A missing piece... The other...

By 3HaNaNa3

156K 5.6K 785

Salvatore Smith meets a woman with whom he shared few nights after loosing his wife. It was 12 years ago, sh... More

Chapter 1 - Fumiko Tanaka...
Chapter 2 - Make a choice...
Chapter 3 - I am your father...
Chapter 4 - Strangers...
Chapter 5 - Give me a chance...
Chapter 6 - She was murdered...
Chapter 7 - Time to say Goodbye...
Chapter 8 - Make your choice...
Chapter 9 - One day after another...
Chapter 10 - New School...
Chapter 11 - New friend...
Chapter 12 - Where is Suki???
Chapter 13 - Onii-san...
Chapter 14 - School bully...
Chapter 15 - Otรด-san...
Chapter 16 - Normal days...
Chapter 17 - A day with you...
Chapter 18 - Paparazzi...
Chapter 19 - Takeshiro Tanaka...
Chapter 20 - Happy birthday Mom...
Chapter 21 - Unexpected visit...
Chapter 22 - Gianni's training...
Chapter 23 - Weird...
Chapter 24 - Fight at school...
Chapter 25 - Valentina...
Chapter 26 - Uncle's attack...
Chapter 28 - Long night...
Chapter 29 - Mr Rossi...
Chapter 30 - The package...
Chapter 31 - Back to school...
Chapter 32 - School Festival?
Chapter 33 - Shopping with the twins...
Chapter 34 - Dinner with Gianni...
Chapter 35 - School Festival, part 1
Chapter 36 - School Festival, part 2
Chapter 37 - School Festival, part 3
Chapter 38 - Guilt...
Chapter 39 - An Angel & A Devil...
Chapter 40 - A special day with Father...

Chapter 27 - Feelings...

3.6K 171 20
By 3HaNaNa3

The ride to the hospital seemed too long for the three Smith brothers. Even the cold Davide was worried for the little girl. The bandage that Dante put on Suki's arm was full of blood. They didn't dare to touch it to look at the wound.

Davide had informed his father of the evolution of the situation and Salvatore was on his way to the hospital, just like the three other brothers.

When the driver parked in front of the emergency entry of the hospital, a medical team was ready to take care of the little girl. They have been informed of their arrival and the best doctors were present with the best plastic surgeon.

Gabriel carried Suki out of the car and delicately put her on the stretcher. They followed the medical team to one of the box. 

Doctor: We will do a first check of the patient here and if necessary, we will take her to an operation room...

Gabriel: Do your best to treat her and to avoid her to have a big scar!

The medical team began Suki's auscultation under Gabriel's surveillance. They questioned him about what happened and the little girl's possible wounds. Gabriel stayed vague, only precising that her black eye was from few days ago.

Dante and Davide were waiting in the corridor. A nurse tried to take care of Dante's injuries, but he refused to be treated, stating that it was nothing serious. In fact, the young man wanted to know more about his little sister's state before thinking about himself. Salvatorearrived 5 minutes after they entered in the room.

Salvatore: Where is Suki? How is she doing?

Dante: With Gabriel, in that room. She was hurt at her arm.

Salvatore: And you? (He noticed his wounds.)

Dante: Nothing serious... she had fainted but... (The door of the room opened and interrupted them.)

Doctor: Excuse us... we're taking the patient to surgery.

Salvatore: Suki! Suki! (She was still unconscious.) Gabriel? 

Gabriel had a serious and cold face. The wound on Suki's arm was serious enough to request a surgery. The doctors left with Suki and the Smith followed to the surgery area before being stopped by one of the nurses.

Nurse: Please wait here until the surgery is done. The doctor will come to update you on the patient situation in due time. (She left.)

Salvatore: Gabriel? What did they say?

Gabriel: The cut is pretty deep, and she needs a surgery. They didn't say anything else about her recovery... 

No one expected Gabriel's words. The three oldest members had to deal with knife injuries and rarely went to surgery. Even when Salvatore was stabbed by the past, he endured the stitches without anesthesia, counting on the help of a good Whisky. So, to have to go to surgery, how serious was the wound?

Salvatore: How all of this happened? Dante?

Dante: That bodyguard betrayed us... I had to deal with that Tanaka and his men... but he attacked by surprise and she... she was hurt.

Dante felt responsible of the little girl's state. He felt guilty to not have been able to protect her, and even worse, than she was injured because she protected him. It was not her role, but his and he failed.

Gabriel: Thanks to Davide, we learnt that Tanaka was about to attack. Unfortunately, he had a step ahead and Dante had to face them alone.

Salvatore: You should have told me earlier! (He yelled.)

Davide: It's not Gabriel's fault. That guy contacted me last night... we were planning a trap, but he moved first. That kid never goes out of the house, how could we guessed that he would attack today!

Salvatore: (He badly glared at his youngest son.) Davide, you colluded with that fu** jerk? (He made a step ahead, blinded by his anger.)

Gabriel: (He put himself between his father and brother.) Father, Davide didn't contact Tanaka. Tanaka only tried to used him to approach Suki, but Davide came to me directly. Thanks to him, we have the proof that he was behind Fumiko's murder.

Salvatore: (He sighed.) In every case, I should have known sooner!

Gabriel: Things didn't work like we thought. It's my fault.

Salvatore didn't want to argue with his sons at that moment. He turned toward Dante.

Salvatore: Ask someone to take a look at your injuries... and thank you, for saving your little sister life.

Dante: You can thank me when she is out of here, on her two feet! (He left the corridor to smoke, playing with his lighter.)

Davide: I'm going with him... (He followed Dante.)

Gabriel: Suki is going to be fine.

Salvatore: How could you know? What if she keeps important after-effects from that injury? Damn it! I failed her... once again!

Gabriel: We all did... that man is dead for now. He would never be able to hurt her, and Fumiko was avenged, but Takeshiro Tanaka will probably ask justice for his son. He lost his heir!

Salvatore: If he wants to die, I will offer him a painful death for all those years my child and child's mother had to live in suffer!

Gabriel: I killed his son; I can send him his father to keep him company in hell...

In front of the hospital entry, Dante was smoking while going around in circles. Davide was with him, but he knew that his older brother was not in the mood to talk. Gianni, Enzo and Vito arrived at the same time.

Gianni: Dante... Are you okay? What the fu** happened? Where is the kid? Is she hurt too? Did you kill those who did that?!

Dante: Stop, too many questions!

Davide: She was taken to have surgery, her arm. Dad and Gab are waiting inside for news... and yes, they are dead!

Enzo: What happened? Who attacked you?

Davide: That Japanese guy... he wanted to kill her, just like he did with her mother.

Gianni: And the grandfather?

Davide: Not sure if he is implicated... but Iguess, we will know soon.

Dante crushed his cigarette on the ground and went back inside, followed by his brothers. He sat silently a bit apart from the others.

Silence took place in that tiny space. One hour passed and the head of the family was starting to lose patience. Dante had already left the place 3 times to smoke, Gabriel going with him twice too.

In addition to that stressful moment, Salvatore was harassed of calls from Valentina. Due to the events, he left in a hurry just after breaking up with her without hesitation. Since then, she was calling him unsuccessfully.

Dante: Fu**! Pick up that damn call!

Vito: It's maybe an emergency, to be so insistent.

Salvatore: It's Valentina. I ended our relationship, and I am not in disposition to talk to her right now.

Gianni: Finally... some good news today! (Salvatore glared at him.) What? We are all okay to say that she is just a useless bit**!

Doctor: (The door toward the surgery alley opened.) Mr Smith? (They all stood up.) I have good news regarding your daughter. The surgery went well, and the muscle was not too severely damaged.

Sighs of relieved were heard, even coming from Vito and Davide.

Salvatore: Can I see her? Will she be able to recover completely?

Doctor: She is asleep due to the medication. We are taking her to a room, and you will be able so see her. For her recovery, with good cares and an appropriate reeducation, she should be fine.

Gabriel: She should? Nothing is sure?

Doctor: Children usually recover easily, and I am sure that you will take care of her well. The plastic surgeon did his maximum to minimize the scar but at the size of the wound, she will keep one.

Salvatore: Thank you, Doctor.

Doctor: A nurse will guide you to your daughter's room in few minutes.

The doctor left and Salvatore sat. He needed one minute to digest everything. He hadn't felt that unpleasant feeling since a long time.  

Gabriel: Dante, find someone to clean your injuries before Suki wakes up. One of our men is bringing clothes for you.

Dante: Hum... (Gabriel nodded and Gianni went with him.)

The nurse arrived few minutes later and the rest of the family followed her to the VIP floor. Being here was uncomfortable for Salvatore because it was at the same floor that Fumiko was murdered. The room was at the opposite side, but it was still too close from his point of view. 

Nurse: Your daughter is in that room. Please let her rest for now. When she wakes up, you can push the "Ring" button and we will come to check on her.

Salvatore: Thank you. 

The nurse left and the family entered. Suki was sleeping quietly. Her left arm was bandage and put in an arm brace. Salvatore approached her and gently touched her beautiful black hair.

In her normal state, she would have wake up immediately, but she didn't react, because of the medicine. He hated to see her like that. Gabriel put the chair near her bed and asked his father to sit. The boys sat on the couch and armchairs while Gabriel preferred to stay stand.

Dante and Gianni joined the family before Suki woke up. Seeing her like that affected Dante too. If he had made sure that Tanaka was dead after their fight, nothing of this would have happened.

10 more minutes passed in that heavy silence before Suki began to emerge. Unfortunately, her awakening was difficult. She seemed to have a nightmare, few tears falling before she began to mumble. Salvatore stood up and pressed the button.

Salvatore: Suki... Suki...

Suki: ... hum... Da...

Salvatore: (He took her right hand.) It's okay, Dad is here...

Nurse: (2 nurses entered.) Sir, please... your daughter is waking up.

Gabriel: She must be in pain, she is crying! Call the doctor!

Nurse 2: It often happens after an anesthesia. She will be fine in few minutes. You can give her water if she needs it. Don't worry, she will be fine. (She noted everything in the file, and they left.)

Suki: ... Da...Dante... Dante... careful... (Shesobbed.)

Dante was troubled by the little girl asking for him desperately. He tried to keep a composed expression but inside, he was worried and annoyed at the same time. A mix of feelings that he was not used to have.

Salvatore: Suki... open your eyes. Dante is here, he is here... (She had difficulties to understand what was going on.) Dante...

Suki: ... hum... (She sniffed.)

Dante: Kid, wake up! Open your eyes! Fu**!

Gabriel: (He pulled back Dante.) Dante! Are you losing your mind?!

Suki sobbed once again and slowly opened her eyes. The lights of the ceiling were uncomfortable, and Salvatore put his hand above her head. He was gently caressing the back of her hand with his thumb. 

Salvatore: It's alright Sweetheart, you're doing great...

Suki: ... Otô-san... (Tears were silently falling.)... Dante... he...

Dante: Dante, Dante, Dante... I am here! Stop repeating my name like that! I am here! If you want to see me so badly, open your damn eyes!

Suki slowly turned her head in direction of her brother's voice, and she felt relieved to see him. Gabriel was there too, next to him. And he was not the only one, all of her brothers were there.

Salvatore: Suki... look at me... (She looked at him.)... you were hurt at your arm, but the doctors fixed everything. Is it painful? (She shook her head.) If the medicine aren't effective enough, tell us, okay? (She slowly closed her eyes, tired.) Suki? (She nodded.) Sleep a bit more, we are here, nothing will happen to you. (She closed her eyes once again.)

Enzo: Is she alright? Shouldn't we stimulate her, so she wakes up?

Gianni: What happened, in addition to the painkillers is probably too much for her small body to endure. Let her rest first.

Dante left the room once again and this time. Gabriel followed him.

Gabriel: Dante... change your attitude. Why have I the feeling that you are piss off against her?!

Dante: Because that idiot risked her life by doing something stupid!

Gabriel: By something stupid you mean saving your life?

Dante: Yes! Who does she think to be to do that?! That motherfu** wouldn't have hurt me like he did to her!

Gabriel: She is your little sister... and she was worried for you... even if I am not pleased at all by the risk she took, I can understand how she felt at that time.

Dante: It sucks! (He passed his hand on his hair, frustrated.)

Gabriel: Now, you realize...

Dante: Realize what?

Gabriel: The feeling growing inside of you about having a little sister...

Dante was stubborn and as he refused to admit it, he stayed silent. In Suki's room, Salvatore phone rang once again. This time, he came out to answer to Valentina.

Salvatore: Stop calling me!

Valentina Rossi: Salvatore, you can't dump me like that!

Salvatore: I can, and I did! Erase my phone number and never call me again!

In the room, Gianni was standing near Suki's bed and observing her. The black eye that he caused was still really visible and now, she had her arm immobilized for weeks. He knew how frail she was, and he was hoping that she will not keep after-effects.

Vito: That girl really put herself in danger for Dante? Is she that stupid?

Davide: Yes! She is... and she did... and I can assure you that he wanted to kill her more than anything... if Gab hadn't shot him in the head, she will be dead... even with 2 bullets in the chest, his will to kill her was more important than anything... crazy jerk...

Enzo: Killing her mother was not enough? Why did he need to kill Suki too? What did he have to gain by doing that?

Gianni: Nothing... guys like him only value honor... he probably wanted to erase any traces of his father's mistakes... even if she was not at all a threat for him.

Vito: And her grandfather? He will not stay quiet, right?

Gianni: Who knows... anyway, Dad will not let anything happen to her!

Vito: You mean nothing more than being stabbed by her own uncle...

Enzo: Dad...

Salvatore: You are right, Vito... I failed to protect her against that maniac...

Vito: (He interrupted his father.) I didn't mean it like that!

Salvatore: ... and I will have to live the rest of my life with that fact.

Enzo: You are not responsible of a crazy guy's decisions!

Salvatore: But I am responsible of her, just like I am of all of you. I promised to offer to her the best life possible... and look at her... injured, in that hospital bed... in that hospital where her mother lost her life! Fu**!! Fu**!!

It was rare for the head of the family to curse. It showed his helplessness in the face of the current situation. He was a father, unable to protect his weakest child.

Gianni: Dad... let's get some fresh air... Guys, keep an eye on her until we come back! (He took his father out.)

Enzo: Sure... Dad, relax, she is strong...

The three youngest brothers were alone with Suki when she emerged once again from her sleep. She was mumbling and Enzo approached to hear what she was saying. Some tears showed up once again... she was asking for her mother.

Vito: What is she saying? Is she still asking for Dante?

Enzo: No... (He seemed troubled.)... her Mom...

Vito: She took a hit on her head?

Enzo: Don't be a jerk!

Davide: (He approached Suki and lightly touched her.) Eh wake up!

Enzo: Bro'... be gentle! (Suki opened her eyes slowly.) Suki, are you alright? (He wiped her tears.) It's okay...

Suki: Onii-chan...

Enzo: Yeah, it's me, don't worry, you are not alone. (She looked at Davide for long seconds.) Eh Suki... (She looked at him.) You are probably lost for now, but you will quickly feel better. Do you want water? (She nodded and he straightened the bed with the remote.)

Suki: Thank you... Onii-chan... where is... Father? 

Enzo approached the cup of water with the straw. She took a sip.

Enzo: Dad is outside with Gianni... he needed to take a break... seeing you like that is difficult for him, so you have to recover quickly!

Suki: Sorry... and Dante?

Enzo: Dante is fine, really. You don't have to worry!

Davide: I'm going to bring back Dad. (He left the room.)

Enzo: Does your arm hurt a lot? Try to not move too much.

Suki: Can... we go home?

Vito: You just went to surgery, and you already want to go home? Are you that stupid?

Enzo: Vito!

Suki: I... I don't like hospital... I want to go home... (She lifted the blanket with her right hand.)

Enzo: Suki, stop! (He grabbed her hand.) You can't go home for now. Not until the doctor gives his approval! So, please, calm down.

Salvatore: Suki... how are you feeling? (They just came back.)

Suki stared at her father's eyes. He seemed tired now, even if he was well and smiling few hours ago, when they were having a father-daughter's moment.

Suki: Otô-san... I want to go home, please...

Vito: She is stuck on the fact to leave since she woke up!

Salvatore: Suki, I understand. If you can wait a bit more, just to be sure that everything is okay, and I will bring you home before the night, okay? You can do that, right? (She nodded.) Gianni, call your brothers, please and ask the doctor to come and check on Suki's state. (Gianni left the room.)

Enzo: (In Italian.) Dad... she asked for her Mom when she was waking up... you should talk to her later... or make her see a therapist.

Salvatore: (In Italian.) Thank you, Enzo... being here must remind her from her mother's death... even more after that man tried to kill her.

Suki was listening to her father and brother's conversation without understanding anything. Vito and Davide were seriously listening too.

After a short moment, the three eldest brothers came back, accompanied by the doctor in charge of Suki. He asked the brothers to leave the room of the patient and they left, even if some of them would have prefer to stay there. Only Salvatore stayed present, to give the little girl some intimacy.

Doctor: Miss Smith, everything seems fine. Your surgery went well. I am afraid that you will keep a thin scar. I will prescribe painkillers and you will have to follow a reeducation courses for few weeks. Bruises can appear around the injury but if you limited at the maximum to move your arm for the next couples of days, it will not last long.

Suki: Thank you doctor... can I go home now?

Doctor: It's a bit soon. The procedure after an anesthesia is to keep the patient for at least 24 hours in observation.

Salvatore: If I have someone to monitor her for the next 24 hours and a nurse at home, is it okay? She is not comfortable to stay here. Please understand. (His serious gaze was on the doctor.)

Doctor: You have to be cautious during the night. The nurse should check her state every two hours. I will ask the nurses to prepare the papers and to book an appointment in 3 days then in one week and one last time in one month.

Salvatore: Thank you doctor. (The doctor left.) See, you can sleep in your bed tonight. I need to make a call to organize everything and sign those papers. Try to rest a little bit more.

Salvatore left Suki alone for few minutes. He told the three youngest boys to go home first. Then he asked Gianni to organize the venue of a nurse at home for at least 3 days. The young man left to do some calls. While Salvatore was talking with Gabriel, Dante entered Suki's room.

Suki: Dante... Did you...

Dante: Shut up! (Suki had teary eyes, not understanding his reaction.) Stop worrying about everyone except for you! Are you stupid?! How could you put yourself in danger like that?! You could have died! Fu**!! How do you think I will feel if that motherfu** had killed you!

Suki couldn't retain her tears. Was he angry? Or worried? She didn't understand Dante. He was yelling at her, but his tone was different. She tried to wipe her eyes with her right hand.

Suki: ... I'm sorry... I was afraid...

Dante: If you were afraid, you should have run, not put yourself between that psycho and me!

Suki: ... I was afraid... that he would... kill you... just like he did... with Mom... 

Suki was now sobbing loudly, overwhelmed by her emotions. Dante was boiling inside. He would like to have that guy in front of him right now to kill him a second time, painfully. He had his hands on his hips and looked down and sighed at length. 

Dante: That guy is dead... and I am here, right in front of you... so stop crying! (She sobbed and wiped her tears as she could.) I told you to stop crying! Don't you intend to listen to your older brother?! Tell me, Suki Smith, are you not going to be an obedient little sister?!

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