Ripples | Miraculous Ladybug...

By saleo886

43.3K 1.4K 505

For as long as she could remember, (Y/n) knew life behind the lens of camera. Capturing the world and its bea... More

Origins: Stoneheart Part 1
Origins: Stoneheart Part 2
(Y/n) Hero Information
Stormy Weather
The Bubbler
The Pharaoh
Lady Wifi
Little Shoutout
Mr. Pigeon
Dark Cupid

The Mime

378 17 1
By saleo886

"Alright, put posters over the school. How are things going on your end?" (Y/n) told Kim, holding her phone tightly as she ran through the streets. Dashing and darting through crowds as she made her way to Marinette's. The election was coming to a close this week and they wanted to put their best effort out there until the very end. Just like their competitors.

"Great! The last of the cards are being made right now, we'll pass them out Monday. I think we have a real shot here."

"Yeah, possibly. Just remember we're only here because you were brave enough to put yourself out there. You should be proud of yourself. I know I am. Who knows what might have happened if you didn't."

"You really know how to sweet talk a guy." Kim teased but through this time of getting to know (Y/n), whether she did it unconsciously or not, but she had a way with words. She always seemed to know the exact words someone needed to hear. Those honey laced words of hers that stirred anyone's hearts. It was no wonder so many looked up to her.

"You call it sweet talk, I call it encouragement. Anyway, are you going to Mylene's dad performance tonight?"

"Yeah, see you there, right?"

"Yup, see you later." (Y/n) smiled as the call ended, things were going smooth for their small campaign. Even if it didn't mean much to her, she was glad to see Kim happy and doing something more than sports. Breaking out of the stereotypical box everyone else put him in and showing there was a lot more to him than met the eye. Regardless of what Chloe said to everyone, no one put him down but they lifted him up. Empathizing with his fear as they all felt it and it wasn't anything to be embarrassed about. Which gave Kim even more confidence in this small campaign. So no matter who won and who didn't, (Y/n) knew that he would be changed in one way or another.

She was ecstatic about it all.

And he wouldn't be the only one changed by this. (Y/n) supposed change was the horizon, even if it wasn't her own choice, she knew coming back to Paris was the best thing. She would cherish as long as she could.

Soon her running came to an end, entering Marinette's family bakery, greeted by Marinette's mom. It was clear where the teenage girl got most of her looks from.

"Hey, Mrs. Cheng, I'm here for Marinette. She wanted to go to the show together tonight."

"Ah, you must be (Y/n). Marinette has talked a lot about you." Sabine says, only catching herself after the words escaped her mouth. "Please forget I said that. Marinette is still sensitive around it. She means well."

"Don't worry, already forgotten it." (Y/n) says. "Either way, Marinette is a lovely girl. I know how she gets when she's flustered or embarrassed. She's still getting used to being around me as just a friend, so I rather keep it like that way for now."

Sabine smiles, seeing what her daughter saw in this girl. The kindness and maturity she exalted; she would be a keeper in her eyes. At least, if it ever came to that.

"She's right upstairs in her room."

"Thanks Mrs. Cheng." (Y/n) said, almost running up the flight of stairs and soon making her way to Marinette's room. She popped her head through the door, looking around at the room that had Marinette written all over it. Pushing the floor door open more and stepping into the room, she took a look around at the very pink decorations. A bit too much for her own taste but it suited Marinette well. (Y/n) slowly made her over to Marinette's desk, seeing the wall of pictures of Marinette with friends, family, etc. She picked up one in particular, wondering when this was taken.

"(Y/n)?! When did you get here?"

"Just now. Am I here early?"

"No! I mean, no, right on time." Marinette took a deep breath, steadying her nerves as best as she could. Telling herself again and again that this was nothing more than friends hanging out. No matter what other feelings were involved, they were friends. Marinette was fine, especially after the voicemail she left for (Y/n). She was glad to still be in (Y/n)'s life than outcasted for one wrong move. "What were you doing before this?"

"Kim and I were getting the last things together for the election. He's pretty excited for this." (Y/n) told her, a small smile tugging on her lips. "And just because me, you, and Alya are friends doesn't mean I'll go easy on you guys. Kim wants to win so I'll do my best to help him."

"I wouldn't want special treatment anyway. I want to win fair and square."

"Good, may the best person win."

The two shared a smile, their competitiveness shining through for a moment. Before their attention was directed elsewhere, the door to Marinette's room bursting open.

"You would not believe what happened to me!" Alya said, happily barging into Marinette's room before pausing a moment. Her excitement dying down a bit as her eyes met (Y/n)'s and then turning to Marinette. "Oh, hey (Y/n), didn't realize you were here."

"Yeah, Marinette asked if I wanted to go to the performance tonight with her." Alya gave Marinette a small look, impressed that the girl that once stumbled over her words and could hardly be in (Y/n)'s presence now had the guts to ask (Y/n) to hang out. Even be in the same room with (Y/n) without freaking out.

Marinette shyly shrugged at Alya, her cheeks slightly flushed as her eyes unconsciously fell on (Y/n). Ever since their talk about the embarrassing voicemail Marinette left, Marinette felt at ease with (Y/n). That there didn't need to be this big pressure between them. If anything, it was almost a reminder to Marinette to slow down. To take a breathe and just hang out with (Y/n) as friends. And if it was to develop into something, well Marinette wouldn't be opposed to that, in fact she would explode with sheer joy at the mere thought of it happening.

"Anyway, what happened?"

"Last night, I finally got an interview with Artemis. I thought she forgot she promised me one but she didn't! And it finally happened last night, I am the first journalist to get a scoop on the one and only Artemis Fawn. Can you believe it?!" Alya asked, freaking out as she kept going on and on about it. Showing them the video she got, highlighting every piece as she continued to geek out about it.

"That's amazing, Alya!"

(Y/n) looked on in happiness, seeing one of her friends bursting at the seams. Truthfully, (Y/n) was waiting for the right moment to do the interview. She needed to find a night where it was unbroken peace, where she didn't have to worry about an akuma attack or anything else from her personal life. And last night happened to align perfectly, one small letter was it took to get Alya's attention. And the rest of the night was spent answering questions from the aspiring journalist.

"I know right! No one else has gotten the scoop yet on her. And she barely sticks around for journalists. I might have to start a new blog now, just for her."

"Why don't you rename your blog? It doesn't just have to be about Ladybug, you could feature all the heroes of Paris. They all deserve the same love and attention, right?" (Y/n) suggested, as touched as she was, she didn't quite need all that. But more than anything, it felt like the news were mainly focused on herself or Ladybug, most almost ignoring Cat Noir. Like they wrote him off as more of sidekick than anything. She wanted to change that around, so the trio was equals than opposites.

"I could...that might work. I could have a page for each hero."

And there it was, a small nudge in the right direction that would easily change some perspectives around. Now it was only a matter of time before journalists chased after Cat Noir too. He deserved that much.

"Thanks for the idea, (Y/n)!"

"Anytime." The ideas were already flowing through Alya's head, the nights ahead might be long. But they would be worth it, maybe even generate even more traffic to her website.

Soon, Mylene and her dad, Fred, came up to Marinette's room. Picking up the hat Fred left to be repaired for the show tonight.

"(Y/n)? You're here?" Mylene asked, while Marinette handed off the hat. The reserved girl knew of Marinette's crush on (Y/n)...well, mostly everyone knew about at this point. They knew how Marinette could act around (Y/n) and yet, Marinette showed no signs of falling apart at the seams. Though, Mylene had to give credit where credit was due, (Y/n) did have a soothing effect on people.

"Marinette and I were going to hang out a bit before the play tonight. Even walk there together."

"Oh, got it. Well, you're going to like it! After all, it stars the most talented, amazingly, awesome, actor, and mime. My father." It was the first time any of them saw Mylene as animated and loud as she was now. She was breaking out of her shell and it was nice to see. And how such a relationship could exist.

Bit by bit, everyone left, Fred needing to go to the bus, as Alya and Mylene followed shortly after. Leaving (Y/n) and Marinette alone once more.

"Well, you want to start walking there? Maybe grab some food?"

"Yes!" Marinette shouted, before shrinking back. An embarrassed flush making it's way on her cheeks. "Yes, that would be fun."

"You don't have embarrassed. Be as excited as you want."

"How do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Be amazing. You know how to say all the right words. You know how to put people at ease. That they're fine just the way they are." (Y/n) smiled as they made their way down. To hear such words. For someone to notice that and say it.

"I'm not that amazing, Marinette." (Y/n) began, rubbing the back of her neck. "I just know what it feels like when you can't do anything right. When you can't even be comfortable in your own skin."

"(Y/n)...." Marinette began, her heart breaking at the words (Y/n) spoke. Maybe for the first time, Marinette saw a new side to (Y/n). A vulnerable and insecure side. Like (Y/n) wasn't some perfect person or a perfect life. If anything, Marinette wanted to know more, to see more of this (Y/n). At least if the teen would allow it. "You know you have friends, right? People who care about you?"

"I know." (Y/n) said, if anything she meant, she was beginning to see that. To see that people were on her side. That they would support her. "It's just...."

"You don't need to hold it in., none of us will judge. We won't look at you any differently."

"That means a lot-" But before (Y/n) could finish, something caught their attention; a commotion, the sound of fighting. Marinette excused herself first, telling (Y/n) to find cover. Not the best way to go off and be a superhero but (Y/n) knew no one else might think similar. It gave her the perfect getaway, sneaking off from prying eyes.

"Antlers out."

Ladybug was already out and (Y/n) soon joined her side, deflecting the invisible arrows, trying to protect civilians when a car stopped inches from them.

Their eyes met for a moment as the window rolled down. Adrien looking at her, as if searching for a confirmation. Searching for answers to all his hypotheticals. But the moment was cut short when the car was shot, making Adrien, Nathalie, and his bodyguard flee for cover.

"Alright, Ladybug, any bright ideas? Otherwise this is just going to be a stand off."

"I just know the Akuma is in his hat."

"Did you discover a new found power I don't know about?" (Y/n) asked, joking around which Ladybug laughed at too. After Ladybug finally apologized, after they finally getting to be on the same terms, their own training sessions began. Their relationship mending bit by bit.

"Something like that. I also might know who he's after. He's one of the actors in that mime show tonight. They should have a bus driving to the show now."

"So you did get a new power." All jokes aside, (Y/n) could tell by the hat it was Mylene's father, the very one Marinette helped fix and added that pocket. If she were to guess, the photo in the hat was the item where the akuma was. But it looked like Ladybug was quick to figure it out, which (Y/n) was glad for. Meant the time they invested was paying off. "Alright, well, maybe we let him hunt them down."

"And put the entire troupe endanger?" Ladybug asked, as they dodged the arrows incoming. They watched as he changed up his weapon, miming a bazooka, making them run for out of the way.

"No, I was thinking about setting up a little trap. If you catch my drift?" It took a moment for Ladybug to figure it out, when she knew, a small smile grew as she nodded her head. And with that, Mime managed to lasso (Y/n), pulling her towards him as she tried to wriggle out of his grasp. At least until an outstretched pole hit Mime's side.

"Keep those hands to yourself, clown." Cat Noir said, joining the two at their side. He smirked at (Y/n), as if awaiting praise for helping her. "Now I'd say that's purrfect timing."

"Always with the puns. But you did good, kitty." (Y/n) said, readying an arrow as she shot it towards Mime only for it to hit something. He mimed some bars, clinking them as he toss away the invisible key. But while it may be an obstacle, it was the perfect thing for them. Mime drove away in his invisible car, the bars disappearing. "Alright, now we have a bus to find."

"Wait, what did I miss? Why aren't we going after the villain?" (Y/n) and Ladybug looked at each other, smiling a little. Before patting Cat Noir on his shoulder, despite his growing confusion.

"You'll pick it up Cat Noir. Now follow us."

"Wait, when do you two get all chummy?" Neither of them responded, only leaping onto a nearby roof and tracking down the bus. Which all in all was easy, between Ladybug knowing some of the route and the logos on the bus helped finding it between everything.

Having the bus pull over by the Eiffel Tower, they managed to get them to safety, setting up a trap. In the midst of it, Chris admitting to the part he played in getting Fred akumatized. A matter to deal with later.

With everything in place, they waiting as Mime found the bus and Cat Noir flung into action. Distracting the man as they faced off, dueling each other. (Y/n) took her place on the tower, aiming down the hat and with a small breathe, she let go her arrow. And it soon hit its target as Ladybug grabbed the hat, tearing the picture in two and purifying the akuma. The well known ladybugs flew through the city, cleaning up the messes and putting everything back to normal.

"Pound it!" The trio said, this time they all on the same page with no hidden emotions.

Now, with everything back to normal, they could take the night off and enjoy themselves at the show.


"Alright, let's try something new today. We're going to fence." (Y/n) said, summoning two arrows in her hands, pointing one at Cat Noir. She twirled the arrow in her other hand, smugly smirking at him, like she was tempting him to attack first. "We all have our strengths and styles that fit us personally. I saw how you fought against Darkblade so I think we found something for you. At least a starting point."

"Oh? Are you sure about this? I'm pretty good at fencing, even take lessons."

"Don't worry about me. I can handle myself. So come at me, kitty cat." With that Cat Noir, lunged at her, swinging his bo staff which (Y/n) parried. The two continued going back and forth, Cat Noir focusing on offense while (Y/n) kept to the defensive. "

"We won't get anywhere if you all you is defend yourself."

"Did you already forget about what I taught you?" (Y/n) asked, scoffing at his antics. With his next incoming attack, she blocked it once more and pushed him away, at least just enough to put some distance between them. "Sometimes you just need to wait for an opening. Sooner or later, it does appear or you'll end up exhausting your opponent. When they put all their energy attacking, they don't see the full picture."

"Meaning?" Cat Noir asked, before taking a small step back and found his back literally against a wall. Even when she wasn't attacking, she had pushed him in a tough spot. She was controlling the whole situation even when it didn't seem like it.

"That." (Y/n) told him, throwing her arrow at him. He could feel as it glided through the air, landing mere inches from his head. Taking off a few hairs and cutting his mask ever so slightly. "Next time, you might not be so lucky."

"How do you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Do all this. Beat me each time and make it look so effortless." Cat Noir asked, sighing in defeat. He almost wondered what would become of him and Ladybug if (Y/n) hadn't be there. If she hadn't extended her helping hand, if she never even showed up in the first place. No matter how many spars, there was few times he could recount ever getting close to crossing the line that laid between them.

"It's time and practice. Believe me, it was hard at first for me too."

"I doubt that."

"Believe it, there was once a time that I could barely shoot a straight arrow. Much less get to hit any target, they would always fly anywhere but where I wanted them to be. But bit by bit, I got better through practice. Right now, all you have to do is take what you learn in your lessons and see it in a different lens. Let me offer this advice, our powers work with us. They are to support our need and can change if we allow it. Example, I use my arrows like short swords, most wouldn't think otherwise. You can change your weapon...your outfit, everything. The only thing holding you back is yourself."

"How did you figure all this out?"

"A lot of experimentation. I also looked to my Kwami for help."

"Doubt Plagg would help me, all he cares about is camembert cheese."

"You should ask him. But maybe in the meantime, I'll give you some homework. Start thinking outside the box, get creative, and come up with a few ideas for your powers. Next training session, we'll try them."

Cat Noir stood there a moment, wanting to say something. Wanting to ask her a question, one deeper than merely training. To ask her if she ever wondered who he was. Because he did. He wondered if his theory was correct, if he actually knew the girl behind the mask. But instead, he only nodded in response. After a few more rounds of sparring they went they're separate ways, Cat Noir heading back to his home while (Y/n) lingered.

"Antlers in." As her costume faded away and Stagg hovered over her shoulder, she passing him a bag of assorted nuts, containing some of his favorites like pecans, chestnuts, and such. Between berries and nuts, it always made him a happy Kwami.

"How did today go?"

"He knows, Stagg. I can see it in his eyes."

"What are you going to do?"

"The truth would eventually come out, so I shouldn't be surprised right? I know their identities, wouldn't it be fair to tell them? If anything tell Adrian?"

"It would be fair. But I think the better question is, would he change how he acts around you? If he can be professional when you are both under the mask, then tell him. If you don't think he's ready for that, then you can't say anything."

It was always hard to separate two live two different identities. She knew that. She knew what it mean to have allies who were both friends as heroes and in normal life. Feelings get mixed in, people begin to worry too much, the two identities clashing, and the result isn't always the best.

(Y/n) knew that. And she knew in her mind what the best decision was. Her heart on the other hand didn't, wanting to let it out. Conflicting opinions but she had to make the choice. Even if she or even Adrian may not like it.

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