Beauties And Beasts || Taeggu...

By _A_for_ARMY__

114K 5.8K 1.9K

Where the cold CEO Jeon Jeonggukk , also known as JJK in underground mafia, falls for a cute boy named Taehyu... More

1 | Twins |
2 | Mr. Bunny |
3 | Petal |
4 | Smile |
5 | Brothers |
6 | Hyung |
7 | Date |
8 | Plan |
9 | Meetings |
10 | The end |
11 | Duty |
12 | Meetings - II |
13 | Work |
14 | Kids |
15 |Text|
16 | Apologies |
17 | Memories |
18 | Preparation |
19 | Friend |
20 | ✨The Date✨ |
21 | The Date - II |
22 | Moon |
23 | Talk |
24 | Anger |
25 | Saviors |
26 | Deficiency |
27 | Chocolate |
28 | Sleepy |
29 | Trouble |
30 | Meetings-III|
31 | Secrets |
32 | The Christmas |
33 | Gift |
34 | Monster and Angel |
35 | Twins pt II |
36 | Kim Taehyung |
38 | Using |
39| Kiss |
40 | Something |

37 | Ideal couple |

1.4K 124 34
By _A_for_ARMY__




"No no no. I'm not saying you guys are a perfect couple. I'm saying that you guys are one of the best couples." 

"TomAto TOmato" Jin shrugged .

Jungkook and Jimin rolled their eyes. "Seriously ? These guys are 'best' ?" Jimin scoffed.

"Yeah. I mean , I've known Jin hyung since my diaper age. And I know their story. Besides Jin hyung acting all goofy with us , I know how hard it was for him to leave his family to live with Namjoon hyung. And Uncle Kim hasn't approved them completely either. Still they're staying strong. And the way Namjoon hyung is always busy but never forget to call hyung everyday. That's love. It's inspiring you know." Jungkook explained.

"I - " Jin was speechless and touched by the youngest words. He was almost tearing up.

"Nah I still think my bf is better than his." Jimin shrugged. Jin scoffed wiping off the hanging tear droplet.

"If yours is a good one , I'll call Jungkook the best." He mocked and Jungkook gasped offensively.

"What did you mean by that hyung?"

"Jungkook , you literally thought your beast cheated on you with your brother." They both said at the same time.

"I - I .. in my defence, I didn't know he has a twin." He crossed his arms pouting.

Jin and Jimin looked at each other and burst out of laughter. "Yeah yeah good boyfriend indeed."

"Oh my Jungkookah .." Jin laughed so hard till his laugh sounder like windshield wiper.

"W-well atleast I got the bestest boyfriend." Jungkook said I his defence.

"Hey didn't you said he used to bail you for work at 10 different place at the same time." Jimin argued.

"Atleast he comes back with flowers and apology unlike yours who just came for fuck and disappear. " Jungkook's tongue slipped before he could even stop. As fast as the dropping of Jimin's smile. "I- I didnt-"

Jimin's phone rang . He excuses himself and walks away from the table to pick it up.

Jungkook bit his nails looking at Jin. "It just slipped my tongue. What do I do."

Jin was serious and sighed before saying. "Do you know who's Jimin's bf is ?"

Jungkook shook his head.

"Min Yoongi."

Jimin came back to the table. "Hyung , i-i gotta go. An urgent work to do. See ya later."

"Wait I'll drop you-"

"No. I called an uber." He waved to both and disappeared.

Jungkook gasped. "M-min Yoongi ? As our Yoongi hyung ? Uncle min's son ? That Yoongi hyung?"

"Yeah idiot , who else ?" Jin rolled his eyes.

"Wait - but wasn't Hobi hyung-"

"Shh.. that's a big complicated story" Jin sighed. "it's quite late now. Come , I'll drop you back home."



V opened the door to his apartment and closed it behind with a sigh.

"Hyung ?"

V smiled and looked around to find a sleepy Taehyung.

"I thought you'll be asleep already." V walked towards his twin .

"Why are you this late ?" Taehyung enquired and V showed him the plastic bag in the left hand. "Groceries." He placed it on the couch. "And also met some old friends on the way."

"Wait .. what's this..?" Taehyung pointed to V's knee. "Are you hurt?" He worriedly knelt down to inspect.

"Oh that. It's nothing, I just tripped over and fell on my knees." V tapped on the knee to get the dirt out. "It's pretty late , bear. You should sleep."

Taehyung looked up at him. "I-"

"You look tired. We'll talk tomorrow morning, ok?" V ruffled Taehyung's hair a smiled.

Taehyung nodded and they parted to eachother's room.

V jumped to his  bed as soon as he entered his room. But Taehyung.... He didn't know someone was waiting for him inside his own room.



"Sir , Are we really going to do this ?" Yuta asked for confirmation.

Aoki was holding the box that V gave him and took out the key inside it as he spoke. "It is time for us to act."


"What now ? You scared?" It was Eunwoo who interrupted Yuta this time.

"I'm not scared. I want to be cautious." Yuta glared at Eunwoo.

"Yuta , even if he's such a strong kid , he got a very fragile brother. He'll be scared to make any wrong move if the boy is in our hands. " Aoki said calmly with a voice filled with menace.



"Didn't I tell you to keep an eye on them." Yoongi yelled at Jimin who sat on the edge of his bed.

"V knows my connection with you , so you think he's gonna let me stay there any longer ?"

"Still , you could've tracked them. You're in contact with the cub , right ? For fucks sake everythings messed up now." Yoongi threw the helmet in his hand on ground out of frustration.

Jimin scoffed. "So everything's messed up because of me ?" He started calmly. "I thought you were here to fuck me again but no. You're here to yell at me."

"Jimin -"

"No . 'Coz apparently I 'messed up' something that I don't even know about. 'I' didn't do the things properly which involved stalking the persons I care about a lot.  'I' didn't do the things for a person who is literally using me for his stress relief."

"What are you-" Yoongi lowered his voice.

"What am I saying?" Jimin chuckled. "Tell me , have you ever considered me as a boyfriend? No- don't even try to answer that ."

"You're not in the right mood."

Jimin scoffed not believing what Yoongi just said. " I'm not in the right mood ? You kidding me right now ? What do you always want me to be head over heels for you and your dick ? "

"Wh- " Yoongi's phone rang in the middle of his word.

"Pick it up. Must be your work." Jimin said . "Or maybe it's your 'Hobi' "

The fact that it was really Hoseok who was calling made the scene much worse.

"He's calling for some impo-"

"Yeah yeah I know. You're dealing with important business. I'm supposed to be the understanding one. You can go to him." Jimin was trying to act strong but the tears swelling in his eyes gave it away.

Yoongi was staring back and forth on his phone and Jimin. He didn't pick the call but soon recieved a text from Hoseok which he read on the notification itself. 'code red'

"Jimin , we'll discuss this later."

That words stung almost making Jimin sob. But he hide it well and nodded. "Yeah .. You just got your priorities, right ?"

"I'll come after I -"

"Don't bother." Jimin stopped him. "Please don't bother to comeback if you're just gonna leave me again like this."

Yoongi didn't know what he should say. He should go to Enfer to deal with whatever Hoseok just called for. But the broken look on Jimin's face was holding him back.

Without any word Yoongi walked out of Jimin's apartment .

After the man left without looking back , Jimin couldn't hold his tears anymore. He let himself fall into his bed.



Taehyung closed the door and walked towards his bed and suddenly stopped on his track. The curtains moving.

"Didn't I close the window earlier?" He asked himself. "Ah... Whatever." He tiredly walked to the window and closed it. Not noticing a shadow passing behind him.

He again stopped his steps to the the bed when he came in front of his mirror. Then sighed deeply looking at his newly coloured hair.

Everyone said it looks good but ...

"You look beautiful.."






V stared to his phone which was displaying a smiley Jungkook in pajamas.

Jungkook hugged his pillow as he laid down to his bed. "I'm getting slee- *yawn* -py"

"Go ahead."

"No you go ahead , mister. Did you forget about the sleeping schedule I gave you ? You've already passed the scheduled time."

"Forgive me sir. I shall do as you please "

Jungkook chuckled. "Did everyth-"


Both Jungkook and V startled at the scream came from the other room. V quickly threw the phone and got out of the bed towards Taehyung's room. Not forgetting to take the gun he hid under the pillow.

He banged on the door. "BEAR ! Open the door. ..are you-" he shook off the worst case scenario and tried to break through the door. "Bear !..  Taehyu-"

The door opens.

"Hyungie.." Taehyung smiled.

V let out a sigh of relief and wiped his face.

"What happened, hyung ? Y-you okay-"

"Me ? Are 'you' okay ? I heard you scream." V swiftly hid the gun behind him as he spoke.

"Me ? When ? I was falling asleep when I heard you calling me." Taehyung said confused.

"Huh ?" V frowned. "B-but I-"

"You okay ? I think you're tired and hearing things , hyungie." Taehyung exited from his room and closed it behind to hold V's shoulder. "Come I'll drop you to your bed. You need sleep."

"But I heard-"

"Shhh" Taehyung shushed him and pushed his gently towards V's room.

"I'm fine , hyung. Good night. Tell Jungkookie too"

"But - oh wait Jungkook !" V hissed and ran to his phone and he threw on the bed. "Good night , bear"

Taehyung laughed at V picking up his phone and apologising to Jungkook.

He then got in to his own room and locked it from inside before turning back to the ma sitting on his bed.

"You made me lie to him."

"Sorry  I didn't -"

"You can't just show up on my bedroom Bunny !" He stomped his feet as he walked towards the bed.

"Well I -" Jeonggukk was flustered as hell and awkward too.

"You ?"

"I-I wanted to see you." He said honestly.

Taehyung stared at his for a moment. "There's a front door."

"But I thought it would be inappropriate to come at this hour."

The boy looked at him disbelief. "And you think 'this' isn't..?"

Jeonggukk bowed his head. "Sorry."

"You could've facetimed me if you wanted to see. Well , why did you want to see me ?"

"To... Apologise..." He said looking down.




"He did what ?"

Hoseok sighed and turned the monitor to Yoongi's direction. It was Jeonggukk's location. Yoongi pinched his nose bridge.

"I just got a call from Joon saying that we lost that key." Hoseok said and sighed. "I thought JJK would be pissed and planning anything to retrieve it or something."

Yoongi sat down on the chair next to him and sighed.

"God , he's down bad." Hoseok chuckled at the screen. "I thought he'll be killing that poor boy when he got to know his full name. I mean - he may even not be the Kim Taehyung we -"

"He's not. It's his brother" Yoongi cut off.

"What do you mean 'his brother' ?"

"The one that made deal with Aoki. That Kim Taehyung is his brother . Twin brother."

"But ..wait .. I didn't know Hyunsik uncle had 2 sons." Hoseok furrowed. "And also.." he clicked through his device. "Look .. in Taehyung's certificates , he's orphan and have no family. "

Yoongi just moved his eyes through the screen. "Don't bother. Let's just see what Jeonggukk's gonna do about it all."

"Okay.." Hoseok shrugged. "That said ..." He rolled his chair to move closer to Yoongi. "When you gonna take me to a drink ? Remember our Lupin bar ?"

Yoongi looked down contemplating and slowly nodded.

"I miss that place so mu-"

"Let's go. When we get a time, let's go for a drink there. I'll take you."

Hoseok paused , stunned at what he heard. "W-wait r-really ? Like .. you'll take me ?"

Yoongi lookes at him and nodded. "Yeah."

Hoseok beamed and clapped excitedly. "Woohoo"

Yoongi sighed.




"Bunny it's really okay. You can stop it now."

"No no. I was really being an asshole and -"

"Please bunny stop. I get it." Taehyung giggled.

Jeonggukk stopped and watched Taehyung. In his pink bunny printed night dress , messy hair , giggling with a slight pink shade on his cheeks.

"Your gorgeous"

Taehyung's cheeks tuned a darker shade of pink. "Y-you said that a lot of times already, Bunny."

"I didn't say gorgeous today . I said beautiful, pretty , ethereal , magnificent , stunning , exquisite , heavenly ..and .." Jeonggukk tried to remember if he left anything behind.

Taehyung was blushing red now.

"... Yeah that's all. And cute too." Jeonggukk said proudly.

"Gosh my bunny." Taehyung covered his face.

"W-what did I say something wrong ?" He panicked.

"No no." Taehyung laughed. "You're very flattering with your words."

"I was just saying facts."

"See?" Taehyung pointed at a confused Jeonggukk who don't know what's happening.

"You're so innocent, Bunny." Taehyung smiled widely , his lips forming a boxy shape.

His Bunny, I mean Jeonggukk, however pondered at the word 'innocent'.

Innocent? Jeon Jeonggukk?


"Petal .." he called to which the other hummed. "Do you really think I'm innocent ? What if I'm not..." Would you be disappointed?..

"What do you mean you're not. Bunny , you didn't even know how to chat with me at first ." He laughed.

"I- I didn't mean that kind on innocence" He was kinda embarassed but continued. "I meant - .. I may not be the same person to others like I am to you. "

"Me too. I'm very cheerful and talk a lot when I'm with hyung , Jimin , you and hyungs friends our neighbours buy in collage , they'd even take me as a mute." Taehyung took Jeonggukk's hand to his lap. "We're ourselves when we're with the peaple that we love and feel comfortable with. And I know your your true self with me."

"I-" Jeonggukk was at loss of words.

"Aren't you comfortable with me ? And ... You love me..don't you?" Taehyung looked away shyly when he said the last sentence.

"I do." Jeonggukk grabbed his chin softly to make him face him. "I loved you from the moment I saw you at the beach."

Taehyung couldn't blink as he stared at Jeonggukk's eyes. Stern and confident one. And most importantly an honest one.


"Petal , I'm not as good as you think. To the world I'm -"

"Bunny ." This time Taehyung scooted closer to Jeonggukk. "Have you read the beauty and the beast?"

Jeonggukk confusedly stared at him by the out of topic question. "Y-you mean the fairytale one ?"

"Yep." He nodded. "Beauty didn't cared that beast was a monster in others eyes."

Jeonggukk got what he meant and stared amused.

"You can be the beast to my beauty." Taehyung smiled shyly as he said it.

Jeonggukk was lost of words , thoughts and actions .

jeon.jeonggukk.exe has stopped working.





So far your favourite couple ?



Purple you guyzz 💜 💜

- Moon

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