Haunting Past.

By MissElaina96

198 6 0

Things seem to be finally looking up for the team of Titans. Richard is confident that the team he assembled... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Five

Chapter Four

23 1 0
By MissElaina96


Over the past few weeks, the Titans have endured grueling training sessions under Richard's relentless regime. Each day brought new challenges, with Richard pushing them to their physical and mental limits in pursuit of perfection.

However, while they adhered dutifully to Richard's strict schedule of drills and exercises, their compliance with the accompanying dietary restrictions was less consistent. Murmured complaints and rebellious glances were exchanged amongst the team members as they struggled to adapt to the Spartan diet imposed upon them. The monotony of bland meals and strict portion control tested their patience, threatening to fray the bonds that held them together as a team.

Each member of the team bore the weight of Richard's expectations, determined to prove themselves worthy of his unwavering confidence. Yet, beneath the surface, tensions simmered, the relentless strain of their training regimen testing their camaraderie and resolve with each passing day.

After returning to the combat room for another round of training before bed, Richard divided the team into pairs. With a commanding presence, he instructed Kori to team up with Raven, a pairing that promised a combination of fiery energy and dark mysticism. Meanwhile, he paired himself with Garfield, whose reluctance to engage in one-on-one combat with his leader was palpable, particularly given Richard's recent displays of short temper and uncompromising discipline.

With lightning speed and precision, Richard unleashed a barrage of punches aimed at the agile changeling. Garfield ducked and weaved, his reflexes honed from continual practice. Sensing an opportunity, he transformed into a kangaroo, utilizing the creature's defensive instincts to shield himself from Richard's onslaught. With deft movement, Garfield bounced back on his powerful tail, creating distance between himself and his relentless opponent, before delivering a forceful kick that sent Richard staggering backwards.

Utilizing the momentum of his fall, Richard executed a graceful somersault, seamlessly transitioning from a prone position to a poised stance as he closed the distance between them once more. Garfield, momentarily caught off guard by his leader's swift recovery, braced himself as Richard launched another attack. Reacting instinctively, Garfield ducked beneath Richard's punch, his large tail swinging in a wide arc towards his leader's feet in a swift counterattack.

Richard vaulted over the sweeping tail with acrobatic finesse, his eyes narrowing in concentration as he anticipated Garfield's next move. Seizing the opportunity, Garfield shifted his form once more, transforming into a large rabbit. In a blur of fur and muscle, his movements were fluid and unpredictable as he prepared to face his formidable opponent head-on.

Richard looked down at Garfield, only for the rabbit to leap high into the air with surprising agility, launching a flurry of kicks aimed at Richard's face. With lightning reflexes, Richard raised his arms in a defensive stance, blocking the rapid-fire assault with a series of well-timed maneuvers. Each blow reverberated through his arms, the force of the animal's assault more of a nuisance than actually doing any damage.

Despite Garfield's impressive display, Richard sensed a hesitancy in his opponent's movements, an underlying reluctance to fully attempt hitting his leader. Frustration gnawed at Richard's patience as he grappled with the changeling, his determination to push Garfield to his limits driving him forward.

In a sudden burst of frustration, Richard seized Garfield by the ears, his grip firm. "Finish this!" His voice was sharp with command, cutting through the tension that hung heavy in the air between them.

With a swift and fluid motion, Garfield complied, morphing once again as the rabbit's ears slipped from Richard's grasp. From the ground, a large, formidable alligator hissed. Before Richard could react, the reptile lunged forward, its powerful jaws clamping down on his pant leg with surprising force, sending him crashing to the ground in a tangled heap.

As they tumbled, Richard felt the weight of the alligator's body pressing down on him, its hissing breath hot against his skin as Garfield maintained his grip. With a surge of adrenaline, Richard acted swiftly, reaching into his pocket and retrieving his retractable staff, a weapon he always kept close at hand.

In one fluid motion, Richard thrust the staff into the gaping jaws of the alligator, activating the mechanism with a deft flick of his wrist. The titanium staff extended with a satisfying click, forcing Garfield's mouth wide open as he struggled to close his powerful jaws against the unyielding pressure.

Despite the changeling's best efforts, the alligator's jaw proved no match for the strength of the titanium staff, its teeth unable to pierce the reinforced metal. Richard's resolve held firm, unwavering in the face of the predatory threat looming over him.

Richard's grip tightened on the retractable staff as he pressed the button again, the metallic device obediently shrinking back to its pocket size. With a swift motion, he shoved Garfield off him before rising to his feet, his expression a blend of stern disapproval and weary frustration. "I would rather you show me what your teeth can do instead of threatening me with them." He criticized sharply, his voice carrying the weight of his disappointment.

Garfield morphed back into his human form and rubbed his strained jaw with a grimace, feeling the lingering ache from the staff. After ensuring that his jaw was not dislocated, he turned to face his leader, his gaze hard with resentment. "Don't worry, I will happily bite your face next time." He retorted with a sharp defiant edge to his tone.

Meanwhile, across the training room, Raven struggled with her own challenges. Tasked with practicing the use of her powers at close range, she found herself grappling with the limitations of controlled combat. In the heat of battle, adrenaline often spurred her instincts into action, but in the controlled environment of training, triggering that reflex proved to be a daunting task.

As Kori swung her staff with practiced precision, Raven found herself once again knocked off her feet, the impact sending her sprawling to the ground with a frustrated huff. It was not the first time she had fallen that day, nor the second, and with each successive tumble, her patience wore thinner.

Sitting on the floor with a sigh of exasperation, Raven brushed a lock of dark hair from her face, her frustration evident in the furrow of her brow. Despite her best efforts, mastering the intricacies of close-quarters combat remained a formidable challenge, one that tested not only her skills but also her resolve.

Kori felt a pang of sympathy for Raven as she watched her friend struggle, her own desire to ease the intensity of their training tempered by the knowledge that true growth often came from facing challenges head-on. Despite her reservations, she knew that going too easy on Raven wouldn't ultimately benefit her progress. With a sense of determination, Kori approached her fallen comrade, extending a hand to help Raven to her feet as they prepared to resume their training.

Starting again, Raven attempted to summon her powers, however, her focus was shattered by Kori's sudden strike to her side, the impact causing her concentration to falter. Before she could react, Kori deftly maneuvered, hooking her foot around Raven's legs and swiftly flipping her onto the ground. The unexpected blow pushed Raven to her limits, her frustration boiling over as she whipped her head around, a low growl escaping her lips as her red eyes blazed with a fiery intensity.

Though Raven had made strides in controlling her darker powers through meditation and practice, there were still moments when her emotions threatened to overwhelm her, unleashing the formidable power of her demonic side. Despite their familiarity with Raven's struggles, the others couldn't help but feel a sense of unease whenever her temper flared.

With a measured calmness, Kori addressed the situation, her voice gentle yet firm as she reached out to Raven. "Raven... It's okay." She reassured, her words acting as a soothing balm amidst the tension that hung heavy in the air.

Across the room, the boys were quick to react, sensing the escalating tension between the two girls as they rushed over to intervene. With caution, Kori extended her hand once more, offering Raven a lifeline in the midst of her rage. But Raven, consumed by her fury, lashed out without hesitation, her leg swinging out and knocking Kori to the ground with a resounding thud.

Before Kori could fully react to her friend's assault, Raven pounced, her aggression unchecked as she bore down on her friend with a ferocity that startled them all. Reacting on instinct, Kori raised her hands in defense, summoning a mild blast of energy to push Raven back. Her expression was a mix of concern and determination as she sought to diffuse the escalating tension before it spiraled out of control.

This time, however, Raven's response was different. In a swift and surprising move, she conjured a shimmering force field, effectively blocking Kori's blast with ease. "You will have to try harder than that, Koriand'r." Raven taunted, her voice dripping with a newfound confidence.

Kori's eyes widened in astonishment, caught off guard by Raven's display of her newfound power. Before she could react, Raven seized upon her momentary pause, her grin turning wicked as she lunged forward, her hands closing around Kori's throat with a startling ferocity.

Normally, Kori would have been able to defend herself against such an attack, but as she found herself trapped beneath Raven's malevolent gaze, a sense of paralysis gripped her, her movements stilled by an unpleasant familiarity to the situation.

Raven's grin widened, her eyes gleaming with a sinister light as she sensed Kori's hesitation. "Do I remind you of someone, Koriand'r?" She taunted, her voice laced with cruel amusement. "A lost family member perhaps. Does looking at me and the evil I embody cause pain in your heart? The sister you always wanted is turning into the one you already had."

Kori's breath caught in her throat, a wave of anguish washing over her at Raven's cutting words. The thought of her lost sister, twisted by darkness, sent a pang of sorrow through her heart, leaving her momentarily vulnerable to Raven's ruthless onslaught.

Before Raven could inflict any further damage, Richard's voice cut through the tension like a knife, his tone sharp with authority as he harshly grabbed Raven's arm, yanking her off of Kori with an urgency born of concern. "Raven, that's enough!" He reprimanded sternly, his eyes flashing with a mixture of disappointment and frustration.

As Richard intervened, he momentarily forgot the extent of Raven's prowess when she succumbed to the darkness within her. Before he could react, Raven seized his arm with a vice-like grip, bending it backwards with a swift motion that left him off balance. With alarming agility, she flipped him onto the ground, the force of her maneuver catching him off guard.

Garfield, rushing to Kori's side, offered her a helping hand as they both watched in astonishment at Raven's impressive display of skill. Richard, recovering from the unexpected takedown, couldn't hide his surprise at Raven's capabilities, his eyes widening with a mixture of admiration and concern as he pushed himself back onto his feet.

Despite his initial distraction, Richard wasted no time in regaining his composure, swiftly arching his back and springing back to his feet with determination etched on his features. With a fierce grin, Raven charged forward once more, her movements fueled by a potent mix of anger and adrenaline.

Richard barely had enough time to react, kicking up his legs in a defensive maneuver that sent Raven staggering back with a grunt of pain. Seizing the momentary advantage, he adopted a defensive stance, preparing for Raven's inevitable counterattack.

However, his kick only served to stoke Raven's rage, fueling her determination and vengeance. With renewed ferocity, she surged forward once more, her fists crackling with energy as she launched a relentless assault.

This time, however, Richard was ready for Raven's onslaught. As her fists closed in with lightning speed, he met them with a swift counterattack, his own blows aimed with precision and determination. Yet, despite his best efforts, Raven's movements were almost too fast to follow, a testament to the immense power and agility that only a meta-human could possess.

Struggling to keep up, Richard found himself on the defensive, his arms moving to block Raven's rapid-fire strikes. Even then, he found it challenging to fend off her relentless assault, each blow landing with a force that threatened to overwhelm him.

In the midst of their intense exchange, Richard couldn't help but wonder why Raven only displayed this level of combat prowess when she was under the influence of darkness. A flicker of hope ignited within him as he entertained the possibility of tapping into this potential without the need for her to succumb to her darker instincts. However, his brief lapse in focus proved costly as Raven seized the opportunity to land a punishing blow.

Her fist collided harshly with Richard's face, sending him stumbling backward with a pained grunt. Clutching his bloody lip, Richard barely had time to recover before Raven was upon him once more, her grip like a vice as she twisted his arm back, slamming him against the unforgiving surface of the wall.

Richard winced as Raven exerted pressure on his injured arm, the pain shooting through him like a bolt of lightning. Yet, despite his distress, he refused to show weakness, his jaw clenched in determination even as her wicked smirk widened.

Leaning in close, Raven's voice dripped with venomous malice as she whispered tauntingly into his ear, her words striking deep into his psyche. "So what are you going to do, Dick, after you send your entire team to their deaths? How do you think that will reflect on you as a leader? What will Batman think?"

The implications of her words cut deep, stirring a tumult of emotions within Richard as he struggled to maintain his composure. Before he could formulate a response, however, Raven's grip tightened, and with a sharp cry of pain, Richard felt his arm wrench out of its socket, the agonizing sensation sending shockwaves of agony coursing through his body.

"Richard!" Kori's panicked scream pierced the chaos. Desperation and fear gripped her as she watched him suffer at the hands of their possessed friend.

Reacting on pure instinct, Garfield charged forward, careless of the danger that loomed before him. He threw himself at Raven, the force of his impact jolting her enough to release her hold on Richard as they tumbled to the ground in a tangled heap.

As they landed, Garfield wasted no time in pinning Raven down, his hands gripping her shoulders with a mixture of urgency and apprehension. "Raven, please! Snap out of it!" He pleaded desperately as he shook her in a futile attempt to break through the darkness that had consumed her.

But Raven only smirked in response, her crimson eyes gleaming with a dangerous light as she regarded him with a mix of amusement and malice. Though Garfield held her arms down, an unsettling fear gnawed at him, a sense of foreboding dread coursing through his veins at the unpredictability of her fury.

Yet, to his surprise, Raven made no move to attack or resist his hold. Instead, her eyes softened, a glimmer of allurement shining through the crimson haze. Tantalizingly, she bit her bottom lip, a gesture that sent a shiver down Garfield's spine as he struggled to comprehend the sudden shift in her demeanor.

Confusion clouded his mind as he watched her, his heart racing with a mixture of apprehension and intrigue. Her demeanor had shifted from wrathful to... something else entirely. Unable to tear his gaze away, Garfield found himself momentarily paralyzed, his instincts warring with his growing sense of curiosity. Before he could fully process what was happening, Raven sat up, her movements fluid and deliberate as she leaned closer to him, closing the distance between them with an almost hypnotic grace.

"This is what you've been waiting for, right?" She murmured softly, her voice a seductive whisper that sent a flush of heat creeping up Garfield's neck. "This is what you want?"

Garfield's eyes widened in disbelief, his face flushing red as her words hung in the air, their implications sending his pulse racing with a heady mixture of anticipation and uncertainty. Raven drew closer, her breath warm against his skin as she hovered inches from his lips. His heart hammered in his chest. The sudden intimacy left him reeling, his mind struggling to process the surreal turn of events unfolding before him.

Raven smirked, a humored huff escaping her lips. "Oh, sweet, pathetic Garfield." She continued, her voice dripping with disdain as she tightened her arms around his shoulders. "The one who has fallen for someone he never stood a chance with."

A wave of anguish washed over Garfield as her words struck him like a physical blow, his heart sinking in his chest as he grappled with the sting of rejection. Every syllable seemed to reverberate through him, echoing the pain of unrequited feelings that he had buried deep within his heart.

Before he could muster a response, however, Raven's demeanor shifted once more, her eyes flashing with deadly intent as she seized him by his hair with a merciless grip, wrenching him aside with a violence that left him reeling. With a cry of pain, Garfield felt strands of his hair rip from his scalp, the sharp agony of the physical assault adding to the tumult of emotions swirling within him.

But before Raven could unleash her fury upon him, a high-energy blast tore through the air, its searing intensity striking Raven with a force that sent her crumpling to the ground in a motionless heap. Garfield watched in stunned silence as Kori lowered her hands, the light of her powers dimming as she approached Raven's unconscious form.

With a noticeable frown etched upon her features, Kori walked over to her fallen friend. She gently lifted Raven's limp body from the ground, her expression a mix of concern and apprehension as she turned to Garfield. "Are you okay?" She asked, her voice soft yet tinged with worry.

Still reeling from the shock of the confrontation, Garfield could only nod in response, his thoughts a jumble of confusion and disbelief.

"Let's go to the med bay." Kori said firmly as she cradled Raven in her arms. With that, they all left the room, the weight of the recent events hanging heavy in the air as they made their way toward the med bay.


It was never easy when Raven succumbed to her dark side, and her friends often bore the brunt of the pain, both physical and emotional, in the aftermath of her outbursts.

In the med bay, the atmosphere was heavy with the weight of the recent confrontation. Raven lay unconscious on the cot, her still form a stark reminder of the turmoil that had unfolded moments before. Despite her outward calmness, the Titans couldn't shake the sense of unease that lingered in the air, a palpable tension that seemed to permeate every corner of the room.

As the others tended to their injuries, the sense of unease only seemed to deepen, casting a shadow over their collective spirits.

"Are you ready?" Kori asked, her expression stoic, tone devoid of its usual warmth as she prepared to reset Richard's arm.

Richard nodded, steeling himself for the pain as he braced for the procedure. With a swift and practiced motion, Kori applied pressure, and with a sharp thrust, she snapped his arm back into place. Though the pain was intense, Richard barely flinched, his body accustomed to the rigors of combat and injury.

Clutching his newly reset arm, Richard turned to Kori with a grateful smile. "Thank you." He said softly, his voice tinged with genuine appreciation.

"You're welcome." Kori replied, her response cold and distant, her gaze unfocused as she turned away, her attention already shifting to Garfield's injuries. Richard's smile faltered, a pang of sadness tugging at his heart as he watched her retreat into herself.

With a heavy sigh, Richard left the med bay, the weight of Kori's continued distance pressing down on him. The dimly lit halls of the tower felt cavernous and oppressive, echoing with the hollow ache of his despair as he navigated their familiar corridors to the computer lab.

Despite his best efforts to bridge the growing chasm between them, his attempts remained futile against the tide of their fractured relationship. Ever since he had raised the standards of what he expected from everyone, including her, Kori had grown noticeably distant, her once warm demeanor now shrouded in an icy reserve that left Richard feeling adrift in a sea of uncertainty.

As he walked, the weight of their unresolved tensions settled over him, each step forward weighed down by the burden of their fractured bond. Though he longed to mend the rift between them, Richard knew that until they defeated Deathstroke, there was little he could do to repair the damage that had been done.

Meanwhile, back in the med bay, Kori applied cream to the small bald spot on Garfield's head with gentle care, her touch a soothing balm against the lingering ache of their shared ordeal. "Is it noticeable?" He asked, wincing slightly as she touched the tender skin.

Kori's gaze softened as she met his eyes, a flicker of warmth reflected in her expression. "Don't worry, Garfield." She reassured him softly. "I'm sure your hair will grow back quickly."

Returning the ointment to its place in the cabinet, Kori turned back to face Garfield, her heart heavy with empathy as she observed the turmoil etched on his face. She could sense the tension radiating from him. His posture slumped with the burden of his unspoken fears. In that moment, Kori couldn't deny that she, too, felt the weight of Raven's cutting words lingering in the air between them.

"You know you're not supposed to take anything she says to heart." Kori reminded him gently, her words a whisper of reassurance that she herself desperately needed to hear.

"And what if what she said is true?" Garfield asked, his response tinged with a raw vulnerability that struck a chord within her.

"You could always ask her?" Kori offered softly yet full of encouragement.

Garfield met her gaze with a knowing look, his expression a mix of resignation and apprehension. "You know I'm not going to do that." He admitted, his reluctance palpable as he contemplated the daunting prospect of confronting Raven.

With a compassionate smile, Kori reached out to him, her touch a gentle reassurance amidst the storm of their emotions. "You don't have to reveal anything. If you are vague enough, you might get an answer without her discovering your true feelings."

Garfield let out a heavy sigh, his uncertainty weighing heavily on him as he considered her words. "I'll take it into consideration." He murmured, though he couldn't shake the nagging doubt that lingered in the back of his mind. The prospect of confronting Raven loomed large before him, a daunting task that left him unsure of his own capabilities.

Kori's smile, though gentle, held a tinge of melancholy that didn't escape Garfield's notice. As he watched her, he couldn't shake the sense that her encouragement was tinged with her own lingering sadness. While he knew he wasn't alone in bearing the aftermath of Raven's vicious words, he suspected that Kori's dismay ran deeper than that.

"I see you're still giving Richard the cold shoulder." Garfield observed, his tone gentle but probing, his keen eyes catching the subtle nuances of Kori's demeanor.

Despite knowing that Garfield's remark was merely a figure of speech, Kori found herself rubbing her shoulders to warm them, seeking solace in the warmth of her own embrace. "I'm going to keep my distance, at least until I start to see the passionate Richard I love return." She confessed longingly.

"That Richard might not come back until Deathstroke is defeated." He informed her, his words a stark reminder of the grim truth they faced.

Kori let out a heavy sigh, her shoulders slumping, that relation not going unnoticed by her. "I know." She acknowledged softly. Her gaze was distant as she contemplated the daunting road that lay ahead.

With the sound of a soft moan, their conversation was interrupted by the noise emanating from the nearby cot. Kori and Garfield turned their attention towards the source of the sound, relief washing over them as they watched Raven slowly sit up, her movements tentative as she rubbed the side of her head in discomfort.

"Raven, are you okay?" Kori asked, her voice laced with concern as she rushed to her friend's side, her worry momentarily overshadowing her own inner turmoil.

"Mmm, minus the mild headache, I'm fine." Raven answered, her voice tinged with fatigue as she glanced up at her concerned friends. However, the pain etched on their faces told her that they were not. "It happened again, didn't it?" She asked, her tone heavy with resignation, knowing fully well the toll her descent into darkness took on those closest to her.

"You're back now, and that's all that matters." Kori interjected, her smile warm as she placed her hands atop Raven's, offering a comforting gesture of solidarity.

"We're glad you're okay." Garfield chimed in, though his attempt at a smile seemed strained, the weight of their recent ordeal still evident in his expression.

"Yeah, but you guys aren't." Raven observed, her tone serious as she turned her gaze between her friends. "So, tell me what happened?"

Kori hesitated, her expression conflicted as she searched for the right words. "Well, the injuries were minimal, but you did say some things that were unpleasant." She admitted finally, her voice tinged with hesitation.

At the mention of her actions, Raven sighed heavily, her shoulders slumping with the weight of her remorse. "Of course I did." She murmured, rising from the bed, only to glance down at her clenched fist. Relaxing her grip, she watched as a small wad of green hair fell from her hand. With her heart clenched with guilt, she turned to Garfield. "I'm sorry." She whispered with genuine remorse.

"It will grow back." Garfield reassured her, though his attempt at nonchalance fell short, the worry still evident in his voice. "Hopefully..."

"I'm going to my room. I need to meditate before bed." Raven announced, her voice carrying a hint of exhaustion as she made her way towards the door. "Goodnight." She added softly before exiting the room.

Garfield turned to Kori, who met his gaze with a knowing look. Despite his desire to push aside the events of earlier, he knew he couldn't simply ignore what had transpired. With a resigned sigh, he made a decision and bolted after Raven, determination etched into his features as he ran after her.

Despite grappling with uncertainty on how to address his concerns, Garfield felt compelled to get clarification. "Raven, wait up!" He called out to her, his voice echoing through the dimly lit hallway. "Raven." He called out once more, his voice tinged with uncertainty yet imbued with a quiet resolve, his footsteps quickening in pace as he closed the distance between them. Finally reaching her, he gently touched her arm, halting her progress and drawing her attention as she turned to face him. "About what you said when you were..."

Raven's expression was guarded yet expectant, as if bracing herself for the conversation to come. "Look, Gar..." She began, preempting his words with a gentle yet firm tone. "You have to understand that anything I say when I've gone dark, I did not mean any of it."

Garfield's confusion was evident as he searched her eyes for clarity. "Do you not remember?"

Raven shook her head, a solemn expression crossing her features. "Sometimes I can recall some of the cruel words that come out of my mouth." She admitted, her voice tinged with regret. "A lot of the time I can't remember. But I know my demonic side tends to take anything that makes you feel vulnerable or insecure and throws it back at you in the cruelest way. So, because of that, I am truly sorry for whatever I said. I didn't mean it."

Garfield felt a weight lift from his shoulders as her words sank in, a sense of relief washing over him as he absorbed her apology. "Oh... Okay." He murmured, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips.

"Is that all you needed to know?" Raven asked, her tone soft yet earnest as she searched his eyes for reassurance.

Garfield nodded, a genuine smile lighting up his face. "Um, yeah, we're good."

A small smile tugged at the corners of Raven's lips. "Goodnight, Gar." She said softly retreating into her room.

"Goodnight, Rae." Garfield replied, his heart feeling lighter as he watched her disappear into her room, a sense of peace settling over him as he turned to make his way back to his own.

After another long and strenuous day, fatigue weighed heavily on the Titans as they each made their way to their respective rooms for some well-deserved rest. While Garfield and Raven found solace in each other's reassurance, the same couldn't be said for Richard and Kori.

Richard navigated the dimly lit halls of the tower, the tranquility of the night enveloping him in its calm embrace. However, as he approached his room, he encountered Kori, who was on the verge of entering hers.

The sight of Kori preparing to retire to her own bedroom underscored the loneliness that had become a painful aspect of their new routine. Richard felt a pang of longing in his chest, yearning for the comforting presence of the person he loved sleeping beside him.

"Kori." He called out, his voice betraying the hesitation he felt. She paused in her ascent, turning to face him with a mixture of resignation and dismay. "I know you're still upset." Richard began, his words tentative as he broached the delicate subject. "But maybe tonight you could come sleep in my room?" His request hung in the air, laden with unspoken longing and hope.

"Goodnight, Richard." Kori replied softly, her response tinged with defeat as she retreated into her room without another word.

"I love you." Richard added, the words slipping from his lips in a desperate attempt to bridge the growing chasm between them. But his declaration was met only with the sound of Kori's door closing, leaving him alone in the hallway, the weight of his solitude bearing down.


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