"Shadows of Destiny:A Tale of...

By JJenn5

415 31 4

In the bustling metropolis of Thailand City, where the veil between worlds is thin and secrets lurk in every... More

The Royals
Echo's from the Past
Unknown Reality
The Unknown Guest
Strange Feelings

Graduation Day

34 3 0
By JJenn5

Third Person POV

Freen told her friends that she needed to see Becky since she was losing control of her emotions and would be going to her house. Fortunately, it was midnight, or around 2:30 am, and she ran quickly. Freen found Becky's residence after learning of her whereabouts.

Freen's POV

I told my friends that I needed some time alone, they didn't question it. They knew that I needed to recharge and reflect, and they gave me the space I needed to do so. Elijah, my closest friend, was the only one I told about my plans for the night. I told him that I was going to see Becky. It was already midnight, and using my hybrid powers, I moved at an incredible speed, making it to Becky's house in no time. I have always been careful to not let anyone see me using my powers, but just in case, I had asked Elijah to deal with any potential witnesses.

As I climbed up to Becky's room, I couldn't help but marvel at my abilities. Being a hybrid, I have the strengths of both a vampire and a werewolf, making me faster and stronger than any human. I also have the ability to enter anyone's home without their permission, a power that has often come in handy. But tonight, I wasn't here for any mischief or adventure. I was here to see Becky, as i miss her so much.

I found her curled up in her bed, sleeping soundly. She looked so peaceful, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of protectiveness towards her. I knelt down beside her, gazing at her stunning face. I knew that she was dreaming, and that she was seeing me and our other friend in her dream. But I didn't want her to get scared or have a panic attack, so I used my powers to blot out our faces from her dream once again. I have the ability to control dreams and enter dream worlds, and I wanted to make sure that Becky was having a peaceful dream.

I spent over an hour in her room, just watching her sleep. I couldn't help but think about how my powers could affect others. It was a responsibility that I didn't take lightly. I have the ability to manipulate and control things, but I have to be careful not to cause harm or interfere too much in others' lives. But in that moment, as I watched Becky sleeping peacefully, I knew that using my powers to protect her was worth it.

Before I left, I leaned down and kissed her forehead. She stirred slightly, but fortunately, she was still asleep. I made my way back to my house, feeling a sense of peace and contentment. I was grateful for my abilities, and for the trust that my friends had in me. I knew that I had the power to make a positive impact on the people around me, and that was a responsibility that I would always take seriously. As I arrived back home & saw my friends were chitchatting. Today is Saturday and Becky will get graduated. I already spoke to Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra about us to be chief guest and luckily he arranged everything for us, even he arranged the security guards. I told Kirk about it earlier.

Kirk: 'Hey guys, Freen just told me that Rosewood College has invited us to be the chief guest for their graduation ceremony!'

Jim: 'That's the same collage where Becky's study right?'

Kade: 'Yeah,

Tee: 'I guess Freen must have talk to Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra, for us to go there as chief guest

Elijah: 'Yes she might have done that as she want see Becky getting graduating.

Freen: 'Actually, I asked Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra to invite us. He's a big supporter of the college.' But I'm scared if becky see us she might get panic attacks.

Kirk: 'I understand you're worry about becky, but she need to face this someday and thats today.'

Jim: 'Beside that all we are here with you Freen, we will always be there for you both.

Kade: 'Yeah, Freen we will always be beside your side.

Tee: 'And yeah, we have to support our girl Becky on her big day, but she won't recognize us

Elijah: 'Its fine if she don't remember us, I can't wait to see her walk across that stage and receive her diploma. It's going to be a proud moment for all of us.'

Freen: 'I'm so glad you guys are excited. I know how much Becky means to all of us and I really wanted us to be there for her.'

Kirk: 'Well, we wouldn't miss it for anything. Thank you so much for arranging this, Freen.'

Jim: 'Yes, thank you! This is going to be a graduation ceremony to remember.'

Kade: 'Cheers to us being the chief guests at Rosewood College!'

Tee: 'And to Becky for graduating!'

Elijah: 'Cheers!'

We all drink Wine with blood and cheers together .

Becky's POV

I was ready for the interview, and at precisely 9:00 p.m., I opened my laptop to find an invitation from Jim for a group video chat, which I accepted. I said hello to them. I shrugged it off and collected myself after experiencing an odd sensation and feeling as though my heart could burst out of my chest. I sensed someone's presence on the group call and thought I had known them for a very long time.

Jim: So, Becky, tell us a little bit about yourself.

Becky: Well, my name is Becky and I will soon graduated from college with a degree in business management. ( i said with a soft voice, I can see there faces clearly, they all are so beautiful and handsome, I think i have seen there some where but where? And feel so connected to them , but why?)

Jim: That's great! What made you interested in this position as a personal assistant manager?

Becky: Honestly, I saw the job posting and it seemed like a great opportunity to learn and grow in the field. Plus, the fact that the company is expanding into Thailand really caught my attention. ( i said while smiling ear to ear)

Elijah: That's impressive. Do you have any experience in this field?

Becky: No, this would be my first job in this role. But I am a quick learner and I am willing to put in the effort to excel in this position.

Kirk: How do you handle diversity in the workplace?

Becky: Well, I believe in treating everyone with respect and understanding their unique backgrounds and perspectives. I am also open to learning about different cultures and adapting to the company's diverse environment.

Kade: Can you give us an example of a time when you had to handle multiple tasks at once?

Becky: In college, I am the president of the student council while also working part-time at a retail store. I had to balance my responsibilities at both places and prioritize my tasks effectively.

Tee: That's impressive. How do you handle pressure and deadlines?

Becky: I am a very organized and detail-oriented person. I make sure to plan ahead and stay on top of my tasks to meet deadlines. And if I do feel overwhelmed, I am not afraid to ask for help or delegate tasks.

Jim: Well, thank you for answering our questions, Becky. We will definitely consider your application for the position. It was great getting to know you.

Becky: Thank you for the opportunity. I am excited about the potential of being a part of this growing company in Thailand.

The interview ended abruptly. I have no idea why, but my heart was still racing. The odd thing is that, during the interview, everyone was asking me the question except the one, who was there main boss "Freen Sarocha Chankimha",  She didn't even open her camera or ask me a single question. Her name is the same as the one I see in my dream; in fact, according to my dream, everyone has the same name. However, that can't be true, can it? How could the person I saw in my dream come true? No, it can't. I may be overthinking this, but this is quite odd. I stop thinking about it and went to kitchen to heat the milk. I finished the milk and prepared for my bed.

As I got ready for bed, I made sure to stick to my nightly routine. First, I brushed my teeth thoroughly, making sure to reach every nook and cranny to prevent any cavities or plaque buildup. Next, I went through my skincare routine, cleansing my face and applying toner and moisturizer. I also made sure to apply a generous amount of night cream, knowing that it would help keep my skin hydrated and nourished while I slept. Once my face was taken care of, I changed into my most comfortable pajamas and slipped under the cozy covers of my bed. I always make sure to have my trusty teddy bear by my side, its soft fur and familiar scent bringing me comfort and a sense of security. As I cuddled with my teddy bear, I closed my eyes and took deep breaths, allowing my mind to relax and my body to sink into the mattress. Within a minute, I had dozed off into a peaceful sleep, ready to recharge and take on whatever the next day had in store for me. Having a consistent bedtime routine not only helps me unwind and prepare for a good night's rest, but it also sets the tone for a productive and refreshing day ahead.

I was dreaming of Freen and those people again, and again  I could not see their faces because they were blotted out. Freen was planting a kiss on my forehead, and it felt genuine, like she was here in this room with me. I was still asleep, but I sensed that someone was in my room. When I opened my eyes slightly, I noticed a girl kneeling next to my bed. I tried to open my eyes completely, but there was no one there. I guess i was hallucinating.

When I woke up and looked around, I noticed that my room window was open and that there was a chilly air. I strolled up to my window and peered outside; the moon was even more gorgeous today. I shut the window I was in thought , what was that? i touched my forehead and i am sure that i felt that kiss so real. Ahh what is going around me? Was that girl real or was it Freen from my dream who came in real world? I raise my head up and think, I just remembered that it's Saturday and I'm going to graduate today. I turned back to sleep.

At morning

When I woke up at 7:00 a.m., the sun had risen and was beaming down on my face. I got out of bed, showered, and headed downstairs to the kitchen. It's my day to graduate from Rosewood College today. My younger brother Richie and I had breakfast that I made. I made the decision to celebrate by taking my brother, my friend Bonnie, Yuki, and Caroline out to dinner.

After the breakfast, i went to my room and put on my graduation gown and cap. I couldn't believe that this day has finally arrived, the day i have been waiting for since i started my college journey. As i looked in the mirror, i couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. I have worked hard for the past four years, balancing my studies, part-time job, and extracurricular activities. But it was all worth it as i have achieved my goal of graduating with honors. I thought of my parents, if they were here they would beaming with pride and they would took pictures of me in my graduation attire. I didn't realize that i had tears in my eyes . I really miss them so much. I went downstairs and saw my younger brother Richie was waiting for me, he saw that my eyes had still some tears.

Richie: So finally my big sister is getting graduated today! Congratulations, you did it! I'm so proud of you.

Becky: Thanks Richie. I can't believe I'm graduating today.

Richie: I know, it's a big day. But why do you have tears in your eyes?

Becky: I just wish mom and dad were here to see me graduate.

Richie: I know, it's tough not having them here. But I promise to always make you proud, just like they would have.

Becky: I have no doubt about that, Richie. You've always been there for me, and I know you'll continue to make our parents proud.

Richie: They may not physically be here, but they will always be with us in spirit. And they would be so proud of the strong and determined woman you have become.

Becky: Thank you, Richie. That means a lot to me. I'm lucky to have such a supportive brother.

Richie: The feeling is mutual, sis. Now let's go celebrate your big day!

My close friends Bonnie and Yuki were waiting for me when Richie and I arrived at collage. They came walking towards me.

Bonnie: Look, it's Becky! She's finally here for the graduation ceremony!

Yuki: (excitedly) Yes, I can't believe it's finally happening. We're all graduating together!

Becky: (smiling) I can't believe it either. I'm so happy to see all of you here.

Caroline: (joining them) Hey guys! I'm so excited too, we're all going to graduate together!

Becky: (noticing Elena) Oh, hi Sis Elena! I didn't know you were coming.

Elena: (smiling) Of course I am! I wouldn't miss this for the world as you and Caroline are both getting graduated today. And look, Caroline and I are matching today!

Becky: (laughing) You guys are so cute. I'm so glad you're here.

Caroline: (noticing Becky's expression) What's wrong, Becky?

Becky: ( I said in sad tone ) It's just...everyone's parents are here, except mine.

Caroline: (gently) Oh Becky, I'm so sorry. I know how much they meant to you.

Elena: (hugging Becky) But you're not alone, Becky. Caroline, Richie, and I are still here as your family.

Bonnie: (putting her arm around Becky) And we're here as your friends. We'll always support you, no matter what.

Yuki: (nodding) That's right. We're all here for you, Becky.

Becky: (tearfully) Thank you guys. I'm so lucky to have you all in my life.

Elena: Lets go now or you guys won't be graduating if we still stay here talking ( said while laughing)

Everyone filed into the ceremony area, which was crowded with students, faculty, the college dean, and parents of students. The dean Mr. Robert Williams called us to attention shortly after and said that a guest will soon be coming here, since they are the ones who will bestow upon us the honor and degree, and he started the speech.

Mr. Robert Williams: 'Good evening, graduates, professors, and esteemed guests. It is an honor to stand before you today as we celebrate the achievements of our graduating class.

As we look back on the past few years, I am filled with pride and admiration for each and every one of you. You have worked hard, overcome challenges, and grown into intelligent, capable individuals ready to take on the world.

But before we move on to the next chapter of our lives, I have a special announcement. Our guest of honor has arrived and I am thrilled to introduce them to you.

Please join me in welcoming Ms. Freen Sarocha Chankimha, a successful richest businesswoman all over the and royal blood , to our graduation ceremony. Ms. Freen Sarocha Chankimha has graciously taken time out of his busy schedule to share some words of wisdom with us. She came here with her friends who are also her business partners Kirk, Kade, Jim, Elijah & Tee.

(Becky :  I felt my heart  pounding fast again as heard the name, yesterday i had interview with them all and now out of no where they are our guest)

I will now go and bring Ms. Freen Sarocha Chankimha and her business partner to the stage. Please give her a warm welcome.'

(Becky : My heart keep betting faster and faster , this is very strange, even by her name i am feeling so much emotion, What is this feeling? )

As Mr. Robert made his way down the stage and towards the entrance, the audience erupted into excited whispers. Who could this mysterious guest be? What words of wisdom would they have to share?

A few moments later, Mr. Robert returned to the stage, accompanied by a distinguished looking gentlewoman in a sharp suit. The crowd fell silent as Ms. Freen Sarocha Chankimha stepped up to the podium.

(Becky: I saw Freen and her friends and business partner walking toward the stage, as she reached she looked towards me and our eyes meet, i felt electric current inside me , i feel like i know her for very long ages. But how? how could be that possible? I have just seen them all in my dreams but i never saw there face, is this all true. I am so shocked and confused . Her friends were also looking towards me, and what guess they all were looking at me and smiling)

Freen: 'Good evening, everyone. It is a pleasure to be here with you all on this momentous occasion. I remember sitting in your seats not too long ago, filled with excitement and uncertainty about the future.'

( Becky: Her eyes are still on me, i tried to look away. Even my friends notice her that she is just looking at me. Its making me little uncomfortable. Her voice is so pleasant to ear and she is so gorgeous , her skin is so pale and her lips are so much juicy. Wait what the fuck i am thinking . Soon i am going to work with her. I looked again toward Freen , thank god she is not staring , her cheeks are red sightly , Is she blushing? )

The crowd listened attentively as Ms. Freen Sarocha Chankimha shared his personal journey and the lessons he learned along the way. She spoke of perseverance, hard work, and the importance of giving back to the community.

As the speech came to an end, the audience erupted into a thunderous applause. Ms. Freen Sarocha Chankimha had truly inspired and motivated the graduating class.

Mr. Robert Williams: Thank for the great words Freen. Now lets begin with the Ceremony. I will call student names and they will come one stage , and Freen will give them Degree and award.

Freen: (Nodded) , Okay Mr. Robert

Mr. Robert Williams: Bonnie Sheila Bennet please come the stage. (everyone clapped and bonnie walked toward the stage)

Bonnie walked toward stage and bowed down toward Freen & Dean,

Mr. Robert Williams: Congratulation Bonnie!!! ( Shaked hands and dean hugged her, He motioned her to walk towards Freen)

Bonnie: Thank you sir !!! ( Walked towards Freen)

(Bonnie: Freen forwarded her hand toward me for shake hand as i walked towards her. We shake our hands suddenly i felt a strange feeling and i saw vision as i touched Freen's hand ,i saw blood and i saw Becky with freen, Some vampires and werewolves were around both of them. Soon Freen snap her finger which bought back my sense )

Freen: Congratulation Bonnie!!! Are you okay ?? You seems to be lost. Here is your degree.

Bonnie: Thank you Freen Ma'am . Yeah i am alright. ( I said with fake smile, I feel something odd with Freen and her friends) ( i walked out)

(Becky: I saw that Bonnie was little lost and she was also scared , But she didn't showed it off. Freen was patting her back . And there she goes again staring me. I just look away. Bonnie walked out she came to us. Hey are you okay , Congratulation!!!)

(Bonnie: Yeah i am fine, and thanks )

(The Dean called other students name )

Mr. Robert Williams: Caroline Elizabeth Forbes please come the stage. (everyone clapped and Caroline walked toward the stage)

(Caroline went up to stage and she got her degree from Freen. Everyone got there degree and at last it was Becky's turn)

Mr. Robert Williams: Rebecca (Becky) Patricia Armstrong please come the stage. (everyone clapped and Becky walked toward the stage)

Becky: (I don't know why but i feel like i will die), i walked toward the stage and greeted Mr. Robert and the guest while bowing down.

Mr. Robert Williams: Congratulation Becky!!! ( Shaked hands and dean hugged her, He motioned her to walk towards Freen)

Becky: As I walked closer to Freen, my heart began to beat faster and faster. I couldn't understand why it was pounding so rapidly. I had only met her for the first time today, yet it felt like I had known her for a lifetime. There was this inexplicable bond between us, a connection that I couldn't quite explain. It was as if our souls had met before, in another time and place. But how could that be possible? I tried to shake off these thoughts and focus on the present moment, but my head was starting to spin and I felt a wave of dizziness wash over me. I was afraid that I might even pass out. What was happening to me? Was it her presence that was causing this reaction in me? Or was it something else? I couldn't deny the strong pull I felt towards her, as if she was the missing piece of my puzzle. But how could I feel such a strong connection to someone I had just met? It was a confusing and overwhelming feeling, and I couldn't seem to make sense of it. All I knew was that my heart was racing, my head was spinning, and I was completely captivated by this mysterious woman named Freen, i saw her eyes where filled with tears but she control her tears to rolled down her cheeks. As soon as our hands touched, I felt a jolt of electricity shoot through my body. It was like a shockwave, starting at my fingertips and spreading throughout every inch of my being. My heart rate skyrocketed and my palms began to sweat. I could feel my breathing becoming shallow and my mind racing with thoughts and emotions I couldn't control. It was a familiar feeling, one that I had experienced before. It was a panic attack. My body was reacting to the overwhelming surge of emotions coursing through me, and I couldn't handle it. My vision started to blur and my legs felt weak beneath me. I knew what was coming next, and I couldn't stop it. Before I could even process what was happening, I passed out. My body couldn't handle the intensity of the panic attack, and I collapsed to the ground. In that moment, I was completely vulnerable and at the mercy of my own mind. But just as I was about to hit the ground and potentially injure myself, Freen's strong arms wrapped around me. She had reacted quickly, catching me before I could fall. Her touch was comforting and reassuring, and I could feel myself starting to relax in her embrace.

As I lost consciousness, I could hear Freen's voice calling out my name, trying to wake me up. But everything faded away into darkness.

Everyone was worried about Becky as she suddenly passed out, Bonnie , Elena , Richie & Caroline came on the stage running.

Freen: (held becky tightly and i shouted) Mr. Robert call for doctor or do you have clinic in this collage?

Mr. Robert, Bonnie , Elena , Richie & Caroline : (said in unison) Yes we have, We will take becky there.

Freen: Its fine i will come with you and bring Becky to clinic.

Becky was taken by Freen, Kirk, Kade, Jim, Tee, Elijah, Bonnie, Richie, Elena, Caroline, and Yuki to the collage clinic. Freen held Becky in the conventional bridal position.

They reach near the clinic room and freen laid down becky on bed, Doctor came and examine her body.

Doctor Nick: Everyone do not  worry too much about Becky as this was just a normal response to her stressful lifestyle. What she needs now is to prioritize her health and take care of herself. She may have achieved a lot at a young age, but it's important for her to remember that her health should always come first. The panic attack was a wake-up call for her to slow down and listen to her body's needs. I have no doubt that she will gain her consciousness soon and make necessary changes to her lifestyle. It's important for us to support her in this journey and remind her that her worth is not solely based on her achievements, but also on her well-being. Becky is a strong and resilient person, and I have no doubt that she will overcome this hurdle and come out even stronger. Let's all be there for her and remind her to take care of herself.

(They all felt relief after hearing from doctor nick that becky is fine. They all thank to Doc Nick . They left Becky alone in the room for rest and freen also left with her friends )

The ceremony came to a close, Mr. Robert thanked Ms. Freen Sarocha Chankimha for his inspiring words and presented him with a token of appreciation, and he said sorry to her as what happened to becky. Freen herself took becky to clinic.


Hi there, i hope you enjoy reading. Sorry for the late updates. Well i will write again soon i have kind of busy schedule.

For the first time in her life, aside from her dreams, Becky saw Freen's face here, as well as the faces of her friends. Keep checking back for the next installment to find out what happens next.

The author and Becky's point of view is used in this chapter. In the upcoming chapter, the author and Freen will take the lead.

I appreciate you taking the time to read it. I'll soon upload the following chapter. Keep an eye out *-<

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