passenger princess | hazel ca...

By sanriocraft

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being childhood friends with your next door neighbor sure had its perks. at the very least you had a guarante... More

| author's note |
1. festival lights
2. my passeneger princess
3. i don't fight, i cheer
4. welcome to fight club, ladies
5. fighting montage go !
6. trauma dumpimg with the girlies ( ft. mr. g)
7. (girl)friends who suffer together, stay together
9. kiss a friend !
10. my girlfriend got beat up right after we started dating
11. best friends to lovers trope
12. oh, now you want a bomb ?
13. what we really need is a femininomenon !

8. this place about to blow ( no literally)

196 7 0
By sanriocraft

you and hazel had just finished eating lunch, it being packed by none other than your talented mother. you two were just chatting with you laying on her lap as she rested her hands behind her to support her body. that was until you heard heels clicking in your direction. you looked up and stopped your amazing conversation with hazel which was currently debating whether or not you should purchase a plushie you had your eye on.

" isa, hey what's up," you asked, looking up at her as she seemed to be fuming.

" is it true ?" isabel asked pointedly at hazel, who looked down at you in confusion before looking back up.

" uhh... is what true ?" hazel questioned softly, almost in fear from how intensely isabel was staring at her.

" is it true that my boyfriend- well ex-boyfriend soon enough is fucking your mom ?" isabel questioned, crossing her arms. you sat up from hazel's lap, standing up before hazel followed suit standing beside you.

" uh yeah, we saw him at my house like a day ago i think." hazel looked at you and you nodded sadly.

" we ?" isabel asked confused, looking between you two.

" i thought you'd probably wanted to hear it from josie instead of us two..." you confessed softly, honestly prepared to get shouted out. instead isabel smiled almost too happily before telling you both to follow her.

you and hazel looked at each other before following right after her which was somewhat hard, since she was practically speed-walking her way towards the cafeteria despite being in heels. you both followed her into the cafeteria albeit a bit behind, watching her throw her hands up against flyers two guys were holding, conveniently standing in the center of the cafeteria. you and hazel practically jogged over to keep up with her as she made her way towards the main table where the football players sat down to eat.

" are you having sex with mrs. callahan ?" isabel accusingly questioned, hazel and yourself standing a bit behind her.

" baby, you look so beautiful, like so fucking hot. how- how are you ?" jeff asked her, avoiding her question. you and hazel made eye contact with each other both shaking your heads in disgust at the guy in front of you.

" bad ! are you having sex with her ?" isabel glared at him, waiting to see how he would try to save his ass this time considering she had not one, but two witnesses to his cheating.

" i'm, i'm, i'm- i'm helping her with taxes."

" aren't you in eighth grade algebra ?" you tilted your head in confusion pointing at him with your finger, trying to get him to slip up.

" i can't answer that question, cause i don't know how to read." jeff chuckled fakely, pointing back at you.

" she's asking you to your face !" isabel yelled, as you now realized that the whole cafeteria was watching this whole shit show.

" fuck, that usually works."

" are you cheating on me, again ?" isabel looked down at her heels disappointed at herself for not heeding your warning as well as brittany's the last time this happened.

" baby, no, no ! no, why would i, why would i do, that was one time with your sister, there's one, four times. no, i would never cheat on you again, okay ? i promise you, i am not sleeping with her."

" i literally saw you yesterday," hazel commented, causing you to turn your head in shock considering she didn't allow you to sleepover again last night.

" shut up nerd ! i fucked your mom !" jeff paused, knowing that in that moment he had fucked up.

" mhm, mhm. yeah, we're done." isabel laughed in anger, glaring at jeff as he tried to save his ass once more.

she turned around and started walking away from the table, you followed behind grabbing hazel's arm who seemed to start to wander off. you jogged over to where the other girls in the fight club started to walk with isabel.

" i'm getting revenge. i'm gonna fuck up some football players, and i'm buying a gun." isabel stared forward almost like she was making eye contact with a camera like in the show 'the office'.

" hell yeah, i'll get my stepdad's."

" what about like egging ?" annie suggested.

" yeah, so we can make them not refrigerated and smelly." you all followed after isabel with the new plan in mind before hazel stopped and since you were holding her forearm, you were pulled back and looked towards her.

" what about, like, a bomb ? like a, like a super small bomb ?" the rest of the girls turned to hazel in shock, while you looked at her confused and slightly impressed that she had time to learn how to make bombs which wasn't at all concerning. " i mean, they're super easy to make and i could just put it under his car, and it could be a distraction."

" yeah hazel, let's do terrorism..." pj mocked her after hazel pouted her lip out. you tried to focus at the conversation but your mind was preoccupied with hazel's cute pout before following the girls again to plan your mission.

" when exactly were you planning on telling me you knew how to make bombs ?" you whispered to hazel while walking. hazel shrugged her shoulders.

" i didn't think it was important." you looked over at her while shaking your head at her response.

" you're such a...... dork, but at least you're my dork." you giggled softly before grabbing her hand and running to catch up with the girls. hazel's brain short circuited as it replayed hearing you call her " you're my dork," and she smiled like an idiot letting you practically drag her.

that night annie picked all of the girls up in her van to initiate our plan, so we all dressed in dark colors and wore these badly cut out black beanies to avoid getting recognized. you had made an excuse to your parents for you and hazel that you two would be hanging with some friends from school.

" dressed in all black at night," your mom questioned, crossing her arms across her chest staring you and hazel down. " i wasn't born yesterday you two, just be safe and don't get caught."

you and hazel smiled before hugging your mom and exiting the house, jumping into the back of annie's van before she started driving towards jeff's house courtesy of isabel giving her the directions.

as the ride to house commenced, whoever was on aux had done the liberty of putting ' total eclipse of the heart' in the queue, so it started to play as you girls got closer to arriving to your destination.

once you two had arrived, hazel pulled you over to help with something she was going to do. you saw the other girls ran towards the front of the house to start throwing the eggs and toilet paper you guys had brought. you walked with hazel, following after her as she made her way to jeff's car. you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion before remembering what she mentioned earlier causing your eyes to widen before running up to walk beside her.

" hazel, are you actually gonna you know," you pointed towards the car, seeing hazel shrug her shoulders before crawling underneath the car to place the bomb. you looked around obviously nervous, watching the other girls lowkey struggling with the toilet paper. you could hear hazel mumbling to herself while messing around with the bomb she brought. looking around you saw josie leave pj's side and walk over to the van where isabel was sitting as the lookout.

" can you hold this for me real quick," hazel asked, holding out a flashlight for you to hold up for her. you nodded grabbing it before squatting down and angling the light to where she was working.

you could hear pj asking where you and hazel were, so you muttered to hazel to speed it up a bit.

" like, 15 minutes ?," you heard her mumble, you started to look around making sure it was just you two that were left and that no one had caught you guys yet. you heard a beeping noise start to sound. " oh, fuck, fuck, fuck. okay, um n/n let's go !"

you started to stand up to move, so hazel could slip out from under the car only to hear a bump and her groaning probably from smacking her head against the car.

" hazel ?" you asked, before she popped up and grabbed your hand, dragging you along with as you both started to ran away from the car. you saw the other girls standing around the van, probably looking for you two.

" it's gonna blow !" hazel shouted to the girls, waving her arm that was free up and down as a signal for them to take cover.

" oh, wow, yeah guys, it's gonna blow." pj joked, turning to the girls smiling obviously not believing hazel.

soon after you heard the bomb go off, cowering while still running from the loud noise. your ears started to ring slightly considering you and hazel were closer to the bomb than the other girls. the girls started to panic and ran towards the van so you guys could get the fuck out of there before getting caught. pj bumped into you two before shouting at you two.

" oh my god ! what the fuck !"

" holy shit..."

hazel and you finally made to the van, panicking while stumbling to get in the van. finally piling all in, you were all shouting to annie to drive. the car started to move, a little sluggish probably due to the fact you all were scared shitless of getting caught especially annie being the one who had to drive away. she had turned a little too rough at the corner before some of the girls were yelling at her to back up or she would be crashing into the curb.

driving away, you turned back to see jeff's car burning away and seeing some of the trees covered in toilet paper, plus the windows were covered in egg yolk. you turned back around leaning against hazel before laughing aloud, as all the girls turned to you like you were losing your mind.

" that was fucking insane, but kinda exhilarating," you laughed out, considering you had never done anything particularly rebellious or serious in terms of acting up, this was one hell of an experience. although the club would probably be shut down after this, you were happy to be have been apart of it and making some fun memories with these girls. some of the girls started to giggle in unison with each other obviously laughing from the adrenaline running through your bodies.

it was the next day, and you were just going through your classes normally almost as if nothing had happened last night. on your way to one of your classes, you saw out of the corner of your eye that tim seemed to be interrogating josie while pj stood at the side looking pissed off. shrugging your shoulders, you continued walking chatting with stella who had joined your walk halfway through.

hazel texted you near the end of the school day that pj and josie wanted to host a meeting today to probably discuss the happenings of yesterday. so you all meet up at the usual place where club meetings were held, sitting in the bleachers this time that were pulled out in preparation for the pep rally happening tomorrow. you were sitting next to hazel, swinging your feet back and forth waiting for pj or josie to start talking.

" alright, some of us clearly have a different definition of egging, but if we keep our mouths shut, stay calm, we'll be fine." pj stated, in a condescending tone.

" they're gonna shut us down, aren't they ?" sylvie questioned, looking towards the two girls standing.

" what ? nooo... we don't know that. what- why-."

" principal myers will believe whatever jeff and tim say. i don't really see how we recover from this," pj had been cut off by brittany who spoke the truth. our principal had obvious favoritism towards the football team even if they sucked, he still treated them like they owned the school.

" man..... fuck."

" you know, it's been real, guys." hazel started, looking around the room smiling at our friends we had made in the club.

" okay, let s not jump to conclusions with the goodbyes and....,"

" i'm gonna miss you guys so much." hazel continued, as all of us smiled at each other, not even realizing we were ignoring pj.

" and like, at least we went out with a bang, i mean that was fucking insane," sylvie hyping hazel up for the bomb she had made. you giggled at her response, feeling a hand being placed on your knee, looking down to see isabel smiling up at you. you placed yours on top of hers. we all started to laugh together with sylvie continuing.

" there was just, like, fire everywhere."

" wait. stop. we don't- wait no we don't know that for sure."

" pj, don't be sad it's over, be happy that it happened," annie commented, trying to make pj feel better. your smile started to fade a little, seeing pj's mood be drastically different from all of yours. you noticed that josie hadn't said a word since she entered in.

" all right, can everyone calm the fuck down, please ? the club is not over, josie, right ?" pj's comment just made everyone's smile fade away seeing her demeanor change from kind to frustration slowly. josie didn't really answer just looked down at her shoes with her hands in the pockets of her jacket.

" no matter what, this club has brought me so much. i feel...., so much more powerful and, um... protected." isabel said, smiling over at josie.

" me too." josie muttered softly, making eye contact with isabel.

" great," pj shook her head in disbelief chuckling half-assed before speaking, almost glaring at her own friend.

" oh my god, pj. okay, i'm sorry that you didn't get what you wanted out of this group, but i think the rest of us did," hazel stood up, fed up with pj's complaining. she felt like pj was devaluing the experiences and friendships she and all the other girls had gain out of the club all because pj was upset she wouldn't be able to fuck someone cause of the club disbanding.

" oh... good for fucking you, hazel. i'm so glad that not only did you manage to fuck your best friend, you finally wrote one email. accomplished a lot." everyone gasped around you at pj's first statement that wasn't even true, she was just pulling shit out of her ass.

" what the fuck pj ?!" you shouted before hazel cut you off with her continuing to talk back to pj. isabel looked over at you before grabbing your hand in support smiling softly at you.

" i actually did. i practically ran this club for you and josie."

" hey, let's calm down, maybe," josie patted pj on the shoulder before sending you a facial expression that read as saying ' i'm so sorry'. of course, same as always josie apologizing for pj because of something rude she said to you.

" you really think you're the reason that we have this club ?" pj questioned hazel snarkly, glaring at her.

" the reason ? no. but i can tell everyone that if you want." hazel pointed her arm to everyone, who looked confused at her statement. everyone looked between pj and hazel trying to figure out what she meant by that. you started to chew on your inner lip, eyes flickering between the two wondering what each one would say next. isabel had moved up to sit next to you, holding your hand as you both started to lean against each other.

" hazel. uh, hey, let's calm down, right ?" you breathed out in shock that now josie was stepping in fully, probably to save hazel from spilling her and pj's secret about the club. you felt horrible for isabel, knowing that your suspicions about the club were right, she probably would be even more heart broken now since her and josie were just starting to get along. it would be a slap to the face for her, and you had wondered if you should tell her but with no concrete evidence other than pj's comments, you didn't think she would believe you.

" you're really ungrateful. you're so lucky that we even let you be a part of this." pj continued, with her half-ass performance.

" pj, you're a liar !" hazel finally exclaimed, looking at pj with eyes in shock that she was trying to get away with this. the room went quiet as everyone looked towards pj, waiting to see if she would defend herself or explain. she decided to go with option c and insult hazel.

" yeah, well, you have no friends, and a skank as a mom, so...." pj smirked at hazel, noting that she had the final blow in this argument of theirs. josie looked stressed the fuck out beside her, realizing her friend had just majorly fucked up. you stood up next to hazel shocked and pissed off at pj's comment, getting ready to defend hazel. you had to hold back before walking down the bleachers and using what you learned from the club to teach pj a lesson.

hazel went quiet staring at pj, shocked at what she said before looking around her, making sure to avoid your gaze. she grabbed her bag from her left side before walking around you and isabel, walking down the stairs in a rush not giving you a chance to stop her from running out of the room.

" hazel !" you and josie shouted after her, you wanted to chase after her but you had to give pj a piece of your mind. you turned back to face pj hearing her scoff at hazel retreating, you walked down the bleachers not using the stairs next to them. you heard isabel call after you but you were focused on pj who looked at you almost challenging.

you slapped her across her face, causing to her gasp in shock holding her cheek before looking back at you. you were so fed up with pj being a bitch to hazel, you thought she should be glad that you only slapped her. all the girls gasped and josie had her hand covering her mouth hesitating to go to her friend's aid considering the slap resounded in the room since it was a gymnasium.

" what the fuck, pj ?! what is wrong with you ? if anyone here is ungrateful, it's your sorry ass. instead of hyperfocusing on what you wanted out of this club, you should been more preoccupied in, oh, i don't know making friendships with these girls. i have put up with your bullshit solely because of hazel, because she said i had to get to know you better, then i would see you weren't so bad. and what do you do ? fuck one of the only friendships you had other than with josie. you deserve the shitstorm that will be coming towards you." you both were glaring at each other before moving away grabbing your bag from the bleachers. you turned around pointing at pj before saying one last thing.

" also, my relationship with hazel is none of your fuckin business, so i would really appreciate if you stopped making comments like that cause it shouldn't concern you whether or not we fucked !" you walked away, slamming the exit door behind you.

you breathed out slowly, running your hands through your hair and down your face, stressed the fuck out. you hoped hazel hadn't gone too far, you started walking around campus hoping you would find her. unfortunately for you, tim had found her first and was now convincing her to do something she would regret in a few days pass.

author's note : woooo ! shit...this chapter was longer than usual but y'all probably ate that shit up. 🤭 you and hazel finally talked your shit to pj, as you should. but don't worry, it will all be resolved soon enough.🫡 let me know if i should change anything about the dialogue i tried not to make it cringey like usual y/n clapbacks are, so if you guys have any constructive criticism or feedback just let me know. next chapter will be even more wild so be prepared guys ! bye bye !

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