๐€๐‹๐‹ ๐…๐Ž๐‘ ๐”๐’

Od celeneee2x

6.1K 260 4

"I'm taking it all for us, all... Doing it all for love..." ~ From a regular human, to a powerful immortal. ~ Vรญce

๐€๐‹๐‹ ๐…๐Ž๐‘ ๐”๐’
1: Meeting Him
2: Night of The Comet
3: Friday Night Bites
4: Family Ties
5: You're Undead To Me
6: Lost Girls
7: Haunted
8: 162 Candles
9: History Repeating
10: The Turning Point
11: Bloodlines
12: Unpleasantville
13: Children of the Damned
14: Fool Me Once
15: A Few Good Men
16: There Goes the Neighborhood
17: Let the Right One In
18: Under Control
19: Miss Mystic Falls
20: Blood Brothers
21: Isobel
22: Founder's Day
23: The Return
25: Bad Moon Rising

24: Brave New World

67 6 1
Od celeneee2x

Eliana laid asleep in her bed as the rising sun crept through her open window. The young girl slowly came awake as a throbbing headache made it's presence known. She had been found in the bathroom laying unconscious by her boyfriend. He didn't think twice before taking her out of the hospital and taking her home.

Damon sat at a distance where he simply examined the girls movement.

"What happened?" Eliana questioned as she held onto her head.

"I'm still trying to figure that out. I just found you passed out on the floor." Damon said getting Eliana to remember what had happened the night before.

"Katherine." Eliana said as she quickly sat up in bed with frantic eyes.

"Wait? You saw Katherine?" Damon questioned as he walked over to the girl.

"Yes, she... She said something about needing me... Something about luring somebody to Mystic Falls... Something about a deal." Eliana ranted as she brought her hand up to her head as it throbbed uncontrollably.

Concern. That is the first thing Eliana felt as Damon's touch landed on her. She looked up at the vampire in front of her and got lost within his mind. He was worried for Eliana and somehow the young girl could feel that.

"Eliana?" Damon questioned as he saw the young girl go into deep thought.

The young girl simply remained within Damon's mind. She then came upon another feeling. Rage. He was angry that Katherine was back and he had no plan to get rid of her.

"Eliana?!" Damon called out this time succeeding in returning Eliana back to the real world.

"What the hell is happening to me?" Eliana questioned as she quickly got up and ran over to the bathroom.

"Eliana? What's going on? What do you feel?" Damon questioned as he followed behind the young Gilbert girl.

"Your thoughts Damon... And your emotions... I can hear them... I can feel them." Eliana said as she shook her head slowly bringing her hand up to her temple once again.

Damon gave the young girl some space as his mind played back what the witch, he and Eliana went to visit in Georgia had said.

"She's the first ever Mikaelson doppelganger." Bree said as Damon turned to the girl that had a bright smile on her face. "She's the next powerful psychic." She said as her eyes remained on Eliana.

His eyebrows simply furrowed up as he realized that her psychic abilities had been triggered. Which brought him to the question of how.

"Let's take a seat and then you can tell me what happened before you went down at the hospital. Maybe we can figure out what's happening." Damon said as he took a hold of Eliana who simply kept her hold on her head.

The two walked out of the bathroom and took a seat beside one another on the bed.

"What do you remember?" Damon questioned as Eliana inhaled sharply and pushed Damon's feelings and thoughts away.

"I remember watching Jersey Shore in my hospital room after spending the whole day in Caroline's. Then I felt this feeling. The feeling I get when vampires are around but worse. It was more heavier and... And more diabolical. It was as if death had sat beside me and placed it's hand on my shoulder." Eliana said as she looked anywhere but Damon's eyes.

"Then what happened?" Damon questioned trying to figure out what triggered Eliana's abilities.

"I went into the bathroom to throw some cold water onto my face. That's when I looked in the mirror and saw her. She looked so much like Elena." Eliana said finally looking into Damon's eyes as he noticed how tired she looked.

"You saw Katherine." Damon said as Eliana nodded.

"She said I was the perfect combination just like Novalie... Beauty, Brains, and Bravery. That that was a problem for her." Eliana said as she went back to looking anywhere but Damon's eyes. "She said she wouldn't kill me yet because... First she needed me to lure someone to Mystic Falls so that she can plead a deal. Said that she'd be in contact with me." She added as Damon took in every piece of information.

"She was about to walk out and leave me there but... But something made her turn back. She said I had vampire blood in my system... That it was perfect. Then she simply placed my hand on her temple and I fell into a dark hole. I felt everything she had felt for over 500 years." Eliana said as her eyes started to water. "It's like I could feel what she felt." She added as Damon took a hold of her hand.

"Eliana." Damon said getting Eliana to look at him. "The reason you could feel her emotions and... And also feel mine is because you're a psychic. Which is probably a reason why you went down when the device went off. That witch we spoke to in Georgia, Bree, she told me you were to be the next powerful psychic. How did Katherine trigger your abilities? I have no clue but I will find out." He said as Eliana shook her head.

"This is to much Damon. I don't want to invade people's mind but I don't know how to control it. Like right now I can hear your thoughts and feel what you feel." Eliana said as Damon nodded and understood her.

"We will get you through this Eli. I promise you." Damon said before pulling the young girl into a tight hug.

Eliana walked into the hospital with shades on and earphones blocking out the noise. She didn't want to run into anybody and accidentally hear their thoughts. Therefore she took precaution and played some music in her ear. She entered her best friend's room and sent her a smile as Caroline looked at her in confusion.

"Eliana? What are you doing here? You can't be here!" Caroline stated as veins appeared underneath her eyes.

The newborn vampire was about to lose control as she caught a whiff of Eliana's blood. Luckily, Eliana was in direct sunlight coming from the window so Caroline couldn't attack.

"Caroline." Eliana stated as she noticed her best friend's state.

"Stay back. I don't want to hurt you but... But your blood is driving me crazy." Caroline said as Eliana quickly brought out her cellphone. "No don't call anybody please. Just... Just help me out." She said as her best friend froze looking at her.

"Caroline... I..." Eliana said as she fell speechless.

In reality, Eliana didn't know what to say or do. She simply wanted to help her best friend, but she didn't know how. Eliana simply decided to stay on one side of the room as her best friend stayed on the other with the sunlight between them as a border.

"Help me get out of here. I need to get out tonight. They're trying to keep me here until the morning but..." Caroline said as Eliana noticed what was going to happen.

"You can't go out in the sunlight. You don't have a daylight ring." Eliana said as she put the pieces together.

"Look let me call Damon and see if we can figure something out." The young girl said as Caroline quickly shook her head.

"No. Nobody can know. What if Damon uses me to protect himself and Stefan? You know... Like he did that girl, Lexi." Caroline said as Eliana shook her head slowly.

"He won't do that." Eliana said as Caroline looked at her sceptical.

Caroline was really afraid that someone was going to find out and end up telling her mother. That is what she was most scared of. Scared that her mother would find out. Especially since her mother was raised to hate vampires.

Eliana thought about a solution and came up short each time. Until a light bulb went out in her head.

"I have an idea." Eliana said as she fought through her headache and decided to walk towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Caroline asked her best friend as she followed along the line where the sunlight ended.

Eliana didn't say a thing and simply walked out to where the nurse was. She sent her a smile and asked if she could check on her best friend. The nurse was a bit confused from the suggestions, but Eliana got into her head and made her feelings change. She wasn't sure it would work until she saw the woman stand up from behind her desk and make her way into her best friend's room as if she were compelled.

"How are you doing sweetie? Is everything okay?" The nurse questioned as Eliana followed shortly behind her into the room.

"Caroline, you could compel her to let you go tonight." Eliana suggested as Caroline furrowed her eyebrows.

"I don't know if I can do that." Caroline said shaking her head as Eliana simply nodded.

"Yes, you can. All you have to do is focus and be sure of what you're telling her." Eliana said as Caroline inhaled deeply before turning to the nurse.

Damon walked into the Salvatore and went straight to serve himself a drink of human blood. He had been out all day trying to figure out how to help Eliana. Also trying to find a way to get rid of Katherine. Which had utterly frustrated him since he didn't have any progress.

Stefan soon joined him getting Damon to look up at him for a second.

"Would you care for one?" Damon questioned his brother as he finished pouring some blood from the hospital bag into his glass cup.

"No. Thank you. I'm not hungry. Just ate." Stefan said with a small sigh.

"Aren't you worried that one day all the forest animals are gonna band together and fight back? I mean, surely they talk." Damon stated as Stefan went to sit on the arm rest of the couch across from Damon.

"I'm just happy that's a, uh..." Stefan said as he pointed at the blood bag in Damon's hand. "A blood bag and not a sorority girl supplying your dinner." He said as Damon rolled his eyes before taking a big sip from his drink in hand.

"I like this. You walking on eggshells around me because you think I'm gonna explode. Although in reality I need to be worried about you. I heard that nasty wound that Katherine caused when she was here last night." Damon stated getting Stefan to sit up straight.

"You heard that?" Stefan questioned with furrowed eyebrows.

"Of course I did. She said and I quote, it's always been Damon." The older Salvatore said getting Stefan to inhale deeply. "But you don't have to worry about me brother. I've dismissed her the moment she got into town." He added before taking another sip of the drink in hand.

"Have you heard from her?" Stefan questioned getting Damon to shake his head slowly.

"Not since the hospital. Although..." Damon said before doing his drink and thinking whether to tell his brother or not. "I think the Lockwood's have a family secret because the Gilbert device affected them but vervain didn't, so they're not vampires. They're something else." He said trying to change the subject.

"Do you think Eliana is somewhat tied to them? She also went down with the Gilbert device remember. She did have something with Tyler over the summer... Maybe..." Stefan said before Damon interrupted him.

"No. Eliana is something different." Damon stated as Stefan furrowed his eyebrows.

"Wait. You know what Eliana is and why she went down?" Stefan questioned his brother who wanted to avoid that conversation with him.

"That's for me to know and for you, to..." Damon said before dismissing Stefan with a head shake. "You know the rest. I'll leave you to figure it out." He said before walking out of the living room.

Night had fallen and the sun had gone away. Eliana managed to get Caroline out of the hospital. Eliana was somehow using her psychic powers to keep Caroline from feeding on her. She was taking away that feeling of wanting to simply sink her teeth in her. Although she wasn't all that sure how it was working. In reality, Caroline was also trying really hard as she did not want to hurt her best friend. Yet she was starting to become really hungry.

Eliana had managed to convince Caroline to wait for her at the Salvatore Boarding house to keep her away from the people while she made her way to the carnival. She had been trying to reach Damon, but the older Salvatore had yet to answer. Therefore, she decided to head to the carnival and hope he was there.

"Damon!" Eliana called out getting the older Salvatore to turn from where his attention was placed.

"Eliana what are you doing here? Are you okay?" Damon asked as he separated from his brother who listened closely to their conversation.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I found a way to stay out of people's minds. I just have to mind my business." Eliana said with a small chuckle as Damon did the same.

"No, but seriously, Eli. Are you okay being here with all of these people? Does it not overwhelm you?" Damon questioned as Eliana shook her head softly.

"Somehow I can't hear their thoughts or feel their emotions unless I focus really hard. But you... I can hear everything." Eliana said getting Damon to furrow his eyebrows.

Stefan had been hearing their conversation and understood what Eliana and Damon were discussing. She was a psychic.

"Anyways... There's something I need your help with." Eliana said getting Damon to nod. "It's Caroline." She said getting Damon to furrow his eyebrows and get Stefan to turn to them.

"What's wrong with Caroline?" Damon questioned as Eliana turned to Stefan who was listening.

"I know you're listening Stefan." Eliana said getting Stefan to nod and come closer. "You know how you feed Caroline your blood." She said as Stefan simply nodded.

"Well, when Katherine paid me a visit, remember I told you about that overly dark feeling I had. The feeling of death sitting beside me." The young Gilbert girl said as Damon nodded, and Stefan listened closely to the new information. "Well, it turns out I sensed Caroline's death..." She said getting Stefan to furrow his eyebrows and Damon to put two and two together.

"Wait... You're a psychic." Stefan said as he looked at Eliana with furrowed eyebrows.

"Yes but... It's not me I'm worried about." Eliana said before turning to Damon.

"It's Caroline... She's in transition. Isn't she?" Damon questioned as Eliana shook her head softly.

"She already fed." Eliana stated getting both brothers to inhale deeply.

"Of course. Katherine must have killed her knowing she had my blood in her system." Stefan said as Eliana simply nodded.

"I took her to your house to keep her away from the people but... But I don't know how long she can stay there before the Sheriff start asking questions. Plus, she can't be around me without wanting to dig her fangs into my veins." Eliana added as Damon nodded.

"How'd you get her out of the hospital?" Stefan questioned as Eliana inhaled deeply.

"It took a lot of concentration but... I managed to get rid of that hunger feeling. But only enough to get her to your house." Eliana informed them getting Damon to nod once again.

"Well brother... Seeing as how this is your mess you need to help her. You need to show her control. I can't have her around my girl wanting to rip her to pieces. Since you know the feeling quite well why don't you teach her how you control it?" Damon said as Eliana nodded thinking it was a good idea.

"And what are you going to be doing in the meantime? We have to figure out what Mason is. You saw his strength." Stefan said getting Eliana to furrow her eyebrows in confusion.

"Wait... Mason as in Mason Lockwood?" Eliana questioned as Stefan nodded.

"Yeah... We believe the Lockwood's have some family secret since they also went down with the Gilbert device, but vervain didn't affect them." Stefan said getting Eliana to turn to Damon.

"Do you think they're also..." Eliana started before Damon shook his head.

"They have strength like us... So, they can't just be psychics. They're something else." Damon said as Stefan nodded.

"We need to figure it out soon. we can't have an unknown supernatural creature roaming around us." Stefan said as Damon nodded turning to his brother.

"Me and Eliana will deal with that. You go home and help Caroline." Damon said before taking his girls hand in his.

Eliana and Damon had lost sight of Tyler and Mason after a fight broke out in the parking lot. Damon had noticed how Mason's eyes were a golden brown. He decided not to tell Eliana what he had saw until they discovered what they were.

Damon's phone started ringing getting him to pull it out of his pocket.

"What?" Damon questioned as his brother was on the other line.

"We have a problem. It's Caroline... She's here." Stefan said getting Damon to turn to Eliana.

"What? What is it, Damon?" Eliana questioned as he hung up the phone and looked at her with a worried look.

"Caroline's here." Damon stated as Eliana inhaled deeply.

"Shit Damon... That guy... He was bleeding." Eliana said referring to the man that Tyler and Mason had fought. 

Damon focused his hearing on finding any sign of Caroline. He also tried to focus on anyone that was bleeding. He closed his eyes for a second before opening them up turning to the back where the carnival trucks were parked.

"Damon, that feeling... It's back... Somebody is going to die." Eliana said getting Damon to turn to the worried girl.

"She's feeding from him. Follow me!" Damon said as he took Eliana's hand in his. 

The two ran to where Damon sensed Caroline being. Eliana panted heavily as Damon tried to run at a speed that Eliana could run to. 

"Caroline!" Eliana called out as she saw her feeding from the young man.

Caroline turned to her with a bloody mouth as the veins made their presence known underneath her eyes. Her fangs were visible as Eliana saw the man drop dead to the ground.

"Eliana." Caroline whispered as her face slowly started going back to normal. "He's dead. I killed him." She said as Eliana slowly let go of Damon's hand and took slow steps towards Caroline.

"No, Eliana! Stay back! I could hurt you!" Caroline called out as Eliana shook her head slowly.

"No, Caroline. You won't. You won't hurt me because... Because you're stronger than that urge. Come take my hand." Eliana said as she extended her hand out for her best friend to take so that she could guide her away from the body.

Stefan, Elena, and Bonnie soon joined the three. Elena and Bonnie looked at Caroline in horror as cried silently in front of Eliana with a bloody mouth.

Caroline finally took a hold of Eliana's hand and tried her best to ignore the urge to sink her fangs into Eliana's neck. Yet the urge was so much.

"Eliana!" Damon called out as he pushed Caroline away from the young Gilbert girl.

Stefan quickly intervened and pinned Caroline onto the nearby building. Damon took a hold of Eliana to make sure she wasn't hurt. 

"Stefan, we need to get Caroline inside. Help her get cleaned up. Your task starts now! We cannot have her around Eliana for the time being." Damon said as Eliana looked at her best friend with tears building up in her eyes.

"I am so sorry Eliana." Caroline called out as Stefan slowly lead her away from the group and into the building.

Bonnie's eyes averted away from the dead man that laid on the ground nearby. Her eyes moved over to Damon and pure hatred was displayed within them.

Meanwhile, Stefan rushed Caroline into one of the nearby private bathrooms. He locked the door behind him as Caroline ran over to the sink and sobbed.

"It's alright, come here." Stefan said as he took some napkins to help Caroline get cleaned up.

"She hates me. My best friend hate me." Caroline said as she couldn't get Eliana's look of fear when she was about to feed from her, out of her mind.

"No, no, no. Eliana doesn't hate you. She was just in shock." Stefan assured her as he wiped the blood from around her lips.

"What am I gonna do about this urge. I can't fight it." Caroline cried out as Stefan tried his best to sooth her.

"Shh. One thing at a time. Let's get this blood cleaned off." Stefan said as he continued trying to calm the young girl down.

Caroline started panting heavily as she looked at herself in the mirror. Her veins made their presence known once again getting her to sob once again.

"Ahh! Why does this keep happening to my face? I'm, they're hideous." Caroline questioned before turning away from the mirror.

"Caroline! Caroline! look at me. Look at me. Look at me." Stefan said as he tried to get Caroline to remove her face from her hands. "Look at my face." He added as his veins appeared underneath his eyes.

Caroline slowly calmed down as she saw the similar face displayed on Stefan's. He slowly retreat the veins back beating the hunger and the craving he was having for human blood. 

"See it?" Stefan said as the veins slowly disappeared.

"Yeah." Caroline replied with a slow nod as she tried to calm down.

"When you feel the blood rush in you tell yourself that you're gonna get through it. That you're strong enough." Stefan said as Caroline started shaking her head with tears. "Yes. Yes. You can do it." He said as he slowly let go of her face.

"No matter how strong the urge is to feed from your best friend you fight it off. You're stronger then your feeling so you tell yourself that. And you bury that feeling with how much you care for Eliana." Stefan said as Caroline slowly started calming down.

"Just try it. Try to bury that feeling. Override it with the love you have for her." Stefan said as Caroline nodded and the veins slowly started disappearing. "See that's it. Good. Good." He said as Caroline closed her eyes and he ran his hand through her blonde hair in a soothing way. 

Outside, Damon tried to calm Eliana down who was having a small breakdown. She was worried for her best friend and she was also scared. She hadn't been around a newborn vampire that wanted to sink their fangs into her so bad.

"Elena get Eliana home. I have to get rid of this body if not the Sheriff will find it." Damon said as he held Eliana in his hold while looking over at Elena.

"No it's fine. I can help you." Eliana said as she removed herself slowly from his arms and wiped away her tears.

Suddenly Damon grunted in pain as he dropped down to the ground. He clutched onto his head as Eliana quickly kneeled to be at his side.

"Damon? What's wrong? What's going on?" Eliana questioned as she kneeled beside the man that groaned in pain.

Suddenly the water starting flowing towards the vampire. Eliana took notice and quickly looked up to the young witch standing by Elena.

"I told you what would happen if anyone else got hurt." Bonnie said getting Eliana to furrow her eyebrows.

"Bonnie! Stop! He didn't so this!" Eliana called out as Elena backed away from the water.

"Everything that happens is his fault, Eliana." Bonnie said as the older Gilbert girl slowly stood up.

"Bonnie, what are you doing?" Elena questioned as she saw the water making it's way towards Damon who laid on the ground grunting in pain.

Soon, fire started to ignite along the water trail. Eliana quickly stood in front of Damon. Elena backed away in fear as she saw the fire slowly make it's way to her sister.

"Bonnie." Damon grunted as Eliana concentrated deeply.

Eliana kept her eyes on Bonnie and concentrated on Bonnie's thoughts. She searched and searched before coming upon one memory. A memory of Eliana, Caroline, and Bonnie, before Elena appeared and drove them apart. The three were having a sleepover and talking about which Mystic Falls guy was a better boyfriend. 

Eliana grasped that memory and played it over and over in a loop.

"Eliana?" Elena whispered as she saw her sister's head tilt to the side as her eyes remained on Bonnie.

Damon had felt that the spell had stopped. He recovered quickly and looked up at Bonnie who was being blinded by Eliana's psychic abilities. He saw how her eyes had turned entirely black. 

"Bonnie?" Elena said as she saw that the fire had stopped mid way and how her best friend seemed to be in a trance.

Damon slowly stood up and made his way in front of his girlfriend. He noticed how she had started bleeding from her nose. 

"Eliana." Damon said as he cupped her face yet Eliana was still within Bonnie's mind. "Eliana! You have to get out of there." He stated as he shook her softly.

Eliana closed her eyes and when she opened them up her breath hitched as her chest elevated rapidly. Bonnie quickly gasped and stumbled back before Elena went to her side to prevent her from falling.

"What the hell?" Bonnie stated as she looked towards Eliana and Damon with furrowed eyebrows.

"Hey. You're okay. Just breathe." Damon said as Eliana struggled to catch her breath.

"I was in her mind. Damon I was in her mind." Eliana said as she tried to slow her breathing. "I don't know how I did that... It's just... She was going to kill you and I..." She ranted as Damon quickly pulled her in for a hug.

"You're... You're a psychic." Bonnie said as Elena furrowed her eyebrows. "How is that possible?" She questioned as Elena started guiding her away to prevent another standoff. 

Damon hugged Eliana tightly as the young girl remained shocked of her abilities. She wasn't sure how she had managed to infiltrate the witches mind. It was as if she wasn't in control. She simply saw Damon in trouble and something quickly took over.

♡ ❤︎ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡


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