Elizabeth Olsen's Bodyguard

By elizabeth-olsen

174K 5.8K 1.3K

Story is about Elizabeth olsen, the woman who is amazing and talented but doesn't know what real love is, she... More

First meeting
New start
why is she so beautiful?
My protector
Her shirt
Who's real cheater?
Her smile
Fall for her???
Can you stay?
Becouse you are mine
Another mistake
If you can't stay then go away...
Are we over?
We might meet again my love.
White roses
Feelings which got alive
Thank you el
I love you y/n
The truth we should see...
It isn't what i saw.. or is it?
safe in her arms...
Will you be my girlfriend?
New member of family
We heard you...

Did we do it?

5.6K 202 64
By elizabeth-olsen

Hello my loves, this chapter will be a little longer and you will be very intrigued in the end, stay stunned and write your opinions please it motivates me❤️

Elizabeth's pov:

When i woke up it was first time for so long when i didn't feel anxious since the morning, i opened my eyes and tried to move when i felt some heavy feeling on my chest , i looked around and saw y/n cuddling with me, her one had was under my neck and another hand was on my boob which made me think of that morning when i was in her bed.

As much as i don't want to ruin this moment because i feel so comfortable in this position as much i am sure that if she will wake up and will see this she will feel uncomfortable and i will feel guilty because i demanded to sleep together, i carefully moved her hand and got up, got dressed and went downstairs.

My family is already awake, chatting with each other, i joined them and we were talking about some stuff. After some minutes we heard y/n's voice

"Good morning everyone" she said while waving her hand to us, it was so adorable and funny, i think she hadn't woke up fully

I said good morning and so did my family too, i stood up to make breakfast for us and was in process when i heard what my mom said

"Y/n how did you make lizzie to let you borrow her favorite shirt?" As soon as i heard that words i dropped knife which was in my hand.
God no, lord save me now...

"Her favorite shirt huh?" Y/n said while looking at me with smirk on her face

"No mom it isn't that shirt, you confused them they look similar " I tried to lie about it but my sister started talking

"No it's exactly that shirt which you brought here some months ago and wear every time when something bad happens to you, it's like it calms you down" mary kate said and i felt how y/n's smile got wider and i also felt how my cheeks got red, i got so embarrassed, she wasn't supposed to see this shirt at all and she wasn't supposed to hear all of this whatever my family said.
Y/n noticed how embarrassed i was and tried to change the topic

"So Elizabeth if we want to be there on time we should leave maximum in one hour"

"Yes i know, let's eat breakfast together and then we can go"
i said and picked up the knife which i dropped.

After we ate we went to my house, I didn't say a word whole way because i was still embarrassed, y/n was smiling to herself time to time and it was very cute, when we were getting ready i gave her the shirt and told her she could take it but she refused it and told me that it's already mine and if she will stay with me again she will borrow it so it's win for both of us, i know she said it for me and i find very cute in that.


Party time

We got dressed and y/n left me completely speechless, she looks so hot and attractive in that suit.
She complimented me about my dress and i felt so happy about it, i like that she noticed it and told me something sweet about it.

I entered the entrance and she was behind me, its chris party, so here isn't someone who I doesn't know, it's close friends party, for some reason i thought y/n would get excited about marvel cast but she didn't, she kept her cool and it surprised me a little at first but then i got know that she was working with some of them some time ago.

I was trying to find Scarlett, but it turned out she couldn't attend this party because of some reason. Then new actress florence came to us , she introduced herself to us and we chatted about new marvel movie a little, after some time i saw that she gave her number to y/n, it made me so mad and so sad at the same time but i couldn't say anything, i have no rights to say anything so i just ignored it and tried to think about robbie who should get back tomorrow, it makes me excited to be honest and i still hope that when he's back our relationship will get better and as it was in old times.

After some time we left the party and y/n drove me to home, we didn't talk much and just said goodnights in the end, she left and i went to get shower and sleep, but decided to call robbie before it.


Y/n's pov:

I felt vibration of my phone under my pillow, i looked at it and it was Elizabeth's number, i look at the clock and it was around 3, i got confused why was she calling me on that time and answered immediately, at first i couldn't hear anything because there was so loud music

"Hey Elizabeth do you hear me? What happened?" I asked in my phone but got no answer

"Elizabeth do you hear me?" I repeated and then I heard some man's voice and got panicked if something bad happened to her

"Hello, are you miss y/n?" He asked me

"Yes i am who am i talking to? Why do you have my friend's phone?" I asked confused and was losing my patience already

"Sorry for calling you but your girl is here drunk in my bar and some men are watching her badly, I asked her who i could call to take her home and she told me that y/n her wife, then i searched for such name and found yours, could you maybe come and take her?"

Oh god when did she got there? I thought to myself

"Yes man of course i will come, can you keep an eye on her please? Don't let anyone close to her please and i will pay you for that favor " i told him genuinely

"Yes no problem even without money, I'll send you location" he told me and hang up i jumped from my bed got dressed quickly and after two minutes i got the address, i took my keys and directly went to the bar.

I was thinking what could happen to her so she went to drink and then i remembered that he said she called me her wife, i smiled about this thought. She's so cute but i need to get her quickly, i drove as fast as i could and after 24 minutes i was already there.

I went in the bar and started to search for her, i saw her on the bar and run to her

"Oh god Elizabeth how much did you drink?" I asked her but it was pointless she was asleep there. I paid for the man even though he didn't want to take it and picked her up, carried to my car and carefully laid her on the back of my car, I drove to my house because i don't know where her house's keys are.

When we got home i put her on my bed but suddenly she woke up and threw up on herself and on me, i helped her and took to the bathroom

"Elizabeth are you okay?" I asked her while holding her hair

"Oh my y/n are you here?" She asked me while smiling

"Yes sweetheart i am here, let's go i need you to get up you are fully covered in your mess" i told her and she listened to me, i couldn't let her sleep like that it would bother her a lot and her whole body was dirty so i helped her to go to shower, cleaned her face, hair and everything, her clothes got wet and i didn't have any other choice except changing her myself because she fall asleep.

I took her clothes off and tried to not to look at her beautiful body but it was so hard, she is so attractive woman and I can't take my eyes off her
I had to take her bra and panties off too but when i did I closed my eyes because I didn't want to look while she was asleep, i made her wear my long shirt and put her under my blanket, i made sure she was comfortable and okay and went to sleep on the sofa, i couldn't stop thinking about her calling me her wife and after some time i fall asleep with that amazing thought or dream...


In the morning...

Elizabeth's pov:

Hard headache woke me up, my head was exploding and i couldn't remember anything. I squeezed my eyes and opened it, it wasn't my room, i tried to recognize the room and realization hit me, it was y/n's room, fucking god what did i do, oh god now please not this happening again please god save me, i jumped out of bed and then realized that i was wearing her shirt, and oh god i was almost naked without bra and panties, i got so panicked and went to search for y/n, i saw her sleeping on the sofa and woked her up harshly, let me correct it, i hit her the pillow, god
She woke up confused

"What the actual fuck Elizabeth?" She told me irritated

"Yes y/n what the actual fuck? Did we do it? Did we? Did..." i couldn't finish my sentence because she interrupted me

"Can you fucking calm down? We didn't do a shit, I wouldn't touch you without your permission for the first time and secondly miss olsen you should me thank for bringing you here and not leaving you in the bar with lot of hungry men who would be happy their whole life because they got to be with woman such you" she told me and got up, i got confused at first but then she explained me everything about bar about call and about my clothes too, now i feel so bad that i thought she would do such thing

"Im sorry y/n, i am truly sorry i just got so panicked" i told her sadly and quietly

"Its okay Elizabeth, i will go get shower and if you need pills you can find them in my room" she told me and went to the bathroom

I was searching for pills when i heard that someone got in the house, i heard the sound of keys, i got scared at first but if this person has keys then it should be someone close to her, i went to see who was it and i couldn't believe my eyes, it was scarlett, my best friend scarlett, Scarlett Johansson had y/n's keys

"What are you doing here Scarlett?" I asked her confused and saw that she also got confused at first

"Hello lizzie, why are you here?" She asked me

"I am with y/n, she's my bodyguard but why are you here?" I repeated question

"I know that she's your bodyguard she told me"

she answered and i started thinking why should y/n tell her about it or how do they know each other, do they have something? Are they together? I mean they are both single, oh god probably they are together, i was thinking about all of this when i heard that y/n came out of the bathroom

"Oh my god scar what are you doing here?" She said and run to scarlett, they hugged each other so tightly i got almost sure that they're together when scarlett kissed her cheeks.

"Uhm i am sorry to interrupt you two, y/n i need my things I should go" i said and started to picking up my things nervously
What a stupid person i am, how did i let myself to have such thoughts, that's my life, the person who is actually with me doesn't do a shit for me and the person who i feel the most comfortable and safe is dating my friend, the reason why i got drunk yesterday was that i called Robbie to ask him when would he be here so i could wait for him in the airport but not surprisingly he told me that he can't come for more two weeks, how great right?

"Elizabeth wait" y/n told me but i ignored it and went to the room

You're fucking stupid Elizabeth and you will never have whatever you want so bad, you will never have the damn family...

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