week. Let's begin while we have time."

The two spent the next hour going over more basic techniques of everything they practiced yesterday. It wasn't too hard to grasp the concept of defense-it takes the exact same mindset as attacking with labia. Learning to heal will definitely take some more time, but Rin's labia has already been turning a green tint when he tried summoning heren. "Well, this is certainly an improvement from yesterday. Another day or two with me, and you should be at a satisfactory level. I believe you have a couple more minutes before class officially starts. You are dismissed-I'm sure you'd like a break from this place, after all."

The rest of the day went by without anything particularly eventful. Rin was certainly better at both Ms. Pinter's and Mr. Mendez's classes-he might actually find a way to adapt into this new style of life. The hours might have went by a little faster if his mind wasn't always on the trip him and Aklan had planned at the end of the day. Soon enough, the two returned from cleaning the bathhouses of their hallway.

Aklan rubbed his hands together. "I'm telling you, cleaning bathrooms is the worst task you can be assigned for the day. I mean, it's faster, but I'd take sweeping floors over this any day."

"How many chores are there around the school?"

"Probably one or two dozen different types. If you're good enough, you might get something special-like dusting off some furniture or doing dishes. They're not particularly fun, but the change in scenery is nice." His eyes lit up, as though he only just remembered they were plotting to leave the school. "Ready for tonight?"

"I'm not sure if its a great idea..."

"Come on! You want to help Wilbur after all, right? This is a great start."

Rin glanced out at the dark sky. Everyone's given ample amount of time to sleep-another method to help replenish labia reserves. Neither of them should be too exhausted come morning, but the idea of seeing such a town at night isn't exactly comforting. "Is it even safe? What if we're caught?"

Aklan grimaced as he rubbed his head. "...Probably expulsion. But relax, I wouldn't have made a habit out of this if I didn't think it was a foolproof plan. Just don't get caught, and we're breaking out tonight!"

The two started off by changing into more casual clothing, and waited for what felt like an hour before Aklan beckoned Rin to follow as he eased open the door. Both were dead silent as they snuck to the stairwell, making their way down level by level. "I need you to really be on your guard for this next part." Rin could barely hear him. "The main floor is the most dangerous."

The hallway was clear, which felt like they were just being teased into exposing themselves. Rin's heart was pounding out of his chest as they passed by the statue of the seven pioneers, making their way deeper into the school. What would Magnus think of Rin if he were caught? He sacrificed so much of his time to help him along, only for him to throw it away for being an idiot. I won't let that happen.

Aklan eventually led Rin to a metallic door near the end of the hallway, likely for maintenance of some sort. Aklan slowly pulled it open, which had to creak in response before shutting it behind them, enveloping the two in complete darkness. "Good," He said-with enough relief in his voice to make Rin wonder whether this technique was as surefire as he claimed. "The toughest part's done. Doing alright?"

Rin nodded.

"Then let's keep moving." Aklan let out his spirit, filling the room with light. It was incredibly narrow, packed full with massive pipes trailing throughout the place like a maze. Then the scent started to settle in.

Rin pulled up his shirt to cover his nose. "What is this place?"

Aklan laughed, much louder than he would have dared a minute or two earlier. "As bad as cleaning bathrooms are, you gotta admit it's a blessing we don't need to take care of all that shit as well."

"We're getting out through sewer pipes?"

Aklan just shrugged. "Look, I promised you I'd get you into the city. Never said the journey would be fun." He trekked down the left hallway before crawling under another set of metal pipes, and into a small corner. "Thankfully, the one we'll be using has been out of commission for decades." He pried away at a loose plate of metal before revealing the entrance to a massive rusted pipe. "This will take a toll on your knees. Get ready."

Rin waited for him to lead the way, before focusing on his spirit standing just between them. "...What is that?"

Aklan gave him a quizzical glance before letting out a groan loud enough to give them both away. "A damn monkey. And don't pick on me for it-I know where you sleep."

Rin crawled in just behind Aklan. The metal was rugged-possibly rusted enough to cut skin if they weren't careful. The smell wasn't quite as bad as it was before, but still nothing he would miss.

Rin's hands and knees were both crying in pain as they finally made it to what felt like the end. Aklan repositioned himself, kicking off whatever was blocking their exit. Rin climbed out of the pipe soon after, stepping into what looked like a trash dump.

"Wasn't that fun?" Aklan wiped off his hands on his pants. He motioned to the cobblestone streets before them. "Come on, we're not too far from Wilbur's family." Rin buttoned up his old red jacket as he followed Aklan down the streets. The city was beautiful in nighttime-lamps bathed almost every building in a golden light. "So tell me about your plan: how do you think you'll be able to turn the corrupted back?"

Here we go. "So, you know how some people believe the first seven pioneers were real? If I remember correctly, there were a couple of stories from that time that spoke of evil being driven out of their enemies."

"Alright, but we've tried that before. We know nothing works."

Rin shrugged. "I don't know, maybe controlling aibal will give us new opportunities."

They walked in silence for a moment. "...Back when you revealed your ability to us, it sounded like you had someone in mind for saving. Got a childhood hero you want to bring back?"

"My sister. She turns seventeen next week."

"Oh. Sorry for asking. Good luck on your goals-I mean it-but maybe you shouldn't be messing around with aibal if you don't need to."

"Why not?"

"Maybe there are consequences to it. Who knows?" Aklan rubbed his head. "Sure, we got carried away with that little ball of it yesterday, but maybe you shouldn't make a habit out of playing with that stuff."

"I'm not turning corrupted."

"I know, I know. careful with it."

Two blocks later, Aklan motioned Rin inside a massive building. It looked nice, but certainly didn't strike him as a house or apartment of any kind. "What is this place?" He asked, stepping into a dark lobby. A metallic desk with wheels sat in the corner, covered with strange tools along with a pile of blood-stained fabrics.

Rin's heart skipped a beat. "Aklan?"

The door across from them burst open, flooding the room with light. Rin's spirit burst out an instant later as he reached for a saber at his hip that wasn't there.

The woman in the doorway froze as she took in the two, putting a hand to her chest. "You scared me."

"That was Rin's fault, not mine." Aklan said. "Rin, this is Sophia-the manager of Seton hospital."

Relief crept back into Rin as his spirit wisped away. "Oh. Sorry, you startled me, too." Aklan mentioned he would take them to Wilbur's family. Is this really it? They're being hospitalized for something?

"So," Sophia put her hands on her hips. She seemed to be in her mid forties, wearing a plain white vest and pants. "What brings two students out here at such an hour?"

Oh no. What would she believe? Should they just plead with her not to report them to the school?

"Hm? Oh, I snuck out again. Rin joined me this time...He wants to help out with Wilbur."

She looked Rin up and down. "Wilbur is my boy." Silence filled the room for a moment. "Why don't we go somewhere else to talk?" She led them down another hallway before motioning them into a room with a small table surrounded by chairs. Sophia sat across from both of them after lighting a lamp. "Did something about my son come up recently?"

"Not that I heard of." Aklan said.

"That's a relief." She looked at Rin. "You're the second time someone's come up to talk to me about Wilbur. Investigators stopped by earlier today, asking about him as well." She let out a quivering sigh. "Looks like they just gathered enough evidence to accuse him."

"I'm so sorry." Rin said.

She let out another breath, wiping her eyes. "Don't be. You said you wish to help with Wilbur in some way?"

Aklan glanced at Rin for approval before speaking up. "Rin has a...unique ability. He can control aibal at his own will, which might help to reverse a corruption."

She was silent for a moment. "You're serious...?"

Rin raised his arm, allowing the black substance to seep from his veins and into his palm. It was crystal clear, even in such dim light. "I'm not corrupted, but I can control both spectrums of magic."

She tensed. "And that isn't dangerous? Who else knows?"

"It's not really a secret-I was accepted into Karlysia specifically because of my ability. And I don't really know how dangerous it is, but I'm always in control of it. If I can find your son, I may be able to help him."

She hesitated a moment. "...I'm sorry, but there really isn't much advice I can give to help you track him down. Almost all of my relatives have encountered him while in kluna-myself included. I really wish I had more to tell you."

Aklan crossed his legs. "We've been worrying about an attack just at our hospital before too long. They don't have the funds nor resources to take an assault like that." He shrugged. "The best you can do is hang around here, I suppose."

Sophia grimaced. "I'm afraid I can't stay too long to chat; we're a little understaffed. I'll be back in a second." She rushed out of the room, leaving Rin and Aklan alone.

"I don't understand. The government should easily be able to help a place like this out in the case of an attack, especially for a hospital in kluna."

"That's the thing: they barely give a fraction of the money lent to other hospitals, even those outside of kluna."

"Why not?"

"'Cause this place isn't meant for mages." He leaned back. "Even wounded soldiers spend their time here-the empire finds it far more profitable to spend their efforts on improving the lives of those gifted. Everyone else is overlooked."

"I heard you don't really take classes seriously. Is that why?"

"More or less. I can't say I really care for labia at all. Given how much damage both magics have done to the country, we'd probably be better off without any of it."

"Can't imagine how livid the instructors would be to hear you say that."

Aklan grunted. "The only reason I'm still enrolled is because of how hard my father trained me. I wanted to prove how much potential everyone has without labia, but he wouldn't let me settle for anything less than the best. Dropping out would be throwing away all the work he put into me."

"What are you planning to do after school, then?"

Aklan shrugged. "Maybe the military, maybe something else. You?"

"...My mentor wants me to wipe out the akuma from this world entirely."

He just shook his head. "That's the problem: everyone's throwing the workload on those who they believe to have the most potential. Is that what you want to do with your life?"

Rin stammered. "If I'm capable of ending everyone's suffering, I'd do what I need to."

Aklan leaned in. "Why don't I rephrase the question: was it your dream to do this? Before you found out of your ability?"

Rin has been terrified at even the thought of akuma ever since he was a child. Who wouldn't be? "...No. But sometimes, dreams have to die."

Aklan pulled out his knife again, twirling it between his fingers. "Sure. I'd be more willing to agree in this instance, if aibal had any grip on this nation whatsoever." He shrugged. "But it doesn't. Hell, your mentor's plan may end up killing more than it will save in the long run-I'm assuming legions will be by your side to help you snuff out the remaining enemies. Is this really something worth throwing lives away over?" Rin gritted his teeth. Aklan was right; aiming to wipe out all of the akuma will do more damage than going on as they are. "...Just, think about what I said, alright?" He shot up, tucking his knife away. "It's getting late. Let's say bye to Sophia before we head out."

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