If Love Could Win (a HBO Max...

By Hopeanddream8174

199 13 0

Nevaeh Raven, a seventeen year old girl, heads back to her home city of Gotham for the funeral of her childho... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 5

13 1 0
By Hopeanddream8174

Dressed in a pair of dark gray cargo pants and a white long sleeve bodysuit with my leather jacket over it, I trek along the sidewalk alongside the raven haired green eyed tween. My black vans keep a steady pace for the boy to keep up, his height lacking as he is only eleven and still shorter than me when I'm only five three. I can tell he has questions but he knew better than to ask, realizing something was off when he saw my expression this morning.
After waking from my dream down memory lane I got ready for the day, the first thing on the list being picking him up from his bitch mother. We scheduled for pick up to be at the abandoned gym that shut down years ago from a chemical leak. Upon arriving I opened a portal, the boy walking through with his duffel bag while his mother shouted about how I know the drill. Since then we dropped off his stuff at my hotel room and are now headed to Crime Alley.
His green eyes inspect everything, not used to anything so "vile". He looks down on others who he deems are inferior to him, as being heir to the throne of the league of assassins has given him a massive ego. I've tried to teach him better morals and I've done good, but all my hard work gets slightly reversed every time he goes back to his mother and grandfather.
"Yes, Damian?"
"Is this really where you grew up before reuniting with your cousin and teaming up with the league?" He asks and I sigh.
Team up is not the word I would use.
"Yeah, it is."
He scowls, disgusted with the scenery before him.
"Does that make you think less of me? Because I'm from the streets and not wealth?" I question, eying him out of the corner of my eye.
"I could never, Beloved, it's more of the fact that someone as beautiful and respectable as you could have been tossed aside into such a distasteful place. For you to be dismissed is an unforgivable crime."
I nod, not missing how his voice spiked up an octave in panic. Damian has always had immense respect for me and knows I'm not someone if disrespected would allow the person to remain unharmed. I've been his mentor since he was six and I by no means take it easy on him, training him to be as lethal as possible. Though for the past two years he's stopped calling me by my name and instead 'Beloved', which I can only guess is his way of expressing his feelings towards me.
"Is this also where...my father lives?"
I don't even falter my movements, the question being no surprise. He's been dying to ask, not knowing much about his father besides his name, civilian and hero, and that he lives in Gotham. I have a feeling that Damian knows that his father has no idea of his existence and that he is the result of sexual assault.
Talia is a different type of crazy and is hands down an awful mother. She had Damian because she wanted a soldier, not a son, and because of that he has no concept of emotions besides anger and neutrality, having a massive superiority complex. His grandfather is the same, if not worse, than his vile daughter, always training the kid to the bone. Both of them speak down to me like I'm lesser than, but if they knew my true power they would fall to their knees and beg for their pathetic lives.
"Yes, but you know that."
He ponders my words for a few seconds before speaking again.
"What's he like?"
I sigh, knowing that I have very negative views on the man, but I don't want the kid to resent the man without giving him a chance.
"Let me rephrase, what is the common knowledge of him that everyone claims him to be and what is your personal perception of him?"
"Bruce Wayne is seen as a wonderful man who does a lot for the community by being so involved and for his generous donations. The public loves him, was seen as a playboy in his younger years and was quite popular with women. When he adopted Richard Grayson the admiration only grew and then for a second time when he adopted Jason Todd."
"Your father is a highly intelligent man with an IQ over two hundred and fifty, thus why he's so good at what he does. Overall he's a caring and respectable man, loving father, and true entrepreneur. Of course he's a very serious man, never really showing real emotion and always putting personal feelings aside."
He takes everything in and nods stiffly.
"And your personal opinion?"
Silence falls on us, tension building in the air.
"It's best that I keep that to myself, I don't want you thinking lowly of him on my accord, I'm also biased on the subject."
"Because he's the reason the love of your life is dead?"
I grimace but compose myself quickly, correcting his statement.
"No, I do not blame your father for Jason's death, let's make that clear. Jason acted irrationally like he always did, he only has himself to blame. However, there are many things I detest about him, but that is between him and I."
He nods in defeat, knowing he isn't going to get much out of me. He has more questions and he definitely deserves answers, but it's best I'm not the one to give them as I'm very biased. But I did lie when I said I don't blame Bruce, but I only partially blame him for introducing Jason to the world of a vigilante.
We keep trailing along as I wanted to see Gotham one last time before leaving, deciding that the closure is necessary. In the morning it's clear that this city is far from decent looking, but as unsafe as this place is when the sun falls it's beautiful as the lights light up the streets and buildings.
Before I know it we are in the Park Row district, which is where Crime Alley is. The place looks the same, possibly worse, and the buildings still appear to be barely holding it together. Homeless people are scattered all over the streets, begging for money they say they are gonna use on food but in reality on drugs. It's such a familiar sight, but I can't help but feel annoyed by them as they keep digging themselves into a deeper hole.
Something brushes up against my side and I snap my hand out, feeling a small wrist in my grasp. Turning to see a kid I'm not surprised, as pickpocketing was something I did when I was in their position. It's a young boy, skin covered in grime and clothes full of holes. His eyes are wide and filled with fear, not knowing what I'll do to him now that he's been caught.
"Why, you disrespecting-"
I hold up my free hand to signal Damian to stop talking. In the distance I see a little girl hiding behind one of buildings, practically on the verge of tears as she stares at my grip on the boy. The boy's eyes drift to where she stands and he slightly panics as he meets my eyes again.
"I'm sorry, do what you need to do, just don't hurt her." He begs me, tears filling his eyes.
I smile a little at his devotion to protect his little sister just like a big brother should.
"Relax kid, I'm not going to hurt either of you."
"Y-you're not?"
I shake no.
"But Beloved, he tried to steal from you." Damian grits, glaring at the young boy.
"Stay out of this. Now," I turn my attention back to the kid "mind introducing me to the cute sidekick you have?"
He stills, not knowing my motives, so I crouch down to his level.
"How will I know what food she likes if you don't introduce me?"
He puts two and two together, signaling for the girl to come over. She hesitates before giving in, shuffling slowly towards us till she's hiding behind her brother. I smile sweetly at her and offer her my other hand. Her eyes meet her brother's and he nods, telling her it's okay. A tiny little hand lands in mine and I can see her bones, time on the streets taking a toll.
"Hi cutie, are you hungry?"
She nods and my heart aches.
"Okay, do you like chicken?"
Her eyes light up and she nods again.
"Alright, let's go get you some."
I hold her little hand and let go of her brother's wrist, giving him the chance to hold his sister's other hand. I eye Damian to follow and he huffs, listening but clearly annoyed. We walk to a decent looking KFC and go inside, telling Damian to get a table while I get them food.
I place an order for a three piece chicken tender combo, a five piece chicken tender combo, a popcorn chicken Mac and cheese bowl with a small soft drink, and a lemonade. Handing the worker my credit card, I tell the kids to go sit with Damian as I wait for the food. When it's ready I carry it to the table, putting the tray down to pass out the food.
Giving Damian his lemonade I can tell he's pissed and I promise him once the kids are gone I'll take him to get his own food as he's a vegetarian. I watch as the children feast on their combo meals like it's the best food they've ever had. Their meals came with drinks so I got them water, needing them to have proper hydration.
I munch on my popcorn chicken and Mac and cheese as I ask them about themselves, a hundred percent going to be doing a background check on their lives and family. They easily talk, having earned their trust through food and kindness. Their mother is sick and bedridden while their father does his best to provide for them, but not making enough where they have food on the table every night and pay medical bills.
It's rare if you hear of a family in Crime Alley actually being drug, alcohol, and crime free. Apparently they've only lived in Gotham for two years and their mom got sick a year ago, lowering income as she had to quit her job. So while their dad is out working they stay home and care for their mom, having to have given up what little education they were receiving. They started stealing to try and help out more with income, but haven't had much luck.
It pains me that these kids are turning to a life of crime to get by and deep down, even though I just met them, I'm going to find a way to help them. Kids are a soft spot for me, I always want to protect them even if it means putting myself in danger. Children deserve the world and for all of them to have equal opportunity. They are the future of the world and I'll do my best to make sure they reach past their potential.
When we finish eating I lead them out and have them guide me to their home, wanting to make sure they get home safe and sound. I'm led to a rundown apartment building and follow them inside with Damian. We trek up the fire escape stairs to the fourth floor, entering the hallway and letting them lead us to their apartment door.
Before they could even put their key in the door swings open. A man scoops them up in his arms and holds them close, telling them that he was worried and to never run off again. The kids apologize and hug him tight, cuddling into him like puppies. His eyes find mine and he immediately puts his guard up.
"Can I help you?" He asks, pulling his kids closer.
"Hello, sir. I'm sorry to have intruded on you, I just wanted to bring your children back home safely."
"Well, thank you. I freaked out when I came home to find them gone, so I appreciate it."
"Daddy, she bought us food!" The girl says happily.
Their father's eyes widen and he gapes at me.
"You didn't have to do that, how much do I-"
"You owe me nothing. It was my choice and it made them happy."
He puts the kids down and tells them to go inside to their mother before turning to me again.
"I'm sorry if they gave you trouble, I was at work but came home early to give the kids a break from being caretakers."
"It's not a problem, I find them cute and fun. However, they did tell me about your financial problems and family situation."
He sighs and rubs the back of his neck.
"I'm sorry, you know kids, they have no filters and are very honest."
"Sir, it's completely fine but if you don't mind me asking, what exactly do you do for work?"
"Oh, I work at an auto shop and garage fixing cars. The working conditions are awful as is management, but at least I have money coming in, even if it's not much."
I think something over before giving him a smile and speaking.
"I might know an auto shop that's hiring here in Gotham and has much better working conditions. I know the owner and can put in a good word for you if you'd like. My only question is if you've ever had a management position."
"I have, back before we moved here."
"Good." I chirp, smiling wide at him.
"You don't have to do all this, you don't even know us."
"True, but I've been in the position your kids are in. I grew up here and got out eventually, making a better living for myself somewhere else. Your children remind me of me and someone I care dear for. I don't want anyone to go through what I went through, not even if some people deserve it."
The man tears up and gives me a thankful smile. He offers me his hand and I shake it, sealing our agreement.
"Here," I gesture for him to hand me his phone to which he does, "call this number and tell them you're interested in the management position. Tell them Nevaeh Raven sent you and if they give you trouble, tell them to call the owner, okay?"
"Alright, thank you so much for this and for what you did for my kids."
"It was my pleasure, I hope everything gets better."
"Me too, maybe we'll see you again?"
His eyes are hopeful and I know he'll get the position, so it's simple for me to say yes. The kids come out and hug me, thanking me for my kindness before going back inside with their father, saying goodbye as the door closes. I signal to Damian that it's time to go and we both leave. As we get back out onto the streets Damian turns to me.
"Why did you go through all that trouble for complete strangers?"
"Because I wanted to help them. I don't need a reason to lend a hand to someone in need, especially to kids. I don't want them to get stuck here and become criminals or end up homeless, no child or loving family deserves that."
He ponders on my words as we saunter along to a place with vegetarian options so I can get him something to eat. Silence surrounds us for a while and my mind drifts back to when I was little, stealing to live to tomorrow. No one should have to go through that and I'll prevent it if I can.
And I know Jason would have done the same thing I did.
"Come on, I want to show you something before we head back to the hotel to hit the road."
The sun has set by now and the city is shrouded in darkness, the only light coming from the buildings and billboards. This is the most dangerous time to be out in Gotham, walking in the streets. It's not the type of place you go out and explore because chances are you're going to end up either robbed, raped, or dead.
"Why are we back in Crime Alley, Beloved?"
"Cause there are two more places I need to see before I leave this Hell hole forever."
Rounding the corner I'm met with a very familiar alleyway. There is more graffiti on the buildings than the last time I was here, many now overlapping one another. The ground has more splatters of blood too, some in a trail and others just in a pool that has permanently stained.
Despite these small changes the place is still the same, the new additions only blending in with the original. All the years of surviving that took place here and now probably hold more memories of the new children who had to do what I did, just as the ones before me did as well. The energy here reeks of negativity and the sounds of souls trapped here begging, more like screaming, to be freed.
Yet, there is this sliver of positivity, my positivity. As much as this place has burned me I can't help but be happy as I reminisce in the memories of Jason and I. How we met here or all the times we hid behind the dumpster when we stole things. So many memories made in the small amount of time that is seven years.
Oh, how my world has darkened without my sunshine.
"This is where I met Jason."
Damian stares at the surroundings and his eyes soften slightly, truly getting a glimpse of how hard my life was before I left for Greendale.
"The way you spoke of this place...this isn't what I was expecting, I never would have thought that it was-"
"This bad? Yeah, I guess I never really went into graphic detail about this place with you."
"How did a place like this create someone like you?"
I don't respond, just stare off into the space that had the biggest impact on my life. Swallowing my emotions so I don't cry, I trek farther into the alley and run my hands along the vandalized walls. I get to the dumpster and see next to it on the wall in big red letters is a message. It reads 'JT was here' with a big black X as its background.
I remember the day Jason wrote it, he was being his usual asshole self. He had that devilish smirk on his face as he began spray painting, saying snarky comments about how none of the graffiti was even cool looking. I challenged him when I made a snide sarcastic comment about how he could do better, taking a jab at his ego.
In the end I was right, he had no artistic talent besides the all around basics. I didn't laugh at him because whether he admitted it or not, Jason Todd was sensitive. And even though his message wasn't artsy like the others, it always stood out to me and even now it's still here.
That event happened a couple of days before he met Bruce. Those last few days leading up to the day his destiny would be set I found it hard to be happy, not wanting my time with him to be up. He could tell something was wrong, I didn't smile as much as I used to whenever I was with him and I was always zoning out.
And now...now I stand here without my other half as I look back on our precious moments.
Letting out a deep sigh I return to Damian, guiding him a block away from the alley. We stand before a sorry excuse of an apartment building, the bricks having lost their color and, in some areas, parts of its body. Most of the windows are broken along with fire escapes, the front door of the building looking like someone crashed into it.
"And this...is where Jason lived with his shitty excuse of a family."
Damian's face scrunches up in disgust, not understanding how someone could live here.
"Don't worry, no one lives here anymore. They shut the place down not long after he left due to his dad being murdered as his mother was already dead. Apparently there was an unfixable gas leak and was no longer safe to live in, let alone be around."
"Then why is it still standing?"
"The city was too lazy and cheap to spend money on its destruction, so it never happened. Now it's just an abandoned building full of bad memories and the smell of gas because they never turned it off."
Then it happens, all the emotions I had been suppressing rising to the surface in the feeling of being numb. I pull Damian behind me and take a few steps back, my eyes locked on the vile structure.
Suddenly a pale blue flame engulfs the building, the sounds of cracking a popping filling the air. To humans, they will suspect that this is a normal gas fire that probably ignited due to someone dropping a cigarette. But to others, those of the supernatural, they will know exactly what this is.
Only the most powerful beings can summon it, mainly devils and the most powerful witches, only five ever achieving it. Two of those witches I know, Violet Spellman and her late twin sister Sabrina. Then there's me, I don't need a spell to call upon it, I just have to focus on my target.
I just stand there as I watch it burn, all the feelings inside me channeling on this soon to be pile of rubble. Damian says nothing, he just stays close to me as the fire grows. It's then that I decide it's time to go, not wanting to be in this city any longer, and distinguish the flame as the building crumbles to the ground.
Gesturing to Damian that we're leaving I catch something out of the corner of my eye. On the roof of a building not even a block away from us is a man observing us, a duffel bag in one hand and an AK47 in the other. He's a blur of black and red as he rushes away as I start turning my head to glare at him.
But I see it, the brown leather jacket with a red hood and the obvious red helmet. I'm absolutely astonished and my brain starts spazzing because this isn't supposed to be possible. None of this was supposed to happen, this isn't how everything was planned. So, why? How? This isn't how the future was supposed to go, so why the fuck is it?
Why is Red Hood already here?
"Beloved, what's wrong?"
The ringing in my ears is so loud that I almost don't hear Damian. I can't process this event, not when I just saw my soulmate fulfilling his destiny that wasn't supposed to happen much later in the future.
Jason wasn't supposed to be resurrected yet.
What the fuck is happening?!?
"Change of plans, I can't leave Gotham yet."

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