By swee-ty

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⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☾ 𝙴𝙻𝙳𝙾𝚁𝙸𝙰 ☽₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ ❝𝐈𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡... More



119 17 10
By swee-ty

SpellCraft: 1945

Chapter 9| Riddles of Destiny |

Each card holds a riddle, every answer a step closer to victory.



Author POV

The faint light of dawn filtered through the windows of the dormitory, casting long shadows across the room.

Y/N lay curled beneath her blankets, lost in the gentle embrace of sleep, when a sharp knock echoed through the silence.

Her roommate stirred beside her, grumbling softly as the sound roused her from slumber.

Irene got up, annoyed by the knock.

But as she flung open the door to their dormitory, revealing a group of eager students gathered in the hallway, Y/N felt a twinge of curiosity stir within her.

What could possibly be so important that it required waking her from her precious slumber?

Student: Sorry to disturb you, but there's an announcement in the grand hall. You won't want to miss it!

Hearing that, Irene practically vibrated with excitement beside her, her eyes wide with anticipation.

Irene: Wake up, sleepyheads! There's something happening today, and we can't miss it!

Y/N groaned, burying her head beneath her pillow in a feeble attempt to drown out Irene's relentless cheeriness.

Sundays were meant for sleeping in, not for whatever chaos awaited them now.

Y/N's roommate, Mia, still bleary-eyed from sleep, rubbed her eyes and mumbled something about needing more coffee.

With a resigned sigh, Y/N pushed back the covers and dragged herself out of bed.

Whatever this announcement was about, it had better be worth the interruption to her peaceful morning.

After completing their morning routine, they walked out. As it was Sunday, uniforms were not necessary.

As she trudged through the corridors towards the grand hall, Y/N couldn't help but feel a pang of annoyance.

She had been looking forward to a quiet day of studying and maybe a stroll through the gardens, not whatever chaos awaited her now.

Whatever awaited them, she had a feeling it was going to be anything but ordinary.

Irene, on the other hand, practically bounced with excitement beside her, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

They overheard students whispering about the event being a game.

Irene: Can you believe it, Y/N? A game! I wonder what it could be. Maybe a magical treasure hunt or a duel of spells!

Y/N couldn't muster up the same level of enthusiasm. She had barely gotten any sleep the night before, her mind racing with equations and incantations.

Y/N: Sounds exhausting, honestly. I was looking forward to a lazy Sunday, not whatever this is.

But as they reached the grand hall and Prince Hoseok's energetic voice filled the air, Y/N felt a spark of curiosity ignite within her.

Maybe this game wouldn't be so bad after all.

Prince Hoseok: Attention, students! Today marks a special occasion as we gather for a game that will test your skills and abilities like never before.

Despite her tiredness, Y/N found herself leaning in, her curiosity piqued. What sort of game could it be?

Prince Hoseok: But first, we must select our participants. This game will require courage, wit, and determination. Are you ready to step forward and prove yourselves?

Irene practically vibrated with excitement beside her, her eyes wide with anticipation. Y/N, on the other hand, felt a flicker of annoyance at the interruption to her plans.

But as Prince Hoseok produced the deck of enchanted cards and began to shuffle them with practiced ease, Y/N felt a thrill of anticipation creeping into her veins. Maybe this game would be more exciting than she had initially thought.

Prince Hoseok: So, let's begin the selection process. Shall we?

The students cheered.

While Y/N was startled by the excitement, nevertheless she cheered.

He gestured towards the pedestal at the center of the room, where the gleaming pointer awaited its task.

Hoseok: Each of you will have the opportunity to participate in today's game. The pointer you see before you will select the participants at random, guided by the magic of the academy.

The students exchanged excited glances, their anticipation growing with each passing moment.

The students gathered around the magical pointer, their eyes wide with anticipation as they awaited their fate.

Prince Hoseok stood at the center, his hand poised above the intricate design.

Hoseok: Are you all ready? Let's see who will be the lucky participants today!

With a swift motion, he spun the pointer, its intricate patterns swirling in a mesmerizing dance. The students held their breath, their hearts pounding with excitement as they watched the pointer slow to a stop.

Irene, standing at the edge of the circle, gasped with delight as the pointer pointed directly at her.

She couldn't contain her excitement, bouncing on her toes as she stepped forward to join the chosen few.

Irene: Yes! I'm in!

The next spin of the pointer brought forth another name, and then another, until a total of nine students had been selected. Each one wore a mixture of nervousness and excitement as they joined Irene in the center of the circle.

Finally, it was time for the last spin, the tension in the air almost palpable as everyone held their breath. The pointer whirled around, the soft hum of magic filling the air, until it finally came to a stop.

And there, standing alone in the spotlight, was Y/N. She blinked in surprise, her heart racing as she processed what had just happened.

Y/N: Me? I... I wasn't expecting that.

Others from the sidelines, their excitement contagious, urged her forward to join the other participants.

With a mix of excitement and apprehension, Y/N stepped into the circle.

Anticipation hung thick in the air like a magical mist.

Prince Hoseok stood at the center, his presence commanding attention as he addressed the eager crowd.

Prince Hoseok: Today, we embark on a journey of discovery-a test of wit and intuition that will challenge the very essence of your magical prowess.

Irene's eyes sparkled with excitement as she eagerly surveyed the array of cards spread out before them.

Y/N, however, felt a knot of apprehension tightening in her stomach.

The prospect of the unknown filled her with a sense of unease, but she tried to push aside her doubts and focus on the task at hand.

Y/N: I hope it's something good.

She muttered to herself.

Prince Hoseok gestured toward the table, signaling for the students to make their selections.

Prince Hoseok: Choose wisely, for these cards hold the keys to your destiny.

Irene: This is so exciting! I can't wait to see what card I get!

Irene wasted no time in approaching the table, her eyes alight with anticipation as she scanned the colorful array of cards before her.

With a decisive nod, she reached out and plucked a card adorned with a swirling vortex of stars.

Irene: This one!

Others followed suit, selecting a card with the image of a radiant sun emblazoned upon it.

Y/N watched as each of her peers made their choices, her heart pounding in her chest as she approached the table.

Her nervousness raised.

Y/N: Here goes nothing...

She hesitated for a moment, her gaze flitting uncertainly over the remaining cards.

Each one seemed to pulsate with an otherworldly energy, beckoning her to choose.

Closing her eyes, Y/N took a deep breath and let her instincts guide her hand.

Finally, she reached out and selected a card shimmering with iridescent hues.

Y/N: This one...

Prince Hoseok nodded in approval as Y/N joined the other participants at the center of the chamber, her chosen card clutched tightly in her hand.

Prince Hoseok: Now that our brave contenders have chosen their cards, it is time to reveal the challenge that awaits you. Each card contains a riddle—a puzzle to test your wit and wisdom. Crack the code, and you will earn your place in the next round.

Excitement crackled in the air as the students eagerly examined their chosen cards, each one holding the promise of mystery and adventure.

Irene's eyes sparkled with determination as she read the riddle on her card, her mind already racing to decipher its hidden meaning.

Irene: "I am born of fire and ice, a celestial dance in the night skies. My shimmering hues paint the darkness, a symphony of light that enchants the soul." Hmm, sounds like the Northern Lights!

She was so unsure of it but nevertheless answered, which turned out to be correct.

Prince Hoseok: Woah! Correct answer!

The audience clapped while Y/N smiled at Irene who was jumping excitingly.

Y/N looked at the card, and her heart skipped a beat as she unfolded her card, revealing the cryptic message inscribed upon it.

Y/N: "In shadows deep, where whispers lie, I dwell unseen to mortal eye. Yet those who seek with heart and mind, the truth they seek they shall find." Shadows... whispers... it's like it's speaking to me directly.

She hears some whispers beside her ear.

When she turned around, none was beside her.

She shrugged her shoulders, feeling strange; nevertheless, she turned her concentration to the card.

One by one, they started to reveal their answers. Some were correct.

As of now, including Irene, four participants are qualified for the next round.

With a deep breath, Y/N focused her thoughts, letting the riddle wash over her like a wave of magic.

Each word became a thread in the tapestry of her mind, weaving together to form a picture of unseen truths waiting to be revealed.

As she absorbed the riddle's essence, Y/N's mind became a canvas upon which the imagery unfolded, painting vivid scenes of celestial majesty and otherworldly splendor.

The words "in shadows deep" and "whispers lie" resonated within her, teasing her intellect with their elusive meaning.

With furrowed brow, she began to dissect the riddle, turning over each phrase like a precious gemstone in search of hidden facets.

Her thoughts spiraled outward, exploring the myriad possibilities contained within the labyrinth of clues.

She recalled nights spent beneath the star-strewn canopy of the sky, where whispers of ancient secrets mingled with the gentle rustle of leaves.

Suddenly, it clicked into place—a burst of clarity amidst the swirling chaos of her thoughts.

The answer crystallized before her, radiant and undeniable in its simplicity.

She saw it with her eyes but none could sense it.

With a steady voice and unwavering confidence, Y/N declared her revelation to the expectant audience, her words imbued with the weight of cosmic truth.

Y/N: Mystic Enigma!

The Royals, who were witnessing the game were stunned by her answer.

Prince Hoseok stood there, initially incredulous at what he had just heard, but eventually, a grin spread across his face as he reacted to Y/N's astonishing answer.

Prince Hoseok: Absolutely splendid! Correct!

The room erupted into applause, and Irene dashed over to Y/N, enveloping her in a jubilant hug.

Prince Hoseok: With this, we have our five participants for the next round. Congratulations to all of you. The next round will commence shortly.

He announced, prompting cheers from the crowd.

Meanwhile, Y/N remained stunned, struggling to comprehend how she had managed to decipher the enigmatic riddle.

Yet, amidst her bewilderment, she couldn't shake the eerie sensation of energy tingling around her, adding an extra layer of mystery to the moment.

As per the announcement, I was going to take a break but as you all wanted the update, I wrote this today and published it in one go.

Forgive me if there are any mistakes.

I will still try to update this book, snowies.


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