English Version Angels Battle...

By RichardSutopo

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After learning Rayga has a supernatural potential then Mikaelson Family decide to sent Rayga to practice in S... More

Chapter I: The Kingdom of the Lelembut
Chapter II: The Arrival Of A Special Guest
Chapter III: Ice Angel
Chapter IV: Daoism Temple
Chapter V: Supernatural League
Chapter VI: Renata Mikaelson
Chapter VII: Purple Aura Martial Fight Part 1
Chapter VIII: Purple Aura Martial Battle Part 2
Chapter IX: The Disappearance Of Demigods And Supernatural Humans
Chapter X: Explanation of Supernatural Powers
Chapter XI: 4 Princes of Januman Kingdom VS Ni Luh Dan Kyoshiro Part I
Chapter XII: 4 Princes of Januman Kingdom VS Ni Luh and Kyoshiro Part II
Chapter XIII: Meeting At Mikaelson Corporation
Chapter XIV: The Spiritual Circle Of Transportation
Chapter XV: An Ancient Song About The 7 Lost Tribes
Chapter XVI: The Battle With The Supernatural League Masters
Chapter XVII: Formation Of The Supernatural League Fact-Finding Group
Chapter XVIII: Preparations For Departure To New York
Chapter XIX: The Invasion Of The American Branch Of The Supernatural League
Chapter XX: Transfer Of The Supernatural League Prisoners
Chapter XXI: New Rumble Ball Spirits
Bab XXII: Desiree Abdi
Chapter XXIII: Ayla And Naoto Trapped
Chapter XXV: Against Galen And Galeno
Chapter XXVI: Spirit Enforcer Help
Chapter XXVII: Farewell To The Supernatural League
Bab XXVIII: Dark Army
Bab XXIX: Dhark Sabre
Chapter XXX: The Evil Plan Of Dark Assassins

Chapter XXIV: A Dilemma Rescue

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By RichardSutopo

It was 7:29 p.m., Rayga's car passed by a group of five cars belonging to Genesis Enterprise. Then a luxury 4WD SUV with a black H logo is in the middle between four white double cabin cars.

The black SUV was driven by Jack and Adara at the front and Naoto, Hypnos and Ayla at the rear. But neither group noticed each other, the two cars moved away from each other.

At first, Rayga and Rania didn't realize that they crossed paths. But when he saw another white double cabin car coming out of the hospital, Rayga realized that the initial group of five cars was the Dark Assassins.

Rayga reported through the earphones: "Grand Master Soraya and Master Ryung, it seems that the hospital has begun to leave the hospital. But I don't know if all the members of the Supernatural League have been brought. Therefore, I am even more sure I have to go down to check. I asked Rania anyway to go back to AX Hotel and wait for my results there. Now I will go downstairs and enter the hospital."

Grandma Deborah reminded: "Rayga be careful! Take care not to get caught! Run and hide if you are seen."

Avram also reminded: "If you are pressed, use a rumble ball to restrain the enemy so that you can escape."

Rayga replied: "Both grandma and dad. I'll be careful!"

After that the car stops some distance from the hospital and Rayga jumps down with already activated the invisible ring ability. After Rayga walked he realized that his feet left a trail on the snow.

It turns out that the weakness of the invisible ring is that it cannot remove footprints and possible traces of blood splatters if outside the ring's coverage area.

Rayga moved cautiously, he saw a Dark Assassins warrior was out lifting things and was about to put them into the car. Rayga swiftly walked into the hospital without touching anything.

Inside the room feels warm because of the heating of the room. Rayga walked quietly while listening to the words of everyone he passed.

A fat medic commanded a Dark Assassin soldier: "Have you put all my notebooks in the car?" "Already professor," said the soldier in black.

Rayga saw that the medic was lying, it turned out that he was carrying novel books and an adult men's magazine was seen in the box he was referring to with notes.

Rayga asked silently: "It's strange, if they all leave then where are the children?"

Genie replied: "They must still be in the hospital. We need to make sure!"

Rayga went up to the second floor and found a room that turned out to be an interrogation room, he found the driver unconscious and bound. Rayga thought that if he released the man, the smuggling could be exposed. He chose to leave the driver and look for traces of the orphanage children.

Rayga went up again to the third floor and found about twenty-bedroom doors. Rayga tries to open some of his doors, but all are locked. Genie said silently: "I feel that there is a lot of life inside. You try to force open one of the doors!"

Rayga forcefully opened a door and finally he managed to get into the room. After that, he closed the door again.

The room is dark because the room lights are turned off. Rayga took out a fire-red rumble ball to provide illumination. Rayga saw the little children who were sitting hiding behind the bed.

Rayga walked up to them and asked: "Why are you hiding? I am Rayga from the Sydney Supernatural League."

The children looked calm and just kept silent.

Rayga realizes that they have all been hypnotized so that it is like an undead who cannot speak. Rayga decides to exit the room and check out one other room and find the same thing, they are all under the influence of Hypnos' hypnosis.

On average, each room is filled with about four to five small children. Rayga took photos of the children from the room he entered and sent the pictures via mobile phone.

Then Rayga reported through the earphones and said: "All the children are in good health, only they are all still under hypnotic influence so they can't be spoken to."

Doctor Feray asked: "Rayga, did you find Ayla?" "And Naoto?" asked Fu Mei Ling from behind the earphones.

Rayga replied: "I haven't met them both. But I'll tell you when I've met."

Rayga again infiltrates to find Naoto and Ayla because Rayga does not know that the two have been taken away by the Killer Trio.

Rayga went back down to the first floor to find information from the people below. Rayga moved very carefully. Rayga found the bedroom of the fat professor earlier. Rayga went into his bedroom, whose door was open to hear if any important information could be obtained.

The fat professor spoke to himself: "Brazen Trio Killer! Because of their orders, I had to leave my beloved things behind." Several adult magazines can be seen scattered on the bed.

The fat professor was seen transferring the data on his computer to a flash disk while continuing to grumble. While moving the data, he also opened a movie containing footage of women taking a bath.

At this time the fat professor shouted: "Brazen Trio Killer! For years I painstakingly collected footage of women in the hospital taking a shower. They simply say leave all your personal belongings, bring your research data and we have to leave here. Luckily the three of them had already left so I had time to move the recording data to the flash drive. Let's go faster! ... A sluggish computer!"

Hearing that the Killer Trio was gone, Rayga felt that this was important information. This meant that there were only lower-class Dark Assasins army members left that he could defeat one by one.

Although still in invisible form, Rayga asked the fat professor: "If the Killer Trio are gone, who else are you afraid of?"

The professor replied without looking: "Galen and Galeno, others who else can scare me?" while searching for the origin of the sound but he found no one.

Rayga came out of the professor's room and saw that there was no one around them. It seemed like the soldiers of the Dark Assasins were still busy arranging items.

Rayga turned off the invisible ring ability and re-entered the room and said: "I am the one who can scare you" as he closed the bedroom door.

The fat professor is shocked, Rayga tries to strangle the fat professor's neck to scare him.

The fat professor didn't give up easily, he gave off a 5 cm protective flame-red aura. He wants to fight Rayga to the best of his ability.

Rayga took out a red aura of fire 50 cm and punched his stomach which made the professor a pain. Rayga can easily squeal it quickly.

The professor was surprised to see the power of Rayga's aura, he realized that Rayga was a formidable fighter. The fat professor immediately pitied: "Man, don't kill me. Mercy."

Rayga is very happy to meet a coward, meaning he has an easier time coping. Rayga asked: "Where are the prisoners who have just been arrested?"

The fat professor replied: "On the second floor."

Rayga has been there before, but he wants to find out how Naoto and Ayla are doing. Rayga asked back: "I only saw one person tied up, where are the other two?"

The fat professor replied: "The Asian men and young women have already been brought by the Killer Trio away with them?"

Rayga asked loudly while trying to strangle her back: "Where to go?"

"I don't know... don't know" replied the fat professor terrified.

Rayga asked again: "Then what did the Killer Trio order?"

The fat professor replied nervously: "They... they asked us all to leave... brought all the research results and serum of the hormone R-Sarin to the warehouse... near Montreal's Mirabel International airport."

Rayga asked: "Where is the warehouse address?"

The fat professor showed me a large folder written with a warehouse address near Montreal's Mirabel International airport.

Rayga took it and asked: "Is this the address of the warehouse?"

The fat professor nodded his head.

Rayga remembered Galen and Galeno remaining in the hospital, so he asked: "What is the position of Galen and Galeno in the Dark Assassins?"

At this time the the fat professor replied affirmatively: "They are the Duo Killer who has the nickname Twin Saint Killer. The superiors of the Killer Trio."

Rayga is surprised to find out that Galen and Galeno's position is Duo Killer which is certainly have position above Trio Killer. This also indicates that both of them are definitely stronger and more powerful than the Killer Trio. Rayga had to be careful because according to the fat professor, both of them were around the hospital.

Rayga asked back: "Then what about the fate of the prisoners in this building?"

When Rayga asked about the fate of the prisoner, the fat professor looked even more frightened and did not dare to answer. To the point that he excreted urine that soaked his pants to his shoes.

Rayga asked loudly again, trying to strangle the fat professor's neck: "I asked. What about the fate of the prisoners in this building?"

In tears, the fat professor replied nervously: "Abandoned.... Burned. Mercy, don't kill me!"

After hearing the fat professor's answer, Rayga realized why he was so scared. Because usually bad people when they finish asking will eventually kill too. Moreover, Rayga's question got an unpleasant answer.

The fat professor shouted in fright: "Don't kill me! I don't know that matter."

Rayga hits the back of the neck and knocks him unconscious.

A warrior of the Dark Assasins heard the fat professor's shout and entered the room to see. He saw Rayga as if he had just killed the fat professor, the soldier attacked.

Rayga took out a black aura of darkness 50 cm to defeat him.

When the enemy hits him swiftly, Rayga catches the opponent with his right hand with his left hand and then shouts: "Dragon Ascending Fist" while hitting with a right-handed punch.

The soldier received blows to the abdomen, chest and chin but his body was not pushed back as Rayga held back by holding his right hand tightly. The soldier immediately lost and fainted.

Rayga tried to calm down, he closed the door to the room then took a picture of the warehouse address listed on the folder via cell phone and sent it to his friends first. Finally, Rayga just reported to everyone through earphones.

After explaining the situation quickly, Rayga asked: "What should I do? I am confused about being told to choose to save Naoto and Ayla by fighting the Trio Killers or save the members of the Supernatural League who are threatened with being burned in this hospital by fighting the Duo Killers?"

All were surprised by Rayga's question.

Rayga continued: "If I want to pursue the Killer Trio then I will ask Master Ryung, Mei Ling and Rania to fight the remaining Dark Assasins soldiers along with Galen and Galeno."

The higher-ups of the Supernatural directly turned off the earphones and negotiated between them.

Professor Konstantin's group, doctor Feray and the Fu Family certainly hope that Rayga will help Ayla and Naoto who are part of their family and group. Then Rayga's opponent is the Killer Trio that Rayga has fought so that the possibility of winning is greater. This is the strong point of this group.

While Nimrod's group and the rest certainly hope to save the members of the Supernatural League who are more numerous and there are many children and babies. But if Rayga fights the Killer Duo, of course Rayga can lose and be killed. In the end, they couldn't save anyone, instead adding Rayga as a victim.

Grand Master Soraya and Grandma Deborah, who attended the meeting, couldn't vote because both choices were dilemmas.

While waiting for an answer, Rayga took a knife from the Dark Assasins warrior's body and immediately stabbed him to death. Rayga didn't want to come to his senses and told his other friends.

Rayga took a handcuff from the soldier and tied the fat professor's hands behind his back. After that Rayga took off the Dark Assassins' warrior shoes, took his socks and stuffed them into the fat professor's mouth so that he could not scream.

Rayga then does the unexpected, he removes the hinges of both fat professor's leg bones so that he cannot escape. The fat professor didn't scream at all because he was in a faint state.

Genie asked silently: "What are you doing?"

Rayga replied: "Genie, I can't kill him. We need this coward to find out who's behind this. He's more valuable to us alive than dead."

Finally came Grand Master Soraya Eve's voice from the earphones: "Rayga, we have decided that you should save the children and our members in the hospital. Then Ryung, you along with Rania and Fu Mei Ling go to scout the warehouse but don't make physical contact and make you an extra victims. Understand?"

Rayga and Ryung replied: "Understand" and then there was a burst of crying between Fu Mei Ling and doctor Feray Khan. Because they believe that currently only Rayga is able to save Naoto and Ayla.

Grandma Deborah's voice sounded: "Rayga, as much as possible you avoid fighting directly with Galen and Galeno. You'd better kill the Dark Assasins' soldiers one by one and then stall until our party arrives around 4:00 a.m. in Montreal."

Avram added: "I've asked the pilot to speed up the flight from 20 hours to 18 hours. Then I have entered the hospital's coordinate data into Zero's brain. So once you arrive at Montreal's Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport, Zero and Cyrano can run to you in about five minutes."

Rayga replied: "Thank you. I will try to guerrilla against the Dark Assassins warriors. But it is likely that I will have to fight Galen and Galeno first before giving him a chance to burn the hospital. I can only stall fighting with Galen and Galeno until waiting for reinforcements to arrive. I want to save the babies and children of the Supernatural League."

Avram replied: "Well. If the two of them are too strong, then use the rumble ball as the last cover to escape. Don't let you become a next death victim! Otherwise, I dare not to meet your mother."

Rayga said again: "Okay dad, I don't want to die silly either. One more dad! Just now when we went to the hospital, our car had passed a black Hyundai Santa Fe 4WD SUV. I remember because the car had an H logo on the front. I'm sure it's the Trio Killer car. Ezra, please check from now on every traffic camera for the causeway leading to the warehouse address I provided. The Killer Trio must have gone to the warehouse as well."

Avram replied: "Fine, I will help monitor the traffic cameras. Be careful Rayga!"

Rayga returns to using an invisible ring so that the Dark Assasins do not come to attack him simultaneously. Rayga will defeat them one by one to prevent them from burning the building.

Rayga took back the spirit knife belonging to the Dark Assasins warrior just now. A spirit knife belonging to a Dark Assasins warrior made by Genesis Enterprise. A Powerful class weapon that can increase the attack aura up to 3x. No Elements.

When Rayga sees a Dark Assassins warrior, Rayga throws a spirit knife that has been given a 50 cm dark attack aura and with a 3x increase the attack power increases to 150 cm.

While the Dark Assasins soldiers on guard are different from the elite Dark Assasins soldiers who have an aura of up to 25 cm. The average ordinary soldier only has a maximum aura of protection of 10 cm. Easily the throwing knife killed the ordinary soldiers.

Rayga took the second knife from the Dark Assasins warrior he killed and put it away. Then Rayga hid the soldier's corpse so that it would not be seen by his other comrades.

The spirit knife is easier to throw long distance than Rusty's sword. If he uses a rumble ball, then the guard soldiers will see him when the rumble ball out of range, the spirit ring is invisible.

Rayga is very smart and a good strategist in fighting and killing. Rayga uses all the weapons he finds in the field and develops his own. All these skills Rayga learned from the combined teaching of Diata, Proto-One then Augustina, Proto-Four and Trinh, Proto-Seven. The three were the former cyborgs that produced by Mikaelson Corporation.

Rayga began guerrilla tactics to kill the Dark Assasins' soldiers one by one. Nothing was missed. After 15 minutes, Rayga finally managed to kill the remaining twelve Dark Assasins.

Rayga guards the hospital building alone and makes sure no one sets fire. Rayga deliberately did not release the prisoners of the Supernatural League so that they would not become obstacles in fighting, let alone become living hostages.

Rayga thought, as long as he could guard the building until morning and wait for the Spirit Enforcers of the High Spiritual Council to arrive, then his task was done. 

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