Multiverse Reaction

By TransformerAnimeFanG

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Various characters from different universes react to the same story involving a central protagonist. More

Introducing Eachother
Chapter 0: It was Good
Chapter 1: A New Day
Chapter 2: The Journey
Chapter 3 Run Away
Alternative Endings
What If Po Survived?
What If Po Survived? Part 2
What If Po Survived? Part 3
What If Po Survived? Part 4
What If Po Survived? Part 5
What If Po Survived? Part 6
Author's Note
What If Po Survived? Part 7
Author's Note 2

What If Po Survived? Part 8

66 3 1
By TransformerAnimeFanG

*Everyone was horrified at what they witnessed last time, and after a long break Ken Kaneki spoke up*

Ken Kaneki: Alright guys are you ready to continue

Lincoln: Yes, I want to know what's happening next.

Issei: I'm with Lincoln on this too.

Fluttershy: Me too.

*Everyone also agreed even the ones who didn't want to continued*.

Ken Kaneki: Great, now watch the screen.

(Screen Open)

*The camera focused on Po finally let go of Walter and wiped her eyes with her arm*.

Po: T-Thank y-you...Sorry that I cry s-so much.

Walter: Po, you don't need to apologize for that. Everyone cries. And you've been through so much. I'm surprised that you haven't been crying earlier.

Po: Y-Yeah..I want all this to be over. *she said as she scooted closer to him. Walten nodded, taking off his hat and setting it aside*.

Walter: Me too. And I'm sure it
will be. I promised you that this would all be over one day.'

Po: And you've kept me safe. *She laughed slightly*.

Walter: That I have. Guess I'm doing one part of my job right. *he said with a weak chuckle*. If you really do need anything or anyone to talk too about this, just know that I'm always here. Besides, who better to talk too about events you've been in than the one who lived it all with you?

*Po smiled and hugged him again.

Leni: Aw they are so cute together.

Rias: They really are.

Koneko: *thinking* That should be me.

Issei: Koneko, you know you can ask him right now.

Koneko: Really?

Issei: Of course go ahead.

Koneko: O-okay *looks at lincoln* Lincoln-San.

Lincoln: Yes Koneko?

Koneko: Hug me please.

Lincoln: Sure thing *proceeds to give her a hug, making the others watch the interaction of the two*.

Akeno: Ara Ara, never thought I see koneko being this cute with Lincoln-San.

Ken Kaneki: I mean look at him, he be getting any girl just with his look.

Irina: He's cute and handsome but we don't want to go all over him without his permission.

Xenovia: We can just ask him.

Asia: We should let Lincoln-San and Koneko have their moment.

Rosseweiss: We should continue watching the screen.

*The loud sisters see how their brother is able to handle the DxD girls and how they all gush all over him*

Lynn Jr: I still don't know what they see in hi-- *gets punched by koneko in the gut*.

Koneko: One more rude thing about my bunny rabbit ajd I'll kill you, you hotheaded piece of shit.

Issei: I know that painful feeling.

Lincoln: *caresses koneko's hair* Calm down koneko, while I do appreciate you putting lynn in her place, don't waste your energy on her weak ass, she's not worth your time.

Koneko: Your right Lincoln-San, she is not worth my time, she's weak compare to those who I've fought before.

Lori: How dare you talk to your sister like that lincoln!!!

Lincoln: Oh please shut up, reminder that your not so innocent either, remember how you force me to date someone I don't want to all because that person is related to your boyfriend, news flash I don't give a fuck.

Issei: Damn lincoln, standing up to your sisters, oh I'm proud of you man.

Lincoln: If you thought that was anything, wait until you see what they've done to me in the past.

Gasper: What do you mean lincoln-san.

Ken Kaneki: I can answer that later, for now let's continue watching.

*Walter's cheeks went pink, but he hugged back, patting her back before hearing the door open and breaking the hug to see Ron*.

Ron: You two ok? *he asked as he walked over. Po nodded*.

Po: We're ok. How are your owies- I mean, injuries?

Ron: They're fine. I still need to rest a little more though after I get the machine fixed. Thankfully, I'm close to doing just that. *he said, Walter smiled*.

Walter: That's good.

Ron: Yeah. Oh, and I never got to say thanks for what you did back in the Satellite Station. When Dipsy came in, I thought for sure I was dead meat. *Ron then smiled*. I owe you two. Big time. If there's anything I can do that you want me to do, I'll do it. *Po smiled*.

Po: We're just happy you're ok.

Walter: Plus, red, white, and blue make pretty good colors when you're in the military. *He joked, and the group laughed. Ron then sighed*.

Ron: Welp, I better get back to work. You two wanna stay here?

Po: I don't think I'm getting a nap anytime soon after that, so I think we should join you. *she said as she followed Ron out, Walten not too far behind*.

*Back at the communications center, Ron and Lenny instantly got to work Fiona being the supervisor of the team. She was confident that they would fix it, but she was also worried about Miles and Anne. Anne was like a motherly figure and a mentor to her, while Miles was her figurative brother who had practically raised her like Pyro had helped raise Wes. She hoped they were all ok. Then, the machine beeped and revealed multiple messages*.

Lenny: Alright!! We did it!! *he exclaimed as he and Ron high fived*.

Sam: Seems that they got it working.

Luna: Yeah dude, I bet it was something hard to work on.

Lisa: Precisesly it does take time to fix.

Gumball: *whispers* nerd.

Darwing: Gumball, that's not necessary.

Spike: It's true tho.

Anais: Calm down you'll.

Rarity: What are you'll talking about.

Anais: Don't worry about it.

*Fiona smiled and then quickly played the most recent message. Then, Miles voice came on*

Miles: This is Sergeant Miles to base! All of us are injured and hurt, we need you to send a- AGH!!!" *Then, the sound of someone being slammed against something was heard and then laughter*.

* Po's eyes widened and her body froze up. That laughter it was like that Shadow Tubby's*

Fiona: MILES IS IN TROUBLE!!!" *she cried out as she quickly ran towards the helicopters before Lenny stopped her*.

Lenny: Whoa, whoa! We can't keep sending teams like this!!


Walter: Break it up! *he said, getting in between the two*. We'll go look for Miles, and it should be easier to actually tell what's going on with this machine working! And on the way, we'll get Richard, Dutch, and check on the samurai's team.

*Po shook her head, snapping out of her trance and nodded*.

Po: Yeah! We'll do that!

Fiona: Ok, cool! We have a plan Now let's go!

*She said as she grabbed a machine gun and a few grenades and she started to head out before suddenly, she heard something rumble outside. Walter's head suddenly began to pound in his own skull and he held it*.

Walter: AGH!!

*Po and Ron suddenly began feeling the same way, and held their heads, trying to cover their ears. Why did their heads suddenly ache? Lenny turned to them*.

Lenny: What's going on?!

*Everyone watching were worried and concern about lincoln, ron and Po*.

Fluttershy: What's happening to them!?

Twilight Sparkle: I don't know.

Apple Bloom: Do they hear something?

Sweetie Belle: They might be, just look at them.

Asia: Poor Lincoln.

Koneko: *hugs lincoln*.

Lincoln: *was worried about his other self but he worried more about Ron and Po*.

*Then, they heard gunfire outside and the firing of rockets, but then..screams of pain and agony. Suddenly, the main entrance door was smashed in and laughter followed soon after. Po, Walter, and Ron all froze up. Fiona and Lenny followed soon after when they saw who was there. It was The New Borns, one yellow creature holding Anne and a green lizard creature holding Miles and Connor. Finally? There stood Captain Richard*.

Richard: HERE'S RICHIE!!! *he cackled before growling and looking at Walten and Po*. AH, LINCOLN. PO. WE FINALLY MEET FACE TO FACE To FACE.

*Po stepped back. She knew that voice. It was The Shadow Tubby's. And her friends, they were now even more hideous and angry*.

Walter: Who or what the hell are you?! *he cried*.

Richard: YOUR DOOM!! *he then snapped his fingers*.

*Laa and the now lizard like Dipsy
threw Miles, Anne and Connor near the group*.

Fiona: GUYS!!! *she cried and was about to rush over to her brother and her allies before Richard grabbed her neck and then revealed his claws...and then slashed at her eye, creating a similar but smaller scar to her brother's. Fiona screamed in tremendous pain before she was thrown against Lenny, both of them slamming against the wall. Richard grinned a bloody and evil grin*.

Richard: NEW BORNS!! ATTACK!!!

*The New Borns hissed and roared and began to charge at the group of heroes. Walter saw his chainsaw nearby and grabbed it quickly and then began to slash into the New Borns. He kept swinging the bloodied blade of his chainsaw at the New Borns before Ron started to shoot them with a nearby pistol*.

Leni: *shocked* OH MY GOSH!!!

Asia: *hugs Issei*.

Issei: No no no, come on fight.

Xenovia: You all got this.

Rainbow Dash: Show those monsters who's boss.

Irina: May god bless their souls.

*One by one, the common New Borns died and fell to the ground, but more advanced ones came in. Some had metal masks, some were made of stone, some had blades for arms, and some even had missiles attached to them! Lenny and Fiona quickly got up and grabbed the injured Miles, Anne, and Connor*.

Lenny: WE NEED TO LEAVE!!! *Po backed up, hiding behind Walter as he kept slashing*

Walter: RON, HELP THEM!! *he cried out*

*Ron nodded and handed the pistol to Po before helping Lenny and Fioan get Miles and Anne and Connor to the helicopter, along with evacuating every other soldier in the base. But then, a strange orange and black New Born came out, wielding a flamethrower. Po gasped and shot at it, but with one shot, the gun leaped out of her hands. The strange New Born hissed in pain but aimed their flamethrower at the two, Walter gasped and made him and Po quickly duck the trail of flames before he grabbed her arm and the two ran away. The Fire New Born was about to chase them before Richard stopped him.

Richard: THOSE TWO ARE MINE, PYRO!! FIND THE DOCTOR AND MURDER HIM BEFORE HE DOES ANYTHING TO STOP ME!!! *he then lunged after Walter and Po like a wild animal*

*Pyro, a now infected version growled as the rest of The New Borns attacked and he quickly went to the lab. Wes was surrounded by New Borns, and he quickly grabbed a pistol and shot them both down before his eyes widened when he saw his mentor*?

Wes: P..Pyro..?

*Po and Walter kept running until they made it outside to see multiple helicopters leaving*.

Walter: QUICK!! IN THERE!! *he said, pointing to the one with Lenny and Fiona and the injured, but it had not taken off yet*.

*But then, Richard came out with a load roar and swatted Walten against the ground*.

Po: WALTER!!! *she cried out before she saw Richard loom over her*.


*he then raised his mighty claws before hearing something. He turned around and then saw Ron getting in a helicopter, but he wasn't flying away. He was fying towards him! Po quickly ran away, grabbed Walter andthen got farther away from the ramming helicopter that Ron was piloting*.

*Ron then quickly parachuted out of the flying helicopter as it rammed into Richard, and then it blew up in a giant explosion*.

Ron: HAHA!! TAKE THAT!!! HOLY SHIT, THAT WAS THE MOST AWESOME THING I'VE EVER DONE!! THAT WAS THE GREATEST PLAN! *he exclaimed as he landed and took off the parachute and ran over to Po and Walter*. Everyone's out!! Let's go!!


*She was about to run over to save him before: A red and black fist punched itself out of the fiery debris*.

Walter: I think you just pissed him off. *he breathed before seeing Fiona run into the base again with a pistol in her hand*.

Po: FIONA!! *she cried and ran after her*.

Walter: PO, DON'T FOLLOW HER! *he said as he too ran after her, but Richard roared as he finally broke out of his trap of debris and then grabbed Walten and punched him into a helicopter. He roared again and then looked at Ron and black tendrils sprouted from his arm, grabbing Ron by the neck* 


*Meanwhile, Po ran as fast as she could before seeing Fiona shoot down multiple New Borns to make a path. She grabbed her*.

Po: What are you doing?!

Fiona: I'm not leaving Wes in here!! *she screamed and forced Po's arm off her shoulder and ran into the lab to see Wes being grabbed by the neck by the fire New Born, or rather, the now infected and mindless Pyro, Wes choked as he struggled*.

Wes: P.Pyr..P-Please...

*Pyro just growled and then got his
flamethrower and powered it up
before Fiona shot him in the arm,
causing him to drop Wes and hiss in


*She shouted and shot again. Pyro dodged this time and then lunged at Fiona, swatting her to the wall, forcing her to drop her gun. He cackled and started to stomp towards her Po didn't know what to do. She couldn't fight! She could hardly shoot a gun without it jumping out of her hands, She looked at Pyro stomping towards Fiona, who was helpless. She growled, grabbed the gun anyway and shot Pyro in the back Pyro roared in pain, falling to his knees and hands*.

*Po ran over and grabbed Fiona, who slowly got up and then went into the now burning lab and grabbed the unconscious Wes and then quickly ran out of the base to see Walter trying to free Ron from Richard's grip. She took a deep breath and then shot one of Richard's tendrils, causing Ron to fall next to Walten. Richard roared before his eyes and the cracked screen went red and he faced Po.


*He swiped his claws at her, but Po just barely dodged and shot him again before running with Wes in her arms*.

*They all ran into the helicopter, Po grabbing Walter and Ron's hands and pulling them in, and finally, they all took off Richard roared louder than ever and hopped onto the top of the base and then watched the helicopters fly off. He growled*.

Richard: You may have won for

*Meanwhile, Po breathed heavily as she sat down*.

Po:...I can't believe I just did that...

Ron: You saved my butt back there. *he said*, and then looked at Walter*. You too. Ok, I need to save your life once.

Walter: You kinda did when you rammed that helicopter into Richard's face.

*He said with a small laugh before looking out the window and seeing the base burn to a crisp, watching Richard and the army of New Borns walk out. Fiona set Wes on a seat and then looked at her unconscious mentor friend, and brother*.

Fiona: They'll be ok.

Lenny: Thank god. *he breathed*. But can anyone explain what happened to Richard? And when he arrived, those three started to have headaches?

*Po looked at the ground. She had a pretty good feeling about the answer of the first question, but she didn't want to see that nightmare again. Just then, Anne sat up with a groan*.

Anne: Ugh...My head feels like it broke my own skull. What happened...?

Fiona: Anne!! *she exclaimed as she
rushed over*. Oh, thank god.

Anne: Fiona? Wait, why are we in a helicopter? Shouldn't we be at base?

Fiona: Considering that the base is burning to a crisp thanks to Pyro and The New Borns. We should probably go to another one. *Anne's eyes widened before she sighed*.

Anne: Richard got there, didn't he?

Ron: You know what happened..? *He asked Anne shook her head*.

Anne: No. But I know for certain that whatever that thing was, it wasn't Richard. All I remember is him coming out and with a yellow creature. Po looked at her*.

Po: That...That was one of my friends...

*Fiona looked at Po, tilting her head*

Fiona: No offense, but you need a better taste in friends.

Anne: Fiona! *she said*.

Fiona: Sorry!  *Anne then looked at Po, Walten, and Ron*.

Anne: Do any of you know what could be going on?

Walter: Well, the only thing we know is that The New Borns were created by Noo Noo and are now killing machines. I don't think Noo Noo said anything about a military captain being one too. *His mind then wandered off to that small scene where he saw a shadow looming over Noo Noo back in the Satellite Station. He could hardly remember it since it went by so fast Po then spoke up*.

Po: I think I do...It was the Shadow Tubby. *Lenny looked at her, confused*.

Lenny: Shadow Tubby?

Ron: Po, what do you mean?" Ron asked.

Po: He was a giant monster in my nightmare. *she told them*. He said something about not being able to wait for me to suffer in the real world. And when Richard arrived, his laugh sounded just like his. And those pink tears...That's custard. The infected custard. The thing that started all of this.

Walter: Po...Are you sure? *he asked. Po nodded. I know this might just be crazy talk, but I think Shadow Tubby is their leader and-

Fiona: Using Richard as a host. *she finished*.

Issei: Now it makes sense.

Rias: What do you mean Issei?

Issei: Think about it, he's a shadow, kinda similar to freddy krueger, like he can enter dreams and escape into reality using a host.

Fluttershy: What's a freddy krueger?

Lincoln: You don't want to know.

Rosseweiss: Issei has a point, I mean that laugh was horrifying.

Gumball: Creepy.

Spike: More like Scary.

*Anne thought for a moment*.

Anne: Looks like there's more to this than we thought. Thank you, Po. *Po smiled a little and nodded before Walter spoke up*.

Walter: Where are we going now?

Anne: The base is taken down.
We have more than one base. *she said with a chuckle*. This one not even Richard knew about. Miles only trusted me and Fiona with it's location We're going there and making a plan of attack. *She then looked at the three of them*. You can rest there if you-

Walter: We're gonna fight too. *he said*.

Ron: If you don't mind training us that is. *he nodded. Po then smiled*.

Po: We wanna help. This whole thing started with us. *Anne chuckled*.

Anne: Alright, rookies. We can do that.

(The screen closes)

Ken Kaneki: What did you'll think?

Lincoln: Looks like other me and the others are still going to fight.

Koneko: Other you, has got it.

Issei: My respects to you man, your awesome.

Kiba: Your amazing.

Akeno: Your strong and handsome.

Leni: You're the best linky.

Lincoln: Thanks, I appreciate it.

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