The Reaper [Hazbin hotel x oc]

De NOU0011

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chapter 1: the broadcast.
chapter 2: Exterminator
chapter 3: Punishment [short]
chapter 4: The hotel
chapter 5: pilot
chapter 6: Overture
chapter 7: Radio killed the video star
chapter 8: Radio killed the video star
chapter 9: Scrambled Eggs
chapter 9: Masquerade
chapter 10: Dad beat dad
chapter 11- welcome to heaven
chapter 12-Hello Rosie
chapter 13: Sighs to sorrys
chapter 14: Show must go on.
chapter 15: Hellfire camp
chapter 16: Echoes of the past
chapter 17: Dont have a good name

chapter 18: murder mystery

247 6 1
De NOU0011

I'm running out of idea. If you want to give me ideas, give me some.

As the relentless acid rain pounded against the windows of the Hazbin Hotel, the residents found themselves trapped indoors, their usual activities disrupted by the inclement weather. With nowhere to go and nothing to do, boredom settled over the hotel like a suffocating blanket, leaving everyone restless and irritable.

In the lobby, Charlie sighed heavily, her fingers tapping impatiently against the arm of the couch as she glanced around at the others.

Vaggie: "I never thought I'd say this, but I'm actually starting to miss the chaos of Hell."

Alastor, always one to revel in mischief, grinned mischievously as he leaned against the grand staircase.

Alastor: "Oh, come now, darling. Where's your sense of adventure? I'm sure we can find some... unconventional ways to pass the time."

Angel Dust lounged on the couch, boredom evident in the way he idly flicked a piece of lint off his sleeve.

Angel Dust: "I'm all for a little excitement, but this is getting ridiculous. Can't we do something to liven things up around here? Im crawling out of my skin here..."

Vaggie, ever the pragmatist, paced back and forth near the windows, her frustration mounting with each passing moment.

Vaggie: "We can't just sit around and mope. There has to be something we can do to make the best of this situation."

But despite their best efforts to shake off the boredom, the oppressive atmosphere lingered, casting a shadow over the hotel and its inhabitants. Just when it seemed like they were doomed to spend the day in a state of perpetual tedium, a sudden scream pierced the air, shattering the monotony and sending a jolt of adrenaline through everyone's veins.

With a sense of trepidation, they followed Charlie to investigate the source of the disturbance, their boredom replaced by a newfound sense of urgency as they braced themselves for the mysteries that awaited them behind the bathroom door. Little did they know, their boredom was about to be replaced by a chilling tale of intrigue and betrayal, as they were plunged into a murder mystery that would test their bonds and unravel the dark secrets of the Hazbin Hotel.

As the acid rain continued to pour outside, Angel Dust, ever restless, decided to seek solace in the bathroom. Minutes turned into an hour, yet he remained inside, much to the annoyance of his fellow residents.Ray, leaning against a nearby wall, couldn't help but roll his eyes at the situation.

Ray: "Well, isn't this just thrilling? Our very own bathroom recluse."

Vaggie shot him a reproachful glare, her patience wearing thin.

Vaggie: "Ray, can you be serious for once? Something could be wrong."

Ray scoffed, his sarcasm undiminished.

Ray: "Oh, forgive me for not taking this bathroom disappearance as seriously as a demon invasion."

Charlie, ever the peacemaker, stepped in, her tone soothing yet firm.

Charlie: "Let's not jump to conclusions, but it wouldn't hurt to check on Angel. Ray, would you mind?"

Ray's smirk widened as he pushed himself off the wall, his sarcasm lacing every word.

Ray: "Am I just your dog now?"

Vaggie: [pulls out spear]

With a dramatic flourish, he made his way to the bathroom door, his eyes gleaming with amusement as he prepared to uncover the mystery of Angel Dust's extended bathroom break.

Ray's footsteps echoed down the hallway as he approached the bathroom door, his demeanor betraying little emotion as he pushed it open.

Ray: "Oh sweet baby Jesus."

Inside, he found Angel Dust's lifeless body, sprawled on the floor in a pool of crimson. Ray's expression remained stoic as he turned to face Charlie, his voice devoid of emotion.

Ray: "Charlie, you might want to come take a look at this."

Charlie rushed to the bathroom, her heart sinking at the sight before her.

Charlie: "Oh no... What happened?"

Ray's tone remained flat as he gestured to Angel's body.

Ray: "I think it's pretty obvious, don't you?"

Charlie's eyes widened in shock, her mind racing to make sense of the grim scene before her.

Charlie: "We need to... we need to figure out what happened. We can't just leave him here like this."

Ray sighed heavily, his frustration evident in his voice as he responded.

Vaggie's eyes narrowed with determination as she took charge of the situation, her natural instincts kicking into high gear as she rounded up the residents of the lobby.

Vaggie: "Alright, listen up everyone. We have a murder on our hands, and I'm not going to rest until we get to the bottom of this. I want each of you to stay right here while we conduct our investigation."

Husk grumbled under his breath as he reluctantly complied, while Nifty nodded eagerly, her curiosity piqued by the unfolding drama.

Nifty: "Ooh, a murder mystery! This is so exciting!"

Alastor's grin widened at the prospect of a challenge, his eyes gleaming with amusement as he surveyed the scene.
Keekee, the one-eyed cat, blinked lazily as he lounged on the couch, seemingly unfazed by the gravity of the situation.

Keekee: "Meow."

Meanwhile, the last remaining Frank, the only egg boy that survived, trembled with fear as he huddled in a corner, his shell cracked and splintered from the ordeal.

Frank: "Oh dear, oh dear..."

Razzles eyes were wide with terror at the thought of a murderer lurking among them.

(Dazzle is the one that died right?)

And finally, Lucifer Was playing with a duck with a knife. With the suspects gathered and the investigation underway, Vaggie knew that they had their work cut out for them. But she was determined to see justice served, no matter the cost.

Vaggie's voice rang out in the tense silence of the lobby, her gaze sweeping over the gathered residents as she awaited a response.

Vaggie: "Alright, let's cut to the chase. Who here is the killer?"

Her question hung in the air, met with only stony silence from the group. Each resident shifted uncomfortably under her scrutiny, their eyes darting nervously as they avoided her gaze.

Vaggie's gaze narrowed as she turned her attention to Alastor, her voice firm and unwavering as she leveled her accusation.

Vaggie: "Alastor, you've always been one step ahead of everyone else. It's no secret that you have a penchant for chaos. Could it be that you're behind these murders?"

Alastor's grin widened, his eyes gleaming with amusement as he shrugged nonchalantly in response.

Alastor: "My dear Vaggie, while I do appreciate a good mystery, I'm afraid I can't take credit for this particular one. Besides, where's the fun in being so obvious?"

Vaggie's brow furrowed with frustration, her suspicions only growing stronger as she considered her next move.

Vaggie: "Fine, then what about you, Ray? You claim to have been in the same room as me when Angel died, but can you prove it?"

Ray: "Absolutely. I was with Vaggie the entire time. You can ask her yourself."

Vaggie's expression softened slightly as she nodded in agreement, her trust in Ray reaffirmed for the time being.

Vaggie: "That's true. Ray was with me around the time Angel was killed. He couldn't have done it. But i have my X on you."

As the accusations flew and tensions ran high, the residents of the Hazbin Hotel found themselves caught in a web of suspicion and uncertainty.

With a solemn nod from Vaggie, the residents of the Hazbin Hotel remained rooted in place as she and Charlie made their way to the bathroom, determined to unravel the mystery of Angel Dust's untimely demise.

Charlie, sporting a cute detective hat perched jauntily atop her head, exuded an air of determination as she followed Vaggie into the dimly lit room.

Vaggie: "Alright, Charlie, let's see what we can find."

Together, they carefully examined the scene, their eyes scanning every inch of the bathroom for any clues that might shed light on what had transpired.

Charlie: "Look, there's blood spatter on the walls... And Angel's body is lying over there."

Vaggie's jaw tightened with determination as she knelt down beside Angel's lifeless form, her fingers tracing the outline of the wounds with a grim sense of purpose.

Vaggie: "He was clearly attacked with something sharp... But what could the weapon have been?"

Charlie's gaze swept over the room, her keen eyes taking in every detail as she searched for answers.

Charlie: "And where's the murder weapon? It doesn't seem to be anywhere in here."

Vaggie's mind raced with possibilities as she pondered the significance of their findings, her determination to uncover the truth only growing stronger with each passing moment.

As Vaggie and Charlie continued their investigation, Vaggie's keen eye caught sight of something unusual amidst the chaos of the crime scene a telltale smear of drool on the bathroom counter.

Vaggie's brow furrowed with curiosity as she leaned in closer, her mind racing with possibilities.

Vaggie: "Charlie, take a look at this. It looks like... drool. But why would there be drool here?"

Charlie, her detective hat askew as she leaned in to examine the drool, nodded in agreement.

Charlie: "You're right, Vaggie. And look, there's no sign of any toothbrushes or other grooming tools in here. It's like whoever did this wasn't concerned with personal hygiene."

Vaggie's mind whirled with new possibilities as she processed Charlie's observation, her determination to crack the case growing stronger by the minute.

Vaggie: "Interesting... It seems like we're dealing with someone who's not exactly meticulous about their appearance. That narrows down our list of suspects."

With the discovery of the drool and the lack of grooming tools, Vaggie and Charlie were one step closer to unraveling the mystery of Angel Dust's murder.

Vaggie: "We'll need to gather everyone together and question them. Someone here knows more than they're letting on, and it's up to us to find out who."

With a sense of purpose driving them forward, Vaggie and Charlie emerged from the bathroom, ready to confront the residents of the Hazbin Hotel and unravel the dark secrets that lurked within their midst.

The flickering flames cast dancing shadows across the dimly lit room as Vaggie stood, her expression grave, contemplating their next move in the investigation. Lost in thought, she barely noticed the soft creak of the door as Charlie entered, her detective hat perched firmly atop her head.

Charlie: "Vaggie, I've just spoken with Husk. He's ready to be interviewed."

Vaggie's gaze snapped to attention as she turned to face Charlie, a determined glint in her eyes.

Vaggie: "Good. Let's not waste any time. Bring him in."

As Charlie nodded and disappeared to fetch Husk, Vaggie steeled herself for the task ahead.

Vaggie's eyes bore into Husk as he took his seat, her expression unreadable as she prepared to interrogate him.

Vaggie: "Husk, thank you for agreeing to speak with us. I'll get straight to the point. Can you explain your whereabouts during the time of Angel Dust's death?"

Husk shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his usual nonchalant demeanor replaced by a sense of unease.

Husk: "I was behind the bar, as usual. Mixing drinks and serving customers. You know how it is."

Vaggie's brow furrowed with suspicion as she listened to Husk's explanation, her mind racing with possibilities.

Vaggie: "Interesting... And did you happen to serve Angel Dust any drinks that night?"

Husk hesitated for a moment before nodding slowly, his gaze fixed on the floor.

Husk: "Yeah, I did. But nothing out of the ordinary. Just his usual order."

Vaggie's mind whirled with new information as she considered Husk's words. If Angel hadn't sustained any physical injuries, then perhaps the cause of his death lay elsewhere – in a poisoned drink, perhaps.

Vaggie: "Husk, I have reason to believe that Angel Dust may have been drugged. And as our bartender, you would have had access to his drinks. Care to explain?"

Husk's eyes widened in surprise at the accusation, his hands trembling slightly as he struggled to find the right words.

Husk: "I swear, I didn't do anything to Angel's drink. You have to believe me."

But Vaggie's suspicions remained, her resolve unwavering as she continued to press Husk for answers. With each passing moment, the truth drew closer, and Vaggie was determined to uncover it, no matter the cost.

After Husk left the room, Charlie turned to Vaggie with a concerned expression, her detective hat slightly askew atop her head.

Charlie: "Vaggie, do you want me to bring in the next person for questioning?"

Vaggie nodded, her gaze focused and determined as she prepared to confront the next suspect in their investigation.

Vaggie: "Yes, Charlie. Let's keep this momentum going. Bring in the next person. And move the chair closer to the fire."

With a sense of purpose driving them forward, Charlie left the room to fetch the next interviewee, leaving Vaggie alone to contemplate their progress so far. Each interview brought them closer to unraveling the truth behind Angel Dust's murder, and Vaggie was determined to see the investigation through to its conclusion, no matter the obstacles they faced along the way.

As Charlie escorted Ray into the room, Vaggie's gaze sharpened, her eyes narrowing at the sight of him cradling Keekee in his arms like a mob boss with his loyal pet.

Vaggie: "Ray, please take a seat. And what's with the...uh... Keekee situation?"

Ray smirked, a hint of mischief glinting in his eyes as he settled into the chair, Keekee perched comfortably on his lap.

Ray: "Just thought I'd bring a little company for the interrogation. You know, keep things interesting."

Vaggie's brow furrowed with suspicion, but she pushed aside her unease as she focused on the task at hand.

Vaggie: "Alright then, let's get down to business. Ray, can you account for your whereabouts during the time of Angel Dust's death?"

Ray: "Literally right with you."

Vaggie: "'re good."

Vaggie's expression softened slightly, a hint of begrudging admiration shining in her eyes as she acknowledged Ray's straightforward response.

Vaggie: "Fair enough, Ray. You're right, you were with me when we found Angel Dust's body. My apologies for the oversight."

As Ray rose from his seat and made his way out of the room, Vaggie couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to his story than he was letting on. But for now, she would focus on gathering more evidence and uncovering the truth behind Angel Dust's death, no matter where it led.

As Nifty entered the room, her usually bubbly demeanor was replaced by an air of frenetic energy, her eyes darting around the room as if she were seeing everything and nothing all at once.

Vaggie regarded her with a mixture of concern and suspicion, unsure of what to expect from the unpredictable demon before her.

Vaggie: "Nifty, thank you for joining us. Can you tell us where you were during the time of Angel Dust's death?"

Nifty giggled nervously, her hands fidgeting with a nearby stack of papers as she struggled to focus on Vaggie's question.

Nifty: "Oh, you know, here and there, everywhere! I was just, uh, cleaning up the lobby, and then I went to play with the rats, and then I found this really shiny thing, and... oops!"

Vaggie exchanged a concerned glance with Charlie, realizing that Nifty's erratic behavior made her a potential suspect in Angel Dust's murder.

Vaggie: "Nifty, did you happen to see anything unusual while you were in the lobby? Anyone acting suspiciously?"

Nifty's eyes widened with excitement, her voice tinged with a hint of madness as she leaned in closer to Vaggie.

Nifty: "Oh, I saw lots of things! But the rats told me not to tell, shh! It's a secret!"

Vaggie's brow furrowed with frustration, realizing that questioning Nifty would be like trying to catch smoke with bare hands.

Vaggie: "Right... well, thank you for your time, Nifty. You're free to go."

As Nifty skipped out of the room, leaving a trail of chaos in her wake, Vaggie couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to her story than met the eye.

Charlie: "Well that was quick."

Vaggie: "I didn't want to deal with her."

As Alastor entered the room, his signature grin stretched across his face, his eyes glinting with an unnerving sense of amusement. Vaggie couldn't help but feel a shiver run down her spine as she met his gaze, knowing all too well the extent of his power.

Vaggie: "Alastor, thank you for joining us. Can you account for your whereabouts during the time of Angel Dust's death?"

Alastor's grin widened as he settled into the chair, his posture relaxed yet exuding an aura of dominance.

Alastor: "Why, my dear Vaggie, I was right here in the same room as you. But you know as well as I do that physical proximity means little to someone like me."

Vaggie's jaw tightened with frustration, knowing that Alastor's abilities made him a formidable suspect in Angel Dust's murder.

Vaggie: "And did you happen to witness anything out of the ordinary while you were here?"

Alastor's eyes sparkled with mischief as he leaned forward, his voice low and melodious.

Alastor: "Oh, my dear Vaggie, I see many things that others do not. But whether I choose to share that information with you is another matter entirely."

Vaggie resisted the urge to roll her eyes, knowing that Alastor was toying with her.

As Alastor sauntered out of the room, leaving Vaggie with more questions than answers, she couldn't shake the feeling that he was hiding something. With each new suspect they interviewed, the mystery of Angel Dust's murder only deepened, leaving Vaggie more determined than ever to uncover the truth, no matter the obstacles in her path.

As Vaggie considered Alastor's potential involvement in Angel Dust's murder, she couldn't help but recall the demon's sinister reputation. Known for his cannibalistic tendencies and sadistic nature, Alastor was not one to shy away from inflicting harm.

Charlie: "So, do you think it was him?"

Vaggie: "Despite Alastor's capabilities, I don't think he's our prime suspect. His methods are... well, more direct than drugging. Plus, if he were responsible, I suspect the scene would have been much bloodier."

Charlie nodded in agreement, understanding Vaggie's reasoning. While Alastor was undoubtedly dangerous, his modus operandi didn't align with the evidence they had found at the crime scene.

Charlie: "You're right, Vaggie. We need to consider all possibilities, but for now, let's focus on finding the real culprit."

With Alastor ruled out as the killer, Vaggie and Charlie redirected their attention to the remaining suspects, determined to uncover the truth behind Angel Dust's murder, no matter how unsettling the journey might be.

As Lucifer entered the room, his jovial demeanor immediately lightened the atmosphere, his easygoing nature a stark contrast to the tension that had filled the space moments before.

Vaggie regarded him with a mixture of curiosity and wariness, unsure of what to expect from the mischievous demon before her.

Vaggie: "Lucifer, thank you for joining us. Can you account for your whereabouts during the time of Angel Dust's death?"

Lucifer's eyes twinkled with amusement as he settled into the chair, a playful grin tugging at the corners of his lips.

Lucifer: "Ah, my dear Vaggie, always so serious! But to answer your question, I was in my office, catching up on paperwork. Dreadfully boring stuff, I assure you."

Vaggie's brow furrowed with suspicion, knowing all too well Lucifer's penchant for mischief and mayhem.

Vaggie: "And did you see or hear anything unusual while you were in your office?"

Lucifer's grin widened as he leaned back in his chair, his expression one of mock contemplation.

Lucifer: "Hmm, let me think... Ah yes, I did hear a rather peculiar sound coming from the direction of the lobby. But I assumed it was just another one of Nifty's experiments gone awry."

Vaggie exchanged a glance with Charlie, unsure of how much weight to give Lucifer's words. While he appeared to be his usual goofy self, she couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to his story than he was letting on.

Vaggie: "Thank you for your time, Lucifer. You may go."

As Lucifer sauntered out of the room, leaving Vaggie with more questions than answers, she couldn't shake the feeling that he might be hiding something. With each new suspect they interviewed, the mystery of Angel Dust's murder only deepened, leaving Vaggie more determined than ever to uncover the truth, no matter what secrets lay hidden in the shadows of the Hazbin Hotel.

As Vaggie gathered the suspects' statements and pondered their potential involvement in Angel Dust's murder, a sense of frustration gnawed at her. Despite their efforts to uncover the truth, the killer's identity remained elusive, shrouded in a veil of uncertainty.

Vaggie: "Alright, everyone, I've reviewed all the evidence and statements, but I still can't determine who the killer is."

Tension crackled in the air as the residents exchanged wary glances, each suspecting the other of hiding something.

Charlie: "But we have to figure it out! Angel's death can't go unpunished."

As the tension in the room reached a boiling point, Husk pointed an accusatory finger at Alastor, his voice laced with bitterness.

Husk: "It's you, Alastor! You're the one who did it!"

Alastor's grin widened into a predatory smirk, his crimson eyes gleaming with amusement.

Alastor: "Oh, Husk, always so quick to blame others for your own shortcomings. Tell me, did your next drink come with a side of paranoia?"

Husk bristled at the insult, his fists clenched at his sides as he took a menacing step forward.

Husk: "You think you're so clever, don't you? But we all know what you're capable of, Alastor."

Before Alastor could respond, Lucifer interjected, his voice sharp with anger.

Lucifer: "That's enough, both of you! This bickering is getting us nowhere."

But his words fell on deaf ears as Alastor and Husk continued to exchange barbs, each more cutting than the last.

Alastor: "Oh, look who's decided to join the conversation. Tell me, Lucifer, did you learn how to be a real demon yet, or are you still playing dress-up?"

Lucifer's eyes flashed with fury, his normally jovial demeanor replaced by a simmering rage.

Lucifer: "You dare insult me in my own hotel? You're the one who should be worried, Alastor."

As accusations flew and tempers flared, chaos erupted in the room, each resident desperate to prove their innocence while casting suspicion on others.

Vaggie: "Stop it, all of you! Fighting won't solve anything. We need to remain calm and focused if we're going to find the real killer."

But her words fell on deaf ears as the residents continued to argue, their voices rising in a cacophony of anger and fear.

The sudden entrance of Angel Dust brought an abrupt halt to the escalating tension in the room. All eyes turned towards him, surprise evident on every face.

Vaggie: "Angel, you're... alive?"

Angel: "Uh, Yeah..Sinners can't die unless it's with Angelic weapons. I was just durgged."

Ray: "Who drugged you?"

As the room filled with questions and curiosity, all eyes turned to Angel Dust, eager for an explanation.

Relieved laughter filled the room as the residents realized the absurdity of the situation. But amidst the laughter, Charlie stepped forward, her expression serious.

Charlie cleared her throat, capturing the attention of the room as she prepared to explain her intentions.

Angel: "You did this?!"

Ray: "Why the fuck would you do that!"

Charlie: "It was a trust exercise. I wanted to see if people would lie or hide things when faced with a crisis. But I realize now that it was a foolish way to go about it, and I apologize for causing such chaos."

Her words hung in the air, the room falling silent as the residents processed her explanation. Some nodded in understanding, while others exchanged skeptical glances.

Ray: "So you were testing our honesty? By faking someone's death?"

Husk: "That's messed up."

Charlie winced at the reproach in their voices, knowing she had overstepped her bounds in her attempt to prove a point.

Charlie: "I know, and I'm sorry. It was a lapse in judgment, and I promise it won't happen again. Let's just chalk it up to a lesson learned, okay?"

With a collective sigh, the tension in the room began to ease, replaced by a sense of understanding and forgiveness. Though Charlie's trust exercise had caused chaos, it had also opened their eyes to the importance of honesty and communication in their relationships.

As they moved past the incident, the residents of the Hazbin Hotel knew that they would emerge from the experience stronger and more united than ever before. And with Charlie's apology, they knew that they could trust each other to navigate whatever challenges hell threw their way.

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