Little Wild 2024

By Grattsfan

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In this sequel to Wild Thing, a few years have passed and it's now Kylie's turn to rise. Now 17, she dreams o... More



70 6 4
By Grattsfan

Beep ... beep ... beep

Kylie attempts to move and turn off her alarm only to misjudge her position relative to the side of Georgia's bed and hit the floor with the thud. She lets out a groan and Georgia chuckles.

"You, okay?"

"Good news is that I landed on my phone, also, bad news I landed on my phone."

Georgia looks over the edge of the bed and smiles at Kylie, "Morning."

"Morning." Kylie smiles up at her before pulling her down on top of her, causing Georgia to let out a scream as she makes contact with her. Kylie reaches up and pulls her in to a kiss. "You look adorable with bed head."

"Had I known that messy hair was the way to get your attention, I could have saved us a lot of time."

Kylie chuckles and hugs Georgia, "I really don't want to move, but I need to get home and finish packing."

"I don't want to move; everything is still feeling like a dream and I'm not ready for it to end, yet."

Kylie smiles and kisses her gently, "It's not a dream, G."

"Yeah, it is; a dream come true, for me at least. You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to see me as more than just a friend."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"During one of the first conversations we had, you made it known that your plans for the future involved playing for Canada, attending UNC, winning NCAA Championships as a Tar Heel and then getting drafted to play in the NWSL."

"All true."

"What's also true is that when I asked you about relationships, you told me you didn't have time for one and that it would probably just be a distraction anyway."

"Is that why you tried to dissuade me from going out with Adam or was it because you wanted me to go out with you instead?"

"He wasn't right for you. None of them were."

"And you think you are?"

"Obviously, Georgia thinks she's right for you! The girl's in love with you. Why else would she give up Stanford and follow you here?"

The two look over at Serena.

"How long have you been listening, S?"

"Since you fell out of the bed. Small room, loud alarm. Now, if the two of you could continue this conversation elsewhere, I'd really appreciate it as I'm the only one in the room who doesn't need to be awake this early and I could really use some extra zzzzz's. Also, consider me a crew member on this ship, as well as the majority of the girls on the team."

"Everyone knew?"

Serena nods, "Yes. We even made bets as to how long it would take you to figure it out. Speaking of which, can I confirm with the chat that the two of you are dating or have you not had that conversation yet?"

"Can you hold off on spreading the news about the two of us being together until we have a bit more time to figure things out ourselves? Preferably, until after we're back from being away as it wouldn't be good for us to be outed during our first National team camp together."

"Fair, but it's going to cost you."

Kylie responds, "Meal card while I'm away?"

"Deal! You know I would have settled for a fancy coffee from the good place."

Kylie squeezes Georgia, "I really do need to get a move on."

Georgia smiles and climbs off her, "We'd be meeting up at the airport anyway, how about I just finish up, get dressed and then we can head to your place and get you packed and ready to go?"

Kylie smiles and nods, "Okay. How about I get us all coffees and something to eat? That should give you enough time, right?"

Georgia nods. "Umm, Ky?"


"You might want to run a brush through your hair and over your teeth before you're seen in public."

"Good looking out, G."

Kylie grabs her bag before pulling on her shoes and a hoodie. "Back in a bit."

As Kylie leaves, Georgia sits on the bed and smiles.

"Hey G?"


"You don't need to worry I'm not going to tell anyone about you and Kylie."

"Thank you. I just got her, the last thing I need is for her to get spooked."

"Are you really concerned about that? I mean, I just had a front row seat to the two of you talking and being all cute, I've seen how the two of you are on the pitch and off, it's pretty clear to me how much the two of you already care for and respect one another. I think you should just focus on kicking grass at camp and earning your spot on the roster because as far as I can tell, you needn't worry about Kylie as that girl is already whipped."

Georgia chuckles, "You really think?"


Georgia turns her attention to getting changed and grabs her toiletries. "I'm going to leave the door open for Ky."

"Uh huh." Serena turns back over to face the wall and closes her eyes.

Kylie meanwhile standing in line, decides to check her email and finds a new message from Soccer Canada indicating there's been a change to her itinerary and her flight and the start of camp has been pushed back by two days with more information to follow.

She orders and collects the coffees and food for the three, before walking back in the direction of the dorm and having her phone start ringing.

"Where are you?"

"On my way back to your room, why?"

"Did you get an email from Soccer Canada?"

"Yeah. Any idea what it's about?"

"No clue. I'd call Uncle Jeff, but, it's still pretty early in California and she'd most likely subject me to running laps if I woke her and Jen up."

Georgia chuckles, "I still find it funny that you're allowed to call the Captain of the National team, Uncle Jeff."

"Well, we are technically family. Can you get the door for me, please?"

"It's open."


Kylie pushes open the door and sets the drinks down on a desk before dropping her bag and grabbing one of the cups.

"Something smells really good in here."

"I went to the good coffee place."

Serena sits up, walks over, collects a cup and takes a big drink, "As long as your girlfriend keeps bringing the good stuff, I've no problem with her being here, G."

"Girlfriend?" Kylie looks at Georgia who shrugs. "We are dating, at least that's what I got out of our conversation last night."

Kylie nods and takes a breath, "I guess I hadn't really put a label on this or us yet in my head and the word surprised me that's all." Kylie smiles, "I already asked you to go on a date with me, would it be too forward of me to also ask you to be my girlfriend?"

Georgia laughs, "Yes, I'll be your girlfriend and perhaps, being as though our plans have now changed, we can get a date in before we leave."

"I happen to have an in if, you want to go to the NWSL Championship game with me today. I was really torn about leaving town before it, now I'm glad I'll be able to watch my Mom bring home another trophy."

"Pretty confident in her, huh?"

"I am. If you look at my Mom's record over her career at WakeMed versus on the road, the numbers don't lie. She feeds off the energy of the Wildpack and Courage fans and when she's on her game, it makes her virtually unbeatable. Home field advantage is real and having one of the best ever between the posts is a cheat code."

"Red Stars are going to counter with Naeher in goal."

Kylie smiles, "Alyssa also ranks up there as one of the best to strap on the gloves and if you're expecting me to say anything bad about her, I won't. Alyssa is someone that I've been fortunate enough to spend time with and learn from and I would never wish a loss upon her, especially in a Championship; it really comes down to loyalty and in this case, blood trumps all."

Kylie wraps her arms around Georgia, "How would you feel about coming home with me and spending the next two nights at my house? It seems stupid to stay here on a weekend when most places are going to be closed and there won't be a ton of traffic on campus."

"Do you think your Moms would be okay with that?"

"They already consider you part of the family."


After saying their goodbyes to Serena, the couple hit the road back towards the Wild – O'Hara household. While they discuss a few things including but not limited to the terminology of their new relationship, Kasey is making use of the calm before the storm and getting busy doing some activation stretches and activities.


"Kel, stop staring at my ass."

"Admit it, you like it when I do."

Kasey chuckles.

"I wasn't planning on interrupting you, but I just got some news and wanted to share it with you."

"Well, I know you're not pregnant or coming out of retirement, so spill."

Kelley smiles and turns her phone to show Kasey the picture on her screen. "Alex and Tobin are parents. Christian Xavier Heath Morgan arrived early this morning. Both Moms and son are doing well, aside from being exhausted."

Kasey's face lights up, "He's beautiful! I'm so happy for them. Did you activate the plan?"

Kelley chuckles and nods, "I did. They will be coming home to a spotless apartment, fridge and cupboards stocked with plenty of supplies for the new little man. Perry and Katie were already in town, and got to work as soon as they left for the hospital."

"Perfect! You ever think about having another kid, Kel? and make it an even 5?"

"Don't be getting all sappy on me now, Wild Thing."

Kasey smiles and shrugs, "You know how I get around babies."

"I know and I love you for it. I'll let you get back to doing your thing."

The front door opens and in walks both Kylie and Georgia, smiling widely and laughing.

Kylie smiles, "Morning."

Kasey and Kelley both eye them up. "You're both grinning like Cheshire Cats, spill."

The young couple blush in response.

Kylie looks over at Georgia and smiles, "You guys knew all along, didn't you?"


"G and me."

"Momo picked up on the connection between the two of you immediately and mentioned it to me, and Georgia and I had a conversation about how she felt about you. It wasn't our place to get involved, as you needed to figure this one out on your own, Ky."

Kylie chuckles.

"What's funny about that?"

"You guys told me that before big games, you'd share a good luck kiss and it would calm your nerves ..."

"Kylie, you guys didn't!" Kasey chuckles as she says it and both of the teenagers' nod and laugh.

"We did and for what it's worth, it was that kiss that made me see who and what I had right in front of me this whole time." Kasey and Kelley look at one another and smile as it's clear their daughter is quite smitten by the young Canadian defender.

"Shouldn't you be getting packed?"

"About that, you haven't heard anything about Canada or camp, have you? We both got emails saying that our flight to Toronto was pushed back and we'd be receiving additional information soon. There's no chance we've both been cut from the team already and they couldn't be bothered to tell us in person, right?"

Kasey shakes her head and stands up to collect her phone, "That's not the way they do things. I'm going to make a call and see if I can get any information."

Kasey dials the Canadian Captain, Jessie Fleming to see if she has any information about what's going on.

Ring ... ring ... ring

"You're not the Wild I was expecting to get a call from."

"Kylie and Georgia are both here and we're all wondering what's going on."

"It has to do with Kailen."

"What happened? Is she okay? What about Dom? Are they okay? Please tell me it's not another ..."

"Have none of you been on social media today or last night?"

"I've turned off all notifications on social media in order to focus on the task at hand as has Kelley, so neither of us are distracted by it."

"Makes sense and it's not about that. Physically as far as I know everyone is okay. Your favourite bigot was apparently a guest on a Podcast the other night and had some rather unflattering things to say about her time in the NWSL, locker room culture, faith, same sex relationships etc... you get the idea. There was mention of National team level players throwing their weight around and having her blacklisted from being able to sign with any of the teams in the league. People heard the episode, and that compelled by the meltdown Kailen's side had when your two teams played made it easy for them to identify who she was referring to in it. Clips have been posted, players including yourself, Kelley and Kailen have all been tagged and called out to respond. Kailen is in hot water with the powers that be at Soccer Canada because she took the bait and went off on the posts and social media. With the tournament being held in Canada, they're reassessing a few things including the roster, shortening the pre-camp and upping security for all players and staff. There's going to be a press conference scheduled to address the situation, I'm not sure when or where and I'm kind of hoping I don't get called for it."

"Oh shit! You mentioned reassessing the roster, do you think they're going to release Kailen from it?"

"I'm not sure, it's definitely been discussed. Listen, Kasey, I'm getting another call and need to take it; I'll call or message if I find out anything more. Good luck tonight, I really hope this information doesn't throw off your game, I know how close you and Kailen are. Talk soon."

The line goes dead and Kasey looks over at Kylie, "How much of that did you hear?"

"What's going on with Kailen and why would she be released? Is she injured?"

Kasey shakes her head, "We should probably sit down and discuss what Fleming told me. Neither of you has been on social media today?"

They both shake their head. "My phone was at 10% this morning and I'd left my charger in my go bag in the car, so, I didn't bother looking at anything aside from my email."

Georgia half smiles as she looks at Kylie, "I was otherwise distracted."

Kasey can't help but crack a smile at Georgia's response.

"From what I've been told, Jaelene appeared on a Podcast and spoke out against quite a few things including the league, locker room, same sex relationships, faith etc. She also mentioned that some National Team members threw their weight around and basically got her blacklisted from the league. This information along with the way the team played while here, made it easy for people to figure out that she was referring to me and Kailen amongst others and we've apparently been tagged and called out across the platforms. I obviously didn't know anything about what was going on, but Kailen found out and went off on social media. It sounds like Soccer Canada is meeting and discussing how the situation impacts the team and tournament and there's a possibility that Kailen won't be rostered for it."

Kylie processes and looks at Kasey, "They only invited three goalkeepers to camp, if Kailen isn't going to be there, who's taking her place and what does that mean for me?"

"Most likely they're going to call Proulx up and she and Sabs will battle for the starts with you on the bench."

Kylie nods, "I hate sitting on the bench."

"If I even make the roster, I'll most likely be on the bench with you. We can be bench buddies."

Kylie chuckles and reaches for Georgia's hand.

"Being as though we're not leaving tonight as planned, I was wondering if there's room for two more in the friends and family section."

Kasey smiles and nods as Kelley returns to the room with the boys and gets them set up with something to eat.

"Did you guys have breakfast?"

"Does a chocolate filled croissant count as breakfast?"

"Kylie Jade Wild O'Hara!"

Kylie shrugs, "Limited options this early and on a weekend."

Kelley looks at her daughter, "I guess that's fair. The two of you are on dish duty then."


Sitting around the table and eating together, they do their absolute best to focus on anything and everything that isn't related to being on the pitch before the conversation turns back towards it.

"Georgia, are your parents going to be coming in for the tournament?"

Georgia shrugs, "Unlike Kylie, I'm not guaranteed of a spot on the roster and neither one of them can afford to take off work for me not to make the squad. Mom has a couple of sick days she can use, but, only if I make the team, she can afford a flight and then it'll be a matter of figuring out which game she'll come to and where she'll be staying."

"There are people at Soccer Canada who's entire job is logistics, have your Mom contact them, explain the situation and I'm sure they can help her get what she needs, if not, tell her to reach out to me and I'll see what I can do to help."

Georgia nods, "I'll let her know."

"Kylie, Georgia?"

They both look up at Kasey. "S'up, Mom?"

Kasey smiles, looks at Kelley and chuckles. "Well, as happy as I am to hear the news that the two of you are together; I would be remiss if I didn't take this opportunity to establish some ground rules going forward."

"What do you mean, ground rules?"

Kasey stands up from the table, "Come with me, I don't think the boys need to hear this conversation and I need to try and get on with my gameday." She walks down the hallway and into Kylie's bedroom as the girls follow her.

"I always knew there'd come a day when you brought someone home, Kylie and I think that it's important that we discuss what's going to be allowed going forward and what's not. Georgia, I'm not sure how much of a conversation you've had with your own Mom about things, but I'm sure she'd be in agreement with me about establishing some rules. Yes, you're both bordering on adulthood, however, Kylie, you're still under 18 and live at home."

"Mom ..."

Kasey puts her hand up to stop Kylie from speaking. "This is not a sex talk and if you're expecting me to ask you to refrain or practice abstinence, I'm not going too; I'm simply going to suggest that you take your time getting to know one another and yourself in this new capacity and don't rush it. Believe me when I say it's much better when you're on the same page as your partner."

"Anything else?"

Kasey chuckles seeing how uncomfortable she's made her daughter and girlfriend. "Yes. Georgia, I have no issue with you staying over, however, the door is to remain open unless you're getting changed."

"Umm, Mom; you are aware that we can't get each other pregnant, right?"

Kasey gives Kylie the look which means it time for her stop talking. "I am well aware of that; this, is more about the fact that both of you are students and on the verge of becoming professional athletes and it's important that you allow your mind and body to get all the rest it can in order to perform at your best. Also, going forward Kylie, you're going to have a curfew and we'll be limiting you staying over at the dorm. Again, this isn't about preventing the two of you from having fun ... " Kasey smiles, "There will still be plenty of time to have fun, and you will find the time to have fun, but it's important to still maintain enough separation so, that neither of you fall behind in your academics and I have a feeling there's not a lot of studying of books going on when you're together and behind closed doors."

Kylie and Georgia chuckle.

"That's fair and true."

"Good. I'm also going to let you know that while these rules will apply the majority of the time, I'm not above making exceptions to them." Kasey winks and chuckles as she says it. "I should get back to game day mode; I'll make sure and have your name added to my list for tonight, Georgia."

"What about me?" Kylie looks at Kasey as she says it.

"Georgia, are you really sure you want to date her?"

Georgia bursts out laughing and nods, "She's cute though."

"What am I missing?"

Georgia walks over to Kylie's desk and lifts up her pass.

"Oh, right, I forgot I had that."

"Find Momo if you need anything else." Kasey chuckles as she exits the room and leave the two behind.

Georgia wraps her arms around Kylie and they hold one another. "What should we do until it's time to leave?"

Kylie smiles and lets out a yawn, "I don't know about you, but I didn't get a ton of sleep last night; care to join me for a nap?"

"Sounds good."

The couple make their way over to the bed, slide under the covers and after sharing a brief kiss settle in for a nap.

In another area of the house, Kasey looks around the sparse area and has visions of the future.

"I made you a shake."

Kasey smiles as she takes the glass from Kelley and takes a drink.

"I know that look, you really are serious about converting this room into a studio, huh?"

Kasey nods, "It could still double as a yoga or relaxation room, but I'm missing making music."

Kelley nods, "I know. So, we build a studio, then what?"

"I'm coming towards the end of my career on the field, perhaps, instead of turning to coaching like we'd discussed I have a go at starting my own label?"

"Kase, that'll take a lot of money and we've already invested so much in this house and our other business ventures."

Kasey nods, "Kel, I received an offer to buy both Mario's locations."

"The last offer you got was from a guy who wanted to bulldoze the LA location and build condos in its place."

"Exactly and that's why I turned it down. This offer comes from a company known for five-star locations around the world, they want to keep the restaurants open and are even willing to keep the name."

"It must be one hell of an offer to even have you considering selling them."

"It is."

"Babe, you really should be focusing on getting your head in the game, not everything else."

"I'm struggling; I can't help but feel responsible for what's going on with Kailen."

"She made her choice, Kase."

Kasey nods, "I don't think my pre-game nap is happening today."

Kelley smiles, "Speaking of napping, I happen to look in and find Kylie and Georgia curled up together and sound asleep."

Kasey smiles, "I was trying to be serious when I was speaking with them and the entire time, I was holding in a great big aww; they really are cute together."

Kelley chuckles and nods, "Did you tell them not to have sex? Cause if you did, that's immediately what they're going to do!"

"I didn't say for them not to have sex, just suggested they wait until they're both ready for it. It's Kylie's first real relationship and I'd hate for her to regret rushing into it when she gets older."

"Come here." Kelley wraps her arms around Kasey and holds her. "Have you ever regretted the fact that we rushed into it?"

Kasey chuckles, "You do realize we rushed into everything, right? I mean we went from being complete strangers to married in record time and to answer your initial question, I've never regretted it, because even then I felt a strong connection to you and still do."

They kiss until hearing yelling followed by crying. "That's my cue to leave." 

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