My Blue Punk

By Eri_cham_

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Mikey was hated by his family from the moment he was born. He was raised beliveing he was all alone but, afte... More

prologe (1)
prologe (2)


98 2 0
By Eri_cham_

They were staring at eachother's eyes in compleat silance. Blue agaisnt blue. Their boddys close, toching, almost fused together somehow. The admosphere felt warm and confortable but slowly it was just getting hoter and hoter...

Mikey woke up to the smell of pankeke. He loved that smell.
He hated waking up from that dream.

He looked at the clock. It was earlyer then he expected, eigth thirty in the morning.
He stood up, looked around and noticed MC was still sleeping. He thought for a second to go back to sleep but he didn't feel like it...
Mikey started walking slowly to the door and opened it. He made his way to the bathroom to clean his face. On his way there he noticed just Swift's room had the door open. That didn't confirm swift was the only one up beside himself but mikey felt nerveous anyway. He couldn't stop thinking about what MC told him last nigth and before he even noticed he bumped into someone.

Swift: Mikey?

Mikey looked up and then noticed the situation, his souroundings. He somehow made his way into the kitchen after visiting the bathroom. Swift was making pankekes, he was wearing his pijama and a funny apron that seid "kiss the sexy cooker"... What a couincodance.
The silance was mortal while they stared eachother. Mikey tourned red but didn't moved at all. They were so close and suddenly, flashes from mikey's dream started to apear.

Swift: are you ok, honey?

Shit, he started too much. He had to step away from whatever he was doing. Mikey quikly steped backwords, thing that Swift didn't seem to like but didn't complain.

Mikey: y-yeah! Sorry! Em... What are you doing?

Swift: i was making some pankekes but i think i'mna keep staring at you, what ya think?

Was that a joke or a flirt? Mikey got really blushed. What was happening with him?! He wasn't like that! He was Michelangelo, the stupid guy who was sopos to be spending a long weekend with his best friends, not flirting with one of them!!
He looked at swift who decided to keep on with the pankekes before they get burned. Again, MC's words came back to him and his mouth speacked by itself.

Mikey: swift.

Swift: yeah pumpkin?

Mikey: could you give me a tattoo?

The boy stoped for a second and looked at mikey puzzled. He then looked at the pankekes and back at mikey. He left the spatula on a side and took off the apron. He walked close to mikey and crouches until they were the same hight.
Mikey was red again. Flashes from the dream. MC's words... His heart started poundong harder and then-

Swift: so you want a tattoo? Won't you'r dad finally kill you if i do so? Naughty boy?

That- somehow- tourned Mikey on. But no one needs to know. Seriously, what was going on?

Mikey: i don't care. I want one. I can pay it! I have some money i've been-

Swift: money it's not what i want from you.

Mikey: n-no?

Their faces were close and it seemed like swift was starting to lean on mikey but before mikey could say or do enything else, swift dropped his smile a little bit, looked away and went back to take care of the pankekes.
Mikey was upnset, why? Why was him upset? What did he want to happen?

Mikey: what about if i sing you a song!? One of my own!

He was talking without thinking, it was something weird. Why would swift listent to a stupid teenager sing in echange for a tattoo?

Swift: really? And what about if you tell me who is that "Your arms offer warmth, a fragile shield"?

His tone was jelous, really jelous. Like if he belived there was someone else. Mikey got really red and decided he had nothing to loose... Meybe just thoes pankekes because swift was taking too long to flip them over.

Mikey: what if i tell you that someone is... Em... You.

He froze. Looked at mikey and walked up to him showing the difacrence of hight, like trying to put pressure, it was working.

Swift: you'r jokeing.

Mikey: i wish i was.

There was silance. Siwft had his mouth open and not knowing at all what to do. Mikey understood in that moment that swift was as nerveous as he was. Maybe they were ment to be together after all? What a dum thought.

Mikey tryed to shake his thoughts away when he saw what he knew was ment to happen. The pankekes were smokeing.

Mikey: emm... Swift.

Swift: y-e- yeah? Whats up?

Mikey: the pankekes.

Swift: what's with them?

Mikey: they'r burning.

He tourned around and quikly tourned off the fire. He then looked at Mikey not knowing what to do at all.

Mikey: need help?

Swift: no- yeah...

He got closer and put the apron on. He then took the spatula and gentily pushed swift behind him to give him room to cook.

Mikey: go sit down if you want to. I can handle this.

Swift: and let you keep all the merit? No way... And, mikey...

Silance again. Mikey just weited for swidt to continue. This whole scene was weird and unatural for them. What the hell.
Swift decided to go on after some seconds of silance.

Swift: when we finish with this pankekes... Wanna talk about... Emm... You know?

No, he doesn't know. But he nooded anyways.


The pankekes were done. No one was awake yet. They ate a pankeke each and quikly took the closest box of cigarrets and a ligther. They opened the window and steped onto the emergency scape.
They sat on the metalic steps and took a cigarret each. Swift took the ligther first and ligthed his own, then ligthed mikey's.
After some drags in silance...

Swift: ok. What's got into you?

Mikey: what!?

Swift: you walked into the kitchen acting off and then you want a tattoo and you tell me i'm the one "Your arms offer warmth, a fragile shield". What's going on?

Mikey looked down and... He leaned his body agaisnt Swift's, who didn't complain.

Mikey: MC told me i'm hurting you because you like me...

Swift: he told you that?

Mikey: yeah... And i can't stop thinking about it...

There was now a short silance that felt like a milions years for mikey. He saw as swift took a long sip and continued talking.

Swift: i don't know what to say, hehe.

Mikey: take this seriously.

Swift: ok, sorry punpking... Em... Well, you are not hurting me if that's what's bogging you.

Mikey: so you do like me.

Swift: and about the song?

Silance again. This was harder then expected. Well... This wasn't sopose to happend at all.

Swift: you know what? Let's be honest. I don't like not saying what i really think, it pisses me off. Mieky, i like you, a lot. I think your awsome, smart, talented, creative and hot. I do want to be with you but after all that's happend with Adam and your dad i'm a bit unsure if to ask you out or not. After hearing you sing thoes lirics i thought maby there was someone else but i like beliveing it's me. And when you told me before it was i just... Colapsed a bit... I don't know...

Wow, that's called being honest. Mikey hugged Swift's arm and stayed silant for a bit hearing Swift's heart beat. When he was ready, he talked.

Mikey: you are the one i talk about in the song...

Swift leaned his head on mikey's.

Mikey: i'm sorry...

Swift: you don't have to be...

Mikey: but i do... I like you swift. But i don't think i'm good enough... For enyone... I don't think i'm smart, nor sexy, nor interesting at all... Adam hurted me beyond i want to accept and my dad never made me feel well with who i am. I don't wanna give you any trubble with that and... I don't know...

Enyone would think that silance was awkward but it was far from that.

Swift: what do you wanna get tattooed?

Mikey: a turtle.

Swift: any stile in mind?

Mikey: japonese style.

Swift: figured.

Mikey: you wanna hear a happy or sad song?

Swift: i don't care as long as i hear your voice.

Mikey: figured.

They kept smokeing for a while more until they both were finished and decided to go back. The rest of Swift's brothers were already eating breackfast and talking about what to do. Swift told them he would be tattooing mikey. That way, swift knew no one would interrup if he wants to spend time alone with mikey.
They went to Swift's room and closed the door.
No one complained.

As soon as they heared the door closed, MC put ten dollars on the table.

MC: ten dolars we hear them moan in ten minutes.

Rabel laugthed and put ten as well with a grim on his face.

Rabel: i bet they will take longer, i'd say half an houer- no, forty minutes!

Then followed Ghost who put ten dollars as well on the table.

Ghost: they won't make noice.

MC: then it's a bet! The winner takes thirty dollard!

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