Remnant's Reckoning

By theone799

679 30 6

Jaune's life was always a hell. He was denied training from his parents or clan for all his life, and he was... More


679 30 6
By theone799

Jaune stood in the moonlit night atop Beacon Academy rooftops. The stars were barely visible through the haze that draped the city of Vale, a faint glimmering hope in the dark sky. He had always found peace here, away from the constant scrutiny, bullying, and expectations below. But tonight was different. Tonight, he was not alone by choice but by summon—a request from his partner, Pyrrha Nikos, one of the most respected and capable students at Beacon. A figure he had come to know as his friend but to others was the legendary Invincible Girl, as invincible as the metal that made his family legendary.

Pyrrha approached him slowly, her footsteps silent against the stone. Her face, usually warm and inviting, was drawn into a serious, contemplative expression. Jaune couldn't help but feel uneasy; Pyrrha's demeanor suggested this was no casual meeting.

"Jaune," she began, her voice steady but laced with concern that made his heart sink. "I've been thinking about how you've been treated by Cardin. It's not right. Why don't you stand up to him?"

Her question hung heavily between them. Jaune hesitated, feeling the weight of his secret—one he had guarded fiercely since his arrival at Beacon. Trusting her, he took a deep breath and decided to tell his partner. "Pyrrha, I... I haven't been entirely honest about how I got into Beacon. I used fake transcripts."

The reaction was immediate and fierce. Pyrrha's face contorted into a mix of rage and betrayal. "You're a fraud, Jaune!" she exclaimed, stepping closer, her voice rising. "How could you deceive everyone like this?"

Before he could explain, defend himself, or even retreat, Pyrrha lunged forward. Her training took over, her movements sharp and precise, each strike a blur. Jaune, unprepared and unwilling to fight back against what he thought was a friend, was quickly overwhelmed.

It wasn't long before the members of Team RWBY and the rest of Team JNPR arrived. Weiss Schnee, upon seeing Pyrrha attack Jaune, jumped to a conclusion. "He must have sexually assaulted her!" she declared, her voice tinged with disgust. Without waiting for clarification, she joined Pyrrha.

Caught in a storm of confusion and hurt, Jaune couldn't find the words to defend himself. The situation spiraled as Nora, fueled by anger and the urge to protect her teammate, moved to inflict her own brand of justice. Only when Ren intervened, his voice calm yet firm, did the onslaught pause.

"What happened here?" Ren asked, looking between Pyrrha and Jaune.

Through heaving breaths, Pyrrha exposed the truth of Jaune's admission about his fake transcripts.

"He's a faker! We worked hard to earn our way here, and he fakes transcripts to get in, putting all of us in danger!" Pyrrha yelled.

The revelation sparked a wave of anger from the gathered students. The insults flew—"faker," "disgrace," "cheater"—each word a dagger to Jaune's heart. Even Ren, who had initially stepped in to mediate, joined the chorus of condemnation.

Left bruised and beaten, both physically and emotionally, Jaune lay on the rooftop, the group's footsteps receding into the distance. Alone and vulnerable, he was soon found by Cardin Winchester, the very person he had hoped would never learn his secret. With a cruel smile, Cardin offered Jaune a deal—an opportunity to keep his secret safe in exchange for his submission.

"Hey, Jauney Boy, it seems a goody two shoes such as yourself has the ability to commit a crime even I wouldn't. But let's make a deal: I will keep my mouth shut, and in return, you be my slave," Cardin said.

"Never! I am an Arc; I won't be a slave to anyone," Jaune said.

The next day, Jaune's world turned even grimmer. Cardin, true to his word, spread the news about Jaune's fraudulent entrance into Beacon. The news traveled fast, and soon Jaune became a pariah, subjected to ridicule and physical harassment not just from students but tacitly allowed by some faculty members, including the stern Professor Goodwitch, who seemed to take a severe stance on his deceit.

They allowed him to get beaten past his aura. Beaten by the students. The students claimed his tests and homework as their own and even tried to kill him on multiple occasions.

The culmination of these events led to a trial with the Vale council. The verdict was nearly sealed—expulsion and a potential sentence to Gu Prison, a fate that terrified Jaune.

Jaune met his sister Alex and Jean, who told him that it was the Arc Clan that used their influence to get this sentence while he was getting ready to be moved.

However, as the gavel was about to seal his fate, an unexpected figure burst into the holding cells—his fiancée, a powerful and influential woman from a clan from Mistral that was an ally to the Arc Clan, had saved him. Having him put under house arrest in their clan instead for a year. Beacon and the Arc Clan were mad.

Now Jaune found himself in a lab trying to synthesize a metal to counter the Arc Clan's indestructible metal, Orichalcum.

Suddenly, tiny sparkling particles began to emanate from the core of the experiment. They fluttered around the lab like fireflies, each particle radiating a power that seemed to bend the very fabric of reality.

"What the...?" Jaune said, awestruck.

"Analysis suggests these are a byproduct of the Partasium synthesis. Their energy signature is... unprecedented," JARVIS said as Jaune extended his hand, and one of the particles danced around his fingers. He thought about his face wound given to him by Baldor Arc, his own uncle, for disgracing the Arc Clan, being gone, and as if reading his mind, the particles glowed, and Jaune felt a burning sensation in his chest near his heart. He felt the remains of the cut on his face that carved "Arc Disgrace" disappear. He looked at the mirror, worried to see his wound healing.

"What the? These particles... They're responding to my thoughts. This is... incredible," Jaune said as he looked at the particles and thought of a cheeseburger, and once again, they materialized. "And they healed me," Jaune said in awe. 'What have I created?' He thought.

"Caution, Sir. We don't know what they can do. These particles could potentially alter matter and energy at a fundamental level," JARVIS said as Jaune grinned.

"They're more than just particles, JARVIS. They're a new frontier. Imagine the possibilities," Jaune said as he thought of a glass, and the particles made a glass. "JARVIS, run a full scan on these particles. I want to know everything—how they're formed, how they work, and what they can do."

"Initiating scan now, Sir," JARVIS said as his series of advanced sensors and instruments whirred into action, analyzing the particles in real-time. Data streams in rapidly, filling the screens with complex readings and theories.

"Analysis complete, Sir. The particles exhibit extraordinary properties. They appear to be a form of exotic matter, generated as a byproduct of the Partasium synthesis. When you were trying to make a metal that will allow you

to compete with the Arc Clan's Orichalcum, these particles are by-products of this. It seems the metal you were testing on and found as a child in a cave is the same metal from the fairy tale of the maidens and the Relic made by the brother Gods. The synthesized metal, now dubbed Jaunium, by-products, the Jaune Particles' structure allows them to interact with both matter and energy at what is theorized to be a quantum level," JARVIS says as Jaune listens intently, his mind racing with the implications.

"Furthermore, they demonstrate the ability to respond to cognitive stimuli—thoughts and desires, effectively materializing them into reality. This could be due to a unique resonance with the human brain's neural patterns," JARVIS says.

"So, they're not just particles; they're like... reality fabricators?" Jaune says in awe, his mind thinking of millions of applications.

"In a manner of speaking, yes, Sir. Additionally, their interaction with space-time is unusual. They could potentially bend or even fold space-time, allowing for theoretical time travel or timeline manipulation," JARVIS says as Jaune's eyes widen in disbelief and excitement.

"Time travel? You're telling me these little guys can mess with time? As in true time travel, not using a different space or realm where time flows differently and you can go to a certain point by using said realm as a gateway but actually having the ability to effectively reverse or travel through time?" Jaune says.

"Yes, Sir. But I must caution against unchecked experimentation. The ramifications could be unpredictable," JARVIS says.

"Got it. Anything else these particles can do?" Jaune says.

"Their energy patterns suggest the ability to alter or rewrite certain physical laws. This includes gravitational, electromagnetic, and strong and weak nuclear forces. They can potentially destroy matter at a fundamental level," JARVIS says.

"Incredible... With this kind of power, we could revolutionize the world. Energy, medicine, technology... there's no limit," Jaune says thoughtfully.

"Or the harm they could do," JARVIS replies.

"Always the voice of reason, J. All right, let's keep the crazy train grounded. But let's take a crack at a few experiments first. Let's test out what these particles can really do. And more importantly, JARVIS, let's make sure no one else can use them. Just me," Jaune says.

"Implementing such a restriction will require a unique identifier, Sir. Something intrinsically linked to you," JARVIS says as Jaune ponders for a moment, then an idea strikes him.

"What if we tie their activation to my... essence? My soul, consciousness, and thought patterns. Make them responsive only to me. That way, even if someone else tried to use them, even in my body, it wouldn't work," Jaune says.

"An intricate proposition, Sir. But theoretically feasible. We will need to encode your neural signature into the particles' operating matrix," JARVIS says.

"There's no harm in trying," Jaune says and prepares himself, focusing his thoughts and intentions on the particles.

Jaune then concentrates deeply, "Okay, Jaune Particles, from now on, you work for Jaune and Jaune alone. You respond to my soul, my consciousness, my thoughts. No one else's." Jaune says. As he speaks, the particles begin to glow more intensely, their light pulsating in sync with Jaune's thoughts. It's as if they're alive, responding to his command, understanding his intent.

"The particles are responding. Their energy signature is aligning with your neural pattern. Encoding is in progress," JARVIS says as Jaune watches, fascinated, as the particles swirl around him, their light growing steadier, more focused. It's a beautiful, almost ethereal sight, as if he's surrounded by a constellation of tiny stars.

"It worked, didn't it?" Jaune says, smiling.

"Affirmative, Sir. The Jaune Particles are now uniquely keyed to you. No other individual can activate or utilize them. Even if your body is taken over or new ones are synthesized, they will still follow the rules you have set," JARVIS says as Jaune smiles and feels a sense of accomplishment. He's created something extraordinary, something that could change the world, but only he can control it. No matter what The Arc Clan, Ozpin, Beacon, the Vale Council, Atlas, Atlas's council or even the rest of Patras Clan does they will never be able to use the Particles, and any new ones made will be keyed to his essence and his alone.

"This is just the beginning, JARVIS. We've got a lot of work to do. Let's start exploring the full extent of what these particles can do. But carefully, one step at a time," Jaune said, thinking of the possibilities. Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

"Hey, JARVIS, I've got a new idea. You know the Iron Man suit from the Iron Man comic I made you based on?" Jaune asked.

"Yes," Jarvis replied intrigued.

"With this, I can fulfill my dreams of being a superhero and help Esdeath, my fiancée, the only person who took me in after my former family, the ARC Clan, kicked me out, even going as far as to break off her friendship with my former sister Jean Arc after she tried to convince Esdeath to break the marriage and marry that fat, ugly blob, Jackson Arc. While I can have the particles materialize a variant of a suit from the comics, why not use the particles themselves?" said Jaune.

"You're suggesting a direct application of Partas Particles for the formation of a suit from a piece of fiction?" JARVIS said.

"Yeah let's try it..." Jaune was cut off.

"Wait, sir," Jarvis said.

"Wait what why, Jarvis?" Jaune asked.

"Let's discuss everything first. The Particles' ability to respond to cognitive commands would allow for instantaneous suit materialization and adaptation," JARVIS replies as Jaune begins sketching out the idea using his holograms to plan a dispenser, his excitement evident on his face.

"We'll need a dispenser mechanism – small, efficient, and portable. Something that can be integrated into my clothes or even worn as a bracelet. With a mere thought, I can be in full Iron Man-like armor, ready for any situation. I won't ever be helpless like in Beacon again. We should make a few that blend seamlessly with everyday attire and maybe some that can serve as distractions," Jaune says.

"I'll begin designing the dispenser. We'll need to ensure it's capable of housing and deploying the particles effectively," JARVIS replies as Jaune nods.

"And since these particles are keyed to me, no one else could use this technology, even if they got their hands on the dispenser. It's a game-changer, JARVIS. We're talking about a suit that can adapt to any scenario, repair itself, and transform its weaponry in real-time," Jaune says.

"Indeed, Sir. The implications for field adaptability and combat efficiency are substantial," JARVIS says. "But not only that, as seen from the particles healing you, you can heal yourself of any injury, generate water, food, and oxygen if needed, and even create weapons," JARVIS adds as Jaune nods, thinking of all the possible outcomes.

"And while you are at it, Sir, the particles could theoretically enable

the creation of a suit with properties previously deemed impossible. For instance, an imaginary metal with unique attributes specifically designed for an Iron Man-like suit," Jarvis says as Jaune leans in, intrigued by the suggestion.

"Consider weight control. You could manipulate the weight of the suit to be virtually weightless for flight and movement. Conversely, by increasing the mass and density, your physical strikes could have significantly enhanced impact. Essentially, you could adjust the suit's properties on demand," JARVIS says.

"So, I could be light as a feather when I need to be fast and heavy as a tank when I need to pack a punch. That's incredible," Jaune says. "This will make even the Arc orichalcum look like an antique. Orichalcum will be yesterday's news," Tony adds his hate for the Arc's showing.

Just as Jaune was about to continue, he heard the door open and turned, only to turn red and have blood spew from his nose as he saw his fiancée, Esdeath, walk in wearing a see-through nightgown.

"You know, dear... I was expecting you in OUR chambers a few hours ago, but it seems like always you get too busy in your work. Are you sure you wanted to be a huntsman? You look like you enjoy time in our labs more than the mission and training," Esdeath purred as Jaune shivered when she was behind him licking his ear.

"Esdeath... Babe? I made a discovery," Jaune stuttered, trying so hard not to give in to his desires but to keep his mind focused. Esdeath stopped.

"Your lucky I love you Jaune. Who would have thought that I, a Patras Clan member, would kill all the Elders including my own father for someone who was deemed weak by the Arc Clan? But I'm happy I did. You were the only one who comforted me when I was a child and my father would beat and abuse me if I showed any sign of weakness, any sign of being a girl. He didn't want a daughter; he wanted a legacy. I told my uncles, aunts, mums, hell even Jean, my own friend, agreed and told my father I was complaining, and I was beaten. And then I met you, a boy who wasn't trained, a boy too weak to be trained, the Arc disgrace. But you didn't get jealous that I was being trained or complain about having something you didn't. You hugged me and said I will be there for you if others, your family, your friends, won't be. And it was that day I broke my clan's most ancient rule of forsaking love for power and fell in love with you. Thanks, Jaune. I love you for making me not be a monster like my father that I would have turned out to be," Esdeath said, stepping back as Jaune frowned, his memory of Esdeath's father still haunting him.

"So, Babe, how about you show me what you developed?" Esdeath asked as Jaune smiled.

"Sure," Jaune said as he imagined a suit. The particles, responding to his command, began to swirl and converge around him, glowing with an intense, ethereal light. In a flash, he felt the forming of the suit around him. Jaune envisioned the suit JARVIS described earlier – made of a hypothetical, adaptive metal, capable of weight and density manipulation. As his thoughts became more precise, the particles started to shine, and a sleek, Iron Man-like suit formed around him, the JauneParticles still hovering around and following him. He then turned toward his fiancée. "So, what do you think?" he asked.

A/N1: Jaune will not have a harem

A/N2: Make sure to comment below.

A/N3: I will try to update weakly but no promises.

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