Dreams of Spring (Tamlin x Hy...

By lameezisme

5.2K 332 60

Book 1.5 - Battle for the High Crown In "Dreams of Spring," Cin and Tamlin set out on a joyous parade to anno... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Eighteen

85 14 3
By lameezisme

The inn room was bathed in the soft glow of morning light, streaming through the fluttering cream curtains, which cast gentle tendrils across the plush furnishings.

Cin drew in a deep breath, steeling herself for the conversation she'd spent half the night scripting. While Tamlin had offered to speak with the children, this news required a softer touch, and Tamlin's demeanor was about as gentle as a dry cactus.

She reached out to gently squeeze Aeson's hand, feeling the small tremor coursing through his fingers. Between them sat Aetlani, her wide eyes brimming with curiosity and innocence. Poppy hovered behind them, her eyes lined with tears she struggled, but failed, to contain.

Tamlin had told Poppy the truth, to prepare her should the children react badly.

"I have something I need to tell you," Cin began, her voice soft yet steady. "Your mom and dad...they fought against bad men, and now they're...gone."

Aetlani's gaze flickered with confusion, her brow furrowing in disbelief. "But...but they'll come back, won't they?"

Cin's heart ached at the innocence in her question and the cruel reality of their situation. She knew better than to delay the truth, risking miscommunication. And yet, it had happened anyway.

"I'm so sorry, rosebud," she murmured, her voice choked with emotion. "They won't be coming back."

Tears welled in Aeson's eyes, his hand going limp in hers. "They're gone," he whispered, his voice barely audible.

Cin nodded, while Tamlin slowly sat down behind Aeson. Aeson barely registered his presence; all the little boy could hear was that the hope he'd been clinging to had been for nothing.

"Yes, sweetheart," Cin replied gently. "But you're not alone, alright? Tamlin and I are here for you, and we'll take care of you."

Aeson's gaze flickered with uncertainty as his young mind began to comprehend the enormity of their loss. "What will happen to us?"

"You'll come and live with us," Tamlin interjected gently. "If that's okay with you. Nothing has to change, except that after we finish up in Surfinia, we'll return to the Mansion, and you'll have your own rooms, much closer to ours."

Cin felt a surge of frustration welling within her as Tamlin jumped ahead, once again forgetting to tread lightly in delicate matters. She shot him a pointed look, silently urging him to let her lead the conversation. He nodded in understanding, biting his lip to keep from interrupting again.

Squeezing Aeson's hand gently, Cin took a deep breath, her mind racing as she tried to find the right words to convey their intentions.

"If you're alright with it," she began, her voice soft yet resolute, "Tamlin and I would like to continue caring for you as we have. But if you'd prefer to be reunited with your friends at the orphanage, we would have no problem with that."

Aeson's brow furrowed in thought as he considered Cin's words, his mind swirling with conflicting emotions. "Can Zay and the others stay in the mansion too?"

"They're in the village," Tamlin replied eagerly, unable to contain his excitement at the prospect of sharing good news. "The orphanage was completed a week ago. We'll take you to see them later, if you'd like."

A sense of relief washed over Cin as she watched Aeson's eyes light up at the mention of the orphanage. She knew he cared deeply for his friends, and she was grateful for the opportunity to reunite them in a safe and nurturing environment.

At the same time, Cin couldn't help but marvel at Aeson's selflessness and compassion. Despite enduring hardships, he remained steadfast in his concern for others, his kind-hearted nature shining through even in the darkest of times.

With a warm smile, Cin reached out to tousle Aeson's hair affectionately, her heart swelling with love for the brave young boy before her.

"I dare say it's better than the mansion," she remarked, her voice filled with warmth and reassurance. "Big rooms, bathing suites, wardrobes full of clothes, more food than they can eat, and the whole of Surfinia doting on them for surviving what you all did."

"I don't think they'd go back to the mansion, even if you asked them," Tamlin jested.

"And you can ask them, of course," Cin said quickly, not entirely sure whether it was a good idea to permanently play host to a group of children but still wanting Aeson to feel as though he could save them, if need be.

A knock sounded, breaking the moment. Cin glanced toward the door as Ander poked his head inside. He locked eyes with Tamlin and then gave him a definitive nod. Ander wasn't fond of delaying High Lord duties for personal matters, but he wouldn't dare complain about it to Tamlin's face. Cin admired that quality in him; she knew Ander would do what she couldn't. He'd ensure that all High Lord duties were fulfilled properly.

Cin understood what the nod meant—Aster was downstairs in the dining area.

"Well, do you have any other questions for us?" Cin asked gently. Aeson shook his head. Cin recognized the look on his face. He would have more questions later. "Then, if we're all done here, we have one more surprise for you both."

She saw a spark ignite in their little eyes and hoped they wouldn't be disappointed by the reveal.

It took a few minutes to organize the group enough to head downstairs. Though it was part of Poppy's duties to ensure the kids were dressed, Cin often found herself dressing Aetlani in tunics that matched whichever colors she had chosen to wear for the day. Tamlin had teased her relentlessly the first time she'd done it, and then tutted when she elected not to do it the following day.

Aster was seated closest to the low burning hearth, half hidden behind Enzo's large form, but Aeson spotted her before she saw them.

"Aster!" the little boy yelled excitedly.

The fae woman looked up at the sound of his voice and hurriedly made her way out from behind the table, rushing over to the kids.

Aster scooped both Aeson and Aetlani up in one swift motion, holding them close to her chest. Tears spilled over from her eyes as she showered their cheeks and faces with a myriad of sloppy kisses.

Cin leaned into Tamlin's side with a happy, lazy grin on her face as they watched the tearful reunion. This was the sort of welcome home all of the kids deserved. Aster finally lowered the gleefully protesting children to the ground, then sank to her knees and began peppering them with questions: Were they well? Where had they been? What adventures had they been up to?

Tamlin ushered Cin to an empty table nearby as Aster escorted Aeson and Aetlani to the table she'd been occupying with Enzo. As they sat down, he vacated his spot to join Tamlin and Cin at their table.

Cin, Tamlin, and Enzo remained at their table, discussing the schedule for the day while Aster entertained Aeson and Aetlani, who were eagerly recounting their adventures around the Spring Court. They continued this way even after Ander arrived to begin Tamlin's day. The open assembly and Lotus Ladies Gathering had passed, leaving Cin free to enjoy all that Surfinia had to offer.

Or, she could spend her day at the orphanage, trying not to overwhelm the two children she now considered her own.

As Enzo rambled on about the various ways Aster had annoyed him during their trip from her home, Cin couldn't help but steal glances at her children. Her children. She could say that now. She had two children.

And yet, though it filled her with a happiness she couldn't quite describe, Cin felt that Aeson and Aetlani had her, more than she had them. They could ask anything of her, anything at all, and she would walk barefoot over lemon-soaked glass shards for them. While fully accepting that she would never, ever ask anything of them. Not their love, their loyalty, their appreciation, or their respect. She'd, of course, appreciate it if they chose to love her, appreciate her, respect her, and show some modicum of loyalty.

But at the end of the day, she was choosing them before they were old enough to make any choices. So until then, until they grew up and decided they wanted more than what she offered, Cin would love them. She would love Aeson and Aetlani with everything inside of her.


Cin paced the length of the flimsy rug before the hearth.

Aeson and Aetlani were snoring restfully behind the partition that separated the bedding platform from the lower entertainment area. As soon as Bron's message had arrived along the flowers—an emergency call—she'd sent Tamlin straight to Monarda and had Poppy bring the kids to her room. If something was about to happen, she'd be their Defender.

A loud crack echoed throughout the room as Tamlin winnowed in, Bron shakily at his side. Cin's heart fluttered with relief at the sight. He was unharmed.

"What happened?" Cin whispered quickly, half-jogging across the space between them while doing her best not to wake the sleeping children. Tamlin, immediately understanding why the partition had been put in place and Cin's need for hushed tones, erected a protective barrier of air around the bedding platform. It kept them safe and their environment quiet.

"I have... news," Bron said eagerly, a wide grin lighting up his face. "I found it."

"It?" Cin furrowed her brows, folding her arms across her chest. There had been many things on her plate over the last few weeks. She could think of half a dozen tasks she needed to get started on as soon as they returned to the Mansion, with wedding preparations being the last of them.

"The Calanmai Rite, Cin," Bron said, shifting his weight from one foot to the other, excitement evident in his voice. "No more sacrifices. I know how we're going to save the Spring Court."

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