JOYBOY (Now on Webnovel and M...

بواسطة EricBrazen

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A broken and boozy multibillionaire philanthropist takes a special interest in a troubled young teenage runaw... المزيد

Prologue: Lone Street Corner Blues
Chapter 1: In The Company Of Dire Crookeds
Chapter 2: Cold Clarity Reflection
Chapter 3: High School Highs And Lows
Chapter 4: Bumps And Bruises
Chapter 5: Cumbersome Intrigue
Chapter 6: Kickin' The Blues
Chapter 7: The Rockstar Dealmaker
Chapter 8: The Wiliest Of Ways
Chapter 9: The Long Weary Road
Chapter 10: Hopelessly Indebted
Chapter 11: A Mindless Haze And Endless Maze
Chapter 12: Boneless Bliss
Chapter 13: Survival Of The Willful
Chapter 14: The Lifestyle Of A Wealthy Scoundrel
Chapter 15: A Fine Round Of Decency
Chapter 16: Money And Pain
Chapter 17: Wandering Lust
Chapter 18: Outcast And Unwanted
Chapter 19: What Feens Do
Chapter 20: When Paths Converge
Chapter 21: First Impressions Are The Damnedest Thing
Chapter 22: A Mutual Arrangement Of Sorts
Chapter 23: A Series Of Firsts
Chapter 24: A Virgin Lust
Chapter 25: The Art Of The Deal
Chapter 26: Intimate Familiarity
Chapter 27: A One-Track Mind Is A Terrible Thing
Chapter 28: Weekend Motives
Chapter 29: Whispers Of Bliss In The Dark
Chapter 30: Instincts Laid Bare
Chapter 31: A Stir Of Echoes
Chapter 32: Slow And Messy
Chapter 33: The Dirty Clean Kind
Chapter 34: Just For Kicks
Chapter 35: Shooting The Breeze
Chapter 36: The Pitfalls Of Falling In Love With A Cold And Broken Heart
Chapter 37: Another Fine Mess
Chapter 38: Something Like Pillow Talk
Chapter 39: Terror In Dreams
Chapter 40: The Remnants Of Broken Hearts
Chapter 41: A Euphoric High
Chapter 42: Bitter Brotherly Bonds
Chapter 43: A Jumble Of Thoughts
Chapter 44: The Bottom Of A Bottle
Chapter 45: A Game For Fools
Chapter 46: The Fondness Of Absence
Chapter 47: The Quiet Part Aloud
Chapter 48: A Complacent Acquaintance
Chapter 49: The Rattling Of Nerves
Chapter 50: A Fitting Occasion
Chapter 51: Quality Time Spent
Chapter 52: Brazen Antics
Chapter 53: Papercut Bliss
Chapter 54: Bad Day Fury
Chapter 55: Window Pain
Chapter 56: Water And Bridges
Chapter 57: Companion Like Behavior
Chapter 58: A Right Kind Of Feeling
Chapter 59: Moving Day
Chapter 60: Under Compulsion
Chapter 61: Old Habits Die Hard
Chapter 62: Ignorance And Bliss
Chapter 63: A Man About Town
Chapter 64: Blissful Motivation
Chapter 65: Afterglow And Things To Know
Chapter 66: All Fun And Games
Chapter 67: A Layabout Kind Of Day
Chapter 68: Back To School
Chapter 69: A Mother's Love
Chapter 70: A Dire Need
Chapter 71: Proximity Closeness
Chapter 72: Boys Night
Chapter 73: Introducing Mr. Boring
Chapter 74: The Consonant Professional
Chapter 75: Something Like Professional Courtesy
Chapter 76: A United Front
Chapter 77: A Family Affair
Chapter 78: Embittered Resentments And Shards Of Memory
Chapter 79: Between Confusion And Pain
Chapter 80: The Things Unsaid
Chapter 81: Off The Deep End
Chapter 82: All The Wrong Reasons
Chapter 83: Return Of The Horndog
Chapter 84: A Pair Bonding Like No Other
Chapter 85: An Unseemly Delay In Gratification
Chapter 86: An Intimate Discovery
Chapter 87: A Spark Of Connection
Chapter 88: The Scratching Of An Itch
Chapter 89: The Inquiry Of A Mind
Chapter 91: Bad Boy, Bad Habits
Chapter 92: Hooked On A Good Feeling
Chapter 93: An Intimate Pillow Talk
Chapter 94: Euphoric Bliss Revisited
Chapter 95: A High Potency
Chapter 96: A Quiet Few Moments
Chapter 97: The Provocation Of Memory Lane
Chapter 98: A Walking Trainwreck
Chapter 99: True To Form
Chapter 100: A Case Of Memorial Impairment
Chapter 101: Fragments Of Imagination
Chapter 102: A Moment's Pause
103: From Zero To One Hundred
Chapter 104: A Joy Boy And A Horndog
105: What Wet Dreams Are Made Of
106: The Irresistible Sort
107: The Golden Boy's Keeper
108: To Catch One's Breath
Chapter 109: A Matter Of Taste
Chapter 110: A Rather Dirty Bargain
Chapter 111: The Best Money Can Buy
Chapter 112: A Voyeur In The Midst
Chapter 113: Midnight Ride
Chapter 114: The Drawbacks Of Being A Lightweight
Chapter 115: The Pangings Of An Insecure Heart
Chapter 116: Hair Of The Dog
Chapter 117: Brother Business
Chapter 118: Impending Fatherhood
Chapter 119: An Uncomfortable Truth
Chapter 120: A Theory Of Fragmentation
121: The Impossible Mending Of Broken Parts

Chapter 90: Some Wonders Never Cease

28 3 0
بواسطة EricBrazen

Chapter 90: Some Wonders Never Cease

The Parking Lot, The Ramos Residence, Flex Court Ave, Baltiney, New York...

         A long deep breath had been just what the doctor ordered as Ken Ryker found himself sitting in the driver's seat of his sports car with an equally nervous and pregnant Valencia Ramos sitting beside him in the passenger seat. She had been dressed quite formally and his gray suit had been enough with the distinct lack of wrinkles and heavy polish on his black dress shoes. He had not wanted to endure this little venture in the first place given the history her family had with him according to what Malcolm had told him about The Ramos family but with Valencia now confirmed to be pregnant even to his own family, he had little to no choice in the matter. He gripped the steering wheel as Dean Hudson once more came to mind as he had left him asleep following their morning romp and made his way to see the mother of his unborn child, who had gathered quite a bit of dangerous information regarding their association.

Ken had known better than to underestimate Valencia and as a result, fully committed to the idea that he'd be wed to her. She had given him her expressed permission to continue his association with Dean only due to his special circumstances but she wasn't to ever be denied no matter how he felt about it. Taking that all into consideration, Ken wanted more than anything to loosen his tie. He had not recalled much about his previous association with The Ramos family aside from Valencia being at the hospital and the widespread concern and disapproval. Now here he was in the parking lot just outside their home trying to fathom how he'd managed to get himself into such a reoccurring mess.

"It'll be okay, Ken," said Valencia placing a hand on his thigh as they sat in the car gathering their thoughts. "Let me do the talking and try not to get upset."

Ken nodded content to follow her lead as it were.

Valencia had phoned her mother before leaving her apartment to inform her of the engagement so that she'd be able to brace herself and possibly help smooth things over for the rest of the family which consisted of Valencia's father Hector Ramos, her younger brothers, and her little sister as well as a few aunts and uncles.

It had still been a daunting task for Ken given his disdain for family gatherings. He managed to keep his cool this time around after popping a dose from his meds and adhering to Valencia's judgment when it came to how best to approach the subject of their upcoming marriage and the new baby.

Slowly, Valencia and Ken exited the car after turning off the engine and he put the keys into his pocket. He didn't say a word as the pills began to take effect. Valencia moved toward him holding his hand as they rounded the front of the car and cleared it before approaching the front door.

It was Sylvia Ramos, Valencia's ever-caring mother, who had opened the front door to greet them although her expression had more to do with shock than disgust at the two of them being together unlike her husband Hector who'd been pouting in the kitchen.

"It's good to see you doing so well," said Sylvia greeting her daughter and kissing her on the cheek as she noted the glow that she carried about her. "It's also nice to see you too, Ryker."

Ken nodded in her direction although he knew it had been further from the truth as far as anyone else had been concerned. He leaned down and kissed Mrs. Ramos on the cheek in greeting as he would his mother despite his age. Valencia stepped inside and greeted her father in the kitchen as Ken entered the house behind her immediately drawing her father's ire upon notice.


The Living Room, The Ramos Residence, Flex Court Ave, Baltiney, New York...

Valencia's little brothers Jorge and Carlos had not been so little anymore when she looked upon them unsure of how to tell them her news and what their reactions would be like despite knowing her father and the quiet judgment of her mother due to her choices leading up to this moment. Her baby sister Sophia had not been privy to the past association with Ryker and their father's disapproval of it. Valencia greeted her family with a warm and hopeful smile as she announced that she'd been in deed engaged to be married to Ryker Kennison and that they were expecting to have a baby.

Ken said nothing as Hector broke a glass he'd been holding at the mention of a baby. He glared at the older man with a look of outright disgust before being unable to voice his disapproval of his eldest daughter and Ryker not keeping his promise to let Valencia live her life that he'd made well before the accident.

"¡Qué clase de hombre es este que ella trajo a esta casa, un hombre que no cumple sus promesas y va a mis espaldas para estar con mi hija, eso es quién!" growled Hector. ("What kind of man is this that she's brought into this house, a man that doesn't keep his promises and goes behind my back to be with my daughter that's who!")

"Papa!" began Valencia attempting to salvage what little of the evening remained before tempers got the better of her intent.

"No quiero oírlo niña, no tengo tiempo, ¡te escapaste y te acostaste con este viejo bastardo rico sin siquiera considerar todos los problemas que te meterías al desperdiciar tu vida como lo has hecho!" growled Hector enraged at his daughter's gall. ("I don't want to hear it girl, I haven't the time, you ran off and slept with this rich old bastard without even considering all of the trouble you'd get yourself into throwing your life away as you have!")

Ken had known an insult when he heard one and simply sighed as he took note of how upset it made Valencia knowing that it had not been good for her or the baby in the long run.

"No hay nada que puedas decir para arreglar este desastre, has hecho tu cama y ahora tienes que acostarte en ella, pero no esperes que te dé mi bendición cuando se trata de esta tontería" continued Hector insensed. ("There is nothing you can say to fix this mess, you've made your bed and now you have to lie in it, but don't expect me to give my blessing when it comes to this foolishness.")

"Héctor, por favor cálmate, después de todo está embarazada y esto no puede ser bueno para el bebé". Sylvia interjected attempting to allow cooler heads to prevail. ("Hector, please calm down, she's pregnant after all and this can't be good for the baby.")

Hector Ramos seemed even more annoyed that his wife had interjected on his daughter's behalf and reminded him of the worst possible outcome of Valencia's chasing after the likes of Ryker Kennison.

"No me recuerden, por supuesto, que ella solo está aquí por el bebé, un bebé que está teniendo con un viejo bastardo rico que, para empezar, probablemente no tiene ni una pizca de sangre latina, ¿qué clase de bebé son?" siquiera vas a tener?" growled Hector turning his attention to Ryker. ("Don't remind me, of course, she's only here due to the baby, a baby she's having with a rich old bastard that probably doesn't have an ounce of Latino blood in him to begin with, what kind of baby are they even gonna have?")

Ken's dark brown eyes met Hector's as he stepped in front of Valencia to meet the brunt of her father's raging insults.

"No me preocuparía tanto por los linajes y las diferencias culturales si fuera tú. Tu hija está embarazada de mi hijo, te guste o no, y yo no voy a ninguna parte". said Ken catching everyone including Valencia off guard as he spoke Spanish to her father's face. ("I wouldn't worry so much about bloodlines and cultural differences if I were you, your daughter is carrying my child whether you like it or not and I am not going anywhere.")

Valencia had been so stunned that she had stopped being upset in that instant.

"You can speak Spanish?" she asked as if for everyone else in the room.

"When I need to," replied Ken as if it had not been any big ordeal. "The perks of doing business abroad and the bonus of being mixed with Castilian as far as bloodlines go."

Hector had fallen silent as one of his biggest fears seemed to have been ebbed away.

"I suppose your promise to let her live her life meant nothing back then," he said finally in English as he addressed Ken.

"According to what I've been told I did just that," replied Ken in defense of whatever he'd made beforehand. "Kind of moot now with the baby being on the way, unless you'd like me to leave her and the child without aid and legal tenure?"

Hector sighed heavily.

It was rather pointless given that Valencia had been pregnant and Ken had been willing to accept responsibility for her and the baby, not to mention the money that could benefit them on Ken's end.

"What did your folks say about this...?" asked Hector with an arched brow. "I'll bet they didn't take too kindly to it either."

"They endorsed it as a matter of fact," replied Ken evenly. "Even had a recent engagement dinner at my parent's house, we just figured we'd do the same with you lot."

Hector seemed to consider this and finally gave in.

Valencia smiled as she rushed over to hug her father and he embraced her in return. She'd understood his concerns but she had loved Ryker Kennison and not even he would be able to stop it no matter how much they protested, he'd left her once before and she nearly lost him for good she wasn't about to take a chance of that happening again not for any reason.

Sylvia hugged her daughter as had her teenage brothers and younger kid sister. The family settled down and gathered for a meal in the kitchen, even Ken had been given a place at the table despite Hector greeting him as he entered the kitchen.

"Don't expect me to call you son," he said addressing the relative awkwardness given that Ken had been older than him.

"As long as you're not expecting me to call you "Dad" I'd say we're even," remarked Ken before entering the kitchen with the rest of The Ramos family.

Valencia had sat beside Ken and they all seemed to enjoy the meal and she spoke about the engagement party, leaving out details of course about Jeff and Dean in the process. Everyone seemed invested in her tales of doctors appointments and morning sickness and the evening seemed to pass by rather quickly before she and Ken had filed into his sports car and he'd dropped her back off at home.

He did a bit of driving himself before making his way back to his estate to check on Dean, Valencia had known all too well that he'd been intending to see the blond lad once more. Everything had turned out so well that she opted to keep his rather unseemly secret and went to bed blissfully once he'd been gone. 

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