By Ahranrohma10

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By Ahranrohma10


Major Faye and her team move swiftly through the ambush site, their senses sharp as they survey the aftermath of the attack. They find no sign of the enemy, their swift response having driven them away.

MAJOR FAYE: (speaking into her radio) General, this is Major Faye. No casualties. The enemy has retreated.

As Major Faye reports to the General, her gaze drifts towards the horizon, her mind racing with the implications of the enemy's failed assault.

MAJOR FAYE: (continuing) Sir, during the attack, we discovered that the enemy was deceived by Base Camp 501. They didn't realize it was just a decoy. Over.

[With a sense of purpose, Major Faye and her team prepare to return to Base Camp, where they will regroup and fortify their defense for the inevitable next move of the enemy.]

They all come back from the mission

Major Faye strides through the corridors of the base camp, her expression steely and determined. She stops outside Alice's room, her heart heavy with the weight of her decision. Turning to her soldier, she issues a command with unwavering resolve.

MAJOR FAYE: (to Antony) I need you to arrest Alice.

The soldier's eyes widen in surprise at Major Faye's order, but he nods in understanding, ready to carry out his superior's command.

ANTONY: Yes, Major.

With a sense of duty, the soldier enters Alice's room, where she stands, unsuspecting of the impending confrontation. As he places her under arrest and handcuffs her, Alice's eyes widen in shock and confusion.

ALICE: (in disbelief) What's happening? Why am I being arrested?

Outside the room, Major Faye waits, her heart heavy with the burden of her decision. She knows that this is necessary, no matter how painful it may be.

MAJOR FAYE: (to herself, with determination) I have to do what's best.

Major Faye enters the interrogation room, her expression solemn as she takes a seat across from Alice, who sits handcuffed to a chair. The atmosphere is tense, charged with emotion as Major Faye prepares to confront Alice.

MAJOR FAYE: (firmly) Alice, I need you to answer some questions.

Alice's eyes widen in surprise and confusion, her heart pounding with apprehension as she meets Major Faye's gaze.

ALICE: (anxiously) What's going on, Major?

MAJOR FAYE: (serious) We've discovered some troubling information. It seems you've been withholding important details about your true identity and intentions.

Alice's face pales at Major Faye's words, realization dawning upon her as she struggles to comprehend the gravity of the situation.

ALICE: (stammering) I... I don't understand. What are you talking about?

MAJOR FAYE: (leaning forward) Don't play dumb, Alice. We know you're not who you say you are. You've been deceiving us all along.

A tense silence fills the room as Alice absorbs Major Faye's accusations, her mind racing with fear and uncertainty.

ALICE: (desperately) Major, please. You have to believe me. I've done nothing wrong.

Major Faye throws a sheet of paper containing Alice's personal data onto the table, the sound echoing through the tense silence.

MAJOR FAYE: (with a commanding tone) Explain this, Alice. Why did you deceive us? What was your purpose in disguising yourself and spying on this base camp?

Alice's eyes widen in shock at Major Faye's accusation, her heart pounding with fear as she realize the gravity of the situation. She struggles to find the words to defend herself.

ALICE: (stammering) Major, I swear I didn't—

MAJOR FAYE: (cutting her off, voice sharp) Spare me the lies, Alice. We have proof of your true identity. Now tell me the truth.

A tense silence fills the room as Major Faye awaits Alice's response, her expression stern and unwavering.

ALICE: (resigned) Yes, Major. I'm a spy. I work in the army's special forces unit.

Major Faye's expression hardens at Alice's admission, a mixture of betrayal and anger flickering in her eyes.

MAJOR FAYE: (coldly) How could you betray us like this? We trusted you.

ALICE: (regretfully) I had my orders. I didn't have a choice.

Despite her remorse, Alice knows that her actions have irreparably damaged the bonds of trust that once united them as comrades.

MAJOR FAYE: (with a steely resolve) You may have had your orders, but that doesn't excuse your betrayal. You've endangered the lives of everyone in this base.

MAJOR FAYE: You were the one who leaked the location of Base Camp 501, weren't you? You're the reason why it was attacked.

Alice's eyes blaze with indignation as she shakes her head vehemently, refusing to accept Major Faye's accusations.

ALICE: (defiantly) I didn't do it, Major. I swear on my life. I would never betray my comrades or endanger this base.

Major Faye's gaze remains unwavering, her doubts lingering despite Alice's protests.

MAJOR FAYE: (skeptically) Then how do you explain the enemy's precise knowledge of our base's location? They wouldn't have found us without insider information.

A tense silence descends upon the room as Major Faye and Alice lock eyes, each refusing to back down from their respective positions.

ALICE: (firmly) I don't know how they found us, Major. But I swear, it wasn't me.

MAJOR FAYE: (accusingly) You keep denying that it was your country that attacked Base

Camp 501. But I have proof, Alice. Proof that implicates you and your allegiance.

Alice's eyes widen in disbelief as Major Faye reaches into her pocket and pulls out a flag, unfurling it with a sharp flick of her wrist. The flag bears the emblem of Alice's country, a damning piece of evidence that hangs heavy in the air.

MAJOR FAYE: (coldly) This was found in the wreckage of Base Camp 501. Your country's flag. Care to explain how it got there?

Alice's breath catches in her throat as she stares at the flag, her denial faltering in the face of undeniable evidence. She struggles to find the words to defend herself, her world crumbling around her.

ALICE: (defeated) I... I don't know how that got there. I swear, Major, I had nothing to do with the attack.

MAJOR FAYE: (commanding to soldiers) Leave us.

The soldiers exchange uncertain glances, but they obey Major Faye's orders without hesitation. With a nod from their superior, they exit the room, leaving Major Faye and Alice alone in the tense silence.

MAJOR FAYE: (voice heavy with emotion) Alice... I never thought I would be standing here, betrayed by the person I love.

Alice's heart sinks at Major Faye's words, the weight of her actions bearing down on her with crushing force.

ALICE: (voice trembling) Major, I...

MAJOR FAYE: (cutting her off, voice laced with anguish) Did you purposely make me love you just to further your work, Alice? Was I nothing more than a pawn in your game?

Alice's eyes brim with tears as she struggles to find the words to defend herself, the realization of Major Faye's pain cutting deep into her soul.

ALICE: (choked with emotion) No, Major, I swear it wasn't like that. My feelings for you were real.

MAJOR FAYE: (voice breaking) How could you do this to me? To us? I trusted you with everything.

A heavy silence falls between them as Major Faye grapples with the devastating truth of Alice's betrayal. In that moment, the bonds of love and loyalty that once united them lie shattered at their feet, replaced by a chasm of regret and heartache.

MAJOR FAYE: (voice barely above a whisper) Because of your actions, I feel guilty to my country for not realising from the beginning.

ALICE: (frantically) Major, please, you have to believe me. I swear I had nothing to do with the attack on Base Camp 501. I would never betray you or your country.

Major Faye's heart aches at Alice's words, torn between her feelings for the woman she loves and the undeniable evidence stacked against her.

MAJOR FAYE: (voice trembling) How can I believe you, Alice? You've lied to me before. How can I trust anything you say now?

ALICE: (desperately) Because it's the truth, Major. I love you, and I would never do anything to hurt you or our country. I was assigned to gather intelligence on suspicious activities along our coastlines. We received reports of unidentified ships, and my superiors suspected it was your country's doing.

MAJOR FAYE: (voice trembling) Alice, I need you to answer honestly. Did you betray us?

ALICE: (steadfast) I've told you the truth, Major. I was sent here to investigate suspicious activity, not to betray you or our country!

Major Faye's grip tightens on her gun, the weight of her decision heavy on her conscience as she struggles to discern the truth amidst the chaos of conflicting emotions.

MAJOR FAYE: (desperately) How can I trust you, Alice? How can I be sure you're not lying to me right now?

ALICE: (defiantly) If you want to shoot me, then shoot me! But know that at least I didn't lie to myself or to you. I love you, Major, and that's the truth.

Major Faye's hand trembles as she struggles with the weight of Alice's words, her heart torn between her feelings for the woman before her and the duty that binds her to her country.

MAJOR FAYE: (voice strained) I can't... I can't do this anymore.

With a heavy heart, Major Faye lowers her weapon, her disappointment palpable as she realizes the truth of Alice's allegiance. She gestures to the soldiers waiting outside the room, her voice barely above a whisper.

MAJOR FAYE: (to Antony) Take her to the national border. Deport her.

As the soldiers move forward to escort Alice away, Major Faye turns away, unable to bear the pain of their final parting. In that moment, the bond between them shatters, leaving only the bitter sting of betrayal in its wake.

The soldier gently pulls Alice away from the room, her eyes brimming with tears as she casts one final glance back at Major Faye. Major Faye stands stoically, her gaze fixed on the floor, refusing to meet Alice's eyes directly. Despite the distance between them, Alice's silent plea for understanding hangs heavy in the air, a silent hope that Major Faye will believe her.

ALICE: (voice choked with emotion) Major...

Faye's jaw tightens with suppressed emotion, her fists clenching at her sides as she fights to maintain her composure. She feels Alice's gaze upon her, a silent plea for trust and forgiveness that she struggles to reconcile with the evidence before her.

Antony: (softly) Come on, ma'am. Let's go.

With a heavy heart, Alice allows herself to be led away, her tear-filled eyes never leaving Mjor Faye's figure in the doorway. As she disappears from view, the weight of their unspoken bond hangs heavy in the air, leaving Major Faye to grapple with the truth of Alice's allegiance and the ache of their shattered trust.

As the sound of the departing jeep carrying Alice fades into the distance, Major Faye stands alone in the interrogation room, her heart heavy with the weight of her decision. She can still feel the echoes of Alice's silent plea for understanding, a haunting reminder of the bond they once shared.

MAJOR FAYE: (to herself, voice barely above a whisper) I drove her away... the one I loved.

With a heavy heart, Major Faye turns away from the empty room, her resolve steeling as she prepares to face the challenges that lie ahead. Though her heart may be broken, she remains steadfast in her commitment to protect her country, no matter the personal cost.

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