Just follow my lead


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At this school, they don't divide us into regular classes, as I initially thought. We have become factions, m... More

How do students communicate with each other?
Watanabe Norihito
So friends stick together?
Nishino Takeko
Club groups
Short Faction stories
Night case
Kito Hayato

What will they call me

1.9K 106 50

So it's morning, isn't it? At least, this conclusion can be drawn due to the fact that sunlight makes its way through tightly closed curtains. Today is already the twenty-ninth day of March, the very day for which I have not fulfilled my obligations imposed on me by that person for the last few weeks.

In any case, I packed all my things in advance, so all that remains is to take the water treatments necessary to maintain a sufficient level of hygiene and go to my destination.

The school I'm going to is recognized as the best and most expensive in Japan. Studying in that place is only three years, but people leaving that school can easily find work in large companies or continue their studies at the best universities in our country and even many others. This is what you can hear about that place or see in advertising booklets.

Today I need to be there to cross the threshold from my life on the run to a free life inside a school that is shielded from the rest of society, as are its students and staff. This means that I will have three years of training when I can successfully hide without fear of falling into the hands of that person.

But will three years be enough for me to leave me alone? Knowing him, the answer is no anyway. Fifteen years of work, energy and money have been invested in my development on a huge scale. When something didn't pay off, they got rid of it, but I stayed. I still exist, I'm still alive only because I'm strong and can't lose to anything or anyone. Defeat is death for me, I don't think that's going to change now.

My body is slowly heating up from the water pouring on my head, neck and shoulders. The feeling when drops of moisture first cut into your skin or hair, and then flow down your body, as if having lost the strength to fight, is unforgettable. They bring either cold or heat, depending on the set water temperature.

Anyway, I'm fine. I already have everything I need to start my new school life. A week ago, the school mailed me my new uniform, a short promotional booklet with the highlights of the school and a map of Tokyo showing how to get to the right place. There was also a smartphone in the package. However, it says here that it can only be activated on school grounds. Well, apparently, this is normal for them.

Shortly after all the morning treatments, I got dressed, quickly dried my hair and picked up my things to leave a small hotel in the Ota area and head towards the nearest bus stop. I learned the route in advance, so I found the shortest way for myself. Buses run here quite often and in large numbers, so I shouldn't have any problems getting to the place on time.

To my slight surprise, when I got on the bus, there were already several people in the same school uniform as me. However, there was quite enough free space, so I quickly sat down by the window and began to watch the cityscape passing before my eyes during the trip. It inspires me with a certain sense of freedom, although the realization that anyone here can be my enemy is really frightening. Gradually, there were more and more passengers, but everything seemed to be in order.

Anyway, it went well. During the trip, an old lady was trying to find an empty seat for herself and a couple of people tried to help her, but no one was going to give in, especially some blond guy who seemed a little smug to me. Well, these things don't really bother me, to be honest. Anyway, I was sitting by the window and couldn't help in any way.

Upon entering the school grounds, I froze for a second before, apparently, one of the most important steps in my life. There is a large open gate in front of me, where some people in uniform are talking to each incoming student and doing something with their phones. For this occasion, I pulled my phone out of my pocket in advance. Well, it seems that my school life begins here, just one step forward along this magnificent natural stone path, and I will be free in one way or another.

– Hey, wait.

Suddenly, I felt a strong disturbance in the force. It's like a lot of readers screamed in agony just because someone decided to stop me. In any case, I had no choice but to turn around and find out what happened.

– You dropped this.

As soon as I turned around, I found a girl with light brown hair in a ponytail next to me, who was holding something out to me. It was my text written on a small piece of paper, which should contain a short version of my presentation to the class on the first day of school. This is very important. Did I drop this when I took phone out of pocket? I need to be more careful.

– Thank you, if I lost it, it would be bad.

– I haven't read it, if that's what's bothering you.

I gave her a little nod, trying to show that everything was fine. If she turned out to be one of my classmates, then it would be problematic to use this text for presentation. Although, perhaps other people also prepare for their first day at school in a similar way?

– That's good, I'm very grateful.

– It's not worth it, there's nothing special about.

And she went on, and I didn't even have time to ask her name. Well, she doesn't seem to be the kind of person who likes to talk a lot, although she doesn't seem to be a bad person. If we happen to be in the same class, I'll probably try to talk to her and make friends. True, they say friendship comes by itself, it cannot be created just out of the blue, but still I will believe that our meeting today is a sign of something great in the future.

In any case, I went ahead, crossing the threshold of the school grounds. I was greeted the same way as all the other students, after which they helped me activate my smartphone. Well, now I have a multifunctional phone, which are now sold many places in this city. This is clearly better than not having a phone at all.

Then, following the stream of students, I walked around the school building and headed for the gymnasium hall. It looks like the very opening ceremony I've heard so much about is going to take place there.

Soon there was already an entrance to the gymnasium hall ahead, where the students walked a little slower than they should. However, when I got closer, I immediately understood what was going on. There were several people standing at the entrance, they looked a little older than most of those who can be seen here, while wearing the same school uniforms as us. Senpai, I suppose?

– Hello. This is a mandatory brochure, it contains everything that you may have questions about at school. Read this carefully.

A girl with a funny hairstyle in the form of meatballs met me on the way. She handed me a school manual, which apparently describes everything in this place. Great, it simplifies a lot.

– Thanks.

I thanked her and moved on. As soon as I went inside, I immediately felt some air pressure on myself, it's a little stuffy here. It can be seen that there are adults present, apparently, school staff, as well as many students. I read about it on the Internet, and Matsuo also notified me in advance. The principal's opening speech at the beginning of the school year is very normal for a school. However, this will be the first time for me.

Fifteen minutes later, when the last students seemed to have entered the hall, the doors were closed, and several people came on stage. Judging by their age and clothes, I can assume that these are school staff again, although they look much more ordinary than those who stand at the entrance to the school grounds. I don't know, maybe they're playing a different role?

Soon, an elderly man, who is definitely over 60 years old, came on stage and introduced himself as the headmaster of the school. It was a bit long and boring, but it seems to have gone great. I didn't feel anything special about this man's speech, but I think it's okay. Although the students around me look extremely bored. It seems that someone even fell asleep standing up. Surprisingly.

Although soon the director stepped aside, and another man, decades younger, took his place. However, it seems that even the elderly director has respect for him.

– Greetings, I am the chairman of the Kodo Ikusei High School, Sakayanagi Narumori. I understand that you are bored, this is your first day, but please listen to my next words very carefully, as your future may depend on it, as well as whether you will stay at this school or not.

– Oh?

– What...?

A few guys around me seemed to wake up from a shallow boring sleep, feeling the change in the atmosphere. Well, I have to admit, his last words sounded extremely ominous than I would like. Is this also normal for entrance ceremonies?

– Wait a minute... It's like he's threatening us.

– This guy is creepy...

This man is the chairman of the board of this school. He has just announced that our future will depend on something, which he will tell us about now. Well, this school is supported by the government by 100% or more, I would not be surprised if there was something unusual here for all other schools.

– For simplicity, I will show you a short presentation.

After his words, 86% of the artificial lighting in the hall was immediately extinguished. Behind him, an image showing a large city appeared on an unfolded white film. This is probably Tokyo. Soon the picture changed to an area separated from the city, which looks pretty good and extensive. I suppose that's what the school grounds look like from the air?

– This school is fully funded by the government and works solely in its interests. Many people at the head of this country have high hopes for you, students.

The image has been changed again. This time, there was only one word displayed, elegantly highlighted in beautiful handwriting on a black background.


– Here we depart from the classical principles of dividing students into different classes. In our school, instead, there is the concept of factions. Starting from this day until the end of next week, you will be able to move freely around the school grounds and explore it, but you will have only one important task.

The changes from a black background and a single word were transferred to a smartphone connected to people by the method of transmission channels and cellular communication. Is this a reference to the fact that modern youth is immersed in technology? Or is this how they show that artificial intelligence is taking over the world??

– You will either have to look for Followers who will join you, or for Masters you will want to join. By creating your own groups in this way, you will attend classes together, prepare for exams and help each other. All the successes and failures of each member of the group will be common to you, but the main responsibility will fall on the master.

Many people in the audience did not fully understand what this meant at all, while I regarded the masters as a separate upper caste. They seem to be the managers of this school, who should keep an eye on the small fish, that is, us, ordinary students.

– In the brochures you received earlier, all the points related to the factions are explained more clearly and in detail. From now on, everything is on you. Starting on Monday, everyone will receive an e-mail with the designation of the classroom to which the student will need to approach. In this way, we ensure that you will attend classes and have the opportunity to interact with your future friends, colleagues, allies or even opponents.

Opponents? Do they want to sow enmity between students in this way? Is it possible that the factions will not be so friendly? If there is a constant confrontation for leadership in them, the implementation of progress will stand at a dead end.

– By the end of the day, you will all receive a notification on your phone indicating whether you are a Master or a Follower. For 160 students of your year, there will be only 40 Masters.

I decided on occasion to look at the brochure now to consider this point in more detail. The brochure says that this conclusion will be made by the school based on our entrance exams and interviews. Considering that my score should not be higher than 50 points, and the interview... well, I'd rather not even think about such a moment in my life. In any case, it turns out that I will be a Follower in this school chain.

Considering that there are only 40 Masters and 160 students in total, it is likely that it will be impossible to have more than four members in one faction. Perhaps if I am unable to join any faction at the end of next week, I will be identified automatically so as not to disrupt the order. If this is the case, then I will hope that the remaining faction for me will not consist of bad people. I would not like to spend three years of my school life in unfavorable company.

Well, the rest can be read and thought about a little later, when this admission ceremony is over.

– That's all for today. I hope to be able to see all of you at the graduation ceremony in three years.

He smiled kindly, but his words could be perceived in quite two ways. In any case, I will be able to think about it when I get to my new place of residence. Apparently, this is a good hostel.

The light was finally returned to this world, and the students began to slowly disperse when it was all over. I would like to ask the senpai about everything, but they have already left by this point. Well, I already have the basic information.

Anyway, I headed towards the dorm, following the signs located here and there. While walking along the alley with massive tree plantations and beautiful wooden benches, I decided to open the brochure I received at the entrance to the gymnasium hall.

It seems that at first the new students are settled in the dormitory, which is the furthest from the school building. It is the smallest, but probably the most important, because it is thanks to our first steps from there that we will be able to get to know people and unite into factions.

Well, this brochure also seems to tell me by itself that uniting students into factions is something extremely important and natural. At the same time, the penalty for failure to comply with this condition is not indicated anywhere. Given my extremely low social skills, I may not be able to join the faction right away. It is quite possible that I will not get such an opportunity for the next week either. Will I be able to exist in this modern Japanese society as a loner, or will I really be automatically identified?

I'll probably be able to live both ways, but I still want to understand all these ordinary things that people talk about so often. I would like to make friends, although I still don't understand this concept very well.

Hm, the dormitories also have free access to electricity, water, gas and the possibility of heating in the cold seasons. There are no restrictions on these things, but there is a request that we do not forget to use them in moderation. Well, that's good. This could be especially useful for introverts who do not want to leave their rooms. School attendance will begin tomorrow, and we will receive an e-mail with directions to which classrooms to go to and which places to apply for.

According to the instruction booklet, as soon as the students join factions, they will be moved to another dormitory with a larger living area. Students in the same group will have to live together, share grief and joy among themselves. Moreover, this is not even shared between representatives of different sexes. Accordingly, both boys and girls can be in the same group. Violation of the rules of the school by a Follower may result in the exclusion of their Master if their guilt and involvement are proven. It can also work in reverse

It's pretty strict, but I guess it's logical. In this way, the Master will hold on to his Followers and vice versa. At least no one will be able to go beyond the rules. Well, this is just in words, of course, you can come up with new ways to circumvent this rule.

Every month, a certain amount of local credit currency is credited to our personal account, equivalent to the Japanese yen, they call it private points. Thanks to this, we can buy certain things on the school grounds. To do this, there are many different shops with a huge number of different products. As a gift for admission, each student of the first year received 100,000 private points to his account, that is, 100,000 yen for us. And we can spend it as we see fit.

It's wonderful, with this, I'll finally be able to buy various interesting things like a yogurt maker or something that is advertised at every turn outside of this school. Maybe a cowboy hat would suit me? No, in that case I would also need a horse and a revolver, and I have no confidence that I can find something like that here.

There is also a small line about the interaction of the factions with each other. Members of other factions cannot visit rooms reserved for your faction. If a Follower of your faction has been compromised by a member of another faction, the blame will be shifted to the instigator and their Master. If two factions decide to unite to violate the rules, both factions will suffer the penalty damage, up to the exclusion of each member.

There was another line at the very end of the brochure.

Please be patient with other students. In this school, you will be able to experience joys and sorrows together, appreciate this experience.

Well, I think that's a good parting word. But I have some doubts.

Soon I got to the dorm and got the key to my room. When I got there, I noticed that it was a perfectly clean place, but there were almost no traces of white in it. Well, I guess that's how it should be. The room is as big as 8 tatami. It's lovely, it's pretty cool that I'm the only one who can occupy such a living space.

Although, when I find myself in someone's faction, I will have to move to another place. However, there will be an increase in living space. If we assume that there are only four people per faction at most, then, in fact, our new room will have to be four times larger than this one. As many as 32 tatami, wonderful. I'm looking forward to it.

In any case, it doesn't look complete and structured to the end. Why would the Japanese government do something like this to students at all? What is their goal and what are they hiding from us? I would like to ask these questions to Chairman Sakayanagi, if he would allow me to ask about it. I wonder if it is possible to schedule a personal meeting with the Chairman, who is even higher in status than the director? It sounds complicated, but who knows.

In any case, I spent the rest of the day fully exploring my new room, which I will most likely spend a week in. Well, the bed is quite comfortable, there is a sofa, a kitchen, even a personal computer for studying is available. At least it all looks pretty solid.

Thoughts of school life and three years of a great future kept me in excited suspense for several more hours before I decided to just relax and start getting ready for bed.

At the end of the day, as promised, a newsletter notification arrived on my phone. I checked it out only to see something strange that really shouldn't be there.

Based on the examination conducted by the school, you are a first-year student, Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, now a Master. Find your Followers by the end of next week. Maximum faction limit: 10 people.

So now I have only 7 days to find some companions? Perhaps this may turn out to be even more problematic than I thought.

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