Adler | The Monarch & The Hei...


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Book Two of The Adler series ** Cassandra Lovett had pictured her summer holiday to be a break from her prep... More

A | Aesthetics
Lovett | A ONE
Them | A TWO
Mistaken | A FOUR
Epiphany | A FIVE
Heroine | A SIX
Euphemism | A SEVEN
Cons | A EIGHT
Choice | A NINE
Verdict | A ELEVEN
Judgement | A TWELVE
Trouble | A FOURTEEN
Problems | A FIFTEEN
Apology | A SIXTEEN
Dishonesty | A EIGHTEEN
Heartfelt | A NINETEEN
Sleepover | A TWENTY
Kaleidoscope | A TWENTY ONE
Revealed | A TWENTY TWO
Nightmares | A TWENTY FOUR
Belligerence | A TWENTY SIX

Mischief | A TEN

318 24 14

A/N: Dedicated to AshleyCrowley8 and tballard234


Stevie parted her lips to let his tongue in, warmth bloomed from where it ardently slid and lapped against her own with eagerness. The kind spurred from being starved, to claim the edge— the only way that got Stevie thrilled. She slid her fingers over his broad shoulders, feeling out each muscle that tensed in contact to her fingers before digging her nails in.

The low groan he let out awoke flutters within her stomach that spread at feeling the shape of his hot lips curve to a smile, the horny little masochist. His sturdy palms rubbed her bound hips, kisses growing harder and rougher against the pace she could feel her body writhing in delight pressed up to his own.

Breathlessly, Stevie put some space between them, relishing in the artwork she'd crafted that was Rudolph Patell's messy hair and swollen lips. The lust in his lidded eyes didn't elate her as much as before but she hadn't been really that up for the make out session.

She just simply ran with it before the boy could grow even more pathetic. She liked grovelling, but not when the lines were nothing quite that sentimental or rich. Her presence made a difference? She'd heard better lines from holiday cards.

And in the midst of a BO ridden gym locker kind of put her off. As much as Stevie thrived in having one of the cockiest athletes in the school on her beck and call with gorgeously chiseled pecks, she sort of missed Shaun's poetic verses he'd slip in her ear. Or his adorable flustered faces at when she'd run her hands on his 'sensitive features'.

Stevie snapped out of reminiscent at the tender sucking at her neck, rendering a shiver. She lolled her head back to pin the wall, rewarding Rudolph with a high strung moan for at least knowing how to use his mouth aside of talking big. That was as far as she was going to treat him today.

"Okay. Enough."

She only had to say it once and he obediently withdrew, the disappointment to climax his arousal blatant on his face. He looked like a dog itching to be let outside to pee— it was comical.

"Let me make this crystal clear to you; you are still on very, very thin ice." She warned. "Got that?"

Rudolph nodded. "I swear, I'll do better."


"I mean it. Um, can I take you out this weekend?"

At that, there was a vibration by her chest. Gladly keeping the boy in suspense, Stevie took her time to fish her phone out of her breast pocket. As she regarded the message, her brows quirked.

Kitten- u free rn?

She bit back a smile and tucked her phone back in the holster, regarding Rudolph with a remote expression. "I've got plans this weekend."

"Okay." He failed to hide the downheartedness. "Are you going home—? I mean, to the hotel. I can give you a ride."

"No. I've got somewhere to stop by first and I'd rather take the bus."

"Alright." He murmured with a lowered head.

Stevie brought her fingers to his chin and tipped it upwards, softly pressing her lips against his. "Keep your line open, I might cancel."

Just like that, hope kindled in his eyes and he broke into a smile. She knew she wasn't going to call him but he still needed severe disciplining. Having him constantly checking his phone in expectancy was punishment enough.

As she began neatening her tousled clothes and hair while drinking in the defined arches of her boyfriend's back, an idea spurred.

"Which one of these is that captain's locker?" She asked.

Rudolph paused from rifling out his uniform to change into. "Bennett? Um, that one." He pointed.

She zeroed her eyes on the compartment that was stationed right at the centre. Perfect. "Do you know his combination?"

"No, why?"

She sighed, pursing her lips. "What's your combination then?"


Stevie took a moment, once again having to work with her brains and a bit of whim. Done calculating, she proceeded to unzip her school bag and dug her hand through the contents, quickly finding her weapon. A large sneer creeping on her lips as she sauntered to the outed locker with a puzzled Rudolph following closely behind.

Stevie fastened her hands on the padlocking, twisting the slots in a designated sequence and corresponded with a satisfied 'click'. Rudolph's brows hiked as his girlfriend grinned triumphantly.

"H-How did—? When did you get Bennett's combination?"

"Just now. Don't give yourself a headache in trying to even think about it." Stevie hastily added. "Want to feel useful? Open it."

He did so in accordance, despite his confusion. Then his eyes latched onto the box in Stevie's hand labelled Menstrual Pain Relief in big, pink bold lettering and he gaped. He was dumbfounded as he watched her slip it in-between the captain's bottle of acne cream and rumpled towels.

"Stevie what are you...?" His eyes darted back to her and the toxic item in bewilderment. "Do you seriously think anyone will believe those are Bennett's?!"

"The fine print says it can be used as standard pain reliever's. It's plausible for effect to both genders." justified Stevie.

Although, she doubted she needed real factors to convince the idiotic teammates who would gullibly perceive that their beefy, 'macho' captain took doses of medicine targeted for period cramps.

"B-But still..." Rudolph stammered.

"This'll shut his ego up for a while. Who's going to listen to who he says he's shagging after this?"

By Rudolph's stupidly awe stricken look, she knew she had him fully onboard. She put her index finger to her lip, winking and exited the room.

Quietly, she walked along the deserted corridors, slightly swinging her school bag while keeping her laughter inside.
She could picture the commotion that was sure to come as she deliberately kept the box close to the edge. The next time it was pried open, it was sure to fall. Much like the bastard's face when everybody saw it. Oh, it would be precious.

Albeit, she didn't care for her boyfriend's shallow needs to be a god in the eyes of simpletons but it crossed the line at involving her into depraved dares.

Bennett Mitchell was ignorantly playing with fire and this was the burn.

As Stevie hopped onboard the bus, her eyes hooked onto a familiar scent as a group brushed by her. Cashmere Quartz. She involuntarily flinched and snapped her eyes to the girl.

It wasn't her.

Which should've been obvious in a second. What on earth would she be doing on public transport?

Hastily, she composed herself and flashed the bus driver a smile at the concerned look from her abrupt pause. Sighing, she plopped herself down on a vacant seat and willed her mind to travel anywhere but to that grieving night on the peak of summer break.

It didn't end in complete failure but she had gutted herself when recalling earlier in the Coeus clubroom when she almost said it. Her name. A stigmatic slip of the tongue. Granted, the situation felt so identical to her own. It was one she dreaded for a pure thing like Cassandra encountering but the newbie would move on. Stevie certainly had.

But maybe her destination wasn't such a good idea anymore when Stevie’s mind was dangerously picking up those memories. It could make it expand.

That was the worry but the bus had already reached Stevie's stop and she wasn't going to waste her money so she might as well have seen through with it. She'd just be careful with her words. No problem.

Stevie pushed the doorbell and in no time at all, the door was answered by the cheery housemaid. Stevie didn’t have to do more than smile before permitted entrance without any questions.

"She's in her room." The maid informed.

"Mmm, when is she not?"

It earned her a soft chuckle. "I'll be in the pantry if you need me."

Stevie nodded and the woman skirted passed her, gaiting onwards to her duties outback. Knowing full well there'd be no other individuals in the residence, Stevie prided herself in touching up her appearance in the oval mirror by the coat rack before initiating her sneak attack.

When she was only a few feet from the door, Stevie could already hear the heavy bass of the music booming on the other side. Carefully, Stevie twisted the knob and peeked at the first breach inches to grasp the figure with her back turned by the arch windows.

Stevie slithered in and crept nearer to the unsuspecting girl then cried out, "Boo!"

The reaction was worth it all as shoulders shot up, a startled yelp flying out as those deep brown eyes before hesitantly steered to Stevie. Then they were glaring.

The classic, Carmen Costello glare.

"Y'know, you should trademark that." Stevie advised.

"Shut up." Carmen shoved her back. "Be glad I caught on you'd be the only one to try something so stupid and not a burglar or I would've shanked you with these." She gestured to the scissors in hand.

"Wow, left handed safety scissors? I think you'd do more damage on your fingers than to a perpetrator." smirked Stevie.

Carmen with no quip on her tongue settled on rolling her eyes as she set down the tool. "If you were coming over then reply. What if my mum and dad were around?"

"Then you wouldn't have texted me." retorted Stevie.

Not that Mr. and Mrs. Costello would've been too fussed over her short notice visit. They owed Stevie for being the kind classmate who aided their daughter in getting her poor grades up. Not to mention, the only, 'respectable, good apple' female friend Carmen had ever revealed to them. All the rest being male, they were too wary of leaving them alone in a room.

They sadly didn't know how they would never have too worry about anything they deemed 'immoral' conspiring with Carmen and the opposite sex.

The girl sat crossed legged, violet dyed hair bundled in a side braid. As much as she changed her hair colour overtime, the same had occurred to her feelings toward Stevie sat leisurely across. Whether the stubborn little kitten would like to admit it or not.

It was why Stevie dubbed her with the nickname. Much like the feline, the girl could hiss and claw, but was still a ball of adorable fluff too tempting not to pet.

"So what are you doing?" asked Stevie, leaning unnecessarily close over Carmen's shoulder.

"Scrap booking. Back off." She hissed.

"Scrap book?"

"Rodger's only going to be around for maybe another month before his band hits the road for the gig out in London and I want to make something to show before we all graduate." She explained.

"Aww," cooed Stevie, "that's so thoughtful. You want me to help?"

"No, don't touch anything." Carmen hoarded the papers and utensils closer.

"Then why am I here? You called me over, remember?"

"No, I asked if you were free. If you had actually replied, I would've told you that I wanted to give you back the textbook you left over break."

"Oh." Stevie blinked. "But you could've dropped it off at the hotel."

"Well you weren't here when school actually started. Which I never got any mention on by the way." Carmen muttered grumpily under her breath.

"And why not just hand it into the staff?"

Carmen paused on that note.

Stevie hovered her lips to the ear of the girl like a deer caught in the headlights. "Unless you wanted an excuse to get me here."

An elbow sprang out to merely jostle Stevie and have her draw back to a safe perimeter out of the strike zone. She chuckled, nonetheless.

"There's no need to be aggressive, Car. I'm happy you wanted to see me." Stevie assured her. "I really missed you."

Carmen's expression appeared to soften until her eyes lingered to an area below the face. "Is, is that a hickey?"

Stevie traced her fingers to the distinctive blossoming bruise by her neck. "Oh, yeah."

Carmen grimaced, turning back to her papers. "I don't get why you're with that skeeze..."

"Rudolph isn't so bad."

"At sucking you off, maybe."

"You're not wrong there."

Carmen spared a bemused glance, dawned by the remark as Stevie giggled and the spooked girl scrunched her nose in disgust. "Ew." She began spreading out the litter of pictures not yet drafted and all too familiar green jewels caught Stevie's eye.

Shaun Goy-Smith in all his humble glory goofing off on a swing set beside Thomas and Rodger, tongue stuck out to the camera. She suppressed a grin, memories already triggering to when she'd taste it on her own and the last day she discovered she'd never have that to herself again.


It was the day of the annual town carnival, one week after the end of term. It would be the first ever time Stevie was attending with not just friends, but a boyfriend too. Irrespective of the sun in high axis, a wind still managed to billow in through her open hotel room window.

"Stevie, I'm not going anywhere with you. Not until you actually listen to me for once."

"Shaun I don't know what's going on with you lately but can we please not do this now? Garren will flip if I'm even a minute late." Her fingers fumbling on the earring latch to her lobe. "So I need you to hold it in and help me put this on."

Stevie handed the accessory for him to assist but as he gripped it, he balled the item in his fist and shoved it in his pocket.

Stevie furrowed her brows at the act. "Um, hun my ears are up here." She directed with a point of her finger.

"We need to talk, Stevie. Right now."

She narrowed her eyes.

"...Please." He carefully added.

Stevie folded her arms and leant back on her dresser with a restrained sigh. "Fine, what is it?"

"This relationship is beginning to feel one-sided lately."

"One sided how?"

"You're always making the plans, the decisions without actually looking like you did. I don't even get what you did until I realise I'm bailing on my friends to meet you at a bus shelter in the rain in the middle of the night."

"That was just a coincidence obviously and I told you because I was feeling vulnerable and that you didn't have to come. You had a choice."

"You guilt tripped me. The same way you always do to get something from me."

Stevie frowned.

"Well? Aren't you going to deny it? Fake some tears or feel me up or some other trick like that so I think I'm in the wrong? Every bloody time."

She drifted her eyes to the floor. Counting each second that was being wasted and what would result in crude put downs from a particular dark haired arsehole. The options were weighed to enduring that and for some reason sucking face or fingering up against the wall to avoid a confession didn't seem worth that hassle today.

All she was in the mood for was carnival rides and eating some candy floss.

"What is it that you want, Shaun? For me to apologise? To promise to let you have the control you never had the guts to take yourself?"

The anger she expected to kindle didn't rise in those glorious green scopes. Instead, there was dejection. "No, Stevie. This is the problem. You think I want 'control', the pants in the relationship or whatever but I don't care about that. I've only ever wanted you." He said solemnly.

"I've given you me."

"No you haven't." He shook his head.

She scoffed, "Are you being serious right now? I'm standing here in the dress that you like and put down the one I preferred, which was in my favourite colour, no less. I fix my schedule to match yours for dates, for your stupid games or family dinners. I cut down the time I spend around the guys, I blocked Hess the second you told me you were too uncomfortable with us just being friends. What else do you want that I haven't given you?"

"Just you!" He exclaimed. "With no pretenses, no filters and no games. Just you, completely exposed and open to me."

Stevie's brows knitted. "You want me naked?"

"W-What?! No!"

"Yes. That's what this is about, isn't it? Me giving myself up to you. That's what you're throwing a fit over. Like when you were pouting because I changed my mind about giving you a handjob under the tarps at that banquet."

"I-I wasn't pouting! And that has nothing to do with it. Stop trying to turn this into a sexual thing. Jesus." He ran a hand through his mane, exasperated. "It’s like I can never have a conversation with you without Garren being there."

"What are you talking? We're alone right now."

"I mean, I feel like he's brainwashing you and turning you fucking mental. Or maybe it's actually the other way around."

Stevie cocked her head. "Oh? Really now." She pushed herself off the frame and diminished the gap between them. Glossing over the habit he'd grown to divert his eyes when she would anaylse him. Like he could actually hide anything with that transparency. "Then prove it to me and I'll admit I'm the crazy one here. Tell me right now you're not tired of my 'teasing' and not waiting for me to just lie down on my bed for you to drive this…” She fastened her hands to the soft ridge between his legs, an instant tension erected when her hands came into contact amidst the layers of tailored trousers and brand brief clothing it. “Right inside me." Her voice a whisper.

"S-Stevie move your hand." There was no edge or firmness in the command. It was floppy, pleading and practically a cry. Defeat was an understatement to the look she was met with.

"That's not an answer." She pressed, the hitch in his breath not going missed when her fingers decisively stroked the forming bulge. She watched intently as he fumbled to find words, resistance visibly withering.

Then it collapsed, the answer seared through the air. "… I wouldn't sleep with a psychopath like you even if it killed me."

Words a hefty sputter, mounded in a cutthroat vanity Stevie's ears had never heard from the cornered boy before her. Surprising, to say the least. Coincidentally, feeling a surge of excitement. A thrill that there may have been more to tear apart and recreate.

She abandoned her hold and stifled a laugh. "Well, ouch. I actually felt that one."

He lowered his head, face flushed a deep scarlet red as he muttered something she didn’t quite hear.


“I said are you going to help me with this or keep laughing?” He motioned to the protuberant 'friend' trying to come out of his trousers.

"And waste time for me to change out of my clothes? No."

"You don't need to take anything off."

"Right and remind me of what happened the last time I listened to that? I got my new Dion cardigan ruined!"

Shaun dared to roll his eyes. “Well, nobody’s going to stare at you for not having a bloody cardigan on.”

She scoffed, turning her back to him. “Go deal with it yourself.”

She heard him let out a frustrated groan before his footfalls, treading in the direction of the bathroom. “Don’t take too long! We need to be out in five minutes.” She received nothing but the sound of the bathroom door slamming shut.

If there were any complaints from next door, she was certainly going to be giving the boy an earful later on. Stevie looked to find the earring discarded on the floor and after another glance in the mirror, decided she was better off without them.

When four minutes passed and Shaun still hadn’t come out, she came up to the bathroom door and found it locked. She banged on the door, warning him he'd better be out in the next thirty seconds or else. All she got was the sound of the tap running. Great, he was pouting again.

By that point, Stevie lost all care and went off to the carnival ahead by herself. She wasn’t going to coddle him this time and was more than expectant to receive some grovelling on the grounds or a lengthy apology in text. But no text came and neither did Shaun. For the rest of the summer, she didn’t see him again.



She withdrew from the reverie and faced the tender voice that called out. Carmen's gaze searching.

She flashed an apologetic smile. "Sorry, Car. What did you say?"

"I was saying the band is going out to the lake tomorrow to chill and converse the lyrics."

"Oh, and Rodger wants you to bring yours too?"

Carmen dutifully nodded. It was through the tutoring lessons and a dash of persistency, Stevie unravelled the mystery behind what the other girl was scribbling in her jotter everyday were in fact, song lyrics.

"He says I can invite someone." Carmen fiddled with her braid, abashed.

Stevie forged a pained look. "Car, I've told you. I don't feel right about mixing with Shaun's mate when we've broken up. It'll put everyone in an awkward place— I don't want to be that ex causing drama, y'know?"

Carmen grew glum. "I know..."

Truthfully, Stevie just didn't want this thing with Carmen expanding outside their bedroom walls because then it would lead to more outings to cinemas, store etc and the spunky girl was sweet, fun to tease but Stevie preferred it as solely a hobby. This was the best excuse to avoid stepping on toes.

"But, I don't really talk to Shaun that much anymore." Carmen claimed. "We aren't as close. I mean, he didn't even call me once throughout the time he flew out to Thailand."

Stevie's smile dropped. "Thailand?"

Carmen nodded and thankfully didn't notice the falter. Thailand. The mention was eons ago but Stevie wouldn't forget that was where she learnt the-cow-who-shall-not-be-named was staying for an exchange program. In what hell could that be a mere coincidence?

"Do you know why he went there?" Stevie enquired.

"Uh, no. Didn't really ask."

Stevie chomped down on her bottom lip, an unacknowledged sense of discomfort brewing in her blood. She plastered on a wide smile. "Well, could you maybe ask him and not mention me?"

Carmen's brows pinched. "Why?"

Faster than her logic could make her consider the countermeasures, Stevie leaned forward and locked her arms around the punk chick, deliberately nestling her head against her chest. "Please, kitten. Just do me this favour. I need you not to ask questions."

The heartbeat she felt escalating was like a countdown as Carmen sat momentarily paralysed. "U-Uh, okay..."

Stevie spared a moment to mask the large grin with a hearty smile as she faced the other girl. Her cheeks and ears a tinted pink, beautifully complimenting her pastel violet locks. "Thanks." Stevie gushed. "I'll stay for dinner, if you want?"

Too frazzled to speak, Carmen resolved to nod.

"Cool. Lemme just call to let my uncle know."

She moved in once more to place a quick kiss along Carmen's jawline and secretly delighted at how her body tensed up before Carmen leaped back.
"Try that again and I'm kicking you out." She hissed, face beet red as she wiped her cheek.

Yep, adorable fluff.


Stevie lay on her suite bed, finally cosy and set to read the new edition of the erotica Ben had bought copies for both of them. They promised to share their opinions on the first chapter by tomorrow.

She wasn't too far in when her phone started buzzing. Hopeful it was her kitten with Intel she retrieved it, only to sag at an unwanted caller ID. Regardless, she answered.


'So are you coming or not?' Garren got straight to his point.

Stevie sighed. "No, I already told you and Will, I've got the tea party on that day. Have Benny take my place."

'Benny has a date and see, his plans actually sound like something reasonable to ditch his friends for. You don't even drink tea that much.'

"So? That's my business."

Stevie had never been that interested in the invite, purely accepting it out of courtesy. Until Garren and Will started acting funny about it. She couldn't understand why but if they would keep hiding their motive, it only made her more adamant on attending. Call it childish, she didn't care.

'Stevie,' Garren's tone eerily civil, 'I'm going to say this for the last time, forget about that bloody party and come with me and Will to the aquarium.'

"Hmmm... Yeah, no thanks."

There was a stifling silence.

'Fine. Do it the hard way then.'

The line went dead. "Weirdo." Stevie casted the device aside, dismissing whatever bluff the boy was obviously trying to pull and resumed her reading.

Once done, she got set for bed and as she lay in the covers, she dipped her hand into the drawer by her nightstand. Groping blindly until she felt the paper and she slipped out the photograph she'd seized in the midst of Carmen's fluster from her scrapbooking pile.

She stroked her thumb along the jewel eyes. They were still alluring but no longer stirred that prominent throb in her chest. All the attraction was undoubtedly the product of curiosity towards her ex's shifty movement right after their split.

Whatever was the cause, Stevie was determined to get to the bottom of it.

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