Just follow my lead


4.5K 324 257

At this school, they don't divide us into regular classes, as I initially thought. We have become factions, m... More

What will they call me
How do students communicate with each other?
Watanabe Norihito
So friends stick together?
Nishino Takeko
Club groups
Short Faction stories


404 29 38

Sleeping in a new place turned out to be even more comfortable than the last two days in a single room. I'm not sure of the reason, but most likely it's not at all about the futon that I'm currently able to lie on. I probably just started getting used to the new environment on the grounds of this school.

Watanabe is still sleeping and, frankly, even snoring. It's not too loud, but I can still hear it perfectly. I wonder if it's possible that he has some kind of physiological problems with his nasopharynx or breathing during sleep? Is there a reason for his snoring? Perhaps it could be dangerous for him. Although, first of all, danger haunts my ears and sleep.

In any case, I woke up a little earlier than usual, so I can still afford to do nothing and use the phone. The Internet is catching great here, which means I have access to the greatest database of mankind. Everything is there, maple syrup, ice cream, freedom. True, all these things and concepts are there digitally, not materially, but I can use internet delivery. It is a pity that freedom cannot be acquired via the Internet.

Otherwise, there is only news about Japan and the external development of the world. If there is no interesting news about Canada today, then in Japan, especially in Tokyo, various groups have been gaining popularity lately. They aren't Yakuza, but they're also classified as offenders, mostly they can be distinguished by the color they choose. For example, blue squares or yellow scarves. On the one hand, this is all happening in Tokyo, where this school is located. On the other hand, I don't care, because it doesn't concern me, and this school also exists apart from the society of modern Japan. Well, for the most part.

Suddenly, when I was watching the news, an advertisement popped up on my phone screen. Oh, I don't like sudden ads anymore. If they offered something useful, it would be a different conversation, but here...

💲Do you want to join Dollars?💲

Yes / No

Here it is again. One of the very groups in Tokyo that I just read about. Are they recruiting people through offers on the Internet? In any case, I declined the offer, as it does not concern me at all. Moreover, if I founded a gang, I would call it much better than the American currency. For example, Canadian Dollars. Or A Croissant. These names are clearly better.

Moreover, judging by the available information on the Internet, the Dollars gang is widespread not just in Tokyo, but in a separate area of Ikebukuro. It's on the other side of town, so we're certainly not on our way.

– Ayanokoji, are you finally awake?

– Yeah.

While I was searching for the deep secrets of the Internet, Watanabe rustled like a cat in his futon and finally woke up. He noticed me almost immediately and called out, rubbing his eyes at the same time after sleeping. His hair was wildly disheveled in different directions, but he still didn't seem to notice it.

– Damn, man, you should know what kind of dream I had just now.

– What is it?

– I was relaxing on a chaise longue by the beach in Hawaii, and I was served by beautiful girls in revealing bikinis and skirts made of vegetation.

– It sounds strange.

Of course, I've heard that Hawaii is good, but there are also frequent volcanic eruptions there. Moreover, Hawaii has been under the jurisdiction of the United States since the middle of the last century. Unfortunately, it's in the USA that most of the world-famous investors live. Many of them are related to my past, so I would avoid Hawaii for the sake of prevention, even if it's a safe place.

– No, dude, what are you talking about. This is the basis of real freedom of rest!

– Freedom...

I have no idea what Watanabe is talking about, but he has some kind of specific freedom. Although it is understandable, considering that we grew up in different environments. If he had been where I was, his view of the world would certainly have changed. Although, it's hard to say if he would have been able to get to the moment when the world would have opened up to him. Many people couldn't, especially that girl...

– Speaking of which, what were you talking about with the girls yesterday?

– Yesterday?

He yawned profusely and looked at me with obvious incomprehension. After that, Watanabe scratched the top of his head, ostensibly trying to remember something, but after that he just combed his hair.

– I saw how you actively communicated with different girls in the class. You asked them to join our faction, right?

– Aaa yeah! Of course!

Well, that's wonderful. But considering that he didn't talk about it himself, and other people didn't approach me, none of them joined us. But I'm glad he at least tried.

– And no one agreed, I suppose?

– Unfortunately. But don't worry, I'll definitely continue this activity today. You can rely on me.

– Thank you.

Okay, now I'm a little more glad that I have such an active participant in my faction. I admit, at first I had thoughts that he was just hunting for skirts, as the Internet told me about it. Hm, the Internet knows a lot, I'll call him Internet-sensei🌐, from now on. In any case, it turned out that Watanabe is a rare gold among people, because he is actively trying to help me and our faction as a whole.

– And how are you doing in this? By the way, who is preferable to you, girls or boys?

If I were Hornykoji or something like that, I would certainly choose the first option, but now I'm just Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, no more, no less. So I don't care who joins my faction, as long as that person doesn't create problems. And then I'll be able to make friends with these newcomers.

– I don't care. And regarding the successes, I can say that I tried to invite people to me, but those with whom I communicated simply didn't want to join any faction at all.

– Yeah, that sounds sad, man.

– Yes, it is. But they seem like good guys, so I'm just glad to have the opportunity to chat with them.

– I understand.

Watanabe nodded understandingly and finally decided to make up his futon so that he could head towards the bathroom afterwards. He grabbed a clean towel and a bathrobe with him.

– Can I take a shower first?

– Yes. Take your time.

– Thanks.

At this time, I browsed through various sites on the Internet for a while, and then I decided to eat something. I can't cook, and neither can my roommate, so we only have quick-brewed noodles and fruits and vegetables. Anyway, I filled the kettle with water and put it on to boil, then pulled out two packages of instant noodles from the top cabinet. It remains only to wait. In any case, I also prepared everything in order to brew myself a fragrant black tea, the tea leaves of which, judging by the packaging, were collected in India.

I have no idea what Watanabe usually drinks, but they say people like to drink coffee. I hope so, because now I'm going to make coffee for him. Just in case, I'll add more cream and sugar. While waiting for the water to boil, I decided to eat a banana.

In any case, when Watanabe got out of the shower, he was glad for the semblance of breakfast and coffee. Well, he seems to like sweet coffee, that's good. Anyway, I ate, drank black tea and headed for the shower. Well, the bathroom here is pretty good. However, you will need to buy shampoo and shower gel, otherwise the local ones are too cheap and do not cause much trust. Hmm, I've heard of an ice cream-scented shampoo. I have no idea how this is possible, but I have to find out.

And when we went to school, we managed to meet our new teacher. As far as I know, this is the last one, Mashima-sensei. At least he made a good impression on us. I would say that he, like Sakagami-sensei, appreciates his work. At least, it's much better than the carefree Hoshinomiya-sensei and the strict, almost taciturn Chabashira-sensei. Although in any case, I have already mastered the material of their teaching much earlier, so I have no problems with this anyway.

After the first part of today's school day with Mashima-sensei, I went up to the roof. Kamuro wasn't there to escort me this time, but I can live with that. Of course, I could try to convince her to change her mind and join me, but that's fine. I'll do it another time when I get the chance.

– Hola.

I raised my hand in a greeting gesture.

– Привет.

Soon, on the roof itself, I met Arisu, who was enthusiastically watching the sea from here. It's not the best place to watch the water, but still the view from here is quite good and varied. We greeted each other in different languages, after which I got what I came here for.

– Thank you, I'm very grateful.

She handed me a plastic food box. Judging by what I see there, these are rice balls with leaves, it seems, lettuce, some kind of sauce and fried pieces of chicken thighs along with several tomato slices.

– I don't suppose you're making a bento for yourself?

It's very thoughtful of you to notice this, especially after you made the bento for me yourself. But yes, it's true.

– I don't know much about cooking. I thought I'd learn it later.

In any case, it's definitely a necessary skill, but right now I need to choose the best way to learn. Since I am completely zero in cooking, then learning with the help of Internet sensei seems extremely tempting. However, I still can't be sure if this is the best way to learn in principle. They say that information passing from mouth to mouth and from hand to hand from one person to another has much more value.

– I see. Although maybe I could help you with that.

– Really? Are you sure?

Wow, will they help me with my training? I wonder what exactly her help will be? Will she really teach me her skills, or will she just find another way to get the information to me?

– It doesn't cost anything. However, of course, you buy the groceries. And when everything works out, I'm counting on you to buy me lunch.

– That's how it is. You are very cunning and pragmatic.

– I didn't say anything special to deserve such praise, but thank you.

Well, it's not for free, but I can already say that, most likely, the cost of such training will be minimal. Although, of course, everything will also depend on the level of Arisu's cooking and on my aging, and on the delicacies that we will cook.

– By the way, you might as well join my faction.

– I wouldn't mind, but I am already a Master, you know.

At a time like this, I really regret not being a simple Follower. Then I would just be able to join anyone's faction. For example, this Arisu, she cooks, even if she has a strange smirk and complacency. I think I could already be a regular Follower of her just for eating. Well, or that Ichinose girl. She seemed to me quite sociable, although, of course, we are very different. But maybe I could learn socialization from her. Or that Hirata guy. At least he's quite kind and social.

But for some reason, I was appointed a Master. And now I have only one Follower. Okay, there's still time. Maybe I can recruit someone else. I already have some acquaintances whose names I know. Nishino, Kito, Horikita, Kamuro. If I can get at least one of them into my faction, it will still be a victory.

I've always been taught to win. I was born for this.

– Yes, you mentioned it yesterday. But what if the Master could join the Master? What do you think? Someone like you could do it easily.

– That sounds ominous.

She talks like I'm some kind of superhuman who's capable of anything. But it can't be. I am the most ordinary high school student in Tokyo with the most ordinary monologues and desires. I wear a big cap🧢 and often press ✖️, but I still don't know the reason for this. In any case, yes, I am the most ordinary, absolutely inconspicuous and boring. If you suddenly have the opportunity to press ❎ to doubt, then please refrain from it. I trust you, guys✅

– Fufu, I tried my best.

She also enjoys it. It's kind of too creepy, especially for a girl like that. But okay, I can leave the complaints aside as long as I have a bento. I hope it's delicious.

Anyway, this little girl stayed on the roof again, just like yesterday, and I decided to go downstairs. It makes no sense for me to go to the cafeteria today, but I have no desire to have lunch outdoors. Moreover, I would have to eat standing up, and I would like to sit down somewhere to save more energy in my body. So I went down the stairs a little lower and noticed her again.

– Hi again, Kamuro. It's good to see you.

This girl is sitting here again and is content with eating Arisu, if I understand correctly. Well, I'll be doing the same thing soon. However, where should I eat? In the classroom? Going to the cafeteria with your food seems inappropriate.

– Yeah... Did she give you one too?

She noticed that I was carrying a bento in my hands, which was too similar to what she had herself. Hmm, wait, so Arisu made the same bento for us? If I remember correctly, last time she tried to match Kamuro's tastes. So this time I'm going to eat what Kamuro likes? I should have remembered that.

Ayanokoji will remember this

Great. I love automatic saves, they are so convenient.

– Yes. I asked her to do it for me yesterday.

– I see.

– Do you want to have lunch together?

She's almost finished eating, so my offer is sure to be rejected. Just like my offer to join the faction, which is rejected by everyone. But, as the Internet Sensei🌐 says, the main battle is not a victory. Although, of course, this is nonsense. Winning is always a priority.

– Okay, fine.

– Thanks.

And yet I won. Serves you right, Internet Sensei🌐! Know your place. Which one of us is the masterpiece? Of course I am! DIO!!!

Anyway, I sat down next to her on the landing and opened the bento box. Waiting has filled my soul for a long time, but now it's time to fill my stomach. When I opened my bento, the fresh aroma of chicken hit my nose, followed by rice, then tomato slices. And this sauce looks tempting. I don't know what it tastes like, but it's worth a try.

Wait... what do I have to eat?? Kamuro has chopsticks in his hands, but I don't have anything. Nothing like that came with the bento. Was I deceived..?

– What's it? Don't you like it?

– No, it looks tempting and smells very appetizing, but I suddenly realized that I have nothing to eat it with.

Kamuro paused for a second, then used her chopsticks to quickly scoop a rice ball into the sauce and elegantly eat it in one bite. Wow, she's elegant even in these things. Although soon after that, she had nothing left in her plastic box. So she's already leaving, right?

– Here you go.

– Hm?

– Come on, take it.

– Thank you again.

Kamuro suddenly decided to give me her hashi. I accepted them, but was a little impressed. Is it okay to share your chopsticks? I thought people treated it completely differently.

– But is this normal?

– I'll just buy others. It's not a big deal.

– I understand.

Now I definitely understand why they call Kamuro the best girl in class A (❀❛ ֊ ❛„)♡. Hm, the fourthwall-chan? What are you doing here? No, I want to talk to the readers again! Nooooooo!

– By the way, have you changed your mind about the factions?

– You know, I've changed my mind.

Ha? So fast? Well, this really seems to be the peak of success. I didn't expect that if I just had lunch with a girl once, she would immediately change her mind. Well, I'm glad it turned out that way.

– Really? Then welcome. I'm glad you're with me now.

– ... I meant that I joined this Sakayanagi's faction... already(¬_¬")

– Oh... I understand.

Disappointment suddenly descended on me. But I'm not disappointed in Kamuro, I'm disappointed in myself first of all. Yes, I deceived myself, I convinced myself that I finally managed to win.

– Why is it so important for you to have someone join you?

– I feel lonely, to be honest. Most people are not interested in these factions, and I am not at all interesting, not pretty, not attractive.

She looks like I've said some nonsense. In any case, my words represented not just thoughts, but facts. I just want to make friends and understand why these factions are needed at all. The more Followers I have, the more successful I will probably be in one sense or another.

– Well, you underestimate yourself a little.

– Believe me, if it were so, it would be noticeable.

– Suuuure...

After another short silence, Kamuro closed her now empty plastic bento box and stood up from the stairwell. She lightly brushed off any possible dirt and dust from her skirt, although it was quite clean, and then turned to me.

I wonder why they make such short skirts for girls? If Kamuro, for example, had moved one step higher now, I would be able to see from my position what I shouldn't see... yet.

– Are you leaving already? I'm sorry, I'm going to finish my meal quickly.

I need to hurry up to return the chopsticks to her. Of course, the lunch break wasn't over yet, but she probably could have her own things to do.

– I told you I'd buy new ones. Just forget it.

– I understand, thank you.

Heh, well, it's a little depraved to use the same chopsticks when we're a guy and a girl, but I'll turn a blind eye to it this time. Kamuro doesn't seem to care at all.

– If you want, I can ask around the girls I've more or less met. In case someone wants to join you.

– That would be nice.

Is such a service really for free? This girl is really wonderful. I wish I had met her a little earlier so that I would have a chance to lure her to my faction.

– But did she really buy you for food? Was it that easy?

– Yeah. Sakayanagi will show me the true nature of the food. She is my Master now.

So it's really over here. I lost.

But that's fine. In any case, I had another goal, but I left time for it at the very end of the school day, after the rest of the lessons. Watanabe went home as soon as I told him that I wanted to walk around a little more. He smiled strangely, then put his hand on my shoulder and nodded confidently, showing a raised thumb up. I have no idea what he was trying to convey to me in this way, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, shortly after that, I went to the upper floors of the school using the same stairs where I managed to have lunch with Kamuro today.

At first I decided to look at the third floor, but there was no one there. I checked all the classrooms, but there was no one there, although the signs at the entrance to the classrooms showed that these were definitely the classrooms of third-year students. There was a similar picture on the second floor, so I had no choice but to go back downstairs and leave in defeat.

It looks like I'll have to come there tomorrow during my lunch break. Or is it better to just come to school early so that there is time to look into other classrooms?

Already on the ground floor, I suddenly met a girl in the hallway, who was heading towards the exit of the school. I wanted to call out to her, since we still know each other a little.

– Hi, Nishino.

When she heard her name, she turned around on the spot and looked at me.

– Yo. Ayanokoji, am I right?

– That's right.

Well, I still haven't been forgotten, it's a success. Although, of course, this is the third time we've seen each other, so it would be good if she didn't forget me further.

– Do you want to go to the dorm together?

I made her an offer that could easily be turned down, but apparently she doesn't mind.

– Yes, it can be arranged. But maybe we should take another look at the gymnasium building?

Ha, at the same time, she doesn't even know that I have already expanded my faction and moved to a new dormitory. The main thing now is to get closer to her, get her contact information, so that after that we can definitely develop the perfect plan to lure this girl into my faction. I may have to ask Watanabe for help.

– Do you want to sing a song again?

– Uuh, not yet. I'd like to just listen to you play. Your choice.

– Well, I don't mind. However, I like classical music more.

– Cool. Then let's go.

After I lost Kamuro as a potential candidate, I need to try harder.

– Yeah.

But when we were already out of the school building, I noticed a couple of students who also walked in this direction a little behind us. I haven't met one of them before, but this is the second time I've seen the other girl. These are probably our senpai, since she was the one who gave me the brochure on my first day here.

– I'm sorry, you're our senpais, right? Can I take a few seconds of your time?

I slowed down a bit and urged Nishino to do the same. She was surprised, but silently stopped with me, after which I turned around and looked at these two. A girl with purple hair, gathered in a hairstyle resembling meatballs, and a strict guy with glasses with dark short hair and even darker eyes. His face seemed a little familiar to me, but I don't remember that we had met before, so I guess it was just my imagination.

– Mm?

– Go on, I'm listening.

In any case, I made a request to them, and if the girl was a little puzzled, then the guy didn't look confused at all. He stopped with his companion and looked at me with his piercing gaze. They say the eyes are the window of the soul, but I can't see anything in this guy's window.

– What are the factions in this school for?

– ...

– ??

Suddenly, he walked on, bypassing me while his girlfriend or girl-friend stood still and didn't understand what was happening. At first I thought of calling out to him, but later I changed my mind. Still, it doesn't look like this guy is in the mood for dialogue. How strange.

– Hey! Are you still not going to answer?

Although suddenly Nishino turned to him. She seemed a little interested in this, since she wanted to get an answer to the question I asked. This senpai turned only half in our direction.

– You said it wouldn't take more than a few seconds. Time's up.

After that, he continued walking in the direction of the gymnasium building, followed by the girl who was confused by his behavior herself. She soon caught up with him, but did not say anything. Perhaps this isn't the first time this situation has happened.

In this case, I can conclude that the sempai in this school may not be useful. Of course, they were only two out of 320, so I still have a lot of chances to find out something. However, now my interest in the mystery of these factions has only become greater.

In recent days, I have already managed to despair that no one wants to join me, so factions are meaningless. At least that's what I decided at first, but now the situation is slowly changing.

– Shall we go?

– Yeah.

Nishino lightly tugged on my jacket sleeve, bringing my consciousness back to reality. In the end, we went in the same direction as the other two, but there was no point in talking to them anymore.

– That guy is just a weirdo.

– Well, he probably had his own reasons for not answering.

– Which ones exactly?

– I don't know. But it seems that this school is really hiding something from us. Yet these factions are so incomprehensible. It is difficult to say why this is necessary at all and what impact it has on students.

I expressed my doubts about what was happening to her, after which I received an understanding nod from her. It seems that we have come to an understanding in this path.

– I understand.

– At least, the school clearly hopes that people will join factions by the end of this week. It is not clear what will happen next, but it is better to be careful.

– Yes, it makes sense.

Great. Now that we've reached this point, it's time to make the final move as a knight, as if we were playing chess. I have driven Nishino into some kind of trap, from where there is a safe and even safer way out. What will she choose?

– If that's the case, then maybe you should join someone's faction, Nishino? For example, my doors are always open.

She slowed down a bit, but then returned to her previous walking speed. Soon, Nishino thoughtfully put her index finger to her lips and tilted her head slightly to one side. Her beautiful violet eyes closed for a couple of seconds before she gave me her answer to my constant suggestion.

– Mm... I'll think about it. I'll give you my answer tomorrow, okay?

– Of course. I'll be waiting.

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