The Kidnapping (Zayn fan-fic)

By greensloveblues

39.4K 879 106

Sabrina is a 18 year old girl who thought she had a normal life. One day she gets kidnapped by a pack of were... More

The Kidnapping (Zayn fan-fic)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 1/2
Author's Note :'(
Chapter 20 2/2
Second book!!

Chapter 11

1.3K 41 3
By greensloveblues


Zayn's POV

I was sound asleep until I felt this burning sensation on my forehead. I shoot out of bed and ran to my mirror. What I saw totally shocked me. There was a medium sized cut sitting on my forehead. I ran to the bathroom and searched for some band-aids.

"HARRY!!! WHERE ARE THE BAND-AIDS!!" I screamed probably waking him up. I heard a loud groan followed by heavy foot-steps.

"Why do you need band- Woah what happened?" Harry asked standing in the doorway. 

"I DONT KNOW!!! Can you help me find the band-aids before I bleed to death though?!" I shouted at him. Harry then walked very slowly to the sink. He opened up the cabinet and got out a box of band-aids and handing them to me.

"Thanks" Was all I replied before getting the large sized band-aids and putting it on my cut. I sat on the rim of the bathtub trying to think how I got the cut. It wasnt there before I went to bed. I would have woke up if it happened during the middle of the night. Was there anything sharp by me when I woke up? With that I got up and looked in my bedroom. There was nothing that was on the bed or near it that could cut me lie this. 

"So are you going to tell me how it happen...."Harry trailed off. I turned around to look at him.

"I would tell you if I knew myself." I said seriously. I walked out of my bedroom and down stairs to make something to eat. When I got to the kitchen I didnt feel hungry anymore. Weird. Well I just grab something when Im hungry. I walked out of the kitchen and into the family room. I turned on the TV and started to watch abc family. I wasnt paying attention at all because my mouth was suddenly dry and it felt like I had a fever. Footsteps coming downstairs brought me out of thought.

"Hey Zayn why were you shouting this morning. Zayn you dont look to good." Niall said to me with wide eyes. I nodded my head in agreement.

"Yeah and I dont feel good either." I said honestly. I got up and headed for the medicine cabinet. I opened it up and grabbed the Day-Quil taking a sip of it. I felt my face scrunch up and my eyes water at the sour taste. When I turned back around to grab a bottle of water I saw Niall leaning against the doorway. 

"Bud you should really get some rest." He said to me. I nodded and headed up stairs to my bedroom. I wrapped myself in blankets and turned on the TV I had in my room. I put on Cartoon Network since there cartoons always cheer me up.I was watching Tom chase Jerry around the house when there was a knock at my door.

"Come in." I shouted. Wow even my voice sounded terrible. Harry then came in with a cloth in his hands and an eletric thremometer. 

"Hey Zayn. I heard that you weren't feeling so good so I brought up a warm wash-cloth." He said with a small smile. I mouthed a 'Thanks' since my throat wasnt feeling the best right now. He then walked over to me and put the wash-cloth on my forehead and the thremometer in my mouth. He sat down on my bed and watched TV with me until the thremometer beeped. He took the thremometer out of my mouth and looked at it. His face immediately dropped.

"Harry whats my temperature?" I asked since I could see he wasnt going to tell me anytime soon. He gulped.

"Well... Umm.. you see... your um temperature is..." He trailed off. I rolled my eyes.

"Come on spit it out." I urged him. I saw him gulp again.

"Well.... your temperature is um 106 degrees fahrenheit. (41 degrees celsius)" He said looking away from me. I gulped. Crap that was high! I thought to myself. A shiver went through my body. Harry got up and went out of the room. I was confused why he would leave me alone. He then came back with a glass of water. I was about to say I had my water bottle but I noticed I finished that off already.

"Zayn. You need to drink lots of water. I dont want you getting dehydrated." He said while handing me the glass of water. I chugged it down, thankful that I could get rid of the dryness in my throat. I heard a low chuckle. 

"Thanks." I mumbled as I finished off the glass of water. Harry took the glass and got up.

"Im going to refill this. Ill be right back." He said while getting up. I smiled. I was happy someone was taking care of me. Usually its the other way around. I barely got sick so that meant I had to take care of one of the boys. Sometimes they would both catch the same thing so I would have to run back and forth between there rooms. 

Harry seemed to take forever so I decided to bring my attention back to the TV. Before I was able to watch 2 minutes of it I felt nauseous. I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. It was disgusting since all I had in my stomach was water since I didnt eat before. I puked two more times before I heard Harry come in. 

"Zayn where are you!!" Harry shouted. Before I got to answer I puked again. How was I still puking!?!? Theres nothing in my stomach!! 

"Oh god." Was all Harry said before he ran over to my side. He rubbed my back while I finished empiting my stomach into the toliet. When I was positive I was down I sat on the floor with my knees pulled up to my chest.

"Whats wrong with me." I whispered. I closed my eyes and let my head hit the wall behind me. I felt Harry rub my shoulder.

"Im sure its just a bug Zayn. It'll pass. Im sure." He said quietly to me. I nodded. I heard a knock on the door downstairs.

"Hell- What are you doing here?" I heard Niall snarl at our guest. Harry then got up and started to walk towards the down.

"Zayn stay here and get some rest. It might be my comfortable in bed." He said while walking out. I nodded even though he couldnt see me. I got up off the floor and made my way to bed. 

"Ok I know Im probably the last person you want to see but I have a problem." A fimliar voice said. I walked out of my room and stood at the top of the stairs to listen.

"Why dont you just talk to your pack about it!" Niall snapped.

"Well I didnt know what to do but Liam told me to talk to you guys about it. So here I am talking to you guys about it." Our guest said. It then hit me that Louis was at our door. I wanted to go down there to see how Sabrina was doing but I decided against it.

"Fine. Come in and have a seat." Niall said with a sigh. I then heard footsteps walk over to the couch.

"Now tell us whats wrong." Harry said this time. I heard Louis sigh.

"Since Sabrina has been back at our house she wont eat anything. We have to like..beg her to. About two minutes ago when I asked her to take one more bit of her toast she did but after that she threw up. Also this morning she cut her head on the side of her nightstand-" Louis started to say but Harry cut him off.

"Wait. Did she get cut on her forehead. Right about here." Harry said. Im guessing he was pointing to the spot where I got a cut this morning.

"Yeah she did. How did you know that." Louis asked.

"Well this morning Zayn got a cut right there for no reason.... Oh wait I get it! Since they imprinted on each other-" Harry started to say.

"THEY WHAT!?!?!?" Louis screamed. Im guessing he didnt know about that...

"Oh you didnt know about that... Surprise? Anyway when two werewolfs imprint on each other they develop the physical cuts there mate gets. So Im guessing thats what happened to Zayn this morning." Harry explained. The room was silent and all you could here were Louis' heavy breath's. I suddenly lost my grip on the wall and fell down. When I did I scrapped my hand on the hand rail of the stairs making me get a diagonel cut on my wrist.

"FUCK!" I screamed because of the pain. I quickly covered up my mouth praying no one heard that. Soon three pairs of footsteps came running up stairs. Harry, Niall, and Louis soon came into view. 

"ZAYN!! CAN YOU STOP HURTING YOURSELF FOR ONE HOUR!!" Harry joked. I stuck my tongue out at him. Soon the pain from my wrist became to intense so I covered the cut with my hand to try to stop the pain. It didnt work because what ever was on my hand before burned the cut even more. I howled in pain. Yes howled. Whenever I have to much emotion my wolf comes out in me. Everyone covered they ears at the loud sound. When I was done howling Louis phone rang.

"Hello?" He asked into the phone. We gave him all a questioning look. His eyes soon narrowed on me giving me a death glare.

"Yeah that was Zayn. He just got cut in the same stop as Sabrina." He said through his clenched teeth. Crap I forgot I just hurt Sabrina! I fel guilt wash over me as I thought about how much pain she must be in. I brought my knees up at my chest and my face to my hands and started to cry. I felt a hand on my shoulder trying to comfort me but it didnt work.

"Oh that explains it!! I forgot that could happen but I never knew they imprinted so I guess it never came to my mind." Louis said. I knew he was talking about me and Sabrina but I didnt care. All I cared about was that Sabrina was ok. 

"Zayn, you ok?" Harry whispered in my ear. I shook my head and sniffled. 

"Im such a screw up. Im hurting Sabrina right now!! It kills me that Im the cause of her pain." I said back to him.

"No, Zayn your not a screw up. Its not your fault that Sabrina's hurting. Its no ones fault." Harry said while calmly rubbing my back. 

"Paul will never let that happen.He is way to protective now."Louis said into the phone. I finally looked up from my hands and saw Louis pacing back and forth.

"Fine. You start. Ill be there soon and try to help. Bye" He said as he hung up the phone. I gave him a questioning look and he sighed.

"Well I got some good news and some bad news and some not that bad news." He said looking directly at me. I nodded urging him to go on.

"Bad new is that you and Sabrina will keep getting sick as long as your apart. Good news is that were going to try to get Paul to allow you two to see each other again." He said. A huge smile was on my face when he said the last part.

"Wait whats the not that bad news?" Niall said. My face dropped as I realized that.

"Well the not that bad news is Paul usually sticks to something. He is barely ever changes to a different opinion. So this will be very, very difficult." Louis said with a sad sigh. I ran my hand through my hair worrying about how Paul will turn out with this. I hope he will allow us. If he cared about his daughter then I guess he would for her beneifit. 

"Well Im going to go. I have to help with Sabrina and try to convince Paul. Ill talk to you guys soon!!" Louis shouted as he headed towards the door. I sighed and got up, walking towards my bedroom. 

"Dont worry buddy. Im sure Paul will allow it!" Niall said while patting me on the back. When I reached the door to my bedroom I sighed.

"I hope so." I said as I entered my bedroom. I threw off my shirt and pulled on some sweats. I hopped into my bed trying to fall asleep. I fell asleep thinking that no matter what Paul said, I was going to see Sabrina again. I will fight for her.

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