Citadel of Hearts: The Empero...

By hoshivelous

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"In your quest to lay claim upon me, my body, my land, and my people, heed this, Seungcheol: my heart shall f... More

Introduction and Prologue
Chapter 1: Prettiest is "Mine"
Chapter 2: Intrigued and brave
Chapter 3: Resistance untill death
Chapter 4: Scarf of Lies
Chapter 5: Beau as Rose
Chapter 6: The beauty of Sel
Chapter 7: Threads of Trust
Chapter 8: Forbidden fates
Chapter 9: Clash of Thrones
Chapter 10: Swords and Seduction
Chapter 11: Regal Affairs
Chapter 12: Touch to be Longed
Chapter 13: Desire and Devotion
Chapter 14: Fire within you
Chapter 15: Scars on Souls
Chapter 16: Emblem of Love
Chapter 17: Shadows of Betrayal
Chapter 18: Yielding to Love's Dominion
Chapter 19: Dares of Hearts
Chapter 20: Secrets coloured white
Chapter 21: Whispers of Devotion
Chapter 22: Die for you
Chapter 23: Everlasting true bonds
Chapter 24: Love's Labyrinth
Chapter 25: Stars and Secrets
Chapter 26: Betrayal and Love
Chapter 27: Bleed the lies
Chapter 28: Sacrifice for Sel
Chapter 29: Imperial bonds
Chapter 30: Fragrance of despise
Chapter 31: Solace in separation
Chapter 32: Shadows of regret
Chapter 34: Fractured bonds
Chapter 35: Peace in your presence
Chapter 36: True love and affection
Chapter 37: To my other half
Chapter 38: Reunion of two hearts
Chapter 39: Dance of love
Chapter 40: Moonlit desires
Chapter 41: Remorse and Rebuild
Chapter 42: Live Forever
Epilogue: Emperor's Triumph
New book!

Chapter 33: Knots of trust and repairs

537 58 13
By hoshivelous

In the hushed grandeur of the courthouse, Junhui and Wonwoo shared a weighted gaze, a silent accord passing between them as they bid farewell to the assembled courtiers. Junhui's gaze flickered towards Jeonghan, a silent directive conveyed through the regal arch of his brow, prompting Wonwoo to navigate the expanse towards the figure still knelt in deference before the throne.

"Such burdens should not be yours to bear," Wonwoo's voice, soft yet commanding, cut through the solemn air as his hands found their place upon Jeonghan's trembling shoulders. The weight of his touch offered solace, a fragile tether holding back the tide of emotion threatening to engulf them all. For all their trials, the bond between them remained steadfast, a testament to shared hardship and enduring camaraderie. Had it not been for Jeonghan's deft distraction, Soonyoung's lethal intentions might have struck before their forces could rally, sealing Seungcheol's fate in blood and betrayal.

Amidst the opulence of the courthouse, Junhui and Wonwoo harbored suspicions of Jeonghan's veiled motives, though Seungcheol remained steadfast in his dismissal. Junhui's intuition had been stirred by a fleeting glimpse of Jeonghan's clandestine activities within the labyrinthine depths of the palace library, yet even amidst uncertainty, his vigilance remained unwavering. Jeonghan's resentment, born of forced exile at Seungcheol's hand, fueled a vendetta that threatened to fracture the fragile peace of the realm.

In the recesses of Junhui's heart, the seeds of forgiveness took root, nurtured by empathy for Jeonghan's plight. To be torn from one's home, thrust into the orbit of the man responsible for one's father's suffering—it was a torment unimaginable. Though Jeonghan's thirst for vengeance against Seungcheol was understandable, it did little to alleviate the anguish that gnawed at Seungcheol's soul. Both men bore the scars of their shared history, their suffering intertwined yet uniquely their own.

"Rise, my friend," Wonwoo's voice, infused with regal authority, rang out through the vaulted chamber as he aided Jeonghan to his feet, a silent vow of solidarity amidst the tumult. Jeonghan's gaze, once downcast, now sought out Junhui's, a plea unspoken yet palpable in its intensity. With trembling hands, Jeonghan reached out, his touch a silent entreaty for understanding and acceptance.

"I beg of you," Jeonghan's voice, cracked and fragile, echoed through the cavernous hall, its plea reverberating against the polished stone walls. Junhui, casting a meaningful glance towards Wonwoo, exhaled a weary sigh before granting his assent.

"Very well," Junhui's words, imbued with the weight of royal decree, echoed through the chamber as he clasped Jeonghan's shoulder, a gesture of assurance amidst uncertainty. "Remain within these walls, but remember, your well-being is paramount. His Majesty values you greatly." With a solemn nod, Jeonghan accepted his fate, a flicker of relief dancing across his features.

"Retire to your chambers," Junhui's command, tinged with the regal authority of his station, resonated through the empty expanse of the courthouse as he departed alongside Wonwoo. Left alone amidst the opulent splendor, Jeonghan surveyed his surroundings, a sense of gratitude mingling with the weight of uncertainty.

Yet amidst the tumult of palace intrigue, one truth remained unwavering—his devotion to the man who held his heart, a beacon of solace amidst the storm.

As Jeonghan returned to his chambers, the opulent display of jewels and delicacies served as a stark reminder of his place within the palace walls. With a resolute determination, he resolved to convey to Mingyu, the steward of the royal household, that his presence within these hallowed halls was a permanent fixture. Here, amidst the grandeur of the palace, nestled within the embrace of Seungcheol's arms, Jeonghan wished to remain until his final breath escaped him.

A weary sigh escaped Jeonghan's lips as he sank onto the plush couch, the vibrancy of his surroundings seeming to fade into muted hues of melancholy. The sound of approaching footsteps roused him from his reverie, and he looked up to find Jisoo standing at the threshold, a beacon of steadfast loyalty amidst the uncertainty that engulfed him.

"May I enter?" Jisoo's query was tinged with a sense of deference, a testament to the respect he held for Jeonghan. With a nod, Jeonghan welcomed him into his sanctuary, an unease lingering in the air as he dreaded the possibility of Jisoo's disdain.

"You are always welcomed here," Jeonghan assured him, shifting on the couch to make room for his trusted confidant. As the maids entered with a tray of nourishment, Jisoo's gentle concern for Jeonghan's well-being softened the edges of his apprehension.

"I heard you still haven't eaten," Jisoo remarked, directing the maids to place the food upon the table. "You must nourish yourself adequately to regain your strength."

Jeonghan met Jisoo's unwavering gaze with moist eyes, overwhelmed by the purity of his friend's compassion. Amidst the tumult of palace politics, Jisoo remained a steadfast pillar of support, devoid of any trace of malice or reproach.

"Have you eaten?" Jeonghan inquired, his gaze lingering on Jisoo as he settled into a seat opposite him. Though the distance between them spoke volumes, the unspoken bond of trust between them remained unbroken.

"Yes," Jisoo replied simply, his actions speaking louder than words as he portioned out a serving of food and gently pushed it towards Jeonghan. "Partake of this sustenance. It shall restore your vigor."

With a trembling hand, Jeonghan accepted the offering, his chest tightening with emotion as he contemplated the stark contrast between his treatment within these walls and the punishment he believed he deserved.

"Do you-u hate me?" Jeonghan breathed out, clutching the bowl close to himself, his gaze fixed upon it, fearing the potential onslaught of hatred.

A sigh emanated from Jisoo as he leaned back in his chair.

"Hate you? Do you desire honesty?" he inquired, his eyes piercing into Jeonghan's, who nodded, preferring the bitter truth over layers of deceit.

"As Seungcheol's brother and as a prince of this kingdom," Jisoo began, drawing a deep breath, "I harbor great animosity towards you. I wish for the weight of all the world's pain to burden your shoulders, making every breath a struggle," he swallowed the lump in his throat, his voice cracking, before reaching out across the table to grasp Jeonghan's hand.

"But as your friend in this realm, as the sole individual to whom you have slightly revealed yourself," he smiled, looking up at Jeonghan, "no, I do not hate you."

"What you've done, though understandable from your perspective," Jisoo's voice resonated in the vast chamber, his eyes wandering over the intricately carved walls, "does not necessarily align with what is truly right."

"The consequences could have been dire; our kingdom could have mourned the loss of its sovereign, the Sel left without its protector, and our people facing untold hardships," he spoke with a weighty tone, each word carrying the gravity of the potential outcome.

"I would have lost my sole blood relation, my brother," Jisoo turned his gaze to Jeonghan, a mixture of sorrow and understanding in his eyes, "and you, you would have been deprived of your cherished love."

"Now that the deed is done, we must strive to leave the shadows of the past behind," he sighed, his fingers intertwining in a nervous dance. "We must steel ourselves for the trials that lie ahead."

"I must take my leave," Jisoo rose from his seat with a sense of purpose. "Seokmin's treatment session awaits, and my presence has been promised."

"How fares he?" Jeonghan's concern was palpable, his gaze fixed on Jisoo. A fleeting smile graced Jisoo's lips. "Improving," he reassured before departing the chamber, leaving behind an atmosphere thick with unresolved emotions.



I hope you all can understand where Jeonghan/Seungcheol/jisoo/Junhui/wonwoo/mingyu (in short everyone) comes from? I want to explain everyone's perspective and I hope I am able to do that.

Few chapters left untill the end of COH, Thankyou so much for reading ❤️

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