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Major Faye drives a jeep to a secluded spot by a river, the sound of rushing water echoing through the air. With a heavy heart, she parks the jeep and steps out, her emotions in turmoil as she confronts the pain of losing Alice.

Alone by the riverbank, Major Faye's tears mingle with the gentle flow of the water as she remembers Alice's face, her heartache threatening to consume her. She collapses onto the ground, overcome with grief at the loss of the woman she loved.

MAJOR FAYE: (sobbing) Alice... what have I done?

In the solitude of the riverside, Major Faye allows herself to mourn the loss of their bond, the weight of her regret pressing down upon her with suffocating force. Though she may have driven Alice away, the ache of their separation lingers, a constant reminder of the choices she was forced to make.

As the sun begins to set, casting a warm glow upon the water, Major Faye finds a measure of solace amidst the pain, knowing that she must continue to carry out her duty, even in the face of her shattered heart.


The jeep carrying Alice and Antony comes to an abrupt halt as a group of armed individuals emerge from the shadows, their weapons raised and voices filled with menace. Alice's heart races with fear as she realizes the gravity of the situation.

ANTONY: (whispering urgently) Stay calm, Alice. I'll figure this out.

UNKNOWN ASSAILANT: (aggressively) Get out of the jeep, now!

With trembling hands, Alice exits the jeep, her eyes darting nervously as she assesses the situation. The unknown assailants surround her, their intentions unclear as they demand her compliance.

Alice's mind races with questions, but she knows that resistance would only escalate the danger. With a deep breath, she steps forward, her hands raised in surrender.

ALICE: (voice trembling) Okay, okay. I'm coming out.

As Alice complies with their demands, Antony watches helplessly, his fists clenched in frustration. Though outnumbered and outgunned, he knows that he must stay vigilant to protect Alice at all costs.

With a heavy heart, Alice is led away by the unknown assailants, leaving Antony to grapple with the uncertainty of her fate.

Antony stands beside the halted jeep, his hands balled into fists, his heart pounding with a mixture of fear and frustration. He watches helplessly as the armed assailants lead Alice away, his inability to intervene weighing heavily upon him.

ANTONY: (voice choked with emotion) Alice...

Despite his desperate desire to act, Antony knows that without a weapon or means of defense, he is powerless to confront the armed individuals. He clenches his jaw, his gaze locked on Alice's form as she disappears into the distance.

As the sound of footsteps and the distant rumble of the jeep fade away, Antony is left alone on the rural road, his mind racing with thoughts of how to rescue Alice from her captors. With a heavy heart, he turns away, his determination to find her burning brighter than ever.

Antony slides into the driver's seat of the jeep, his movements quick and determined. With a sense of urgency, he starts the engine and accelerates onto the road, his foot heavy on the gas pedal as he speeds towards the base camp.

The wind whips through the open windows as Antony navigates the rugged terrain, his mind focused on reaching Major Faye as quickly as possible. With each passing moment, his determination to rescue Alice grows stronger, driving him forward with unwavering resolve.

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