Glacier Freya Baker - At Mill...

By WolfieFrozenFangirl

894 136 323

**Book Two Of The Mill Brook Series** The Summer was busy for Glacier, Elisabeth, Scarlet, Winter and their r... More

Information about the book!
Chapter 1: The end of the Summer Break!
Chapter 2: Poor Button
Chapter 3: Returning back to Mill Brook!
Chapter 4: Settling in and taking the dogs for a walk
Chapter 5: Bad news for Scarlet!
Chapter 6: Poor Scarlet.
Chapter 7: What happened?
Chapter 9: The first day back in School.
Chapter 10: Will I be Expelled?
Chapter 11: that evening.
Chapter 12: That Evening part 2
Chapter 13: The puppy meet-up.
Chapter 14: The dog play date part 2.
Chapter 15: The news report. (This isn't good!)
Chapter 16: Flashback.
Chapter 17: I'm glad to have my friends.
Chapter 18: I help the girls!
Chapter 19: not again! And not Shelby!
Chapter 20: help?
Chapter 21: Taking care of things!
Chapter 22: David wrings Glacier!
chapter 23: good news and bad news
chapter 24: Alaska gets worrying news
Chapter 25: Back to classes but worried!
Chapter 26: Elsa returns.
Chapter 27: Glacier goes weird.
Chapter 28: Now what?
Chapter 29: Another dog day date!
Chapter 30: Winter comes back.
Chapter 31: Breaking the news to Glacier!
Chapter 32: My Reaction to the news!
Chapter 33: We start The Harmonising Snowflakes band.
Chapter 34: A bad English lesson.
Chapter 35: More drama?
Chapter 36: Ticking Time Bomb!
Chapter 37: A crazy afternoon.
Chapter 38: Elisabeth's bad surprise.
Chapter 39: flashback to a bad day!
Chapter 40: We send Elisabeth home.
Chapter 41: This is bad. Like very bad!

Chapter 8: For goodness Sake.

14 4 4
By WolfieFrozenFangirl

Alaska's POV:

I felt sorry for Scarlet. Loosing her father the day before school started was tough. And now Winter was being a Bitch because of Scarlet being upset.

"What did she call me?" I asked, getting angry as Elsa told us what happened.

"A Weirdo," said Elsa.

I saw the look on Glacier's face. I felt angry, too!

"How dare she call me that. And You a bitch," I said.

"She called Scarlet one, too!" Elsa put an arm round the sobbing girl. "I feel sorry, Scar. You don't need that."

"I've lost hope," sobbed our friend.

"Don't be like that," said Elsa. "We are here for you."

Shelby whined.

"And your puppy," I pointed out.

Button looked a bit annoyed at that.

"And Button, too!" Glacier giggled.

She put the toy down. Then there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Called Elsa.

"Arianna," came her voice. "Can I come in to talk to you girls?"

"Of course," said Glacier.

The door opened and Arianna came in. She looked serious.

"What have we done?" Glacier sounded worried.

"Nothing, darling," said Arianna. "We just need to talk about something important."

Scarlet looked at her. "Am I being picked up to go back to Inkwell?"

"No, darling," said Arianna. "Don't worry."

"Okay," said Glacier. "What's happened?"

"Me and David have been talking," said Arianna. "We think that because of what happened out there with Elsa and Winter, we are unfortunately sending her home."

We all looked at her.

"What she said was awful," said Arianna. "I heard everything."

"This evening has gone to the dogs," sighed Elsa. "Not literally. But it's getting worse."

"Alaska, honey," said Arianna turning to me.

"Yes," I said.

"Make me a promise," said Arianna looking serious. "Never let Scarlet out of your sight. And that goes for you, too, Elsa. Glacier, you keep an ear open for trouble."

We all nodded. "We promise," we all said.

"Scarlet," said Arianna hugging the heartbroken girl. "Keep Shelby with you. And cuddle Button, too if you need it. And I'm sure whenever Alaska is her dog, she'll let you cuddle her. Right, Alaska?"

"Of course," I said.

"Thank you," said Arianna. "I will tell Raven and Anna, too! But you four should stick together."

We all nodded. Then Arianna walked out.


Later, I was in mine and Scarlet's room. Shelby and Scarlet were also in there with me. The puppy was curled up on Scarlet's bed with her. I joined them.

"Hey," I said. "Want a cuddle?"

The younger girl nodded, tears still coming out. I put my arms round her and rocked her gently. I used to do this to Glacier when she got upset. Scarlet found it comforting and put her head on my shoulder.

"Is that better?" I asked her.

"Yeah," said Scarlet weakly. "Thank you, Wolfie."

"It's okay," I said. "Oh, hi, Shelby girl!"

Shelby joined the hug. I smiled. Then let the puppy get on Scarlet's lap.

"Bed time," I said.

Scarlet nodded and got up to get ready, putting Shelby on her dog bed. The puppy looked slightly annoyed.



Here is chapter 8.

What do you think of Winter's character, now?

Don't worry, she does learn the lesson.

See you for chapter 9 which is the first day of school!

Wolfie out!

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