12:New Ideas

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Asami drove to President Moon's office with all of her blueprints, hoping they get approved. She had many proposals on how to keep the city safe. It's been a week since she and Korra spoke that night about her burns which were now completely healed. 

Their relationship has been a little tense since then. Korra has been sleeping in her own room, not trusting herself enough to be tempted by Asami. Asami has tried to be understanding, but it feels like they took ten steps backward regarding their relationship. 

During the day Korra leaves the mansion, finding tedious work and much to Chief Beifong's dismay, helps the police force with mediocre crime. She doesn't trust herself around her girlfriend anymore and Asami knows this, her heart breaking every time Korra finds some excuse to not be around her. 

Korra has stayed true to her promise and speaks to Asami every day, but she comes home late. Asami feels like she found the first loophole she could to spend as much time as possible away from her. 

Asami knocked on the President's office, waiting patiently before the doors opened revealing Zhu Li Moon. Asami smiled, walking in. 

"Asami, it's so good to see you!" Zhu Li exclaimed, ushering her to a chair, "Please, sit." 

"It's good to see you too," Asami replied, setting her plans down on the large desk. 

Zhu Li grabbed them, opening them up one by one, impressed with the ideas and strategy behind them. 

"Mecha-watchers?" Zhu Li questioned. 

Asami nodded, "With geographic imagery, the Mecha-watchers can spot crime or enemies of the city and the avatar, alerting the police instantly to get a head start on catching them, or at least warning the people with an alarm so precaution can be taken." 

Zhu Li grinned, leaning forward, "Speaking of the avatar. . ." 

Asami's face burned, her eyebrows knitting together. 

"Oh. . ." The president's face dropped, realizing things probably weren't so good regarding their relationship at the moment. It was now that she realized the small bags under Asami's eyes despite the make-up that covered them. 

"We are in love, some things went down last week, but we're working through it. I'm trying to be patient, but Korra can be. . . stubborn." 

"Avatars usually are," Zhu Li smiled, looking back at Asami's work deciding to stay on topic, "I think this Mecha-watcher plan is an excellent idea. Tell me about the rest." 

Asami nodded, getting right to it. 

In the city, Korra chased down a truck on Naga's back, the assailants having just robbed several different businesses, using the air to lift herself onto the hood, metal bending the top open, revealing the robbers and the belongings inside. 

In the distance, Korra formed a large rocky blockade to stop the truck from going any further and the driver slammed on the brakes before crashing, the avatar gripping the edge of the vehicle tightly to not be thrown off. 

"It's over," Korra hopped inside, pulling the criminals out, trapping them with earthly shackles hearing the sirens in the distance. 

"You must be awfully bored if you're out dealing with petty crime avatar," One of the men stated begrudgingly. 

She clenched her jaw in annoyance. He's right, but there is a much deeper reason she is keeping busy as well. When the police arrived, they thanked the avatar before she walked sauntered off, Naga at her side whining, sensing Korra's emotions. 

"It's okay girl, I'm fine," She pet her, climbing on her back. 

Korra knows she is doing all this just to distract herself, she wants to spend more time with Asami but after what happened, she feels so ashamed and embarrassed whenever she is around Asami now. She no longer knows what to say or do, feeling just as anxious and nervous around her girlfriend as when they first moved in. 

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