Korra and Asami

By EriWinters

9.1K 170 29

*Korra and Asami's life continues after 'Ruins of the Empire'. Korra and Asami are back in Republic City foll... More

1:Finally Home
2:Living Arrangements
4:Simple Life
5:Something New
6:Drunk State
9:Dangerous Games
10: Connected
11: The Morning After
12:New Ideas
13: Dynamic Duo
14: Confidence
15: Memories
16: Control
17: Promise
18: Hope
19: Distractions
20: Surprises
21: Long Night
22: Clarity

23: Revealed

341 6 2
By EriWinters

Asami immediately started on a brand new project as soon as she returned home. She hasn't spoken to Korra yet, but she doesn't even know what she would say. She can already sense that Korra is upset with her, why wouldn't she be? Asami never responded to her during the walk, she couldn't. She didn't know how to express to Korra why this place meant so much to her without upsetting her and undermining any plans she had for the future. 

This mansion though. . . it means so much to her. She doesn't care about the space or the expensive objects inside, it's about the memories of her childhood that mean the most to Asami. To Korra, the mansion might never be anything more than the place her father devised evil schemes and Asami does her engineering. To Asami, this is the place she grew up, and her mother taught and guided her. The place where she learned how to do everything she knew. The place where she cried and laughed with her parents and her friends, the place where her relationship with Korra grew stronger, and where they made love for the first time. 

How could she ever let go of a home that has so many memories?

Then there is the issue with Mako and how his promise is affecting him. He needs to save Korra no matter what, someone has to because Korra would be more than willing to put her life on the line for anyone at any time. Of course, Asami would die for her if need be, but she isn't enough, she needs to know she can depend on others to do the same.

She sighed heavily, placing her head in her hands not knowing what she would say to Korra about it all. It's clear Korra wants to move one day, and it's an understandable desire, but Asami doesn't know how to tell her she doesn't want to let the mansion go without sounding materialistic. Korra may not understand, she might think it's a selfish want.

The tears started to fall before she could stop them and just as she was going to wipe them away, strong familiar arms wrapped around her, holding her close. 

Korra caressed Asami's face, turning it to the side so she could kiss her, their lips meeting tenderly with Asami's salty tears mixed in between. When they parted, Korra used her thumbs to wipe away the tears, both love and worry etched across her face. 

"I love you Asami. . . always," Korra whispered. 

Asami sniffled, nodding, "I love you too." 

"I didn't mean to make you cry," Korra told her with sorrow. 

Asami looked down, "It's not you, my emotions are just all over the place right now. I should have communicated better instead of shutting down." 

Korra's heart clenched at her words, remaining silent in the hope she'd explain. 

"Are you mad at me?" Asami asked her self-consciously. 

Korra eased her worries immediately, pulling her chin up so she could see those gorgeous green eyes, "Of course not, Asami. I only want to understand." 

Asami was silent for a few seconds before explaining, "It's not the mansion that I care about, it's the memories. My parents, my background, our team, us. . . so much as happened in this home that has meant so much to me. I can understand why you wouldn't want to stay here, especially after everything that happened with my father, but, to me, it's so much more than that." 

Korra didn't know what to say, she had never thought of it like that before. Asami is right, so much has happened in this home ever since they met and the mansion plays a huge role in their story. 

"I do understand that. . ." Korra started.

"But?" Asami asked. 

"I just figure, we could build our own home somewhere new. A fresh start to continue the story that this home has paved the way for. A place to continue the memories, to be together and one day. . . maybe, start a family of our own. I never expected you to just up and leave the mansion without ever looking back, I don't expect you to sell it or pretend it doesn't exist, I just thought a fresh start together would be nice, but I get it and wherever you want to live, I'll be right there by your side no matter what," Korra smiled. 

Asami thought her words would make her feel better but, in light of other factors, she only felt worse, "That still isn't fair to you Korra. You always do what I want, what everyone wants all the time. I want it to be your turn." 

Korra didn't understand, "I don't know what to say to that." 

Asami stood, rubbing her forehead absentmindedly, "You're so selfless and good all the time, always thinking of others and I love that about you but, it isn't fair." 

Korra still didn't get it, does Asami want to stay or not? Korra didn't know how to respond but she didn't completely understand what Asami was saying either, so she remained quiet. 

"I want you to tell me the truth. I don't want you to always spare my feelings or give me what I want just because you love me and don't want to see me upset. What do you want, Korra?" 

Korra was at a loss for words, opening and closing her mouth repeatedly, meaning to speak but just not finding the words, "I mean, I already told you what I want, Asami but I'm willing to compromise-" 

"You're always compromising!" Asami exclaimed, not yelling at Korra but more so to herself. "Always giving something up for the betterment of others, never complaining or vouching for yourself." 

Korra was so confused, "So you want me to. . . complain?"

Asami let out a sound of frustration, running a hand through her hair before turning to Korra with tears in her eyes, "I want you to fight! To think of yourself, just once, Korra!"

Korra lifted her hands in mock surrender, "Woah, Asami, look all I said was that whatever you want-"

"Stop caring about what I want, Korra. What everyone wants!" She exclaimed. 

Korra realized this wasn't just about the house, it couldn't be. Asami is freaking out over something else, and she has an idea of what it was. 

"Korra," Asami wiped her tears with a shaky hand, "Please just once think of yourself. You've been through so much already. . . too much and I don't know if I can. . ." Asami cried into her hands and Korra rushed over, pulling her body close, holding her steady. 

"Asami," Korra said.

Asami slowly met her eyes. 

Korra closed her eyes, hoping she was wrong, "What did Mako promise you?" 

Asami's body tensed, "Korra, please-"

Korra leaned back, cupping her face, "I'm not mad, but I need you to tell me." 

Asami's lip quivered, and she shook her head, "Once I tell you, you will be mad." 

Korra insisted, "Tell me." 

Promises are a big deal in their culture and their world, and most of their people always keep a promise no matter what. So if Asami tells her, there will be nothing Korra can do and it's that thought that had Asami pull her body from Korra's, hugging herself, that way, she doesn't have to experience Korra pulling away from her first when she tells her. 

"No," Korra pulled her back, holding her tight with no intentions of letting her go, "No." 

"Korra. . . I'm sorry," Asami breathed out.

"What are you apologizing for?" Korra asked confused. 

"I only want you to be okay, always. I can't lose you again." Asami explained. 

Korra tightened her hold, "What did he promise?" 

Asami looked at her with guilty eyes, "I made him promise to save you. . . no matter the cost. Regardless of whether or not I'm in danger, or taken, or anything else that happens for the rest of our lives. . . always save you." 

Korra sighed and closed her eyes, clenching her jaw. Asami thought she'd let her go, or back away from her but the avatar did neither. Asami can see she is growing upset and stayed still in Korra's arms waiting for an outburst. Korra has never yelled at her out of anger before, she may have raised her voice a few times, but never yelled at her and Asami wasn't too sure today wouldn't be that day, so she waited. 

Once Korra opened her eyes, their stares locked, Korra's expression was one of upset, and Asami was full of nerves about the reaction.

"I knew you'd be mad," Asami said in a small voice.

And Korra was, oh was she mad, but how can she truly be upset when she knows why Asami did it? It's what Korra is always doing for her, but she is also the avatar, so hurting her isn't easy for just anybody. The avatar wanted to wring Mako's neck for making such a promise to her girlfriend, but she understood why he agreed as well. 

Asami claims Korra is so selfless but the non-bender doesn't even understand the selflessness of what she's done, so afraid Korra would be livid with her. Yes, Korra is a little mad at her for asking such a thing from someone on her behalf but she is so amazed by her as well, and so in love with her.

"Asami," Korra said calmly, watching her girlfriend's green eyes widen in anticipation, expecting the worst. . . "I love you." 

 "W-what?" Asami was shocked but kept a small guard up just in case.

Korra's eyebrows furrowed, offended Asami looked so scared, "Why do you look afraid?" 

Asami snapped out of it, "I'm not afraid of you Korra, I'm never afraid of you. I just. . . expected you to, I don't know, be angry enough to yell at me or tell me to get away from you, or maybe that you feel betrayed at what I did, I was nervous about how you'd react." 

"I would never yell at you in anger, that never accomplishes anything," Korra stated firmly, tightening her hold as she said it hoping to get through to her. 

Guilt grew inside of Asami at thinking the worst. 

Korra continued, "I would never tell you to get away from me and I don't feel betrayed. What you asked of him was one of the most selfless things I've ever seen anyone do for me. I'm not entirely happy about it, but I am in awe of you, Asami. You put me on this pedestal that I don't belong on, or see myself on and then you go and do something like this. . . you're amazing." 

Asami was in tears yet again and Korra kissed her lightly, "I'm so lucky to have someone like you in my life and I'm amazed by what you did and nothing will take away the courage it took to ask something like that with no regard to your own safety, but Asami, I still wish you hadn't done it." 

Asami nodded in understanding, "I know, but I don't regret it Korra." 

"I know you don't." 

"I know you say that everything happening is about me, and my safety, but to me, it's always been about you. I will always try to help you, in any way I can and if I can't, that's what Mako's promise is for," Asami told her truthfully. 

Korra looked into her eyes with such love and admiration, tears forming in her own eyes which was unexpected to Asami, but she knew Korra wasn't sad or upset. 

"All my life, everyone I've known has told me, 'You're the avatar, you must protect the people,' 'You have to be brave,' 'You can't be selfish,' 'Being the avatar means putting your life on the line in the name of balance and peace,' always about training and everyone else. Then there's you. . . you see so much more than the avatar. You see not just someone who saves but someone who also needs saving and I've-" 

Korra let out a soft cry, her tears falling down her face. Asami pulled her in for a hug, holding her. 

"I've never had that before, Asami," Korra finished, placing her face in Asami's neck, so lucky to have this woman. She's always been the protector, the strong one but for once, she felt more protected than she has ever been in her whole life and it's all because of Asami.

Her Asami.

Korra pulled away, just staring at her girlfriend with so much love. She looked between Asami's lips and eyes, Asami immediately gave in to what she wanted easily, attacking Korra's lips with no hesitation. Their kiss was so full of passion and love, their tongues not fighting for dominance, but rather working together, as one. 

Asami reached to take off Korra's shirt but she pulled away, grabbing Asami's hand and pulling her out of the office and down the hall to Asami's room, shutting the door behind them, continuing what they were doing. 

Korra sat Asami down, taking the shirt off her body gently, before straddling her but Asami flipped them so that Korra was now on her back, her face reddening in surprise. 

"This time, it's all about you, Korra. No one else," Asami whispered against her lips, pushing her tongue inside Korra's mouth, and kissing her deeply. 

Korra's body arched, and she held Asami's face while they kissed, keeping her right there as if her life depended on the woman above her. Asami pulled back, sitting up over Korra, gripping her shirt and pulling it over the avatar's head, throwing it to the side before scooting back to pull her pants and underwear down, continuing to strip her girlfriend until she was completely naked before her. 

Korra lay there, watching Asami eye her body lustfully, lovingly and she remembered a time when she was so unsure and nervous being in this position but with Asami, it all felt so right and she was not at a point with her where she felt more confident than ever before. 

Asami leaned down to kiss her again but Korra turned her head, causing her to kiss her cheek instead. 

"Why'd you do that?" Asami giggled, watching Korra curiously. 

Korra looked over at the nightstand before smirking, reaching over and grabbing what she set her eyes on, handing them to Asami.

Asami laughed loudly which was music to Korra's ears, but nonetheless, she obliged, placing the black framed glasses on her face to which Korra's eyes sparkled with excitement. 

"They are so sexy on you Asami. You're so beautiful, it's crazy," Korra told her honestly, thinking to herself she'll never get over how gorgeous Asami is. 

"You're so beautiful, Korra," Asami leaned down, kissing the avatar's nose. 

"Every," Asami kissed her cheek. 

"Single," She kissed her neck, moving down lower and lower until she was right where she wanted to be. 

"Part," Her mouth met Korra's moist heat and the avatar moaned at the touch, spreading her legs wider so Asami had more room to do what she wanted with her body. 

Asami's tongue swirled, her lips sucked, her fingers worked and Korra's body reacted accordingly, squirming and grinding, a slave to Asami's love. She propped herself on her elbows to watch Asami work, growing more wet at the sight. 

Asami glanced up, catching the avatar's eyes, fixing her glasses before closing her eyes and getting back to work which made Korra's breath catch, before she laid back down, simply enjoying the pleasure her girlfriend gave her. 

Asami's fingers moved in and out of her, going fast and then slow which drove Korra nuts, all the while sucking on Korra's bud. The avatar's body was shaking, craving release but Asami was making her wait. Every time Korra was close, Asami would stop which frustrated her. 

"Asami," Korra gritted out, lifting her head in exasperation, to glare at her, but one smile from Asami and Korra couldn't stay irritated. 

"Just wait, Korra," Asami crawled up, kissing Korra, pulling her lip with her teeth. She reached over and pulled a small blue oval device out from her nightstand and Korra grew excited at the sight of another one of Asami's works that was just for them. 

Korra smiled with excitement. 

Asami grinned, pressing a small button on the device making it vibrate, hovering over Korra once more, placing her mouth on hers while reaching down between them, placing it right onto Korra's clit, using her own lower half to keep it in place while she held Korra's face, never breaking the kiss. 

The sensation was so much, and Korra had never felt anything like it before. She was desperate for air, feeling breathless from the device and from kissing Asami. She moaned loudly, squirming underneath her, her pelvis instinctively grinding against Asami's, the toy locked in place between them, never halting its vibrations. 

Korra pulled away, turning her head to the side, her face red and flushed, sweat forming all over her body, but Asami pulled her face back to hers, kissing her again. Korra realized that Asami wants her mouth on Korra's even during her completion, but that couldn't stop the moans from escaping. 

She moaned into Asami's mouth repeatedly, continuing to grind and rotate her hips, the vibrations somehow intensifying, making Korra's back arch. She moaned loudly, panting heavily, not knowing whether to focus on Asami's tongue and kiss or the vibrations both equally as enticing. 

Korra was too breathless and so close to cumming the vibrator won. She pulled her face away from Asami, moaning out and Asami went to kiss her again but Korra shook her head, gripping the sheets tightly, the intense pleasure becoming a lot. 

"I can't, Asami, it's too much," She breathed out, knowing Asami wanted their lips together but Korra couldn't take her kissing and the toy simultaneously. 

Asami smirked, "Alright." 

Crawling back down Korra's body, Asami kept the toy in place, Korra's body squirming and grinding terribly, she's so close. . . so Asami thrust her fingers inside of her to intensify the sensation and Korra nearly lost it. 

Her back arched, her moans grew louder, her legs opened even wider and Asami kept going, her hands working overtime. Korra's breaths became faster and her body started shaking uncontrollably until finally, she came. 

She rode out the orgasm as long as possible, Asami watching her the entire time, still amazed at the way her body reacts to her touch. When Korra settled down, Asami turned the toy off, tossing to the other side of the bed, and made her way back to Korra's lips, kissing her softly, meeting her tongue desperately with hers, before finally, pulling away to look into the avatar's bright blue eyes. 

"I love you, Korra," Asami told her, kissing her once more before laying down at her side, holding her close. 

"Asami, I love you more than you'll ever know," Korra responded before exhaustion consumed her and the avatar's eyes closed. 


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