
By CapChaoticNeutral

15K 457 98

π‰π€π‚πŽπ ππ‹π€π‚πŠ 𝐱 πŽπ‚ ❝ π‘¦π‘œπ‘’ π‘Žπ‘Ÿπ‘’ π‘‘β„Žπ‘’ π‘π‘Žπ‘’π‘ π‘’ π‘œπ‘“ π‘šπ‘¦ π‘’π‘’π‘β„Žπ‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘–π‘Ž ❞ Sabrina Swan was a... More

𝐂𝐀𝐒𝐓 & π‚πŽπ•π„π‘π’
πš‚πš—πšŽπšŠπš” π™ΏπšŽπšŠπš”
𝐀𝐂𝐓 πŽππ„ : 𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐄
𝐀𝐂𝐓 π“π–πŽ : ππ‹π€π‚πŠ 𝐒𝐖𝐀𝐍


641 32 9
By CapChaoticNeutral

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Okay, we should be back around three!" Charlie announced as he let his friend, Harry Clearwater, in.

Sabrina hopped down the stairs, skipping the last two and plopping down onto the ground floor in front of Harry with a wide smile.

"Hi, Harry," she greeted brightly.

Harry smiled, delighted to the see the girl — even more so than usual since she'd befriended his daughter, Leah. Sabrina had been such a great influence on Leah since they started hanging out just a few weeks ago. Hell, it had been so long since Leah had been so happy that Harry had almost forgotten what it was like to see his daughter smile.

"Hey there, kiddo," he replied, ruffling her hair, making her giggle and scrunch her nose, "Got any plans?"

She shrugged.

"Oh, nothin' much. Might just swing by your place and annoy Leah into watching a movie with me."

Harry gave a hearty chuckle.

"Great idea!" He exclaimed, "And if you need any help convincing her, feel free to ask Seth to help ya out."

"Oh, I will," she said with a wink, making him laugh more.

"Hey, I don't have to go fishing today..." Sabrina heard Charlie offer Bella as the older girl put the phone down.

Bella had been calling Jacob non-stop since he went MIA. After the first few unanswered texts and phone calls, Sabrina had gotten the hint not to bother him but it still hurt every time she saw Bella glued to the phone, hoping he'd answer. Perhaps Sabrina had just lost hope that he'd care enough about her to answer long ago.

"Yeah, you do," Harry jumped in quickly, making Sabrina laugh and Bella smile.

"No you should go," Bella nodded in agreement.

"Yeah," Sabrina chimed in, skipping over to her uncle's side, "How else are we gonna throw our massive Project X party if you're still here."

"What?" Charlie asked.

"What?" Sabrina repeated quickly.

Charlie narrowed his eyes and comically frowned at her. She just grinned back at him.

Yup, she's definitely too young to have seen that movie (Emmett showed it to her) but Charlie was going to let it slide just this once because he knew she was joking.

"Okay, well, I'm gonna pretend I didn't just hear that," he said, shouldering his backpack, "Don't trash the house."

"No promises," Sabrina said jokingly.

"Be careful," Bella said.

"Always am," her dad replied.

With that, Charlie gave Sabrina a goodbye kiss on the forehead and left.

"Don't worry, girls, those bears won't get the drop on me. My kung fu is strong," Harry assured them before taking his leave.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

The Clearwaters' house looked like most of the others on the reservation: small, quaint and filled with an otherworldly kind of energy, like there was something protecting it. That's how it's residents felt too.

In the last few weeks since Jacob had been MIA, Sabrina had grown particularly attached to Leah — and so had Quil, much to Leah's dismay. The girl may come across as cold and harsh to others but Sabrina and Quil could recognise the sort of protective energy Leah just radiated that made them feel safe and comforted, even though she wouldn't hesitate to snap at them if their silliness got too overwhelming for her. Leah may have tried to pretend that she didn't care for the two younger teenagers but, in reality, she cared a whole lot and that was felt in the way she would let them ramble on and on about the most ridiculous of topics or how she would always let them in when they showed up unannounced at her door, even when she could've just as easily slammed the door in their faces.

Leah was different from most of Sabrina's other friends, like Emmett and Alice. In fact, if anything, she most like Rosalie — just slightly less maternal and little more 'vodka aunt'. Maybe that's why Sabrina thought that, if she had to... reveal certain things about herself, Leah would be the easiest person for her to open up to.

Ugh, the thought alone made Sabrina's stomach churn and her nerves go off the charts. Ever since her social worker had told her to try opening up a bit more, she had really been trying to psych herself up and gather the courage to do it but at the last second — as she pictured what Leah's face would look like when she told her, when she imagined how Leah would probably think she was a freak and might never want to see her again — she always chickened out.

Now was no different because as the skies darkened and the storm clouds gathered over the reservation, Sabrina stood outside the Clearwaters' house contemplating turning back and just asking Bella to come pick her up.

"Ughhhh, pleeeeaaaase would just you make up your mind already?" Benny tilted his head back and groaned, rolling his eyes as he did so, "We've been standing here for hourssss."

"Calm down. It's only been like thirty minutes," Sabrina retorted with an identical eye roll.

"And yet it's felt like thirty years," he sighed, "Come onnnnn," he whined and stomped his foot like a child, "I'm not getting any younger here, B!"

"You're dead," she deadpanned, "Ghosts don't age, genius."

"And yet somehow you—" before Benny could finish his snide remark, something caught his eye. A flash of white in the distance.

Sabrina, taking note of his silence, looked to him with furrowed brows.

"You okay?"

Benny stepped in front of Sabrina, squinting as he strained his eyes in search of whatever had caught his attention.

"Did you see...?"

Sabrina frowned and opened her mouth to speak, but the flicker of something in her peripherals stopped her. The faint sound of giggles echoed through the clearing behind the Clearwater's house and yet no passers-by seemed to hear it.

Something strange was going on.

Sabrina and Benny exchanged a look.

"Maybe we should go inside now," Benny nervously suggested, knowing what the look on Sabrina's face meant and now growing very keen on the idea of getting his little sister away from whatever potential harm was being presented.

And then Sabrina saw something. It was but a flicker. Flashing in and out of existence before her eyes so fast that she was almost convinced that she'd been hallucinating.

It was a girl. A young girl with smooth, unblemished porcelain skin, dark blue eyes and brilliant, pin-straight red hair. Despite the normal bitterly cold temperatures of this corner of America, the girl walked barefoot in nothing but a thin, sleeveless white dress that just barely reached her knees and bore not a single speck of dirt.

And then she was gone.

The girl flickered like a broken TV, in and out of Sabrina's field of visual perception, disappearing and reappearing at various parts of the clearing until she finally stopped by the tree line.

"I don't like this, B," Benny said backing up slowly with fear and trepidation in his step.

The girl stood there with a smile on her face, beckoning for Sabrina and Benny to follow her before she turned and ran off into the forest.


The name rang in Sabrina's ears like a gong but she didn't even flinch, too captivated by the mysterious girl and her alluring presence.


"Don't do it, Sabrina," Benny warned.

"Hey! Wait!" Sabrina tried to call out to her, ignoring her brother.

But the mysterious girl heard nothing.

Unable to resist the mix of burning curiosity and concern, Sabrina took off after the girl.

She sprinted through the forest, hopping over logs and ducking under tree branches in hopes of catching up to the strange young girl; her hopes of talking to Leah now far removed from her mind.

"Hey!" Sabrina called to the giggling girl, "Slow down!"

Sabrina chased her for what felt like ages, just barely managing to keep the girl in her line of sight but after a while the girl simply vanished, completely out of sight.

Sabrina stopped in her tracks, bending over and breathing heavily.

"Man, I'm out of shape," She panted.

Sabrina paused for a moment, noticing a figure just a few feet ahead. It wasn't the girl in the white dress. No, this person was solid, definitely real. She could only make out the faint silhouette of the hooded figure but Sabrina assumed they were just another hiker that had strayed from the trails.

"Hey, you there" she called out slowly approaching them, "Are you lost? Do you need help getting back to the trail?"

"No thank you," the ice cold voice a familiar immortal sent chills down Sabrina's spine as the figure turned slowly, "I think I'm exactly where I need to be."

Blood red eyes, like the ones she'd seen the day Benny was murdered, stared back at her with hunger and vengeance.

Sabrina stumbled backwards, her heartbeat spiking and her palms growing sweaty.

"Victoria," she whispered.

"That's right," she sang with a taunting smirk, starting to circle Sabrina.

"So, I'm guessing you're here to kill me?" Sabrina asked, swallowing her nerves and clenching her fists in an attempt to stay grounded.

Victoria's cruel smirk only widened as she sized up the smaller human, practically licking her lips.

"I see you're the smart one," Victoria noted.

Sabrina shook her head, eyes darting around frantically as she desperately searched for a way out of this.

"No, actually, that's Bella. I'm the weird one," Sabrina corrected, playing Victoria's game long enough to buy herself some time.

Victoria seemed highly amused.

"I can see that too," the woman chuckled lowly, "I've been watching you, you know. You're awful nice to that cousin of yours, aren't you? Despite what she's putting you through."

Sabrina's throat dried.

"I don't— I don't know what you're talking about," she replied, eyeing the makeshift pathway that lead back to the Clearwater's place as she stuck one hand in her pocket and tried to dial Bella's number into her phone.

"Oh, I think you do," she said in her honeyed tone, zooming straight towards Sabrina and standing a little too close for comfort.

Sabrina winced, squeezing her eyes shut and letting out a shuddering exhale as Victoria twirled a piece of Sabrina's hair around her finger, continuing to circle her.

"You can't lie to me, Sabrina," she spoke lowly, her voice deceptively soothing, "I probably know you better than you know yourself. You're a good person... one of the best but, even you have a dark side. And no one will ever know just how dark it is but you."

She sighed against Sabrina's skin and tut-tutted.

"It's a pity. Such great potential... I almost don't want to kill you," she confessed genuinely, "because I like you, little one, I do..."

Victoria brushed Sabrina's hair away from her neck, leaned in — her ice cold marble nose brushing against Sabrina's neck — and inhaled her scent deeply. Sabrina tried to hide the way her hands began to tremble but she didn't need to try anymore when Victoria said her next few words:

"Just like I liked your mother."

The girl froze, eyes flying open wide and alert like never before. It was like Victoria's presence had coerced her into this lulled state ruled by an overwhelming kind of fear but now, she was awake.

Victoria felt Sabrina stiffen and smirked against her skin, taking a few steps back.

"What did you say?" Sabrina asked her, her voice even and firm; maybe even challenging.

"You look like her, you know," Victoria said with an sinister smile, "Act like her too. Always wanting to help everyone around her and forget all about herself... In fact, if I hadn't killed her myself, I would think you were her."

Sabrina's once trembling hands grew still and her fists clenched harder.


"Yes," Victoria cut her off, delighted by Sabrina's little epiphany, "I remember it like it was just the other day. No one was like her," she sighed with pleasure, tilting her head back and closing her eyes, "It's like I can still taste her blood... still feel the sheer power in every drop."

Sabrina's blood boiled. She would never tell a single soul this (not even her brother) but Sabrina Swan remembered the night that she was born.

Yup, Sabrina didn't just wake up one day with the abilities she had. No, her supernatural tendencies were engraved into her very DNA, brought to life from even before the moment she was pulled from her mother's womb.

As a child, the memory of her birth had been as vivid as ever but as she grew older, only the feelings and sensations remained in her memory.

Her mother, Marie Swan — who happened to be Charlie's sister — had been a "troubled" young woman; meaning she was just different from other people her age.

That night, the night Sabrina was born, Marie had been distressed, speeding down the highway like a lunatic on a mission as her three-year-old — who now goes by Benny Swan but was then known as Bianca — wailed in the backseat. The woman was frantic, switching her focus between the road and her efforts to console the crying toddler all the while experiencing the sharp pains of contractions as she was about to go into labour. It was a recipe for disaster.

Sabrina remembered what her mother saw that night — just as it had happened with Benny. It was the moment that the road had cleared of all other cars and Marie thought that she was in the clear. But she couldn't have been more wrong. For, in a split second, a woman stood in the middle of the road. Marie swerved. And the next thing she knew, there was blood everywhere, blood slowly being drained from her mother and if it weren't for the blaring sirens of ambulances and cop cars, Sabrina would have died that night, before she could even be born.

At the hospital, Marie was declared dead on arrival and her body underwent an emergency caesarean section to ensure that her baby survived. The place was absolute chaos. In the waiting room, nurses struggled to hold down the violently thrashing three-year-old, in order to treat his injuries but as the child continued to scream out for his mother, the nurse's attempts were rendered futile. And in the operating room, where a woman's heartbeat had long since flatlined, a newborn baby screamed as she was ripped from her mother's dead body.

By the break of dawn the next morning, there were two Swan siblings that were left orphaned. The eldest sat in an empty hospital room with tear tracks staining his cheeks as he cradled his newborn baby sister in his tiny toddler arms.

"James had been so fascinated by you and your brother," Victoria continued, "If it weren't for him I would've drained you both right then and there... but no, he'd insisted on leaving you be, to see what you'd become one day, if you'd truly have as much potential as he thought."

Victoria opened her eyes and looked to the girl who seethed quietly where she stood.

"Your brother clearly didn't but now you..." she sighed, "Such a pity."

The vampire grabbed Sabrina by the neck, lifting her up into the air. She zoomed forwards and slamming her against a nearby tree, pinning her there. Sabrina struggled against Victoria's hold but it was all to no avail. 

"I'm sorry but you understand why I have to do this, don't you?" Victoria asked her patronisingly as Sabrina stopped fighting and glared down at her, "You killed my mate. Now I kill you."

As Victoria's mouth split into a large, gleeful grin, Sabrina caught sight of something over Victoria's shoulder: the girl in the white dress. She stood with a soft, sad smile and nodded at Sabrina, a message echoing in her head.

"Lizzy..." Sabrina struggled to choke out the words.

Victoria tilted her head and narrowed her eyes at the name.

"Excuse me?" She questioned, loosening her grip the smallest amount.

Sabrina gasped lightly.

"Lizzy... sends... love."

Victoria's eyes widened with terror and she abruptly dropped the teenage girl. Sabrina fell to the ground, coughing and sputtering. But as Victoria stood there in shock, Sabrina gathered her strength, channelling all that newfound rage she felt and through out a hand in Victoria's direction.

Taken by surprise, an invisible forced slammed into the vampire, flinging her through the air, across the forest and into a tree.

A crack in her stony, marble skin formed across her face and she looked up in surprise. The crack patched itself up and Victoria pushed herself up off the floor, eyes still wide with shock as she stared at the girl whose nose and mouth began to fill with blood.

"I'd run if I were you," Benny said to Victoria, materialising beside his sister with a glare in the vampire's direction.

Without wasting another second, Victoria vanished and Sabrina collapsed.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Bella, I'm fine, I promise," Sabrina insisted as her cousin fussed over her.

After Bella had gotten a mysterious call from her cousin in the middle of the day and had heard Victoria's voice on the line, she had rushed down to La Push only to find her cousin passed out in the middle of the woods, face covered in her own blood.

She had looked like she was dead. And that had freaked Bella out like nothing else ever could.

"Sabrina you're clearly not fine," Bella retorted, darting her eyes from the road to her cousin, who leaned her head against the cool window while cleaning the blood from her nose and around her mouth.

"Yeah, I'm with Bella on this one," Benny agreed, materialising between the two girls.

Sabrina coughed into a rag, staining the material with spots of blood. Victoria must've hit her harder than she thought.

"Whatever," she waved them off, "I just need some sleep and I'll be fine."

"Sabrina, what Victoria said about your mom..." Bella tried to inquire but Sabrina just screwed her eyes shut and turned to face the window, focusing on the raindrops that slid down the glass.

"I don't wanna talk about it," Sabrina said.

She sighed, the voice of her social worker, Marie, popping into her mind.

"Open up, Sabrina. Talk to someone. And don't just push down your feelings and cover them up with new ones because the only one that that's hurting is you."

"Not yet at least," She added.

Bella let out a relieved exhale and nodded, focusing back on the road, comforted by the fact that her cousin was at least being responsible about dealing with her feelings — unlike herself.

They drove in silence. Which meant there was nothing to drown out Sabrina's thoughts and it was driving her mad. She wished that Jacob was there. He always seemed to know exactly what to do or say to make her feel better, even if it was just for the moment.

Taking one good look at Sabrina, Bella knew that that was exactly what she needed right now; the one thing that would always comfort her and make her feel safe: her best friend.


So, as though she was reading Sabrina's mind, Bella suddenly made a quick turn, taking them off the road going back to Forks and down a familiar street.

"Bells, this is the way to Jacob's place," Benny noticed, "I thought we were going home?"

"We are," Bella answered, "We're just gonna check on someone first."

Benny sighed, sinking back into the seat and running his hands down his face in exasperation.

"This will end badly."

They pulled up outside the Black's house and there he was, walking out in the rain in only a pair of shoes and some cutoff jeans. The Swans could not believe their own eyes. Jacob Black was almost unrecognisable.

Sabrina stared in shock while Bella was already out the car and marching toward the boy with fury in her step. She shook her head and Benny glanced at her with worry.

At first, all she felt was anger.

She had tried so hard to reach out to him, even going so far as to drop off all his favourite foods and movies for him because she thought he was sick and all she wanted was for him to feel better. But now, here he was, perfectly as healthy as a horse, just running around in the rain.

He had blown her off and ignored her for nothing. How could he do that?

Then she noticed something. Something that only a best friend, someone who truly and genuinely cared about him, would have noticed.

"That's not him, Ben," she whispered to her brother.

Benny lifted his hand, wanting to reach out and place it on his sister's shoulder to comfort her but instead he simply sighed.

"I think it is, B."

She shook her head.

"No," she replied, "He's not right, Benny, look at him. Something is wrong."

"He looks pretty fine to me," Benny tried to joke, "You've never thought anything otherwise though."

"No, Benny," she stressed, "Look at him. Really look. His face, the way he's standing... something's hurting him, Benny. He's not happy." And that's not like her Jacob.

As Bella made her way back to the car, soaking wet and looking like her heart had just been ripped out of her chest, Sabrina's eyes flicked curiously from her, once again, broken-hearted cousin to her best friend, the boy she loved.

"Oh no. I know that look. What're you going to do?" Benny asked suspiciously.

"Hey, Bells. Why don't you and Benny grab us some pizza?" Sabrina suggested ignoring Benny's words, her gaze narrowed on the boy that still stood shirtless outside his garage in the rain, "You can come back for me after."

Without waiting to hear a response, Sabrina exited the truck and went straight over to Jacob. Now, of course, she was aware that she probably shouldn't have been allowing Bella to drive in her heartbroken condition but when the truck engine roared to life and she heard it motor off back to Forks, there was no turning back.

Jacob could hear her clumsy footsteps trudging towards him but he refused to turn his back in fear that if he looked upon the face of his best friend, he'd see the exact same shade of pain and hurt splattered across it that he'd seen on Bella's. And he didn't think he'd be able to handle that.

Sabrina stood but a few feet away, facing Jacob's back but, strangely enough, in that moment, Jacob's beautifully sculpted back muscles weren't what her sights were set on — as they would usually be. It was the brief, flicker of the new wolf-like aura that surrounded the boy that captured her attention. All the anger and annoyance aimed at the boy had momentarily been pushed aside.

"You're different now," Sabrina commented calmly after a moment of silence between the two, which was filled with nothing but the harsh pitter-patter of rain.

The soft, delicate sound of her voice made Jacob's heart clench. He could tell there was something up with her and he so badly wanted to turn around and make it better as she'd done for him so many times; but it was the fear of hurting her that took precedence over all else, even if he hated not having his best friend by his side.

God, not talking to her about everything that's been going on these past few weeks had been hell. He could've lived with keeping his new life a secret from the rest of the world but Sabrina was the only one he ever would've wanted to tell.

"You need to leave," Jacob finally said, though it was far from convincing to the girl for she could hear the pain lacing his words.

The girl glanced over to the figures at the tree line, catching a brief sight of the similar wolf-shaped auras that engulfed them protectively. If Jacob had known what she could see, he would've practically felt the cogs turning in her brain.

"All of you. Your auras... they look like... like... wolves. Like how Sam's did that night he found Bella in the woods," Sabrina pondered aloud more to herself than him as she slowly fit the pieces of the insane puzzle together.

Jacob's brows furrowed in confusion at her words and though he didn't look right at her, his head turned slightly to glance back in her direction. The boy hadn't a clue about what she was talking about. But her words struck something within him. Auras, wolves... she was getting far too close to the truth for anyone's liking.

"You're like Sam now, aren't you?" She asked sadly, taking step closer.

Jacob clenched his first and squeezed his eyes shut for a brief second, keeping his emotions in check.


"Don't," She cut him off firmly, not in the mood to hide how she was truly feeling from him, "Don't you lie to me, Jacob Black! I deserve better than that."

"You do," he admitted sadly with a nod as he lowered his head.

"Then tell me: what are you?" She asked, slowly and cautiously stepping closer.

Jacob felt the panic rise up in his chest as his breathing began to shallow and his clenched fists began to shake.

"Sabrina, get back," he warned in a low, commanding voice.

Sabrina's eyes widened as she watched his vibrant russet aura vibrate violently. But it was too late to turn back now. So, Sabrina pushed aside her feelings of unease and strode forwards until she was close enough to Jacob to feel the heat radiating off his body. Reaching out to him, she gently lay a hand over his fist.

"It's okay, Jacob," she assured, her tone as kind and gentle as her soul as she told him everything that she wished someone would've said to her, "I'm not going anywhere. I'm here. I'm here for you. Whatever it is, I promise I won't think any differently of you. You can talk to me, Jake."

Jacob's heart squeezed in his chest. It physically pained him to do this but he could feel his emotions getting out of control. He could feel himself slipping away. But as he yanked his arm out of her grip and snapped around towards her, ready to yell at her and tell her to go away just as he did with Bella, something happened that changed everything.

As she stood out in the rain, soaked to the bone with freezing rain water, Sabrina had just about thought all hope was lost. She felt him tense up and rip his arm from her grasp with a burning anger. But when he turned around and looked her in the eye, she watched them soften and suddenly, despite his nearly unrecognisable new appearance, she was looking at the same old Jacob Black she'd known for years. She was looking into the eyes of the real Jacob Black. Her Jacob. The boy she fell in love with.

His gaze instantly softened and his fists unclenched. Sabrina's breath hitched in her throat. Her whole body felt flushed with heat as everything around her faded from existence, except for the boy in front of her. Everything about him seemed too alluring for words. From his gorgeous brown eyes and smooth russet skin, to the shape of his muscles and the curve of his lips; everything about the boy was so much more deliciously enticing than it ever was before and all of a sudden, it took Sabrina everything in her not to pull him close, to run her hands through his hair and over his smooth warm skin and memorise every single one of the hills and valleys of muscles that made up his body.

He was drawing her in like a moth to a flame and, boy, was she ready to burn. In that moment, she realised that it didn't matter what she did or how hard she tried, Sabrina Swan was always going to be drawn to Jacob Black in one way or another. It was like there were magnets embedded in her bones that ached to be close to the iron in his blood.

And that look in his eyes... it was a look that made her wish that she was sitting down as it made her weak in the knees; it was a look that finally made Sabrina understand something that she'd read long ago: he looked at her the way she needed to be looked at, like the world would crumble and he wouldn't blink. It was the way she'd always wanted him to look at her.

Sabrina would never be able to explain how she felt in that moment. For a second it was as if she felt nothing but pure bliss... and then it all came flooding back to her and hit her like a bus. Where she was, what she was doing, her worries, her fears, her troubles and ailments.

The boy still stared at her, seemingly as transfixed with her as she was with him just seconds ago. The memory making heat rush to her cheeks.

For Sabrina Swan — who had always been in love with Jacob Black — she was looking into the pair of eyes that had always held a special place in heart. But for Jacob Black — who remained oblivious to the girl's true feelings and had this far convinced himself that he was in love with Sabrina's cousin — it was like he was looking at her for the very first time.

The change was so sudden that Jacob could've sworn he'd gotten a whiplash. Not that it mattered. Not that anything else mattered besides her. Jacob Black was slowly succumbing to the usually gentle push and pull of the tide of Sabrina's crystal clear sea-green gaze. But, boy, was he happy to drown in those waters.

The only way that he could possibly even attempt to describe that moment was that it was like getting caught in a tornado and landing in Oz where suddenly everything was in colour and he hadn't even realised how dull his black and white life had been without her.

It was as if his whole world had been uprooted, everything spinning around weightlessly, all the different parts of his life colliding in one big cacophony of chaos... and then there she was. Her mere presence pulling him back down to Earth and bringing peace and calm to the storm of destruction in his life.

He watched as their life together flashed before his eyes. The sights of her effervescent smile brightened his world and the overwhelming feelings of love flooded his body, leaving him trembling and weak.

In that moment, Sabrina Swan had become the centre to which Jacob Black's whole world revolved around.

She was his gravity, his rock and his salvation. She was his imprint.

"Jake...?" She called out to him in concern at the sight of his trembling body and slowly weakening limbs.

Sabrina's worried voice snapped him out of the daze he'd been thrust into at the mere sight of her. Why was she worried? He didn't like that. She wasn't happy about something and that made everything so incredibly wrong. As long as he was there, she shouldn't ever have to worry about anything. She should always be happy.

Jacob opened his mouth to speak but the words died on his lips as he found himself speechless. All he could do was stand and stare at the beauty that stood before him.

Sabrina watched with fascination as the wolf shaped aura surrounding Jacob expanded, circling around her and engulfing the girl in a protective embrace.

As it faded, Sabrina looked back to Jake who was slowly being dragged away towards the forest line by Sam and his brawny goons.

And that's how Sabrina Swan ended up standing alone in the icy cold rain, watching one of the people she'd loved most in the world be pulled away from her as he shifted into a giant wolf.

And Sabrina was, once again, left standing alone in the rain, wishing Jacob was with her.

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Being Bella swans sister and having an mental illness that deems Athena 'crazy' isn't a good combination But when she moves to forks and meets a fam...
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You are the older adopted sister to Bella Swan and you recently found out you come from a long line of witches. While she lived with her mom in Phoen...