Shadow Monarch from Another W...

By amey78

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Park Jisoo, cousin of the former Weakest Hunter to the S-Ranked Hunter Sung Jin-Woo and also, one of the Shad... More

Chapter 1: Shadow Monarch
Chapter 2: The Rise of The Shadow Army
Chapter 3: I am no Hero or Villain
Chapter 4: Riot
Chapter 5: Bad Guy
Chapter 6: Shut Down
Chapter 7: Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend
Chapter 8: Fear VS Dead and Hope
Chapter 9: Crash of Monsters
Chapter 10: The Boy Who Cries for Help
Chapter 11: In the Dark, there's always Light
Chapter 12: Payback
Chapter 13: Arise
Happy Birthday Jisoo!!!
Chapter 14: I am Death, Straight Up
Chapter 15: Queen of the Dead
Chapter 16: The World's Savior
Chapter 17: Seoul
Chapter 18: Apprentices
Chapter 19: Big Bad Overlord
Chapter 20: Dark isn't all so Evil
Chapter 21: Return of Strongest Hunter
Chapter 22: Reunion
Chapter 23: Story of how I became a Monarch
Chapter 24: Double Dungeon
Chapter 25: Protector of the Weak
Chapter 26: The Visitor named Penelope
Information of the New Arcs
Chapter 27: Orphan Princess
Chapter 28: The New Family Member
Chapter 29: New Society
Chapter 30: Imperfection
Chapter 31: Beauty and the Beast
Chapter 32: The New Life
Side Story 1: How the Holy Nation was destroyed By Jisoo
Chapter 33: Home Far Away
Chapter 34: Come Back Home
Questions And Anwers
Chapter 35: Sung Suho
Chapter 36: Venom Spiderwoman
Chapter 37: Just Between Amigos
Chapter 38: Earth-42
Chapter 39: Sinister Six Cartel
Chapter 40: Brooklyn's Heist Battle
Chapter 41: God Of Light And Symbiotes
Chapter 42: Spider Gang
Queen Of The Dead: Park Jisoo
Spiderwoman: Yesenia Gómez Luna
Chapter 43: Apology For Spidey

Side Story 2: Angelic Yet Fiery Aunt

345 16 18
By amey78

Author's pov

Two months earlier.

"You're telling me that I have a aunt?" Jisoo spoke and looked surprised along with her students, her adoptive sister, and even Beru who didn't know about it.

Jisoo found out that she has a aunt, well, angelic aunt from her paternal side.

Bellion and Igris nodded before Beru grabs Bellion by the collar and shrieks at him. "YOU TRAITOR!!! WHY YOU NEVER TOLD OUR QUEEN ABOUT THIS!? ET TU, IGRIS?!" He roars before Jisoo tells Beru to let go of Bellion.

Beru obeys his Queen but still, bitterly stares at Bellion and Igris for not telling them about it.

He understood why Ashborn, the previous Shadow Monarch didn't reveal that Jisoo was his daughter for good reasons. But Jisoo having another aunt and this time, it was from her paternal side of the Rulers, did pissed him off.

"Why you never told me about this? Especially after you, Igris found out the truth about my father?" She asked, calmly and reserved. She stared at her knight with those purple eyes, and she wonder why he haven't told her that, even Bellion too. She knew they have their reasons and secrets as well.

Igris lower his head and let out a sigh of tiredness. "When our previous liege, Father King Ashborn was still the Shadow Monarch. He shows no mercy with the Rulers, his former brethren who turned against him. But there was one who never join the fight against him when he was a Ruler. Seraphina the Burning Fragment of Brilliant Light, the youngest Ruler that was made by Absolute Being and who was very close with your father, they were brother and sister in anything than blood,"

Igris spoke with a polite yet strong voice. Deku and others were listening while Penelope felt like she knew the ending of the story wasn't going to be a happy one. "While the Rulers of Brilliant Light were species related than blood. The Father King did cared deeply for Lady Seraphina and treat her like a sister while Lady Seraphina did care for him when she found what happened to him, she nearly burn down all the Rulers for hurting him and not informing her." Bellion continued after Igris as Beru felt like he was watching a historical drama between two siblings who couldn't be together.

"She went looking for him for centuries until she found him along with Rulers after he was betrayed. Despite he didn't belong with his former kin anymore, Lady Seraphina wanted to go with him in order he wouldn't be alone. But our King... he's didn't want Seraphina to abandon their people for him. I and Bellion didn't see her as a threat, and she keep visiting him through the otherworlds. Talking with him, saying that she was in his side, and she just wanted for him to not be alone anymore. But our liege was cautiously stubborn, and he turn down her offers...If he didn't-" Igris was about to say the word, but Jisoo beat him to it.

"He didn't want to be a burden to her." She answered calmly. Igris stood still and give a simple nod. Jisoo gives an almost sorrowed expression, and she understood why Jin-Woo is like Ashborn, her biological father. They are both older brothers who don't want to be seen as burdens to their little sisters who are willing to give up everything for them.

It was too familiar. Very familiar to her and she wonder how much Seraphina had to suffer by seeing him going through the same thing Jin-Woo did.

Even though they were like brother and sister, Ashborn felt he didn't belong anymore with the Rulers while the Monarchs tried to kill him. So much loneliness for the benevolent Ruler of the Dead, Jisoo understood well why her mother made him less lonely and somewhere he could belong with.

Ashborn was lucky to meet Park Kyung-Mi and fell in love with her while Jisoo somehow knew she might follow his path of loneliness.

"So, when the Gates appeared, they stopped talking?" Deku asked, Bellion nodded and saying Ashborn didn't want the Monarchs to know he been visited by Seraphina, and he worried for her safety despite being a Ruler of Brilliant Light.

"That explains, but does she knows about Our Queen or her mother?"

"Lady Seraphina didn't knew about Our King's lover nor Our Queen's existence. I think she already found out when Our Queen transformed into her Monarch form, or she sense him being in this earth. Lady Seraphina always been considerate and attentive, I believe she understood why the Father King never told her," Igris explained to Beru who placed his claws to his mouth.

"True...true, true, true," Beru repeated in a whisper. Jisoo shook her head before she asked them when she will meet Seraphina.

Bellion was about to reply until a white light came from the window. "What the hell?!" Bakugo uttered loud while he and the others covered their eyes from the bright light.

"Last time I checked, I don't remember the Shadow Realm had white sunlight than the purple moonlight. That's Seraphina?" Jisoo turned her head to Bellion and Igris nodded. "She could've just given us an announcement." Beru mumbled. Jisoo and others went to the balcony of the castle and saw a female Ruler who burn brightly.

Seraphina the Burning Fragment of Brilliant Light.

Like the Rulers, Seraphina possesses a angelic white armored appearance with golden trimmed and robes. Her bright golden like flame hair sticked out of her gold helmet, glowing yellow eyes, and six white flame like wings. She had a winged sword on the side of her hips.

Like most of the higher ranked Rulers known as the Fragment of Brilliant Light, she did give a light glow but hers was the most burning God's rays.

Most the same as Mothra the Queen of the Monsters and Giver of Life.

"So, that's a Ruler? Are you sure the Rulers aren't related to the Angels of God?" Todoroki asked and wearing shades. Jisoo gives them shades since the Hero Trio and Penelope are humans, they can't stand the glowing light of a Ruler, especially a Fragments of Brilliant Light.

"Not really since the dipshit of a god copied the Abrahamic God's Angels. Either way, they are kinda like distant cousins to them," Jisoo responded to Todoroki's question, they were shocked by her answer while Beru chuckles.

She blamed the Absolute Being for the suffering of Ashborn and his bullshit.

"Park Jisoo, the newly Queen of the Dead and Daughter of Ashborn..." Seraphina spoke with a sophisticated tone, almost to the tone of royal Europeans or royal Asians. Despite being embodiment of flames, her tone was warm and soft.

"Do you know who I am?" She asked a simple question. Jisoo took a step further and stares at her with those glowing purple eyes. "I do," her answer boomed the surroundings around her. Seraphina titled her head before she turns down the glow around her and her feet lands on the balcony's floor.

She was larger than humans and almost the same height as Igris or Beru. "She does have resemblance to the Father King," Beru whispered to Igris who he and Bellion never thought about it until now. Her appearance is similar to Ashborn due to the flame like hair and the same aura he gives.

"You must be the first Ruler who decided to drop by in Shadow Realm. Or probably the first Ruler who ever took physical form to mortal world." Jisoo adds, making Seraphina titled her head before looks at Bellion and Igris. "I am surprised you two didn't knew it since you both were the closest to Ashborn. I can't believe it took you almost 29 years to figure it out," Bellion and Igris frowned by her words.

I guess sass does run in the family, Jisoo thought. Beru almost laugh by the look of Bellion while Bellion replied that they didn't know since Ashborn was very secretive.

They didn't know about Kyung-Mi or Jisoo being his biological daughter.

Seraphina turned to Jisoo and stared at her. "So, do you want me to show you around? I would love taking you to the human world but, I don't want people to stare at you and thinking you are a Seraphim angel," Jisoo said, began to think how she will disguise angelic ancient warrior race ranked Fragment of Brilliant Light. Because of Jisoo who is their bridge to gain physical bodies in the human world, there still some doubt how they will interact with humans without a Vessel or Envoy. 

She didn't know if Seraphina did have a Vessel during the Original Timeline of the Hunters. "Don't worry about that, I have it cover," Jisoo and others were confused until she suddenly glows that her body was being covered by the white light. Her shape of her body changes smaller and going to the size of a human. The light vanishes as revealing a new form of Seraphina, leaving Three Grand Marshals, Hero Trio and Penelope stunned. 

"Okay, WHAT THE FUCK?!?" Bakugo exclaimed while Jisoo's eyes were widened in shock by seeing Seraphina, a Ruler and Fragment of Brilliant Light transformed into a human. Something that never happened in the history of the Rulers and Monarchs. Seraphina took the form of an East Asian, most likely a Korean young woman between her early twenties or late teens. She was slender and light skinned with long, wavy blonde hair and soft bangs sweeps to the right side of her face, light blue eyes, long lashes and full lips. Her human form was beautiful, angelically beautiful and radiant.

She wore a white cloaked dress with golden designs and belt of Chechen style. 

They were speechless while Seraphina looks at her hands in curiosity. "That's new." Jisoo breathes out. "I decided to make my own human form while I can't have Vessels due to my powers. Anouar and others were still thought it's better using Vessels and Envoys for the human world but, I wanted to know what is like to be human," Seraphina explains as she puts her hands down. Jisoo sighs and crossed her arms, staring at Seraphina. 

"I can see that. I think there's one last thing we have to do," Jisoo says, causing Seraphina to title her head in confusion.

Few hours later 

"Well, it looks good on you. You look like a typical Seoul girl," Jisoo turns to Seraphina. she wore white cardigan open to reveal her causal white dress and wore knee white socks and white sneakers.

She looked like typical girl of Seoul.

Seraphina looked at her clothes and took a spin like if she was Cinderella. "This attire is comfortable and the word what humans would say "cozy"." She commented, earning a chuckle from Jisoo before they proceeded to walk in the streets of Seoul.

"So, Seraphina. How in the world did you create a human form or even get clothes of Chechen or Ingush?" Jisoo asked in a calm tone.

"Like I said before, I wanted to know what is to be humans and also, because you are the source of my kin to gain physical bodies, I end up discovering that we can create our own mortal forms. It wasn't easy at first, but I managed to finish it. Most humans believe angels have blonde hair and blue eyes," Seraphina explained, with her hands front and walking in regal way. She looked like someone who was born from nobility or royalty.

Even her accent sounded like she came from royalty.

"As for the attire, I found it interesting the style of cloth from Ingush and Chechen. I thought it would a proper clothing for a Ruler like me,"

"I will buy you some clothes. I think you like white and gold as your main aesthetic. You do look like a angel that fall from the skies," Jisoo adds, causing Seraphina to be confused by the word 'aesthetic'. Jisoo smiles and she saw the nearby cafe where they sell bingsu. "So, are you hungry?" Jisoo asked, Seraphina stopped walking and stood still. Jisoo stopped and looked at her while Seraphina's face written in confusion. 

"Hungry? Rulers don't get hunger, niece of mine. We never get hunger," Seraphina claimed. Suddenly, a loud growl appeared which Jisoo and Seraphina looked down. It was coming from Seraphina's stomach. Jisoo rose one of her eyebrows while Seraphina wore a porker face. 

"Apparently, I was incorrected," Seraphina corrected herself. 

It wasn't long until they were in the cafe where they were sat and bingsu on the table. Jisoo took a spoon of it and put onto her mouth. She smiled in bliss while Seraphina looked at it cautiously. "Your kind been known to be quite artists on art and cuisine," Seraphina whispers before she takes a spoon of it and delivers it to her mouth. Seraphina's eyes shot wide and looks at the bingsu in shock. 

"By the Goodness of the Abrahamic God! This tastes like heaven, heaven itself. Cold but soft," she took another one and another one. Jisoo almost chuckle by seeing one of most powerful Rulers never had Bingsu before, having one of most innocent reactions after tasting Bingsu.

The Rulers never have organic bodies and they never know what was food than the pain of being hurt through the Monarchs and their armies.

They never knew what was food or even other things in life than forever fighting a war that will never end.

"Don't eat too much of it. You will get brain freeze,"

"But I am the Burning Fragment of Brilliant Light, my body is the embodiment of the holy fire and a heat that never cools for down. How can I get this brain free-" Seraphina soon stop talking when she felt her head freezing as she placed her hand on her forehead and give a slightly pained expression.

"I told you so, you created a human form which you might feel the face experience humans do often," Jisoo said, Seraphina nodded and adding that she was underestimate her human body. Jisoo shook her head while the brain freeze of Seraphina soon fades away. "Humans are strange ones, creating such a delightful dessert with coldness of it. I wonder if Ashborn ever had one of these with his human life partner," Seraphina whispers as taking another bite.

Jisoo looks at her with her purple eyes surprised by her words. "You knew who was Umma?" She asked. Seraphina looks at her and placed her spoon down. "The only thing I knew was that she was the original candidate as his vessel. I didn't know her name or who she was, not even Anouar and other Fragments of Brilliant Light never knew," she explains.

"Anouar? The Ruler who is the Luminous Fragment of Brilliant Light and the current leader of the Rulers? That's his name?" Jisoo asked. Seraphina nodded and explained that Rulers have the names just like Ashborn did.

They often addressed themselves with their titles but other times with their names.

"Either way, I knew who you are. Most of the Rulers knew Sung Jin-Woo was the vessel for Ashborn since he was closest to death. But then, you came, and everything changed. They were confused and wondering who you were or your existence. While I knew there was something else with the change of your appearance. I believe you were his daughter, but I needed to confirm my suspicions. Then you transformed into Monarch, full manifestation of Monarch's true appearance. My suspicions were confirmed, you are his daughter, the first hybrid with Ruler and Monarch father and a human mother."

Jisoo was surprised and knowing she was the first hybrid born naturally. Jinwoo in the other hand, he became a Shadow Monarch, and he was no longer human despite he can age and lived his life as human with his family. Her nephew Suho, she had some doubt on his potential because Jinwoo was human before he became a Monarch while her in the other hand, her powers were manifesting, and she started doing things that were impossible.

She able to turn Touma back to his child self as Tenko and erasing his memories in order to prevent his trauma. Her ability to communicate with the souls without turning them into Shadows, her ability to cut off the source of people from their souls and hearing the voice of the dead.

She was growing stronger. 

"So, how did you feel about it? About Appa who open himself to my mother?" Jisoo asked, Seraphina stared at her with those beautiful sky-blue eyes. Seraphina looked angelic and ethereal with the addition of her white and gold clothes. She looks like angel from the Heavens while Jisoo like look godly queen of the underworld. "Honestly, I was happy that he found someone who he can feel that he belonged with. Despite my attempts on joining him or my resentment towards my brethren who lied to me and betrayed him, Ashborn was alone in a world where he doesn't belong to the Monarchs and Rulers. And despite I am still angry with them, I knew I had a home go back while Ashborn didn't. I thank your mother for giving him a place where he could belong," Jisoo was surprised when she mentions her mother. 

"You know Umma?"

"I did go to the afterlife to give them congratulations. I did see why he did like her very much; she is one headstrong human and very direct with her words. I never saw my brother that bashful,"

"Korean women, we are headstrong and sassy. We're iconic," Jisoo joked and knowing her mother well. She was headstrong, sassy, and direct with her words. "Ashborn...Ask me to make sure you won't alone," Jisoo's eyes widen while Seraphina gave her a small smile. Seraphina saw the loneliness Ashborn suffered for eons. She knew his daughter would suffer the same fate as him and this time, she would make sure she won't be alone. 

Ashborn place his trust on Seraphina, knowing she would be there for her. 

Jisoo soon gives one of most genuine and brightest smiles to Seraphina. 

"Thanks, Gomo," she smiled. Seraphina give a nod while Jisoo knew that she won't be alone. She had her paternal aunt with her. 

"So, we have to give you a human last name if you're going out in the human. How about Seraphina Cheon? Cheon is the Hanja word for heaven and also, it means thousands."

"Hmm, Cheon? Seraphina Cheon....I like it,"

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