
By kurenohikari

8.1K 270 14

After a disastrous date with Natalia and a close encounter with lightning, Buck realizes he needs a break fro... More

Evan Buckley
Athena Grant
Bobby Nash
Maddie Buckley
Christopher Diaz
Hen Wilson
May Grant
Tommy Kinard
Chimney Han
Margaret Buckley
Pepa Diaz
Karen Wilson
Ravi Panikkar
Chief Alonzo
Phillip Buckley
Josh Russo
Taylor Kelly
Elle Buckley-Kinard

Eddie Diaz

505 16 0
By kurenohikari

As Eddie sat in one of the nicest Mexican restaurants in LA, listening to Marisol keep on going about some rumor mill that has been circulating her workplace, Eddie could not help but think.

"What the hell am I doing here?"

Eddie would rather spend his time with his son and Buck, bench-watching the Jurassic Park original trilogy. Because, "Dad! Nothing beats a classic!" and, "Come on, Eddie! Your son wants to be an archaeologist and bring back dinosaurs, let him dream big!"

Yet, here he was, wearing an uncomfortable shirt, in a restaurant that made him want to cringe. And for what? Because his family kept pushing him to get a girlfriend? Dios! It made him sound like a total douchebag.

The more dates Eddie had with Marisol, the more eager he felt for Buck to return to LA. Only two more days until his best friend gets back from Italy. Chris had made Eddie promise to take him to pick up his Bucky from the airport. Not that it had taken much convincing, as Eddie had missed Buck as much as his son.

Dios, how easy it would be to fall for Buck. He was the perfect partner and co-parent. Eddie's best friend and confidant. If soulmates existed, Eddie was 100% sure that Buck would be his. But soulmates could be platonic as well. And Eddie, unfortunately, was straight.

Eddie might not have found a romantic spouse in Buck, but he found the perfect partner- as a firefighter, as a best friend, as a second parent for his son. Hell, Eddie had even taken Chris to Buck when his son started asking questions about the LGBTQ+ community. The fragile look of awe Buck had given Eddie that day was more than worthy. Eddie's heart had gone all warm as he had watched Buck answer all of Chris's inquiries with patience and gentleness. Eddie had not even thought of Hen as a possible candidate, had gone straight to Buck. Because there was not one person Eddie trusted more with his son than Buck.

Eddie knew he had been luckier than most. Even after war, his issues with his parents, and being a widower, Eddie had a supportive family, a job that he loved, a wonderful son, and the best of best friends, Buck. He had also found and married the love of his life, no matter how bad he had screwed things with Shannon.

Eddie's main objective in dating was to find a partner that would bring stability to his home life, love Chris as much as Eddie did. Someone who Chris would be comfortable with and made Eddie happy. Maybe Eddie should stop going out on dates because his family wanted him to move on. Eddie knew he had to end this farce tonight. He had learned with Ana how to drag things. Frank had been helping him see that everyone mourned at their own time. Chris and Eddie were great; they did not need another mom or wife. Eddie knew that he would get an earful from Tía Pepa for letting another wife-material woman go. And as much as Eddie knew she was doing this for him, he did not care. Eddie was not ready to move on, and Frank assured him it was okay. Eddie will focus on his mental health and son and best friend first. Maybe he'll get married one day, maybe he won't. He was in no rush.

The dinner lingered on much longer than Eddie would have liked. At least the food was delicious. He then drove Marisol back to her home and accepted the invitation inside for coffee. The conversation that followed was uncomfortable. Eddie stayed silent as Marisol cursed him in Spanish; he deserved it.

The ride back home was a tiring one. Eddie must have been more exhausted than he had thought because instead of seeing his Tía Pepa's car in the driveway, it was Buck's Jeep that welcomed him home.

What the... why was Buck back early? It did not really matter, as joy filled Eddie. He eagerly got out of his car and skipped the steps to the door. The moment he entered his house, he was met by Buck. Eddie closed in the familiar arms, his eyes and breathed in the familiar scent of Buck's shampoo, as he clung to his best friend so hard.

"I missed you, Eds," Buck all but whimpered.

"So did I, Evan," Eddie whispered in his ear. He had truly missed having his best friend covering his back.

As Eddie wrapped his arms around Buck, his thoughts raced. He couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of relief and joy flooding through him. It had been far too long since he last held his best friend like this. The absence of Buck had left a void in Eddie's life that no one else could fill. He had missed their late-night conversations, their shared laughter, and the unspoken bond that they shared.

In that moment, as he held Buck close, Eddie couldn't help but think about all the moments they had shared together and how much he cherished their friendship. He was grateful for Buck's return, grateful for the opportunity to have him back in his life where he belonged. The weight that had been lifted off Eddie's shoulders was immense, and he felt a sense of peace wash over him knowing that Buck was here, right where he was supposed to be.

With each passing second of their embrace, Eddie's heart swelled with love and gratitude. He was filled with an overwhelming sense of gladness that Buck was back, ready to stand by his side once again.

Once they finally let go of each other, Eddie asked, "Did you get Chris before he went to sleep? He must have been excited."

"He was surprised," Buck agreed with a chuckle. "Though, I miss bedtime story time. When did Chris get too old for it?"

"Time went flying," Eddie agreed. "What brings you to LA early?"

Buck sighed, slumping on the living room's couch, defeat screaming from his posture. "I'm sorry, I'm starting to hate repeating this story."

"Evan, what's wrong?" Eddie sat beside him, putting a supportive hand on his knee.

Buck stared at the hand with a strange look on his face, making Eddie nervous. What had his best friend acting like this? Was he in trouble? Dios! Was it cancer?! But then Buck covered Eddie's hand with his own and held on tightly.

"Kameron was in a car accident after a fight with Conner. The baby survived, but she did not. Conner could not handle it and left for Peru." Buck informed Eddie, almost mechanically, leaving Eddie reeling from the backlash of information. "Her name is Danielle Kameron Buckley, and Chris can't wait to meet his younger sister."

"You've got a daughter?" Eddie asked, shocked.

"I've got a daughter," Buck repeated.

"You're a dad?"

"I'm a dad," Buck sounded close to hysterics. "A dad who lives in a bachelor pad and has moved in with his captain to raise his daughter. God! I'm a mess!"

Seeing Buck starting to lose it, Eddie took charge. "Let's start looking for a new place, then. I'll help get you settled, and Michael is back from Haiti, I'm sure he would not mind sharing his contacts. I'm pretty sure we'll find the perfect place soon."

Buck smiled softly at Eddie, wearing an expression of awe. "Just like that?"

"Just like that," Eddie agreed, just as soft. "You've always been there for Chris and me. Allow me to do the same for you and Dani."

"Elle," Buck corrected. "I might have named her after Danny, but she deserves her own nickname. She is no replacement."

Eddie understood the double meaning of Buck's words immediately and nodded in agreement. "Elle, it is."

"Thank you," Buck whispered tenderly, smiling at Eddie so softly that it had Eddie's heart melting.

"May I see her?" Eddie asked shyly.

"Of course!" Buck exclaimed, a beaming smile spreading through his face. Eddie's breath caught; Buck looked like a proud parent. Why had he not noticed before that Buck always had that look when talking about Chris? "Elle is at Pops and 'thena's place, but I have a whole folder of pictures."

"Only one folder?" Eddie teased Buck, who pouted adorably in return.

"I've only had her for less than a week. Just wait for it! Soon I'll have a whole memory card!" Buck looked like an excited golden retriever. Eddie could practically see the ears perking and tail wagging. It was honestly quite adorable.

But not as adorable as Elle. The moment Buck had given Eddie his phone and his eyes had laid upon the adorable baby, Eddie had fallen in love. It was the kind of love that filled them with warmth, left them feeling giddy and nervous at the same time. A love Eddie had not felt since Chris had been placed in his arms.

He would do anything for this bundle of joy.

"Hi Elle, I'm Eddie, your padrino," Eddie cooed at the picture, before looking at Buck questioningly.

Buck simply smiled in return. "Can't think of anyone better for that task."

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